I Do It For Her

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"Shit... We're going to be so late!" The ginger man pushed the stroller onto the train and he quickly found himself a seat. And he sighed from pure exhaustion, he had run halfway across town to catch the train. This morning was one of the worse... well every morning just about for him was the worst. Twenty-two-year-old Nakahara Chuuya was a full-time dad, and worker. He was wearing himself thin trying to provide for his one-year-old daughter, Luna. Most days he was so tired he wanted to give up... but then he'd look at his daughters smiling face, he'd hear her little giggles, and how could he possibly give up. It was tiring but it was all for her sake. Everything was for her sake. Doing it alone was hard... but it'd pay off. Chuuya heard his stop on the train and he gathered his things and his daughter's and got off the train. Chuuya pushed the stroller through the train station until he reached the stairs. Luna unbuckled Luna and he took her out of the stroller and closed it up as she waited like the good little angel she was. Chuuya held the stroller under his arm, and he stuck out his hand smiling. "Alright doll, let's get you to day care."


Chuuya ran as fast as he could through the gates of day care before they closed, and Luna giggled as she bounced up and down in Chuuya's arm until he came to a full stop. He panted, clearly way out of breath. The daycare teacher came over, and he could already feel her judging him a thousand miles a minute, as she always did. Couldn't she understand not everyone was blessed to have a household with both parents or some help once in a while?

"You're late again Nakahara." She scolded as she watched him put Luna on her own two feet.

"I know, I know. It's been a rough morn-"

"I don't want to hear it. You have a rough morning almost every day. You're always late and that isn't fair to Luna. You take time away from her all the time. You need to really get it together Nakahara. Get a better schedule or something, you can't keep doing this to her, and if you do I will get CPS involved!" She yelled.

"For what?! I take care of her! I make sure she has everything she needs! Okay, I'm late sometimes fine! I'm doing my fucking best all on my own, so don't dare sit here and act like that little girl wants for anything because she doesn't! I go without to make sure she has everything! You can hate me all you want but don't take my carelessness out on her, it isn't fair."

She sighed annoyed. "Don't be late again. And be on time picking her up. Come on Luna." She said taking the young girl's hand and walking inside the daycare. Chuuya turned around sighing and he started walking away until he heard the door reopen and a yell.

"Mama!" Luna yelled as she ran as fast as he little feet could let her.

Chuuya kneeled down and his daughter shoved her way into his arms, and she hugged him tightly. "I love you." She smiled as she kissed Chuuya's cheek. Chuuya looked down at her smiling as he put his forehead on hers. "I love you too princess."


Chuuya still had a fifteen-minute walk to work, he was already late so he figured he might as well not rush. Chuuya stopped by a local coffee shop close to his work, and he got a black coffee. Hoping it may give him a boost of energy. Chuuya thanked the cashier, and he took the coffee but before he even got out of the door properly a man opened the door and knocked the coffee out of his hand, making Chuuya spill it all over himself. Chuuya winced as he tried to brush off the hot coffee. "Fuck." Chuuya sighed as his work clothes were now dirty and ruined.

"I'm sorry I didn't see you there. Are you alright?" The man said as he handed Chuuya his handkerchief. Chuuya wiped his clothes as best he could before he handed it back.

"Yeah... fine thanks." Chuuya said as he looked up. Chuuya's eyes widened as he looked at the man in front of him, he had brunette hair that was slicked back on one side, brown eyes as deep as mocha, and he was dressed in a very nice, tight-fitted white suit. The man smiled at him.

"Let me buy you another coffee to make up for it."

"Uh...s-sure... that'd be great."

The brunette walked over to the counter and he bought two coffees. One sickeningly sweet, and one black. He handed the black coffee to Chuuya. "Thank you... uh... sorry I didn't catch your name."

"Dazai." He smiled. "Dazai Osamu."

"Dazai. Thank you."

"You're welcome Chuuya."

Chuuya's eyes widened. "How did you-"

"Saw it on the cup you dropped."

"R-right. Um... anyway, thanks for the coffee." Chuuya said smiling before he walked out of the coffee shop. But Dazai didn't fall short behind as he grabbed Chuuya's arm. Chuuya turned around, and looked up at the man.

"How about I take you out to dinner sometime?"

