Chapter 36

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Hey guys!

Sorry this chapter is a little shorter, and a lot less action, but I got to babysit. And no, this kid was not one who is easily occupied. She's a terrorizing toddler.

Anyways, announcement! 'It's not the Raptor DNA' now has a tvtropes page! Commando64 created it, and I think it's super awesome! Many thanks to you Commando64! The link is on my profile, so go check it out!

As always, thank you for your reviews and criticism! Please enjoy!


"Job Application."

Elise gave a long, tired sigh when the paddock doors finally shut behind her. Owen had been put in a funny looking car, but Zach explained that he was going to a place where doctors could make sure he was fine. Elise thought that was a good idea, and she was glad when Blue had decided she had enough of the world outside the paddock walls.

Their territory was safer, and Blue was too tired to cause any more chaos.

Barry had walked them here because Claire left with Owen to make sure he was going to be fine.

Blue was currently on her back, ready to fall asleep, but too afraid of rolling off suddenly. Elise wasn't sure where they would make their nests tonight; she needed to keep the pack together, but she didn't want to assume Rexy would open her nest to three new members.

Elise was sure they could make do with the area around Small One's spot.

The Indominus groaned at the impossibly long trip ahead of her; she knew it wasn't a far walk, but she just didn't want to walk. Blue only made an encouraging, half asleep chirp as Elise wove through the forest. Elise had a lot to think about.

She had no idea why Owen had even gone in the water in the first place, but Blue had said they hunted the prey whose scent had been on the weapon. It sounded like things had gotten out of control, and now they were left with no answers; Lilly had eaten the man whole. She had overheard the uniformed men talking, there was no way to gather the remains safely.

Then Zach and Gray's parents had showed up. Elise had no idea what to do with the blubbering messes. Karen seemed absolutely relieved her children were fine, but the father seemed angry with Elise; she had no idea why. It wasn't like the two were in any danger; they were out of the way, and Elise had no intent of bringing them into the fight. Gray and Zach had hugged her nose hard before wishing her a goodnight.

Elise sincerely hoped so after this mess.

The Indominus gave a large yawn as she broke into the quiet clearing. The log was dark and silent, the projector had shut off after being left alone. Elise didn't mind, and she was glad to see the two raptors trotting over to greet them. Blue slowly slid off Elise before her tail began to droop as she pressed close to her siblings. Echo seemed put off by her sister's lack of fiery energy, and Delta was quick to groom the funny smells from Blue's scales.

Echo trotted around Elise as she inhaled the unfamiliar scents of outside the walls, but she could mostly smell the fishy scent of Lilly. Echo chirped quietly, and Elise let her know that the hunt was now off.

The trespasser had been killed, and his pack had probably escaped.

Delta didn't seem to mind; she was focused on grooming her tired sister. Elise glanced around as she wondered if this area was safe. She knew it was supposed to be safe; the walls kept danger out, but instinct was a voice in her head. She needed to make sure it was safe.

Heavy footsteps chased all the fears away, and Elise gave a quiet croon when the forest colored carnivore parted from the trees. Rexy's golden eyes almost glowed in the darkness, but the fierce fire held no anger when she thoroughly inspected the white scales.

Rexy had heard the fight, and she was furious that she hadn't been able to help. She had absolutely lost it when Blue One stopped giving distressed cries, and White One gave terrified shrieks. Tim had run off when Rexy began to knock trees over, and one of them had smashed into the log full of humans. She could no longer see the clear part, but the log didn't fall over.

It had been a long time since Rexy had lost her temper like that, and she had been forced to stop when a sharp pain in her chest became too much. She had to stay still until it went away before she began to make her way here.

It didn't matter now, her youngling was safe, and where Rexy could watch her.

Elise relaxed when her mother began to gently groom her, and Elise pressed her head against the massive chest. The beating heart was soothing, and Elise startled when she accidently nodded off. Rexy rumbled at her before turning back to lead the way back to the safe nest.

