Chapter 47

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Hey guys! I hope life is wonderful for all of you!

Anyways, we have an awesome treat from the lovely Donovan94. She made a wonderful piece of artwork, and the link is in my profile so go check it out because it's very warming. It is titled 'My Sunshine'

Also CobaltBatWings has created a DeviantArt group called Fur-Elise-JW if you are interested in that; it's still pretty new.

This story is on Quotev if any of you prefer that site, LucarioMaster41 is doing a great job over there, so many thanks! I had someone ask me why I don't post this on AO3, and that's because I don't have an account; I know someone bookmarked it there though, whatever that means. I'm not familiar with AO3.

OREO, I missed hearing from you, I'm glad you're back. I hope the East Coast treated you well. I think that would be an interesting twist with Owen hating fire. I hope the double-stuffed Oreos tasted good, but I hear they are making Mega-stuffed Oreos!

thesecondoreo, I missed you too, and I feel like your latest review is a continuation of the London bridge song.

I swear there's a third oreo-something lurking around, but I haven't seen the dude in awhile.

Back to this, spinofan-117, is Sobek a character of yours/someone else's, or is that just what you decided to name the Spinosaurus from Jurassic Park III? Because I like that name, and IF I decide to do something with the JPIII Spino, then I'd like to use that name. I just need to know before hand so someone doesn't accuse me of stealing a character. Give me a PM if you have an account, but no worries if you don't; I'll look for your answer in the reviews.

I know a few of you have been asking for the JP III Spino; discorded-Q started that ball. I am THINKING about it, so nobody worry their beautiful face over it, okay? Okay. I got this. :)

Lastly, but most importantly, thank you very much for the reviews. I do read them over and over because I appreciate you guys taking time out of your day to not only read my story, but also share your thoughts. So, thank you.

And I apologize for the long A/N. Have a wonderful day/night!


"Bad Meets Evil..."

"With all due respect, Miss Dearing, but I have absolutely no intent of allowing that...Indominus anywhere near my team. It is out of the question."

Owen threw a dirty look at the flustered Commander while a stern Claire was clearly losing her patience. Blake wasn't happy about Elise being hired, and he was fighting it every step of the way. He wanted Lowery fired for making the application; he didn't want the Indominus trained to be part of ACU. Blake had been agitated enough to even go all the way to their current location, the Veterinary Building, to make his point clear.

Luckily, Elise was out of it; Owen was pretty sure she had no idea what was going on at the moment. She was a little more sensitive dosage wise than Dr. Gerry had realized.

But Owen wasn't complaining; it was a funny adorable to see the massive creature drooling. It was less adorable with all the blood.

Owen glanced back when Claire kept a fine hold on her voice, just barely refraining from losing her temper, when she said, "I have told you several times, Commander, Elise is going to be trained for emergency situations where ACU needs it."

"My ACU can handle itself, Miss Dearing. I see no situations where we would need this animal."

Owen darkened at the choice of words. Technically, Elise was an animal. She wasn't a human even if she acted it. Her body was not human, but Owen certainly wouldn't call her an animal like Blake did. Claire opened her mouth to snap a response, but blinked when a sultry voice purred, "I can think of several situations, Commander. Shame on you for not realizing the full potential of this rare opportunity."

Owen raised an eyebrow at seeing Mr. Grey-Look-Alike again. He was hoping the man would have been busy enough to stay away. Bridges raised an eyebrow at the downed Indominus, and gestured to her as he asked, "What happened?"

Dr. Gerry grunted as he yanked out a particularly crooked, broken tooth before tossing it into a pile, and gruffly answered, "Just cleaning up the backfires of an intelligent idiot."

Claire didn't seem surprised that Bridges was here, and she clarified, "A dental appointment. Elise can't lose her teeth fast enough, and her jaw was starting to hurt. It's already beginning to grow crooked."


Owen flickered his gaze up to the man. Bridges seemed legitimately surprised at this health problem. He narrowed his eyes before asking, "Didn't you think her teeth would get crowded with all the different dinosaurs used in her?"

Bridges rubbed his chin in thought, ignoring the testy tone, and glanced at Claire when she said, "I do believe I am entitled to records pertaining to Elise, Mr. Bridges. I want my vets to know everything they can so they can help her in any way needed."

