Chapter 37

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Hey guys I'm back, but before you start reading help me get Blind Wave, a reaction channel to react to BEASTARS by voting in their poll, anybody can vote, so please help me!! Link is on my profile in the conversation section


"We Settled."

Owen winced when his ribs gave a painful throb before he reluctantly cracked open his eyes. Everything hurt; even his damned mustache hurt. He didn't recognize the white ceiling, and this did not smell like his bungalow.

It smelled way too clean, and Owen knew for a fact, there was an old cheeseburger in his fridge that had been perfuming that bungalow faithfully for the past month.

Owen lifted his head as he gave a hiss of pain before startling at a soft snore. He was even more startled to see Claire sleeping right next to him. She was sitting in a chair while half laying on the bed. He hadn't even realized she had been holding his hand until he tried to move it.

Now Owen was confused, but he certainly wasn't going to complain. Things shouldn't have gone too terribly if Claire was willing to sit next to him. Owen looked around the small, plain room, and figured he was in the very small hospital. It was another fail safe made just in case people couldn't get off the island. Jurassic World had a full medical staff, but nothing serious hardly ever happened; the staff usually held other jobs on the island until they were needed in the hospital.

He gave another wince as he tried to shift around; he wondered what time it was. There wasn't a window here, and he didn't see a clock. What happened to Blue? Did Elise get her back in the paddock just fine? Was Elise okay? Owen vaguely remembered last night, but he hadn't seen any blood on Elise. Was Lilly okay? Owen didn't have any ill-will towards the Mosasaur; he knew her caretaker adored her. They had never had problems with Lilly.

Until two, bleeding idiots decided to go swimming in her lagoon, but Lilly couldn't be blamed for her reaction.

Owen was pulled from his thoughts by a very soft, "Morning..."

Claire scrunched her nose as she stretched, and Owen couldn't believe how she still managed to look beautiful after the long night. Her hair was a sexy, wild mane, and the ruffled clothes only looked good on her. Owen gave a small chuckle, and Claire glanced at him questioningly. He gave a small, sly grin as he teased, "I knew I could get you to sleep with me."

Confusion filled the blue eyes before Claire glanced at the bed, and she gave a dry snort. Owen only laughed, but quickly groaned as his ribs complained with the movement. Claire gently patted his shoulder as she said, "You're a bit of a mess. Broken ribs, bitten fingers, bruised bones, and the doctors found a serious problem with your head."

Owen froze; he didn't like the sound of that. He did have a headache. Did this mean he would have to stay in the hospital now?

"What's wrong?"

Claire pressed her lips as she gently grabbed his hands. She gave them a sympathetic squeeze as she said, "Now, it'll probably fine, but I am willing to stay by you until we get it figured out."

Owen paled as he licked his lips nervously before hoarsely saying, "Claire, please don't drag it out with me...."

The redhead nodded solemnly, and she squeezed the hands again before saying, "The doctors...they discovered that your head is...lacking a brain."


Claire pressed her lips seriously, and added, "Which explains a lot, because you're an absolute idiot for going into that lagoon. Don't worry though, I'm sure we'll find that brain of yours, and maybe extend your lifespan."

Owen blinked at Claire for a few seconds before that ornery smile tugged at her lips, and Owen heaved a sigh.

"Claire, don't do that; you scared me."

Claire started to laugh as she stretched over to give a soft hug. Owen buried his nose into the silky red hair, and he loved the fruity scent. He winced when Claire brushed his ribs as she pulled back, and she asked, "Are you feeling up to today's shows?"

Owen wiped his face as he glanced at Claire's watch. It was six in the morning; he wondered what Echo had been doing for the past hour. He sighed as he nodded, and said, "If Elise is up to it, then so am I. I just need a shower."

A warm shower with lots of soap because Owen swore he smelled like the lagoon.

"Help me up, please. I need to move around."

Owen grimaced as he got a glimpse into his future of being old. It took forever to get out of bed, and everything hurt. He actually had to take a small break by the time they got him to sit up. Claire raised an eyebrow as she said, "The doctors weren't sure if you got hit by Lilly..."

"She just barely grazed me. How'd you guys distract her?"

Claire pressed her lips as she tried to gently pull Owen up, and she answered, "Elise is pretty good a coming up with plans. She ran down the fence as she splashed the waters, and Blue swam after you with Barry."