Elise knew she was supposed to follow, but she didn't. She glanced at the three raptors, and knew she could not leave them alone. This was completely new territory to them, and Owen wasn't here to act as Alpha. Blue had hung herself over Echo's back, and had looked like she had fallen asleep. The Beta was out for the count.

Rexy poked her head from the thick trees as she made a louder growl to follow. Her bones were hurting more so than usual from all the excitement, and she wanted White One's warmth to soothe them. She didn't want her youngling to sleep alone either. Rexy allowed her gaze to follow White One's, and the two raptors shuffled under her gaze.

Rexy could easily guess why White One wasn't following. She had never seen raptors alone before, aside from seeing Blue One trying to hunt the furry prey. She would admit she was fond of the little raptor, and hardly minded when Blue One had jumped on her shoulder to ride along.

Blue One was actually quiet when she wanted to be; she was a lot like a hyper, nosey hatchling.

Rexy paused before letting out a long exhale; she had sworn to never allow a Velociraptor to live, but three had been permitted to not only breathe in her presence, but actually hunt in her territory.

Maybe they weren't so bad...

Elise perked up when Rexy lowered her head to sniff at the unsure raptors before gently pushing Blue towards the thick jungle. The massive mother gave a stern snort before going into the jungle. Elise made a few chitters, and all three clambered up the white scales. Blue was carefully stretched over the muscular shoulders until Elise walked with her nose touching the tip of the gently swaying tail. Blue suddenly bounced on Elise's sore nose before landing on the forest scaled back.

Rexy had a smooth back that was more comfortable.


"...Should we leave a note for the night shift? I don't think they're ready for this new pack..."

Vivian sighed as she rubbed her neck, and they all stared at the screens. She wasn't sure what to do, but she asked, "How's Owen doing?"

The room paused as paper was shuffled around, and someone answered, "He's staying overnight; doctors think he'll be able to make the morning show. If Owen is willing to take it easy."

Lowery gave a snort before dryly saying, "Owen just swam in the Mosasaur Lagoon after hunting down a suspect with his Beta Velociraptor, but not before taking our CEO on a date. Does Owen know how to take things easy?"

Vivian gave a short laugh before she said, "Probably not, but Elise is with him."

Lowery thought about that before shrugging as he replied, "You know...I bet if someone tells Elise that Owen has to take it easy, then he should be fine."

Lowery ran a hand through his hair as someone from Security asked, "Isn't Jackie scheduled to check on her in the morning?"

The tech-geek sighed as he went through the programs on the computer before answering, "Yep, first appointment for Jackie at...ew, six forty-five in the morning. Is Elise even up that early?"

"She will be tomorrow."

Lowery only pressed his lips as he thought about warning the Indominus, but he didn't think he wanted to ruin her night. Jackie would have to figure it out for herself.

But Elise would be sleeping in Rexy's nest tonight, along with the Velociraptors. Lowery didn't think he wanted her to risk it. He sighed as he followed the sounds of the heavy footsteps before the carnivores came into view of the fence. Lowery pressed the button, and the raptors jumped at the crackling. Elise just looked done with the day, and Lowery quietly said, "Hey, Elise. Ehm, tomorrow you have an appointment with Jackie for a checkup, but it's going to be really early in the morning."

Elise seemed to sink low to the ground in disappointment, and Lowery quietly added, "Like...a little after, I think Echo wakes up..."

Sympathetic chuckles were made when Elise made a loud groan, and Lowery felt bad when he said, "And Jackie would really appreciate it if you could meet her at the log without Rexy breathing down your shoulder...and the piggybacking raptors need to be somewhere else...please."

Rexy continued along the way, but Elise's tail dragged on the ground as she now walked on all fours behind her mother. Lowery glanced up when Repair quickly asked, "Can she meet the repair crew after the appointment?! We have to clean up the Observatory Clearing in Rexy's paddock."

Lowery pressed his lips at the exhausted, limping figure before he wrote on a sticky note, and said, "I'll ask her tomorrow, when she's feeling a little better. I think Elise deserves her night of rest. God knows she'll be sore in the morning."

