Chapter 46

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Hey guys! How's life? Good? Good.

I don't think I'll do many more movie nights with Elise, but I had plenty of suggestions, trust me. :) I forgot to somehow mention it in the last chapter, but Elise did see Godzilla 2014 for those of you who were curious.

Anyways, I guess we have a warning for a death; I don't think it was described particularly grotesque, but I'm just saying.

Guys! We broke 2,000 reviews! Holy moly and merciful double stuffed Oreos! That's amazing! Thanks for being awesome you guys!

And most importantly, thank you much and mighty for said reviews! I love you guys; seriously, you guys are hilarious, helpful, and lovely.



"Well, I miss you too, Beautiful. Did you get my present?"

Bridges smiled as he kicked his feet onto the shiny top of his walnut desk. He knew most high end businessmen preferred the alluring deep red of mahogany wood, but he liked the dark purple of his desk. He adjusted the phone on his ear as he listened attentively while glancing around his office. Pristine, lavishly decorated, but retained the class of modern taste. Reassembled skeletons of various, small dinosaurs decorated large shelves, but he was partial to the only taxidermy dinosaur here; a Compsognathus.

The little bastard thought it was high and mighty by trying to attack his expensive shoes. Bridges didn't take kindly to the scuffing, but it was fine now. Bridges had dealt with the minor problem in a calm manner. No one would ever turn the stuffed animal around; they wouldn't see the caved in ribs the taxidermist couldn't fix. Bridges had proved to the little scavenger the shoe was much more dangerous than it looked.

Icy blue eyes flickered to the shiny shoes, without a scuff, and Bridges replied, "I'm glad you liked the flowers, Clem. I know you appreciate flowers. Are you being treated well there? Are you doing well?"

Bridges gave a rare smile when he received the answer he was hoping for. He nodded approvingly as he swung around in his chair to admire the glorious view right behind him. What should have been a solid wall was now one, giant window that was kept spotless, and a railed platform lined the length of the window. The jungle was kept trimmed but never bare. It was a large paddock to roam around, but it wasn't exactly what Claire gave her Rexy. Bridges could see this inhabitant at all times if he so desired, and he liked being able to see his dinosaur. The inhabitant didn't mind the smaller paddock; Bridges kept the creature entertained with good hunts.

It was like keeping a large dog in an apartment; he kept his dinosaur exercised, and thus it behaved despite the aggressive nature. Bridges liked this one.

He was fiery.

"I'm glad to hear that, Beautiful."

Bridges blinked before frowning as he glanced at the phone. He turned dark, and remained firm in his tone though not angry at Clementine when he said, "Yes, you are beautiful, and if anyone says otherwise, you call me right away. I shall not have you put up with that for one second. Am I clear?"

Bridges crinkled his eyes at the response, and smiled; he turned soft as he gently said, "Good, and don't forget that either."

Bridges grinned widely when he caught sight of a few trees shuddering as they were pushed aside, and he gently said into the phone, "I need to go, Beautiful. I need to visit with my boy; I haven't seen him today yet."

The businessman paused with an amused look before giving a hearty laugh. He ran a hand through the silky, slicked back hair as he replied, "I did meet Elise, a few days ago actually. She's something else. Wonderful around children, and she can turn into very bright colors. Elise has a wonderful shade of purple I know you'd love."

Bridges stood from his chair to catch sight of the scales giving a healthy shimmer in the sun. He gave a fond smile as he followed the answer, and he said, "Well, I'll tell you what. The moment we can, I will personally make sure you get to see Elise. How does that sound, Clem?"

He gave a wide smile at the enthusiastic response, and chuckled when he said, "It's a date then. I'll try to call again a little later to check up on you, okay? you too, Beautiful. Bye."

Bridges hung up before tucking the phone into his pocket. He kept the happy grin on his face as he opened the glass door and stepped into the warm, jungle air. Despite its history, Bridges felt like he had improved Isla Sorna. At least the part he cared about. A good chunk of it was still ravaged by highly aggressive animals, but his labs here had penned off dinosaurs that were easier to work with.

He intended to go back to Jurassic World later this afternoon; he was sure Elise had forgiven him by now. He intended to show up with an apology; she looked like a forgiving creature.