Owen was surprised when the blonde nodded in agreement, and replied, "Of course. Holy Jesus knows you do everything to take care of your animals, Miss Dearing."

Bridges gave a brief pause before sighing, "Unfortunately, I don't have very many records in my possession. Most of it is what you have."

Owen narrowed his eyes, and leaned against the warm scales when he dryly asked, "You spent how much money on making her and you expect me to believe that? Hoskins already said Wu worked for you."

Bridges gave a humorless snort as he flickered flat eyes at Owen, and replied, "Believe it or not, I'm not a geneticist whisperer, Mr. Grady. Dr. Wu told me about as much as he told Jurassic World."

"I don't believe that for one second."

Bridges gave a casual shrug as he glanced over Elise's bloody mouth, and replied, "I don't care what you believe in, Mr. Grady. I am a man who feels everyone has a right to believe in what they want. I don't know what was used in Elise because, like Mr. Masrani, I asked for a certain animal, and Dr. Wu created it. He gave me the basics, and Miss Dearing is on the same page as me."

Owen blinked, and Claire clenched her jaw before stiffly asking, "Where is Dr. Wu by the way? Judge Knight is going to issue a warrant for his arrest if he doesn't come forward."

Bridges quietly slipped a hand into his pocket as he began to fiddle with something inside it. He calmly answered, "I don't know where he is at the moment. He disappeared with his records not long after getting off the chopper; we had a lot of chaos going on."

Owen only believed that after Bridges muttered, "The smarmy bastard..."

There was no faking the obvious disdain in the voice, and Owen turned back to his tough baby. Her eyes would briefly crack open, and the glazed crimson gaze would make a slow sweep before shutting again. Owen was pretty sure she wasn't registering what she was seeing.

Owen didn't bother to look up when Blake got into it with Claire again. He only focused on gently running his hands softly along the scarred nose and gave a soft smile when the warm breath ruffled his hair back. He made soothing circles along the indents in her skull; Elise seemed to like that best, and Gerry snorted when the white dinosaur somehow relaxed even further.

Elise hadn't slept well over the past few days, and she had been getting dangerously cranky. Owen was sure she was going through another growth spurt, and a fresh wave of teeth also decided to make themselves known. Elise was limping, but she had much less patience with the constant aching in her jaws. At first, Owen had simply plucked out the loose teeth, but he finally understood what Gerry had meant by health problems.

Not all of the teeth became loose in order for the next one to come in. Owen had finally called Gerry when he couldn't pull a particularly stubborn tooth out despite another one already poking out right next to it. It was causing the teeth to grow at crooked angles.

Owen was pretty sure the relief from the pain is what really knocked Elise on her butt.

"You're not worried about her biting you?"

Owen blinked at Bridges standing next to him. The icy eyes paused over the bleeding gums, and he continued to fiddle with whatever was in his pocket. Owen shrugged as he resumed with gently rubbing his hands along the large face, and answered, "I trust Elise."

"Do you do that with your raptors?"

"My raptors aren't Elise. I can't explain why they need to have their teeth pulled. Besides, Elise is the one who wanted the appointment."

Bridges raised an eyebrow when the old vet yanked out another tooth. It was an impressive pile of broken, disfigured, and simply older teeth. Yet Elise's mouth remained full.

"How does she handle the aftermath of the anesthetics?"

Owen eyed the puddle of drool under Elise's jaw, and he pressed his lips before answering, "I don't know; it's the first time we combined sedatives and aesthetics. She's a little more sensitive than we realized. We just wanted to relax her, and numb the pain, not knock her out."

Bridges gave a single nod with an expressionless face that Owen really couldn't read. He didn't like not being able to read this man, and it creeped him out. It seemed like Bridges' was in a different mood each time he saw him. Arrogant, pushy, antagonizing, and now incredibly mellow.

"When did you schedule this? Miss Dearing had me under the impression that I could introduce Elise to her trainers today."

Owen blinked before glancing behind the businessman. He hadn't seen the two men, an older and younger, pair. Both looked a little wary of Elise though the older one seemed firmer; less willing to give ground. Owen glanced up at Bridges when he said, "We planned it about an hour ago. I figured your trainers would prefer waiting a day rather than try training a cranky Indominus. Her legs are hurting her; she hasn't been sleeping."