Owen frowned as he leaned on Claire a little more than he meant to, but he asked, "Where was ACU?"

Claire sighed as they began to walk over to the small bathroom.

"They deemed you dead after Lilly showed up. We couldn't see you, but Elise must have because she went right into action."

Owen smiled; that was his tough baby, his sunshine wouldn't give up on him. His best girl was too stubborn to let him die, and he was glad they came to his rescue. Claire paused at the door before letting go of Owen. He looked confused, and Claire dryly said, "I am not bathing you. I know you act like a kid, but you're not my kid."

Owen snorted before asking, "And if I fall down?"

Claire smiled as she said, "I'll go get Blue."

Owen sighed as he shut the door; he believed Claire would go get Blue to pick him up, and he knew for a fact that his best girl would not take well to being woken up so early.


Elise was not in a very good mood by the time she limped into her clearing. Echo had actually managed to catch some prey, but Elise kept walking into trees. Echo was a little too hyper in the morning, but she wasn't irritating Elise.

Waking up before dawn was irritating Elise. She knew she didn't have anything life threatening, so why couldn't this wait?

Echo had left to go get Delta since her sister would wake up a little after her; Echo wanted to chase the furry prey, but she needed help. Elise was fine with that; she was supposed to be alone here so Jackie wouldn't be in any danger.

Elise didn't see the blue haired vet in the log, and she supposed she was a little early. Maybe she could get in a small nap, but Elise decided to slide the window back. She stuck her snout into the empty, quiet room as she tasted the air.

She could still smell the popcorn, and the blankets had been left here along with the projector; Elise was sure the brothers would come back for them. The laptop was expensive apparently.

That meant is was worth a lot of dirty paper.

Elise startled from her thoughts when she heard a woman singing. If she wasn't so surprised by actually hearing another awake creature, Elise would have been irritated by the signing.

"Pretty, pretty please! Don't you ever, ever feel like you're less than, less than perfect!"

Elise tilted her head when Jackie slid in as she continued her solo. Her hair was no longer a deep, ocean blue, but light lavender streaks mixed in with sky blues.

"Pretty, pretty please! If you ever, ever feel like you're nothing!"

Jackie wriggled her hips before spinning around on her heel. She briefly paused at seeing a confused Elise, but now she had an audience, and Jackie continued her song as she danced to her own beat. Elise blinked when Jackie pointed at her, and loudly sang, "You are perfect to me!"

Somehow, Elise felt better at hearing that. It made her feel warm, and Jackie gave an energetic smile as she greeted, "Morning, Cutie-pie!"

Elise gave a soft garble before puffing air onto the wide awake vet. Jackie grinned at her before asking, "How you feeling after last night's swim? I knew you were ballsy, but damn. Who taught you to be that crazy? Was it Owen?"

Elise paused as she thought if over before her scales gave a shiver. Jackie raised an eyebrow at the block spots around Elise's eyes, and the crimson smear painted a wide grin on her massive jaws. Jackie looked her over for a second, but gave a whistle before saying, "Joker is pretty crazy, huh?"

Crazy wasn't the word Elise would use, but she agreed with Jackie by nodding her head. The vet gave a small chuckle as she started to put on gloves, and said, "I think he's one of the best villains ever."

Jackie glanced at the blankets, and smiled at seeing the DVD case. She walked over before saying, "Now, let's see if you can bounce back like Joker. Did Lilly bite you anywhere?"

Elise turned to the side as she showed her ribs; Lilly hadn't bitten her, but the teeth had grazed her when she swung her massive head. Elise's side hurt, and Jackie made a sympathetic sound before saying, "I know how much it hurts to get bit by Lilly."

Jackie began to laugh when Elise snapped her gaze to stare at her, and the vet added, "Easy, Cutie-pie, Lilly was like the size of my leg the last time I saw her. I think she was a couple days old; she was an adorable gumdrop."

Elise found nothing adorable about the Mosasaur, but Jackie didn't notice the put off energy. Instead she leaned over the railing as she asked, "Is it hard to breathe?"

The Indominus gave a single shake of her head, and Jackie smiled happily before peering further down. Elise tilted her head when Jackie said, "Uh-oh, that's a pretty mean gash on that foot."

