Withering Away

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“I don't think I can do this, Manta," Dustin said nervously.

“Sure, you can!" Manta insisted. “Just tell her how you feel, straight from the heart. And do it soon. I want to watch before my uncle comes to pick me up."

“But what if she doesn't like me that way?" he asked.

“Then, she doesn't have very good taste," Manta replied. Suddenly, they noticed Flower run past them. “Flower? Where's she going this late?"

“I don't know," Dustin admitted, “but I'm gonna find out. Come on!"

Without hesitation, Manta mounted onto Dustin's back and the Country Troll galloped after the Pop princess.

“Flower, wait up!" Manta called out as the pair finally caught up to her. “Girl, what's wrong?"

“I'm running away," she sobbed. “I'll never be good enough for her. Or the rest of the village."

“Flower, you can't just run away!" Dustin attempted to reason with her. “I know it's hard, but–"

“But, nothing!" Flower protested. “I don't belong there. I don't belong anywhere!"

“Well, what are you gonna do?" Manta asked. “Hide away in the forest?"

“Why not?" Flower replied, picking a few berries from a bush. “Dad told me which plants are safe and which ones are poisonous. Like these flavor berries. Or these white-striped good luck–"

Flower was cut off when one of the flowers hissed and sprayed something onto her face. Her eyes were protected by her glasses, but after gasping in shock, she accidentally breathed the mist in.

“Wrong flowers," she muttered before falling over.

“Flower!" Dustin shouted, running towards her. “Flower, talk to me! What's happening?!"

“Bad Moon..." Flower coughed. “Sprayed poison... very deadly..."

“We gotta get her to a doctor!" Manta exclaimed. “Let's go!"

“Won't..." Flower coughed again, “help... Already in..."

“Save your strength, Flower," Dustin said quietly, carrying her as they hurried back. “We're gonna try to save you. But, listen... there's something I have to tell you. I'd rather tell you now before... before you might... You don't have to say it back, but–"

“I love you, too."


“Flower!" Poppy called out. “I thought we went over the whole ‘sneaking off' thing!"

“Oh, Poppy," said Val Thundershock. “I really don't want to be the one to say this, but I just saw those kids Manta and Dustin take Flower to the hospital."

“WHAT?!" Poppy exclaimed. Without another word from Val, the Pop queen ran straight to the medical pod, where Dustin and Manta wistfully held each other. “WHERE'S MY DAUGHTER?!"

“Queen Poppy," Moonbloom said, stepping outside. “I don't know how to tell you this, but–"

“Is she hurt?!"

“Bad Moon poison," she answered. “Her friends were already there when it happened, so–"

“Can I see her?!"

“I'm doing what I can, but the poison had already entered her bloodstream when she came in," Moonbloom finished, finally letting Poppy inside, where she found her daughter weakly singing to herself as she lay in bed.

If I... die... young...

Bury... me in... satin...

Lay me... down... on a... bed of... roses...

Sink me in... the river... at.. dawn

Send me away... with... the words...

Of a... love... song...

“Flower..." Poppy stammered, feeling weak in the knees as she approached her child.

“Mom..." Flower moaned in pain. “I'm sorry... I'm so sorry... I can't be... what you want... me to be..."

“No," Poppy said. “I'm the one who should be sorry. I pushed you too hard to be something you weren't."

“I want... to be queen... my way... Not yours..." Flower groaned.

“You'll be an amazing queen, just the way you are," Poppy cried. “Just fight this. That's the last thing I'll push you to do. I promise. Just stay alive."


“Daddy...?" Flower muttered, looking up to find Branch running towards them.

“What happened?!" Branch screamed. “Is it fatal?! Poppy, what's happened to her?!"

Before Poppy could answer, Flower pulled his arm so he'd focus on her.

“Sorry, Dad..." she muttered tearfully. “I thought... they were... Good Luck..."

“It's okay, sprout," Branch said. “You have to wait till dark to tell. Bad Moon glows orange at night."

“I should've remembered..." Flower gasped for breath. “I should've..."

“Shh, just breathe," Branch whispered. “Think of something other than the pain."

Flower looked up at the ceiling and could think of one thing.

“The family picnic..." she giggled weakly. “The twins were only two... Juniper tripped and... landed in a... lemon meringue pie..."

“That was cute, wasn't it?" Poppy laughed. “Remember what Rosie did with the sandwiches, Flower? Flower?"

Flower didn't answer. She took one short, final breath, and let it go.

Well, now you know... 😞

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