Bridges stepped back to stare at the neatly folded legs tucked to the side of Elise. He looked them over, eyes pausing on the scarring slash, before walking back, and asking, "Growth spurts?"

Owen nodded, and the two glanced back when Blake suddenly raised his voice. Owen saw Claire's eye give the slightest twitch, and Gerry growled, "Can someone get Blake out of here? I don't care if Elise is knocked out; I only get one chance to make sure her first dental appointment is a good experience. If Blake ruins it..."

Owen couldn't help scooching off to the side at the unfinished threat. He ducked a little behind the massive, snowy face, but Bridges cracked his neck and straightened his shoulders. Elise was incredibly important to his investment, and Bridges knew better than to try and force animals. They didn't tick like people; he knew how to intimidate an animal, train, abuse, and even nurture.

Bridges wasn't stupid; he fully understood that the most cooperative animal was a content one in a safe, calm environment. Carnifex had taught Bridges that much; the Spinosaurus had been a perfectly docile hatchling until it was time to leave the nest; when Carnifex felt he could survive on his own.

And he realized Bridges was part of a species in the prey category.

Then things had gotten a little messy without warning; there was a reason why Bridges never wore shorts of any kind. He knew he was lucky to still have his leg.

He was short a toe; the little piggy never did come back from the market, but Bridges knew it was simply Carnifex's way of communicating with him. Carnifex had grown frustrated with living conditions, and he let Bridges know that. If Bridges provided outlets for the Spinosaurus to vent his aggression, the animal was more patient. Hunts were the best; fighting a Tyrannosaurus left Carnifex in a mild mood for days.

Unfortunately Tyrannosaurs didn't grow very fast, and the most recently killed adolescent had been the last of that particular clutch from his breeding pair. All the other Tyrannosaurs he had were far too young or being used in an experiment.

Bridges was always a little more patient with animals who were worth his time. A compy was not worth his time unless it was to see how far he could kick it. A Brachiosaurus was not worth his time; they were lumbering cows. Even a Tyrannosaurs was not worth a second glance unless it was to see if it was big enough to provide a challenge against Carnifex.

But Carnifex was worth his time. Bridges made sure the Spinosaurus was comfortable and happy. Carnifex was important to his career, and he was company. He scared away any potential trouble makers that tried to get near the fence.

Carnifex took care of the pests.

Elise was very much worth his time. He knew damn well she didn't have to be so cooperative with agreeing to this training, and judging from Blake's reaction, Claire had probably made up the ACU excuse up on the spot.

Bridges would give her credit for being quick.

If Elise was having a sick day, something that would be considered Wu's fault as far as Bridges was concerned, then so be it. He invested way too much time and money to rush this project. It was his opportunity to get back his investment and mend the burned bridge between Jurassic World and InGen. Vic had completely butchered their progress with creating warfare animals out of the Velociraptors. No one wanted to invest in an animal that could be talked out of a mission so easily. Vic had always argued an animal's loyalty couldn't be bought, and he was right.

It took Elise less than two minutes to sway the raptors to her side through simple talking. Bridges was not happy with that video getting to the media. Vic was a very lucky man that Owen's raptor had beaten Bridges' to Vic.

It wouldn't have been pretty; Vic's head would have been propped right next to the compy on Bridges' shelf. Bridges would deny having anything to do with the inconvenient delays in getting Vic's body home for a proper burial.

But it was Bridges' way of having the last laugh. Vic had ruined an investment, and Bridges made sure his mangled corpse rotted for an extra week before it could be prepared for burial.

Owen didn't like when Bridges turned dark, the flat eyes shadowed under the eyebrows, but he watched the businessman confidently stroll over to the arguing duo. Owen couldn't help but to wonder if Bridges would just snap Blake's neck. It was a terrible thought that Owen almost couldn't fathom, but there wasn't something right with Bridges.

Bridges looked like someone who knew how to snap a neck, and Owen swallowed nervously as he carefully watched.

Blake was turning red in the face, and the vein in Claire's neck was bulging as the Commander snapped, "It has no purpose on my team! I don't care what it can do; ACU can manage just fine without it."