Elise glanced down; she hadn't even notice it, but now it hurt because Jackie pointed it out. She sighed quietly, and the vet disappeared into the tunnel. Elise rested her head on the cement before wrinkling her snout when the sound speakers crackled. It was too early to start the day. Elise glanced up when Lowery made a confused sound before yawning; it seemed she wasn't the only creature who didn't take well to waking before the sun.

"Erm...Elsa? I mean Elise...ya...Elise...."

Elise blinked when Lowery trailed off, and a small snore was heard. She heard quiet laughing, and Elise huffed before giving a loud bark. She heard Lowery jump before sounds of several things hitting the ground pitter pattered. Lowery gave a small groan, and whined, "My dinos..."

Elise was not sympathetic, and Lowery groaned again before asking, "Elise, can you please go help the Repair Team after you're done with Jackie? Rexy really made a mess of her clearing yesterday, and those trees need to be cleared before her first show."

Elise wanted to go take a nap, and she let out a small growl to show how she didn't want to do anything. Lowery gave a small sigh, but he said, "Please, Elise? I hate waking up early too, but we really need your help. Claire has enough to worry about."

The Indominus gave an irritated huff, but she reluctantly nodded. Repair Team wasn't part of her pack, but Alpha Claire was important to her pack. Elise had to be there to help Claire when she could. Elise would take her nap later. Lowery gave a sigh of relief, and said, "Thanks."

Elise garbled at the man, but Lowery seemed to pause before quietly adding, "And this might be the last time you hear from me, Elise. Just so we're on the same page, I think of myself as your Uncle, I am your Godfather, Viv is your Godmother, you can have my T-Rex figurine, if no one ever hears from me again then direct them to the bottom of Lilly's lagoon."

Elise blinked; she had only caught half of that. Why was Lowery leaving? She didn't want him to leave, she wanted him to see the acorn become a big tree. What was an uncle? Zach and Gray called Owen their uncle, but she had never heard of a godfather. Why was Lowery going to the lagoon; Elise really wasn't in the mood to go on another rescue mission. She glanced up when Lowery added, "Oh, and your full name is Elise America Grady. We made it for you."

The speakers went silent, and Elise wondered why she only had a section of a full name before. Why hadn't Owen given her a full name? Did he have a full name? Elise thought he did. She gave a wide yawn; it was too early to be messing with this nonsense. She would go find Lowery later.

"Aw, you're adorable, Cutie-pie; I hope you know that."

Elise did now, and she made a soft sound as Jackie pulled a large, silver suitcase behind her. She had a drink in her hand that gave off a sweet scent, but Elise didn't pay it much mind; she wasn't thirsty.

Jackie dusted her hands off before smiling at Elise as she asked, "There's no one else around, right? I love the other girls, but I don't think they'll be friendly to me."

Elise shook her head; everyone else was still asleep aside from Echo, and there was no way the raptor would get there and back so quickly. Jackie beamed happily, and Elise allowed the vet to clamber into her hand before being lowered onto the leafy ground.

Jackie glanced around before her gaze fell to the wooden box carefully placed on the sawed off trunk of a tree. She blinked at before pointing, and asking, "Is that your sister?"

Elise wanted to tell her that was a box, but her sister was inside it. She gave a single nod, and Jackie asked, "Can I meet her?"

Jackie was an odd human to Elise. She was energetic like a hatchling, but serious during work. Elise had never heard anyone talk like her, nor had she ever seen such vivid colors. No one had ever asked to actually meet Small One. They had asked where the box was.

They talked like she was dead, and she was, but Elise still wasn't ready to fully acknowledge that. The acorn would be a new way for Small One to live because the amber bones weren't working out for her.

Jackie set her drink down before she trotted over when Elise nodded, and she wasn't shy about taking the lid off. Elise was actually very curious as to how this little ball of energy would react to the amber bones. Elise blinked when Jackie quietly said, "Hey, Cupcake. My name is Jackie; I'm your sister's doctor."

Elise tilted her head; never had anyone else actually talked to Small One, but Jackie greeted her like she was more than amber bones. Like she was still breathing. Elise shifted on her feet when Jackie beamed before saying, "Your sister is crazy; she went swimming with Lilly, that video is all over the Internet. I don't think you're crazy like her though."