He just had to be careful about not pushing her too far; he liked her, but she really was her own little flame. A tender, warm flame.

That had the potential to become a rampaging, unconquerable inferno. He did not doubt she could a whole new level of hell, and that excited him.

Bridges was pulled from his thoughts when shaking footsteps trembled the mere earth. He grinned at seeing the clear footprints in the dirt, and his eyes wandered over to the massive, sun bleached bones decorating the paddock. Bridges did have this paddock cleaned, but it seemed more satisfying to keep the certain skeletons half buried in the dirt.

The bones of slain, wrongly crowned kings of the tyrant lizards.

The massive, clawed hands remained curled close to a broad chest as a loud breath was huffed. Bridges grinned at the scarlet scales that almost glowed when the sun caught them just right, and the slit pupils contracted when the gaze rested on the businessman above.

Bridges gave a small whistle before greeting, "There's my boy! Decided to sleep in this morning, did you? I didn't see you at breakfast you handsome bastard you."

The blonde only chuckled when massive jaws stretched wide to give an impressive yawn before they snapped shut with a sharp clap. Bridges waggled a finger as he added, "I'll forgive you this time; the Good Lord knows I wouldn't have this island running as smoothly without you. You help keep the pests in line here. Speaking of pests..."

Bridges peered over the railing as his eyes scanned over the jungle floor far below him. His boy was a tall one; Bridges was only a few feet above him when the dinosaur decided to stretch his snout as high as possible, but Bridges was never concerned about that. His boy had never tried to get aggressive with him.

Not that Bridges gave him a chance to.

The slit pupils turned to the ground as a sensitive nose smelled the upturned earth for any sign of a meal, and an impatient growl was given when only dried blood was found. Bridges gave a chuckle before saying, "That's my boy, I knew you'd take care of the problem; you've yet to fail me. I bet you're hungry, aren't you? Tell you what, I have treat for you today."

The slit eyes snapped to attention when Bridges walked over to the control panel on the far side of the platform. Bridges was pleased to see his creature side step to follow attentively, but he paused at a quiet knocking on the glass. The blonde ignore the impatient huff from below, and he beckoned the balding man in.

"How are you today, Mr. Hart? Well don't be shy, my boy isn't going to bite us; he knows better than that."

Hart looked like he would have rather stay in the building, but he walked over at another stern wave of Bridges' hand. The lawyer gingerly stepped on, and grimaced as he peered over. Bridges snorted as he dryly said, "How about a 'Good afternoon' for my boy? He does like some respect, Mr. Hart."

The slit, dangerous gaze zeroed in on the sweating lawyer, and Hart quietly mumbled a greeting. Bridges rolled his eyes, and Hart cleared his throat before saying, "I think he got a little bigger."

"He's still growing; ages like fine wine. He'll be a big boy when he's full grown; especially with a good diet and exercise. I think he's a fine specimen."

Hart winced at the loud snap of jaws, and Bridges chuckled before sighing, "Ah, I remember when he was hatched. A cute, little thing who was all legs; now look at him. I raised him myself; InGen wanted someone who knew how to handle a dangerous dinosaur."

Hart couldn't picture Bridges as a parental figure, but there was no denying the animal below obviously knew the blonde. Hart would admit there was a lack of ill will in the dangerous gaze, and the pristine scales spoke volumes about the content life he lived.

"What'd you say his name was again?"

Bridges smiled at the scarlet scales as he proudly said, "I call him Carnifex. A fitting name, no?"

Hart wouldn't deny that it sounded a little...exotic, but he nodded regardless. It was important to agree with the hot tempered blonde, and Bridges beamed as he purred, "You're just in time for a real treat, Mr. Hart. Carnifex loves a good playdate."

The lawyer startled when large doors slid open, and the dinosaur snapped his attention over. Hart shifted quietly before admitting, "I...never knew Spinosaurus was creature..."

"Carnifex is."

Hart blinked, and paused when the younger Tyrannosaurus gingerly stepped out of the dark. Gold eyes squinted at the light, and the adolescent jumped at the loud roar. Carnifex curled his lip to further reveal sharp daggers as he charged forward, and the Tyrannosaurus was given no choice but to hold his ground.