"Get over yourself."

Owen blinked at the quiet, firm, and biting tone. Claire looked startled, and Blake turned around before looking Bridges up and down once. The Commander gave no ground, and snapped, "Stay out of this."

The blonde only kept a hand in his pocket, and a calm demeanor when he immediately retorted, "I am already in this. I have a lot of money on the line here, but that doesn't even concern you. I have no idea why you're so flustered when you can only gain from this experience. You will be the Commander of the first, fully trained dinosaur. Elise is highly intelligent, and if I recall a certain video, she seems to deal with...chaotic situations a little better than most."

Owen pressed his lips at the borderline insulting tone; Blake had deemed him dead after Lilly breached water. If Claire hadn't gotten Elise, he would have probably drowned. Blake stiffened when Bridges coldly added, "I also saw your men quickly follow that plan, and it worked. Elise is obviously a leader; she just needs some training."

"This is insa-"

Bridges' gaze hardened just the slightest as he snapped, "Your men have already followed a plan created by Elise. She led Mr. Grady's rescue because you gave up. You're the one being stubborn here."

Blake lost his red rage coloring for a gaunt, furious white. Owen stood, ready to break up a fight, but Claire gave him a warning glance. She didn't want to escalate this anymore, and Blake jabbed a finger at an oblivious Elise when he hissed, "That thing killed my Commander, several brothers and sisters in arms, and you expect me to accept it into my family just because it had a change of heart? Because Grady decided to kiss its nose better?"

Owen wouldn't disagree with Blake's point of view; the family in arms was closer than blood. He wasn't mad at Blake's reasons; he just wished the man went about explaining himself better instead of simply digging his heels in.

Bridges only raised his eyebrows before simply saying, "Your Commander is stiff and dead in the ground; all the head rearing you're doing won't even get a twitch out of him. He knew full well what he was doing when he went after Elise, and it was his own fault for not getting out alive. Get over it, and move one. Honestly, I've seen emotional children realize this much more quickly than you."

Owen would freely admit that he wasn't the best people person. He knew how to get any single lady's number, and even a few guy's numbers just to see if he could. Owen knew how to make a party great, and he had an idea of how to comfort people. He wasn't so easy going around hot-tempered people like Blake; he had a habit of ending the arguments with a good swing of Righty.

But even Owen knew that was not the appropriate response.

He leaned over the scrunched snout, and quietly whispered to Dr. Gerry, "Five dollars on Blake."

The old vet didn't even bat an eye as he poked around the gums, and answered, "Twenty on the suit."

Owen quietly snorted, but Blake regained the murderous red to his face as he snapped, "She tried to bury me alive! She dug a goddamned grave, shoved me in it, and pushed all the dirt on me!"

Owen had heard about that little incident; he knew Josh from all the repairs and changes made to the Raptor Paddock. He was a good guy; nice, mellow, and willing to work with Owen to make sure the girls hadn't gotten too stressed.

Blue had still made a trench with all her patrolling, but Josh had tried.

Bridges didn't give much of a reaction, and only sniffed, "Honestly, Commander, I'm sure every active man has, at some point, had his life endangered by a fiery woman. I've been run over by my own Bentley. You're a little flustered just because Elise is a little more exotic looking than most women. I think you need to calm down in order to think about this."

Now Owen was confused by Bridges; he never expected the man to outright defend Elise when he had tried to provoke her only a few days before. Owen had no idea what was motivating this man, and he didn't like it. Claire jumped when Blake froze before suddenly swinging a clenched fist.

A hot-tempered Commander.

Bridges immediately parried the swing with his own arm before swinging his fist into the unguarded gut. Owen heard the whoosh of air leave the man, and Blake all but collapsed. Bridges kept his calm face as he easily supported the man, and turned to his men before politely saying, "Escort the Commander to his vehicle. I'm sure he'll need a few minutes to think about his actions."

Owen lowered his brows when Blake was carried back, and he quietly sighed at the nudge at his side. Dr. Gerry let out a quiet chuckle as he tucked the Lincoln into his pocket, and said, "Thanks for lunch."


Bridges only straightened out his slightly wrinkled sleeves, and glanced up when Claire quietly said, "Mr. Bridges, I apologize for Commander Blake's behavior. This will be the second time he will be critically reviewed by the board."