There was truth to that actually; Small One had always been overly cautious about everything. Even when they had been moved to the old paddock; the humans had to force her from the silver box after she refused to leave. If Small One wasn't sure about a decision then she didn't do it.

Elise had made most of the decisions.

Jackie suddenly said, "It was nice meeting you, Cupcake; keep Elise out of trouble, okay? Bye."

Elise carefully watched the vet gently set the lid back on before bouncing back over. Jackie gave a wide smile as she truthfully said, "Your sister is nice; she's a cute gumdrop."

The Indominus wasn't sure what to make of that, but Jackie didn't give her much time to ponder. The vet walked over to the large, injured foot before gently inspecting the wound. Elise had no idea where she got that one, but Jackie was only concerned about cleaning it. Elise allowed her gaze to wander over to the wooden box sitting quietly. Small One had always sat quietly; even when she still moved. The glass jar remained next to the box, but Owen had taken the lid off for Elise so the plant could get some sun. It hadn't poked out of the dirt yet, but Elise would wait.

"Did your sister have a favorite color?"

Elise thought she had misheard the question as she peered at the vet underneath her. Was Jackie asking about the raptors? Jackie glanced up before asking again, "You have to have a favorite color, what was Cupcake's?"

The vet paused when Elise seemed lost in thought. The crimson gaze had clouded over with an unreadable expression as the Indominus was sucked into happy memories from long ago.

When two sisters entertained one another with their ability to become any color they pleased. When the sun gave gentle, warm kisses, and the walls were ignored. When hide and seek by the stream was a pastime, and wrestling only left them breathless.

When the elder sister could solve all the problems in the world with a good hunt, a thorough grooming, and a soft nest.


The Indominus snapped out of her trance with a sharp move of her head. She blinked at Jackie as she reminded herself that those were memories. Sometimes it was hard to remember that if something triggered a memory.

Small One did have a favorite color.

Elise gestured to her snow white scales, and Jackie gave a warm smile as she said, "Aw, that's so cute. Little sister's favorite color is her big sister's scales."

The Indominus tilted her head, but Jackie suddenly stiffened. Elise became confused when the vet swallowed nervously, and whispered, "Elise, I need you to get me out."

Elise followed the vet's gaze to see Echo pausing by the thick brush. The Velociraptor had curled her lip at the trespasser, but Elise gave a sharp bark. The raptor flickered her gaze at the Indominus, but Elise could see Echo was thinking about questioning that order.

Elise didn't give Echo an opportunity to attack as she simply plucked Jackie off the ground before gently setting her back into the empty room. Jackie heaved a sigh of relief, and Elise chittered at the raptor before getting a response.

Echo got lost, and backtracked.

Elise should have figured on that much, but Jackie grabbed her attention by saying, "I don't think that foot needs anything more than being cleaned. I'll tell Owen to clean it. Was there any other gashes or cuts, Cutie-pie?"

Jackie took a step back when Elise splayed her scaled palm towards her, and Jackie hissed, "Ow, damn, what did that?"

Elise took her talon before gently tracing the throbbing wound. Jackie blinked as she asked, "Did you do that yesterday while trying to get Lilly away from Owen?"

Elise nodded, and Jackie was silent as she looked over the large slash. It was borderline in need of some kind of bind, and considering how much the Indominus used her hands, it would probably be needed to prevent infection. Jackie became serious as she softly asked, "Are you really the same Indominus who went on a rampage a couple weeks ago? Or did you guys switch places before you met Owen?"

Elise knew Jackie meant it as a joke, but she didn't think she had changed all that much. She had simply healed over many wounds that had festered over the lonely years. Owen did a good job of helping fix those.

Owen was good, and Elise loved him.

Jackie suddenly said, "I used to have a sister too, but she died in an accident..."

Elise tilted her head as the human began to fumble with her shirt, but Jackie added, "She was really outgoing; I'm actually really shy."

Elise knew what shy was, and Jackie was not shy. Jackie was a loud, ball of energy that lit up the room, and made everyone's day better.

"She used to be in a band, she was the guitarist, and she was really good at what she did. Her band never made it very far, but she didn't care. She was happy..."