Bridges leaned on the rails with an amused look on his face, and Hart paled at the pained shrieks filling the air. He winced at the sharp sounds of cracking bones before guttural growls were drowned out by pained roars. The wet splat of blood smacking into the earth was unpleasant to look at, and Hart licked his lips when the adolescent kicked at the air as his throat spurted a gurgling fountain.

Hart was glad when the gold eyes finally dimmed, and the body shuddered before going limp. He glanced up when Bridges elbowed him enthusiastically as he exclaimed, "Hah! I think this is a new record for Carnifex! Do you think that old bag of bones Claire is so protective of would stand a chance against this magnificent creature? I would pay good money to see them fight."

Hart flickered his gaze over to the Spinosaurus shoving his long snout into the warm abdominal cavity. He wasn't sure what Rexy would do against Carnifex. He just knew Elise wouldn't hesitate to fight alongside her adopted mother, and he doubted Carnifex could do much against a double team.

"I thought Spinosaurus were more eaters..."

Bridges raised an eyebrow at the lack of enthusiasm, but he dryly said, "Grady's Velociraptors would be much shorter with feathers on them if they resembled their ancestors. Carnifex would be much different looking if he remained true to his blood. But I like him like this; he's fun, don't you think?"

Fun wasn't the word Hart would use, and he couldn't help asking, "Aren't Tyrannosaurus a little more...valuable than simply for Carnifex?"

"They hold little value to me. We have a breeding pair; eggs are not hard to come by, I assure you. I have no idea why Claire prefers them over Spinosaurus. She gets so aggravated when I suggested she consider taking one to replace her old Rex. It's not like the old hag is going to live much longer."

Hart secretly preferred his cat over all these creatures. The cat took care of himself, kept the mice out of the house, and Hart didn't have to worry about being eaten alive by the furry creature.

However the lawyer sighed, "I'm sure Miss Dearing will come around when the time comes, Mr. Bridges. She's just loyal because Rexy has always been able to keep attendance at an adequate level whenever things seemed to get boring over there."

"I think Carnifex would do better, but she'll listen when the old lady kicks the bucket."

Hart grimaced when Carnifex yanked out the dark, healthy liver before it slid down his throat. Bridges gave a small whistle that brought Carnifex's emerald gaze to attention, and the blonde purred, "That's my boy! You make me proud!"

Carnifex gave no indication of caring about that comment as he turned back to his meal, and Bridges smile before leading back inside the office. Hart preferred the office, it was air conditioned, and no dinosaurs in here.

No live dinosaurs.

Bridges sank into his chair while the lawyer fished the thick documents from his briefcase. He handed them over as he said, "They just need to be signed, and InGen can get back to working with Jurassic World like it should."

The blonde nodded in agreement as he scanned over the papers with a quick, but critical eye. He glanced up when Hart shifted in the chair, and nervously said, "Judge Knight wants Dr. Wu brought forward."

"You couldn't get her off his back?"

The lawyer winced at the dangerous tone, and he eyed the red lighter being pulled from a pressed pocket. Bridges began to turn it over in his hand when Hart desperately answered, "The man stamped his name all over creating the Indominus. It's so painfully obvious that human DNA was used that there wasn't anything I could do. It's human experimentation, and I have no idea how to defend Wu when I don't even know what he was thinking. Did you know he would be using human DNA? And that's an off-record question."

Bridges paused to flick the flame to life, and he sighed, "No. I thought he would be using primate DNA because I thought it was too risky to be using human. I bet Hoskins goaded him into using human DNA somehow. That bastard is lucky Grady's raptor got him before I could."

Hart shuddered at the threat; he didn't doubt a few men had met their end because of Bridges. The lawyer wasn't sure if Bridges would personally get his own hands bloody, but he didn't doubt Bridges had hired hitmen in his time. Hart avoided the comment by quietly asking, "Can I see some records please? Because I can at least argue that maybe Wu didn't use a lot of human DNA. Elise could be a fluke with how human she acts; it's not like they can compare her to anyone."

Bridges turned dark when he snapped, "Wu is being stubborn with us. He knows he's only valuable until we figure out how to make things ourselves. He was smart about keeping thegenetic makeup of every single dinosaur a secret; especially the Indominus. I don't even know what was used in Carnifex that gave him the stronger back legs. The Spinosaurus isn't meant to stray far from swamplands."