Bridges raised an eyebrow as he fixed his perfect cuff, and asked, "He's started fights before?"

"No. He was reviewed last time because of his incompetence. He failed to realize Elise had purposefully lured his team away."

Claire caught the curious look, and she added, "Elise was trying to protect Mr. Grady from a security guard. No one was seriously injured."

Bridges gave a quick nod as he glanced back at Elise. Owen pressed a little closer to her; it just felt safer to do so. He had her back, and she had his. They protected one another, and Owen would never take her protective presence for granted.

She had always done everything in her power to keep him safe, and Owen would be eternally grateful for it.

Owen glanced up when Bridges said, "Don't trouble yourself over it, Miss Dearing. Your Commander seems a little stressed."

The blonde cleared his throat before offering a winning smile as he added, "Since Elise won't be meeting her trainers today, I think we can go sign the papers over a late lunch. We can get our companies back on the right track. I'm sure you're in need to get your Apatosaurus herd replenished."

Claire gave a single nod as she glanced at Owen. He gave a little wave while Gerry began to clean up. The pile of teeth was certainly impressive, and Owen wondered how quickly Elise's new teeth would come in. He glanced up when Bridges said, "Mr. Grady, I was thinking you should assist as much as you can. I know Elise will probably be much more responsive with you around. I would appreciate it if you would at least be willing to set a good foundation between Elise and my trainers."

Owen nodded as he glanced at the two men. Blake was still trying to catch his breath, but Owen wasn't going to do anything about it. He was just glad someone had found out about Bridges' apparent quick reflexes instead. Owen wasn't won over by the happy smile, but said, "I'll have something ready tomorrow. We can work with Elise between shows."

"Excellent; let me know when Elise is coherent. I need to have a quick word with her."

Owen nodded again, and he sighed when the vehicles drove away. Black was still heaving in his truck, and Gerry said, "She should be up in the hour unless she feels like catching up on the sleep."

"I might be here awhile then."

The old vet snorted as he stood up, knees popping from old age, and he replied, "I know I have no idea how big she's going to get, but I think she'll have another growth spurt in her. This kiddo is growing too fast, but the only thing we can do is give her some pain pills. It'll be better than nothing."

"Think Bridges was telling the truth about not having records?"

Gerry rolled his eyes as he began to gently run warm water along the bloodied mouth. Owen moved out of the way as the vet answered, "Do you want to know how many animals died because Wu decided to answer my questions with, 'I'm sorry, but that's classified information.'?"

Owen blinked, and Gerry said, "In all my years here, Wu let sixty-three animals die because he wasn't willing to help me. I needed information on the animals' genetics, and he wouldn't even give me a glance up from his goddamned clipboard."

Owen had rarely talked to Wu. Only when their paths crossed in the Hatchery, but he understood what Gerry meant by the 'Wu answer'. Only when an animal exhibited obvious characteristics would Wu admit it, and even then he would refuse to go into details about the amount.

Owen had always wondered what would have happened if something would happen to Wu; surely there were more geneticists who could carry on his work. Perhaps the man was valuable in the creation of new dinosaurs, and he was a little more relaxed about the less exciting animals.

Owen was sure that was the case, and he looked up when Blake suddenly threw up his lunch. Gerry rolled his eyes when Owen made a gagging sound, and he snapped, "For Christ's sake, Owen."

Owen only sniffed as he wiped away drool, and muttered an apology. Gerry shook his head as he gave a gentle pat above the closed eye. Owen was momentarily distracted when the cranky vet turned soft and kindly said, "You take your time waking up, Kiddo. I ain't in no hurry, and you're just fine where you're at."

Gerry gave a rare, warm smile when he was answered by a content, relaxed sigh. Elise did look peaceful, and it clearly warmed the vet. Gerry was determined to be a good doctor to her, and Owen was glad Gerry pushed so hard to make sure Jackie got along with Elise.

It obviously didn't take much effort though; Elise adored the colorful, energetic vet.

Gerry gestured to the Commander as he said, "You watch your kid, and I'll see what I can do with Blake."

"Tranquilize him."

