I'll Step Up

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Today was the day and god, Dazai was more nervous than ever. Chuuya was truly a beauty and the last thing he wanted to do was mess all this up. Dazai wanted to make sure this date was perfect. Not only for Chuuya but for Luna as well. He wanted to give them the best experience ever. Especially since Chuuya had told him he hadn't been out since Luna was born. So that's why Dazai picked out his best suit. All white with a black button up under shirt and a gold tie, and he slicked his hair back on one side put on his best cologne, and he felt he looked great. Now that he felt happy with his appearance. Dazai grabbed his phone he told every single one of subordinates he'd be busy so do not disturb him. Dazai put his phone back in his pocket, and he grabbed his car keys and headed out the front door; ready and confident for his date.


Dazai was looking between camellia and roses. Dazai already had gotten a box of expensive chocolates for Chuuya, and a bottle of wine. The arrived just in time from France. Dazai decided he'd just get half camellia's and half roses and he'd get it as a 24-dozen bouquet of flowers. Dazai of course couldn't forget about the little lady he'd also be entertaining tonight so he got her a small 6 bouquet of daisies, and he had gotten a huge bear, that he knew for sure was bigger than Luna from France as well. Dazai smiled as he watched the lady fix both bouquet's and make them look very beautiful, and he paid for the flowers and walked out of the shop, and was making his way to his car to arrive at Chuuya's apartment.


Chuuya smiled as he was doing Luna's hair. He put half of it up and into a ponytail, and he grabbed the red bow off of the dresser and tied the red bow in her hair. Chuuya brushed the half of her hair that was down and he pinched her little chubby cheeks and then kissed her head. Chuuya smiled as he picked up Luna and looked at himself and Luna in the mirror. Luna had on a bright red dress, with her red bow, the dress had a bow in the back that was tied, and she had white lace frills at the bottom. She had on socks that stopped at the ankle that was white and frilly and then she had on red clark shoes. Chuuya had on a blue button up shirt, with dark blue pants, he had on a white and yellow stripped jacket with the sleeves rolled up a little bit before the elbow, and it was closed with a belt in the middle of his stomach. To top it off he had on yellow oxford shoes, and a blue fedora to match. Luna pointed as she looked at herself and Chuuya in the mirror and Chuuya looked down at her.

"Yeah. We look good huh?"

Luna nodded. "Pretty."

Chuuya laughed. "Yes, we are." Chuuya bopped her nose and kissed her forehead. Chuuya and Luna heard the doorbell, and Chuuya sighed. "This is it." Chuuya put down Luna and she ran from the bed room to the front door and Chuuya laughed as she couldn't contain her excitement. Chuuya followed right behind her and he opened the door and Chuuya's eyes widened as he saw the big bouquet of flowers.

"Oh! Are these for me?" Chuuya said as he blushed.

Dazai nodded as he handed Chuuya the flowers. "Those are all yours beautiful. And these-" Dazai said as he kneeled down and gave Luna her flowers. "Are for you little lady." Luna smiled at Dazai and she hugged him. "Thank you." Luna said as she smiled.

"Oh Dazai... these are so beautiful... thank you." Chuuya said as he smiled. "Come in." Chuuya said as he moved out of the way. While Chuuya was occupied with going to the kitchen to vase his and Luna's flowers. Dazai had time before coming in to grab the gifts. All Chuuya heard was a scream of happiness from his daughter, and a few moments later she's dragging the huge bear behind her into the kitchen.

"Mommy look!" Luna said trying to hold the bear bigger than here.

"Oh, my goodness!" Chuuya said as he looked at the big bear. "It's such a cute bear. Did you tell Dazai thank you?"

"Thank you!" Luna said as she ran past Dazai to go put it in her room.

Chuuya smiled as he cut the end of the flowers. "Thank you. You didn't have to do that."

Chuuya looked as Dazai sat the chocolate and wine on the kitchen counter and Chuuya looked at Dazai. "Dazai... you really didn't have to do this..."

Dazai shushed Chuuya as he helped Chuuya vase the flowers and sit them down. "It's really no problem. I wanted to, and seeing the look of happiness on your face and Luna's is more than enough." Dazai said smiling.

Chuuya looked at Dazai, and Dazai smiled at him with so much sincerity and genuine happiness. Chuuya blushed as he looked down and he rubbed his arm nervously as Dazai just smiled happily and laughed.


Chuuya was shocked as they stepped into a very fancy and upscale restaurant in Yokohama called Leone Marciano. Chuuya had always wanted to try it here but it was way too expensive and completely out of his budget. Chuuya was lucky if he could afford eating out once during the week. Dazai, Chuuya, and Luna walked up to the host stand and the male host greeted them.

"Hello sir. Reservations?" He asked.

"Ah yes. For Dazai Osamu."

