It's Quiet Uptown

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I'm sure you guys remember this part... 😢

Lyric credits go to Lin-Manuel Miranda.

There are moments that the words don't reach

There is suffering too terrible to name

You hold your child as tight as you can

And push away the unimaginable

The moments when you're in so deep

It feels easier to just swim down

And so, they move uptown

And learn to live with the unimaginable


It had been two weeks. Poppy had barely slept since that horrific day. Her eldest child, gone at only seventeen.


Most days, Poppy wouldn't leave the community garden, where Rose and Juniper made a little shrine for their big sister out of tree branches, paper hearts, and glitter. At the center of it was a colorful flower and the purple star-shaped gem that would glow at the sound of its owner's singing.

Which would never be heard again.

I spend hours in the garden

I walk alone to the store

And it's quiet uptown

I never liked the quiet before

I take the children to church on Sunday

A sign of the cross at the door

And I pray...

That never used to happen before

If you see her in the street

Walking by herself

Talking to herself

Have pity

Flower, you would like it uptown

It's quiet uptown

She is working through the unimaginable

Her hair has gone grey

She passes everyday

They say she walks the length of a city

You knock me out, I fall apart

Can you imagine?

As Poppy broke down in tears, she barely noticed Branch quietly approaching the shrine. Poppy almost felt the urge to wipe away her tears, but it would do no good. Suppressing her feelings was what got them here in the first place. The only way to make some right out of all of this wrong was to be completely honest with her husband.

Look at where we are

Look at where we started

I know I don't deserve you, Branch

But hear me out, that would be enough

If I could spare her life

If I could trade her life for mine

She'd be standing here right now

And you would smile, that would be enough

I don't pretend to know

The challenges we're facing

I know there's no replacing what we've lost

And you need time

But I'm not afraid

I know who I married

Just let me stay here by your side

That would be enough

Branch refused to even look at his queen. Of course, Poppy couldn't blame him. All of this was her fault. He stayed right next to her, however. Poppy wasn't sure why, but she stayed in place as well. This could be the last time she's ever close to him physically or spiritually.

If you see her in the street

Walking by his side

Talking by his side

Have pity

Branch, do you like it uptown?

It's quiet uptown

She is trying to do the unimaginable

See them walking in the park

Long after dark

Taking in the sights of the city

Look around, look around, look around...

They are trying to do the unimaginable

Barb noticed her dearest friend standing in that peaceful garden, side by side with her estranged husband. She couldn't begin to comprehend what was going on in their minds. The pain they must've felt, knowing the child they created and raised together was taken far too soon.

There are moments that the words don't reach

There's a force too powerful to name

We push away what we can never understand

We push away the unimaginable

They are standing in the garden

Queen Poppy by Branch's side

He takes her hand...

Poppy felt Branch's hand in her own and looked up at him. A couple tears fell from his eyes as he uttered those three little words.

It's quiet uptown


Can you imagine?


Can you imagine?

If you see her in the street

Walking by his side

Talking by his side

Have pity

Branch held Poppy in a warm embrace as she broke down completely.

"Come on, Poppy," he whispered. "Let's go home."

They are going through the unimaginable...

Go ahead. Hate me all you want.

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