Jackie paused to bite her lip, but she gave a warm smile at Elise when she said, "Mika was funny, but she'd do anything for anyone. She died saving someone else; she made sure they didn't get hit by the car. You remind me of Mika; I think you'd do anything for Owen."

Elise nodded as Jackie began to pull cleaning supplies from her suitcase. The Indominus splayed her palm on the ground as the vet added, "Mika wanted to travel to a lot of places, so I did it for her, and every time I did, I would get a tattoo there just to remind me. It was on Mika's bucket list."

Elise supposed that was a good reason for the large amount of tattoos on Jackie, but they looked pretty. She winced at the biting alcohol, but focused on Jackie's words.

"I got thirty-four tattoos. From Europe, America, and even Africa. Mika loved giraffes; she said they were the optimistic species of the animal world because they always kept their heads up."

Jackie laughed at the joke, but Elise didn't understand it. The vet was as gentle as could be, and she added, "She always dyed her hair blue because she wanted to match her guitar. My hair is actually a light brown, but I like to keep it blue."

Elise liked the blue on Jackie; she couldn't picture this ball of energy with brown hair. Jackie had a fiery energy, and it only seemed appropriate that she look it. Jackie worked quietly as she began to tell funny stories about her sister, and the ornery pranks they played on one another.

Elise liked the one where Jackie had taken her sister's expensive perfume, and replaced half of it with deer urine. Her sister hadn't realized it until after her date was over.

Jackie finished covering Elise's slash as best she could; it looked odd, but it would do the job. She smiled at Elise, but the two paused when an odd chirp caught their attention. Elise glanced down to see Echo had snagged Jackie's sweet smelling cup.

The curious raptor was thoroughly inspecting it, and Elise startled when Jackie made a choked sound before hastily saying, "No! Don't drink that! It's..."

Jackie trailed off when Echo proceeded to snap her jaws into the cup. The light brown, sweet smelling drink spilled over the teeth, but Echo was rewarded with a mouthful of the stuff. Elise had no idea how to react because she didn't know what Echo had just drank.

At least a vet was right next to her.

Jackie pressed her lips into a tight line, and flickered her gaze up when she felt Elise staring at her. Jackie almost spoke like a child about to get in trouble when she quietly said, "That has a lot of caffeine in it...I drink strong coffee with two shots of espresso..."

Elise had no idea what that was; she just wanted to know if Echo was going to die. It didn't seem like it, and the raptor was cleaning herself of the sugary treat. Echo hardly noticed how Elise pierced the cup with a sharp talon before the vet gingerly took it.

Elise waited patiently, and Jackie finally said, "She's going to crash...really hard..."

Jackie began to chew at her lip, and Elise gave a small growl to grab her attention. Jackie let out a deep breath as she said, "She'll be fine...she's going to get really hyper, really tired, then she'll be fine..."

Elise sighed as she glanced down at the oblivious raptor.

The day hadn't even started, and Elise was ready to go back to her nest.


Claire worked the crick from her neck as she lightly powdered her face. She was very happy that she never needed a lot of makeup, just a little cover and blush to do the trick. The most work was in her eyeshadow.

The redhead would have preferred to stay with Owen at least until the park opened, but she had meetings to attend. One in particular really aggravated her because of its suddenness, but Claire wasn't willing to show any weakness.

Her eyes flickered to the clock, it was seven thirty. Owen had probably checked out of the hospital. Barry had brought fresh clothes, and promised to get Owen where he needed to be on time. Claire was fine with that. She finished touching up her lip gloss before putting her bag away.

New day doing the same old at Jurassic World; making sure it didn't fall apart.

Claire had a few minutes before the first meeting of the day; an online meeting. She left the program up and ready to go before going to another tab. As always, Claire went through her emails first, and there was always plenty to sort through. Zara had done that for her, but Claire had to do that now.

Until she could get a new assistant.

Most of the emails were in regards to investors now that Elise had been revealed. She was a huge hit in the market, and Verizon Wireless was very happy with their investment. Claire was happy it turned out well, but she had other things to focus on.

She was impressed with how many geneticists had applied, but it was good. Claire had already made it very clear that there would be no more genetic hybrids; she would not tolerate any classified bullshit. It seemed there were plenty of geneticists who wanted to focus on the amber mines.