Chuuya was surprised. The way he looked day in and day out, how could anyone possibly consider on wanting to take him on a date. Not to mention... most people now a days didn't want the baggage Chuuya was carrying around, which was a lot. "No thanks... I probably shouldn't..." Chuuya declined politely.

Dazai pulled a card out of his back pocket, and he wrote something down on it. "Well Chuuya... if you ever change your mind. Here's my number. My offer will always stand for such a beauty like yourself." Dazai said smiling.

Chuuya took the card and just put it in his bag. "Thanks. Um... see you around. Have a good day."

"You too." Dazai said as he watched Chuuya walk away, the brunette couldn't help but totally check him out as he did.


"Chuuya you're late!" Mori scolded angrily.

"I know... I'm sorry."

"And what the hell happened to you?! Good god. Mizuki help Chuuya find some clean attire."

"Yes sir."

"And you. Chuuya if you're late again so help me god I won't hesitate to fire your ass on the spot!"

"Yes sir..." Chuuya sighed as he walked into his office, and he sat down his things and shrugged off his stained clothes. Leaving him only in his white button up shirt and his pants. Mizuki stepped into his office with a fresh waist coat but Chuuya declined as he didn't need it. She sighed as she just sat it down anyway.

"Are you okay Chuuya?"

"I'm fine. Please get out Tsujimura. I just want to be alone, and get this work done."

She nodded as she got up and left the room. She looked at him one more time before she closed the door. As soon as she did and Chuuya was away from prying eyes, he busted out into tears. Chuuya was so tired and he tried so hard, but it seems like no matter what he did. He just... couldn't get life right.


As promised Chuuya was on time to get Luna. It was a long and hard 30-minute train ride, and then a 15-minute walk back to their apartment. Chuuya opened the door to his apartment and as soon as he did the light busted. All Chuuya could do was sigh. "Uh oh." Luna said as she looked at Chuuya.

"Yeah. Uh oh is right." Chuuya said rubbing his eyes.

Before Chuuya changed the light, he made Luna some food, and turned on the tv in their room so she could eat. Chuuya walked back into the kitchen, and he went to go wash the dishes but as soon as he turned on the water, it sprayed all over his face. Chuuya sighed and wiped his face, turning the water back off. This had to get fixed. He couldn't just leave it like that. But there was no one at this hour to do work like that. Chuuya had one person he could call... but did he really want to? He felt like a bother enough. But it couldn't hurt to ask.


Chuuya looked at the man who was laying up under his sink, fixing the bad pipe. He slid back out from under the sink and he turned the water on and smiled. "All fixed."

"Thank you... really. I... I'm sorry. I didn't know anyone else to call."

"No no it's no problem. I'm glad you called." He smiled.

"Mama!" Luna said as she walked to Chuuya. "Mm." She lifted her bowl to give to Chuuya. Chuuya took it from her. "Thank you, sweetie. All full?"

She nodded and she eyed the man standing in front of her Mama. He kneeled down and smiled. "Hi little one. Well aren't you just beautiful." He smiled as he poked her tummy. Luna laughed as she poked his tummy back, and he also laughed.

"This is your Mama?"

"Mm." She nodded.

"You take good care of Mama?"

"Mm." She nodded again.

"Well then you seem like a little angel Heaven sent." He said ruffling her curly brunette hair. "Make sure to always look after your Mama."

She nodded and she gave him a high-five before returning back to the bedroom. "She's adorable." He laughed.

Chuuya smiled. "Thank you."

"How old is she?"

"Luna is one."

"She's a very intelligent one year old. I bet she is the light of your life."

"She is. She's my everything."

"Well... now that I know about her. How about me, you, and Luna go on a date?" He smiled.

"Again... with the date..."

"Oh c'mon. I came over at almost 10 pm to fix your sink. Just indulge me. Give me a chance."

Chuuya thought for a moment before he sighed and smiled. "Alright."

"Alright?" He smiled happily.

"Yes. Okay. We'll go on a date with you."

Dazai jumped for joy and he started dancing in Chuuya's apartment, and Chuuya started laughing. "See you tomorrow. Say... 12 pm?"

"Yeah. Tomorrow 12 pm sounds great." Chuuya smiled.

"Alright! Until tomorrow Chuuya!" Dazai said waving goodbye.

"Until tomorrow." Chuuya said waving back at the brunette.

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