The vet only chuckled quietly as he hobbled away, and Owen smiled while leaning against the warm, white scales. He was actually excited about giving Elise something else to focus on. Now that Elise was safe from InGen, Owen really wanted to see what she could do, and he wanted to train his girls even more.

Because now he didn't have to be afraid of what others would do with the answers.

Another puff of warm air made Owen lean on Elise even more. He couldn't wait for Rosie to meet his baby. He just knew the two would get along with one another. They could probably do a movie night again, and maybe he wouldn't fall asleep this time. Elise had clearly taken to Godzilla though.

Owen, despite his sensitive ribs, found it really fun to play the panicked citizen. Elise was always gentle when she took him hostage, and she adored Owen's pleas for mercy.

Blue found it odd, and Owen had no idea what Rexy would think of it. He still didn't feel comfortable with going out into the plains while the gate was down. He didn't want to push things with the old lady.

Owen gently traced the patterns of the large scales, marveling the smooth texture as he wondered where Bridges had learned to fight. The man had reacted immediately, like he had been expecting it. Owen was still impressed with the speed though, and it wasn't easy to block a punch like that.

Bridges was definitely a dangerous man, but Owen was starting to wonder if he was in any danger around him. It certainly seemed like Bridges had lost interest in Jurassic World now that his plan for warfare animals had been discovered, and Elise would have eaten the man. Instead she ignored him when he tried to provoke her.

Like he had been expecting it.

Owen sat up before glancing at Dr. Gerry attempting to get Blake back on his feet. The Commander had taken the punch hard; that had been a well-aimed hit. Either Bridges was phenomenal in his fighting and defense skills.

Or Bridges had simply looking for a reaction out of Blake like he had tried to do with Elise a few days ago. Bridges did seem to like antagonizing people, pushing them into losing their temper. It was a really good way of seeing how they functioned.

Owen leaned back onto Elise as he replayed the fight. It made sense. Bridges liked to antagonize, and Elise refused to play that game with him.

Owen gave a wide smile; he couldn't help kissing her cheek and growing soft at her garbled chirp. He hoped she was having sweet, happy dreams again.

Because she had figured out Bridges before he had. That was his smart Sunshine.


A heavy foot thudded into the ground as clawed hands flexed impressively against the forest chest. Rexy gave a wide yawn before a twitch at her neck caught her attention. The Velociraptor riding on her shoulder had seen the twitching skin, and quickly groomed the spot.

Rexy liked Blue One; she was a good hatchling even if she talked a little too much. She was attentive, smart, and very much like Rexy in her younger days. Crooked Jaw was much calmer after her little incident with the quick prey, and Rexy was fine with that.

She liked calm.

But Rexy liked her afternoon naps a little more. She didn't know where White One was, but her youngling was large and smart. White One knew how to call her mother over if she needed help, and she had her human with her.

Delta and Echo waited for the large carnivore to step into her nest, and lay down before they leapt over the tall walls. Blue only shifted around to tuck herself into the crook of Rexy's neck before letting out a content sigh.

Rexy only allowed three times to shift around before growing irritated; Blue only had to be taught that once. She was happy with the life here. Food was plenty, and the pack was very strong. Stupid Alpha had done this pack well; White One had redeemed herself, and proven her worth.

Life was good. The air was peaceful, and Stern One was warm.

Delta curled up near the forest freckled face while her bronze sister stretched out near the massive ribcage. Rexy hardly shifted in her sleep, and the raptors took full advantage of that. The newest members were making themselves right at home, and a small pile of odd finds were beginning to pile on the far side of the nest where they hardly slept.

A metal ball, a glove, two quarters, a wrench, and a broken wristwatch. It was amazing what vast treasures had been left by the humans, and all three collectors intended to gather all of it into one spot. Rexy didn't mind so long as the pile remained little; she never slept on that side of the nest.

And she knew all the squinting in the world wouldn't see past the 'hatchlings' Velociraptorish behaviors.

Blue curled up more tightly in her sleep before stilling, and Rexy easily drifted off as well. It was nice to have a full nest.

Even if it was full of oddballs, but they were her oddballs.


Much Shorter A/N

The chapter title is inspired by Eminem's 'Bad Meets Evil' I just found the title fitting for Blake and Bridges' first meeting.

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