They wanted other dinosaurs brought back, and Claire felt that was the way to go.

Claire paused as she scanned down the list; it had been a while since she had seen an application for the Asset Containment Unit. She wasn't on very good terms with the Commander at the moment, and she was surprised he had taken the time to forward the email to her.

She went to click on it, but sighed when the online call went off. The screen popped up to reveal the bruised nose of a stressed looking Mr. Hart. Claire folded her hands on her desk as she glanced at a smaller window to the side where she could see a slightly irritated Mr. Graves.

No one was happy about this meeting, but Hart had insisted without warning. Claire waited impatiently, and the balding lawyer finally said, "I apologize for how early this meeting is, Mr. Bridges absolutely insisted..."

If Hart hadn't sounded sincere, Claire would have made a snippy response, but they man did look tired. He had been good about giving heads up to online meetings, and he was courteous. Graves didn't seem to care though, and growled, "So where is Mr. Bridges then? If this is so important then he should be here."

Hart shuffled papers around before answering, "He strongly implied he would be joining."

Claire resisted the urge to curl her lip when the devil himself came at the mentioning of his name. The man was handsome by all means, devilishly handsome. Claire didn't like him, but he was the head honcho of InGen.

Simon wasn't here to act as the glue anymore.

The blonde hair had been slicked back by expensive gel as light blue eyes twinkled with dark mischief. Bridges kept his face clean of any facial hair, and the strong jaw was to die for. Even Claire would admit the man was drool worthy when he dressed in his blue suit with a striped tie.

"Well, good morning, Miss Dearing. I hear you had quite the exciting night."

Claire narrowed her eyes suspiciously. Bridges hardly ever tried to be formal with her. He was always focused on her chest rather than words, and he wasn't funny like Owen was when he made passes at her.

Claire knew Owen would never cross lines with her, but she wasn't sure if Bridges knew how to heed the word 'no'.

"I assume you have a good reason for calling this meeting so early?"

Bridges' ice blue eyes seemed to darken slightly; not happy with how Claire avoided the subject. Claire didn't budge though, Rexy was a strong woman, and so was she. Rexy didn't flinch, and neither would Claire.

The blonde man cleared his throat before offering a charming smile as he purred, "Of course, we're all busy business people, no? I want to fix this kink in the relationship between InGen and Jurassic World. There's no need for bad blood over one dinosaur."

Claire did not like this; Bridges was worse than a Velociraptor when it came to possessions. He wouldn't let go for anything, but Claire had to ask, "That's quite the different tune, Mr. Bridges. You know my terms."

The blonde only widened his perfect smile as he soothingly said in a velvety voice, "Of course. You wanted the DNA test for the Indominus, but I have a counter offer for you."

Claire wasn't in the mood for a counter offer, but Bridges leaned on his desk as he said, "I'll cut right to the chase, Miss Dearing. I watched that video of the Indominus rescuing her handler, and I realized that it won't matter who owns her. She's unwaveringly loyal to Mr. Grady."

Claire nodded in agreement, and Bridges continued, "Now, this little fight between us will have to be put aside by the time Masrani Global get itself together. I don't want a bad relationship between our companies; not when we'll have to work together."

As much as Claire hated to admit it; Bridges was right. Her board had been pushing heavily for Claire to settle with InGen rather than letting this case actually go to court.

"I agree, Mr. Bridges. So, what do you propose?"

Claire resisted the urge to roll her eyes when the man gave a dashing smile as he purred, "My dear, I love nothing more than giving a beautiful woman what she wants. Here's my offer; we forget about the DNA test, Jurassic World keeps the Indominus, InGen continues to work in your labs, making your dinosaurs, and InGen will reimburse Jurassic World for half of the liabilities caused in the Indominus' rampage."

The redhead was very suspicious now, and Graves narrowed his eyes when he smelled something off. Claire refused to shift in her chair as she coolly said, "That is a very generous offer, Mr. Bridges...."

The blonde only smiled, excited that Claire was smart enough to catch on, and his smile turned slyly crooked as he added, "Well, I do have one more condition to my offer. I want InGen to train the Indominus."

Claire blinked before asking, "Train?"

Bridges nodded almost too eagerly as he said, "I want InGen to know your Indominus, Miss Dearing. She's a fascinating creature."