Vivian gave a small laugh as she said, "We should make her part of the ACU team; she'd be really helpful."

Lowery thought about that as he glanced at the clock. He had a few minutes before clocking off, and said, "Alright everybody. Who wants to make the resume for Elise? We can whip one up in five minutes."

He grinned wide when he was met with eager faces, and he pulled the Jurassic World website up. It was easy to maneuver, and he chuckled when the white document was pulled up. Lowery cracked his knuckles with a with a smile as he read the first question.

"Alright, so what's Elise's last name?"

"...Grady. She's practically Owen's kid; we'll add it in the records."

Lowery chuckled when another asked, "How about a middle name?"

Vivian raised an eyebrow at the silence in the room as they tried to ponder, and she wasn't surprised when Lowery exclaimed, "America! It's perfect! Elise America Grady."

Lowey only grinned as Vivian burst out laughing. He didn't care if Owen wouldn't approve, he was going to give Elise the middle name. He was practically her adopted uncle. Maybe he could also be the godfather, Lowery always wanted to be a godfather.

The typing clicked in the quiet room, and Lowery asked, "Skills?"

Vivian was first to say, "Trilingual, and...a natural leader; she made that plan up easy it seemed."

The Control began to laugh, and Lowery worked the kinks from his neck. He was glad they were doing this; it was something to do. People were having fun tossing in skills or hobbies; the reference page might have gotten little out of hand, but he sighed when the resume was finished. The Control gave their stamp of approval, and Lowery jokingly waggled the mouse cursor around the Submit button before accidently clicking it.

Vivian's mouth dropped as Lowery went pale. He quietly covered his mouth as the happy faced, cartoon dinosaur sincerely thanked him for his submission. The Control went very quiet before someone hesitatingly asked, "Did you really just submit a resume for a position on ACU on behalf of a dinosaur?"

Claire had one, very clear rule for Control. The one that everyone had to absolutely abide by because people or assets could get killed.

Do not screw around on business hours.

Control was supposed to be serious, focused, and attentive from start to finish. Things could easily go wrong if someone wasn't paying attention, and Claire simply avoided those troubles by being incredibly strict.

The last guy to mess around was never heard from again. Lowery was sure he was fired and sent home, but it was creepy to not even hear the guy's name. It was erased from Control history.

And Lowery had just submitted a full-fledged, very detailed application for the Asset Containment Unit. Those resumes weren't even looked over by the normal managers. This was inspected by the Commander himself, veteran ACU soldiers, and possibly the CEO.

ACU was responsible for the very security of Jurassic World, the silent shadow protecting the assets and guests. All applications were taken very seriously, and it was almost impossible to get in. Jokes were not appreciated, and jokesters were heavily fined for wasting time.

And Lowery had just sent one on behalf of Elise. The Indominus Rex.

"Is Claire going to kill us?"

Lowery swallowed, but couldn't stop himself from shakily saying, "Of course not...Claire's going to tie cinder blocks to our feet before pushing us into the lagoon. Anyone know how deep it is?"

A person from Security nervously said, "We'll find out tomorrow...won't we?"

"...Probably...sorry guys..."


Elise had walked into three trees by the time they broke into the hidden clearing. She couldn't understand why she was so tired, but the swimming and adrenaline had drained her. She had started to tremble slightly as the reality of what had happened began to set it.

She almost lost Owen, again.

Elise felt a small flicker of unexpected anger in her chest when Rexy sank into her nest. Blue had scooted over to the muscular neck before curling up tightly.

Rexy was old, but she never seemed stressed. Did anything keep her up at night? She didn't have to worry about what the humans were going to do to her. Did she comprehend that someone owned her, and was making dirty paper off her? Elise didn't think so.

Elise gave a quiet sigh as she stepped into the nest before curling up tight. Echo and Delta slid into the little circle she made, and they began to groom one another. Elise felt that anger flare up again; she couldn't groom her sister anymore. She didn't have anyone who looked like her.