"So you don't have records of Elise?"

Bridges shook his head, and Hart sighed as he began to rub his forehead tiredly. He finally said, "Judge Knight wants every record on Elise that InGen has. Hoskins called for that evacuation; it won't take a genius to realize Wu was brought somewhere InGen could keep an eye on him. I don't think you should risk anything for Wu, Mr. Bridges..."

The blonde nodded at the truth of it, but he replied, "Dr. Wu is the head of all of this..."

Bridges began to chew on his lips before suddenly saying, "I know Claire has been replacing the geneticists in her labs, but quite a few scientists have been there for a long time..."


"So, what are the odds that one or two of them know how to create a few dinosaurs? I know Dr. Wu didn't personally create all of those animals. I bet he had a trusted friend or two."

Hart blinked at him before asking, "Are you sure? Wu seems locked up pretty tight..."

Bridges gave a humored snort as he answered, "Everyone needs someone to talk to, Mr. Hart. Wu isn't interested in these animals, just making them; he has to have someone to brag to. We just need to get to his records and find another, brilliant mind to work for us. Wu is dangerous baggage to be holding onto; I don't want Judge Knight to catch me with him."

The blonde let the flame go out before flicking back to life as he added, "I'm sure we can sneak someone into the lab to find out for us. We won't interfere with Jurassic World; InGen does need that company. Hammond made these companies in a way that they can't survive without the other. The world isn't ready for warfare dinosaurs just yet; we're stuck with theme parks at the moment."

Hart nodded in agreement; he rubbed his eyes before suddenly asking, "Who was the human donor?"


"The donor for Elise? She has human DNA in her; whose DNA does she have?"

Bridges blinked as he held the lighter and the flame flickered out. He raised an eyebrow when he answered, "I...don't know actually. I bet Wu used his own DNA though; easiest to get to. There is no way he was ballsy enough to use someone else's DNA. Can you imagine the lawsuits on that case?"

Hart didn't even want to think about it, and he gave another sigh. He rubbed his eyes again before turning timid. Bridges knew what he was going to ask, and kept his face neutral when the lawyer softly asked, "Did you having any luck in...finding one?"

Bridges immediately shook his head, and gave a sympathetic look when he almost gently answered, "No, but you let me worry about that, Mr. Hart. You just keep working for me, and I'll take care of everything else."

Hart sagged, but he nodded. Bridges reclined in his chair as he said, "Keep your head up; it won't do anyone any good to be worrying."

"I-I suppose you're right."

The blonde gave a wide smile as he said, "Of course I am. Now, will you be joining me for the paper signing this afternoon? I'm going to introduce Elise to her trainers as well."

Hart shook his head as he tucked the papers into a folder before laying it on the desk. He looked tired with dark bags under his eyes, and answered, "I need to talk to my daughter, and take care of...the paperwork pertaining this research. Investors are so picky."

"I know the truth of that, Mr. Hart. Believe me, I do, and that's why I picked you for the job."

The lawyer nodded before excusing himself. Bridges flipped the lighter over when the door softly clicked shut, and he went back over to stare at his prized dinosaur. Carnifex was gnawing on a meaty femur, and Bridges smiled when the sun caught that boldly colored sail just right. The glowing orange streaked with shades of red soothed Bridges.

Carnifex's sail looked like fire.

Bridges didn't think any Tyrannosaurus would ever be able to do that. Bridges sniffed haughtily as he glanced at the scattered skeletons of past Rexes incapable of fighting Carnifex; it was only fitting that the false kings be brought to their knees. Bridges would ignore that he purposefully made sure they were at a disadvantage with age and experience, but he didn't care.

Life wasn't fair like that. If Bridges didn't like the dinosaur, it went to Carnifex, and Carnifex took care of the problem.

Bridges didn't like Tyrannosaurus Rexes.

They were poor kings.


Another A/N

I know Jurassic Park III pretty much split up the fandom with the T-Rex VS Spino battle. While we are pretty much content to ignore the movie, I am not willing to ignore a Spino; Carnifex is not the Spino from the movie. I want no back and forth arguing in the reviews about which dinosaur should have won. You're more than welcome to say who you think is better, but if you feel the need to pick a bone with another reviewer, take it to the PM please.

Thank you all again! Have a wonderful day/night!

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