Claire internally sighed when Bridges got into one of his speeches. He would go on and on about nothing interesting. There was no way in hell she would allow InGen to even look at Elise, and she flickered her gaze over to Graves. The silvering man was rubbing his temples, and Claire smiled when he quickly shifted in his chair.

It seemed Mr. Graves had seen plenty of online meetings. While his top was the pressed suit, bottoms were fuzzy, Superman pajamas. She couldn't see them anymore after the lawyer adjusted himself, but she didn't think less of him for it.

Bridges had moved onto his next argument, and Claire went back to her emails. She clicked on the ACU application before she began to read it over.

It was actually very good. They needed a natural born leader with experience around dangerous animals. The applicant was trilingual, physically fit, calm, learning Sign Language, and single. Claire really had been looking for someone like this, and she wondered why the Commander had even bothered to send her this. He should have interviewed this person already. Claire scrolled up to the top before lightly frowning at the name.

Elise America Grady.

Claire narrowed her eyes the slightest before she went down to the pay requirements.

Squeaky toys, and Angus beef cows.

The redhead sighed; this had Lowery written all over it, and she was going to kick his ass later. She would probably have to fire him, and she wasn't looking forward to that. Claire snapped her attention back to the blonde when he said, "Think about all the things we could learn from the Indominus. We could actually make some progress with training these animals."

Claire would never use Elise, or allow her to be trained for warfare. Elise was traumatized enough as it was, but Claire really needed to settle this case. Her labs were hurting, and Jurassic World needed to replenish their Apatosaurus herd.

Claire flickered her gaze back to the email tab before making a decision.

"Elise will not be trained like she will be used in wars, Mr. Bridges. I doubt she can emotionally handle that kind of trauma after all she's been through."

Bridges darkened immensely, and Claire narrowed her eyes in warning as she added, "But, I have decided to train Elise to be a part of our Emergency ACU. If you have people who would be beneficial to that cause, then you may assist in her training."

The blonde snapped out of his dark mood immediately, and Claire said, "But, if your men mess up even once, then you will no longer be able to participate in her training. Elise is very important to Jurassic World, and I will not tolerate any stupidity around her. No shenanigans of warfare dinosaurs."

Bridges immediately gave a rich laugh as he asked, "Warfare? My dear, I'm not exactly in the mood to waste all my money on training these creatures. Obviously we are in a bit of a bind after Mr. Hoskins' poor judgment with the Velociraptors. InGen has to behave."

Claire glanced at Graves, and the elder nodded; InGen did not look good after the media found out why the raptors had been turned loose. Claire leaned back in her chair as she said, "We'll work out the finer details of this later. I have meetings to attend to, and Mr. Hoskins had very loose lips before our Velociraptor attacked him. I highly doubt InGen will give up so easily, but it's not my business so long as you leave my animals alone."

"Of course."

Claire didn't trust that, and she made to end this meeting, but Bridges cocked an eyebrow at her before sultrily purring, "But I would like to meet this Indominus before selecting men to assist in her training. I'll swing by this afternoon, Miss Dearing, and we can discuss the finer details over dinner."

Bridges winked at her before going offline, and Claire curled her lip as she rolled her eyes. She internally winced when she realized the other two were still there, but Hart simply looked tired. He sighed quietly before saying, "I will make Judge Knight aware of this, and Mr. Graves and I can get started with the papers."

Claire nodded as the lawyer signed off, and she rested on the desk. It was quiet for a few minutes before Claire said, "I like the Superman pajamas."

"Me too; gift from the grandkids. See if you can get Elise to chaperon your little dinner with Bridges, I don't trust him."

Claire nodded in agreement; maybe she would bring Blue as well. Blue wouldn't take Bridges' shit. She glanced up when Graves added, "And for the love of lawsuits, please don't try to feed him to Rexy."

The redhead raised an eyebrow before coolly saying, "Jurassic World prides itself in feeding top quality food to our animals, Mr. Graves. Rexy has fine taste, and I am sure she would sooner starve than even smell that man."

Graves only began to laugh, and Claire cracked a smile when he signed off. She glanced at the phone next to her as she contemplated her next move. She had an hour and a half before her next meeting.

She could go scare Lowery, and he deserved it. Claire needed to have a little fun too.

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