No one else to worry with.

She felt that bitter feeling seeping into her bones as Elise realized she was completely and utterly alone. She was the only one of her kind. No one else was sitting on this large bridge between human and dinosaur with her.

Elise suddenly wished she hadn't survived. She didn't like this kind of stress; she had almost lost Owen. What would have happened to her if Owen had died? Why wasn't she allowed to be stress free?

Maybe she was simply cranky because of how tired she was.

Elise paused when the warm body pressed against her back before the reassuring licks comforted her. She leaned against the massive carnivore as the two raptors curled tightly against her. Elise rested her head on the wall of the tall nest as Rexy continued to groom the bad feelings away, and the happier thoughts drifted in.

She couldn't groom her sister, but she had three, new sisters and a mother to groom. Elise had a family to worry over rather than nothing to grow angry about. She could experience love again. Elise twisted her neck to lick the massive jaws in sincere gratitude; Rexy always knew how to make her feel better. Rexy chased away bad feelings like Owen.

The old carnivore gave a quiet rumble that shook Blue, but the raptor only readjusted herself in her sleep. Elise gave a content sigh as she rest her head again as Rexy continued to groom her.

Rexy continued to groom long after the Indominus fell asleep; it seemed like she needed reassuring, but that wasn't the main reason for the long session.

White One stunk, and Rexy didn't feel like smelling that all night.


A small nudge against Elise's cheek caused her to scrunch her nose before she stilled again. She was on the fine line of still being asleep, but almost awake. A firmer nudge made Elise crack open a glazed, crimson orb. It was still dark, why was she awake?

The smallest chitter brought her gaze to focus on a wide awake, and ready for the day Echo. The raptor was bright eyed, bushytailed, and eager to go catch some breakfast. She gave a happy, but still quiet chirp, and Elise sighed.

She didn't want to wake up; she thought Lowery had been kidding about Echo waking up early. Elise didn't like to get up before the sun, she liked to sleep in. Here in Jurassic World, nests stayed occupied after sunrise because the food wasn't going anywhere. Even Rexy liked to wait a little after dawn, when things had warmed up, before setting out for the day.

What prey was awake at this ungodly time?

Elise closed her eyes when Echo chirped that she didn't know, but she wanted to find out. The raptor was ready to explore the world, but she didn't want to go alone. This wasn't the old nest where she knew everything; there could be danger here.

The Indominus was going to ignore the chittering raptor, but a few thoughts caused Elise to open her eyes. She didn't want to accidently irritate Rexy by Echo's chittering, and Lowery had said something about meeting Jackie a little after Echo woke up.

Why was Jackie even up at this hour? Was anyone else awake? Elise didn't want to leave the warm nest. Rexy was comfortable to lean against.

And Elise wasn't exactly in the mood to face today's chaos. She vaguely wondered if Joker had days where he simply rolled over in his nest as he told chaos to go find someone else.

Echo grew a little sterner in her next chirp before butting her head against Elise's jaw. The Indominus sighed as she lifted her head before flickering her gaze around. Delta was comfortably curled up in a little ball of scales. Elise glanced to the side of her, and Rexy seemed to be sleeping comfortably; sometimes the carnivore would shift about frequently.

Blue was completely dead to the world as she sprawled on the warm neck. Blue had no intent of waking up anytime soon.

Elise remained careful as he slowly shifted away from the warm carnivore before silently stepping over the large nest wall. She winced at the stiffness of her muscles, and a caked feeling on her scales she didn't like.

She wanted another bath.

Echo, feeling very good, wiggled her haunches before easily clearing the jump. She landed gracefully before trotting over to Elise. The Indominus was tempted to ditch the raptor, but Echo wasn't that dumb.

The two carnivores silently walked through the well-worn trail as Echo eagerly explored, and Elise simply tried to avoid crashing into trees.

Rexy probably wouldn't appreciate being woken up by a falling tree.

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