The man looked down the list and he smiled and grabbed two adult menus and one kid menu. "Right this way sir. We have that table all ready for you." The man showed them to their table and he grabbed a high chair for Luna and Dazai took Luna and put her in the high chair. Dazai pulled out Chuuya's chair and Chuuya smiled as he sat down and Dazai scooted up his chair, before sitting down himself.

"And would you guys like to start off tonight with our complementary red wine? This is a wine straight out of Paris. And it is very popular."

"Yes please." Dazai said. "Chuuya would you like some?"

"Uh... yes. Only a little."

The man smiled and he popped open the bottle of wine, and he poured both of them half of a glass. Dazai and Chuuya both stirred the wine and then they tasted it. Chuuya's eyes beamed in awe and Dazai could tell he really like the wine. "I'll pay for that bottle."

"Yes, sir." The host said sitting the bottle in the bucket of ice on the table. "I'll bring you out a basket of bread and a small bowl of fruit for the little one. And we will give you time to look over the menu and the server will be right with you."

Dazai nodded. "Thank you."

The host finally walked away and Dazai and Chuuya looked over the menu, and this was a time for them to finally get to really know each other. "So, what do you do for work Chuuya?"

"Ah, I work for a man named Mori Ougai."

"Oh, wow the famous author?" Dazai said amazed.

"Mm. I'm his secretary so I take care of things as far as his interviews, proof reading his stories, making sure all the copies of his books are published on time and correctly, anything business wise I handle."

Dazai nodded as he drunk more wine. "Oh okay. Is it hard working for a man like that?"

"Uh... it can be. It's a lot of hard work, and a lot of long hours. And sometimes I feel like I cheat Luna... because I have to work so late and I don't have a choice because I need the money for us... it's just hard." Chuuya sighed.

"Have you ever thought about getting another job?" Dazai asked.

"I have... but I just don't think anyone would take me seriously." Chuuya sighed. "But anyway, enough about me. What do you do?"

"I'm just your typical business man. But I'm the boss. So, it also consists of long hours and hardly any time to do things like this."

"Yeah... life is a bitch and then you die."

"Ain't that the truth?" Dazai chuckled.

Chuuya laughed with his and Luna looked between Dazai and Chuuya as she ate her fruit. Dinner went by smoothly. Dazai and Chuuya talked and really got to understand each other, and any time Luna needed help being fed or just simply wanted something as small as attention. Dazai was more than willing to give it to her and help. Chuuya was happy seeing him interact with Luna, it meant a lot to Chuuya that if this eventually did get serious that Luna liked Dazai too.

"Dazi! Look!" Luna ran over to Dazai showing him the seashell she found in the sand.

Dazai looked at the seashell. "Oh wow! It's beautiful! How about this... you collect a few and then we can make it into art and get it framed?"

Luna happily nodded and she laid one seashell down on the blanket Dazai and Chuuya were laying on. Chuuya smiled as he watched her look for shells in the sand. "I think she likes you." Chuuya said.

"Well that makes me happy because I like her too." Dazai said smiling. "I don't mean to pry... and if you don't want to answer that's okay. But... what happened to Luna's dad?"

"Luna's dad is a dead beat. Once he found out I was pregnant he accused me of cheating on him and he swore up and down Luna wasn't his. Once Luna was born, I got a paternity test to show him that he is the dad and I never cheated on him. We took it. It came back that was his daughter which I already knew. He saw her that day once he found out and after that he just... left... he just walked out on her. I don't care about me. Especially after he said such horrible things. But she did nothing wrong. She's innocent... and I wish he would have been a good dad to her... but he's not. So, I'm doing both alone." Chuuya admitted.

"What a bastard. I'm sorry Chuuya. But you know what... even though he ended up being the way he did. That little girl right there." Dazai pointed. "She's all yours. And she is the sweetest and most beautiful little girl. And you're very brave to do it all on your own... and anytime you need help with Luna, I'll be here. I will do what he isn't. And I'll also be here for you. Because that's what a real man does. I don't care what it is. How big or small. What time of night or day. If you need me, if Luna needs me. Or you just want something as simple as company. Call me."

Chuuya looked at Dazai shocked and tears started running down his face and Chuuya sniffled as he tried to wipe away the tears. Dazai put his hands out and he gently wiped away the tears and Chuuya looked up at him smiling. "Thank you Dazai." Chuuya and Dazai looked at each other for a moment, and Dazai slowly leaned in and he pulled Chuuya's face closer to his. Dazai and Chuuya kissed softly and it sparked fireworks inside of Chuuya. Damn it had been so long since he was kissed like this by anyone. They pulled away for a moment only to kiss again and this time Dazai wrapped his tongue around Chuuya's and Chuuya blushed and groaned softly. Dazai and Chuuya pulled away and Chuuya noticed Luna was looking at them and she was giggling.

"Dazi likes Mommy!" Luna said cutely.

"I do. I like your Mommy a lot." Dazai said as he looked at Chuuya smiling.

Chuuya looked at Dazai in awe. And for the first time in a long time, Chuuya had those butterflies in his stomach.

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