Only You

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Chuuya was smiling happily at his desk as he looked at the flowers Dazai had bought him. Chuuya was in his own world and thinking back to their date and how perfect it was. For the first time in a long time, Dazai had made Chuuya feel wanted... which he has not felt since he was pregnant with Luna. Tsujimura was just walking into Chuuya's office and she smirked as she looked at Chuuya.

"What's that look?" She asked.

"Huh? What look?" Chuuya said finally looking up.

"That. I know that look anywhere." She smiled. "Who's the lucky guy?"

Chuuya blushed as he looked down at the paper work Tsujimura handed him. "His name is Dazai."

"Hm, okay. And what does Mr.Dazai do?"

"He said he's a business man. He's the boss of things where he works."

"Nice." Tsujimura whistled. "You've really stepped up in the dating aspect. How did you guys meet?"

Chuuya laughed. "Remember the other day when I came into work looking a complete mess? Yeah. We bumped into each other and coffee spilled on me. He got me another as an apology and asked me out but I declined him at the time. But he gave me his number anyway in case I changed my mind. Then once I got home my water pipes where fucked and he came over and fixed them and he asked me again before leaving... honestly. I was terrified... but I'm glad I went." Chuuya said smiling.

"Oh my god that is so cute. How was it?"

"The date was amazing... he bought me and Luna flowers. And he got her a bear and me some wine and chocolates. We went to that really fancy restaurant Leone Marciano."

"No way! That place is for people who have shit ton of money to blow!"

"Mm. And after that we went to the beach and we laid on a blanket and looked at the stars while Luna kind of played in the water and picked up seashells. I absolutely loved it... and I loved and adored that he included Luna in everything."

"Sounds like you got yourself a real gentleman. Did you guys kiss?"

"Mm." Chuuya nodded biting his lip. "Complete fireworks."

Tsujimura wiped fake tears away and sniffled. "I'm so proud of my ChuuChuu getting back out dating. They grow so fast."

Chuuya laughed and threw his stress ball at Tsujimura. "Get out of my office ya menace! Back to work!"

"As you wish Boss!" Tsujimura said laughing before closing the door.

Tsujimura bumped into someone as soon as she closed the door and she looked up stunned. "Oh, sorry sir I didn't see you there."

"Ah, it's fine no worries." He said smiling. "This is Chuuya Nakahara's office, right?"

"Ah, yes. Did you have an appointment regarding our Boss Mori Ougai? I didn't see anyone on his schedule today."

"Oh no. I just brought him lunch." He said lifting up the bag.

"O-oh! You must be Dazai."

"That I am. Is he busy?"

"No not at all." She said moving out of the way. "Go right ahead."

Tsujimura watched as Dazai opened the office door and he closed it behind him.

"Tsujimura I said leave me to my work."

"Not that hungry huh?" Dazai laughed as Chuuya looked up stunned.

"Dazai. What are you doing here?" Chuuya said standing up.

"I figured you probably are very hungry by now." Dazai said kissing Chuuya softly. "So, I brought you Subway, with BBQ chips, and a sweet tea to drink."

Chuuya smiled. "Thank you." Chuuya said smiling as he took his lunch from Dazai. Him and Dazai sat at the coffee table in his office and Chuuya started taking his lunch out to eat. Dazai watched contently as Chuuya started eating his food and Chuuya paid no mind to Dazai until the brunette chuckled slightly. Chuuya looked up and Dazai was staring right at him. "W-What?"

"You're really cute." Dazai smiled as he wiped the crumbs from the side of Chuuya's mouth with his thumb, and he kissed the ginger softly. And there it goes again, those damn fireworks. Dazai tangled his fingers in Chuuyas hair as he kissed the ginger more passionately. Chuuya kissed back just as passionate as Dazai rested his hand on Chuuya's waist and gripped it softly. Damn to say Chuuya was getting addicted was an understatement. Chuuya was drowning and Dazai was his oxygen. Dazai felt Chuuya pull away as his phone started to ring, Chuuya answered his phone.

"Hello? Ah, hey mom. Did you get Luna yet?"

"See about that... Honey is there anyone else who can pick Luna up in time? The doctor is taking way longer than expected."

"Shit... I'll just have to catch the train to go get her."

"I'm sorry honey."

"It's okay mom. Thanks anyway." Chuuya hung up the phone and he sighed.

"What's wrong?"

Chuuya went over to his desk to grab his jacket. "I have to go get Luna. If I'm not there on time again her stupid teacher is going to call CPS on me."

Dazai stood up. "Don't worry. I'll drive you. We'll make it."

"Are you sure? Don't you have to get back to work?" Chuuya asked concerned.

"I'm the boss. I make my own schedule. Plus, as the man trying to become your boyfriend, you and Luna are always my first priority." Dazai said smiling. "Let's go get our girl." Dazai said intertwining his hand in Chuuya's. Chuuya blushed as he followed Dazai out of his office.


"Mommy! Dazi!" Luna said as she happily ran to them.

Dazai kneeled down and lifted her up once he caught her in his arms, spinning her around. "There's our girl!" Dazai chirped. "How was daycare?"

She gave a thumbs up as she looked at Dazai. Dazai chuckled. "Good."

"Wow you're actually on time Mr. Nakahara. Must have given you a scare if you're on time." She said smugly.

That bitch. Chuuya swore if he could afford better, he wouldn't have Luna here.

"You're very rude." Dazai commented.

"Excuse me?"

"You're rude. Threatening to call CPS on someone for something so small. It's clear she is very well loved and taken care of. But no worries. Luna won't be your problem any longer."

"He can't just drop her out. The semester for daycare isn't over. And he hasn't finished his payments."

"How much? I'll pay it."

Chuuya looked as shocked as the woman did.

"That's the last bit of profit you're going to get for a while so you better make sure to save it. I'll make sure you're put out of business for over stepping your place. You're just a corrupt woman praying on someone you know who financially couldn't switch from you if they wanted to. You're the worst kind of human being. I despise people like you."

The woman scoffed.

"Have a good day. Unenroll Luna."

Dazai grabbed Chuuya's hand and he walked out of the daycare gates with Luna and Chuuya.

"Dazai... I-I don't have the money for a new daycare for Luna. And I don't have anyone to watch her."

"Don't worry. I'll make sure our daughter is well taken care of." Dazai said smiling.

"Why? Why are you doing this? Why do you care? You barely even know me."

"I'm just a man who knows what I want. And I'm not afraid to get it. And I'm just a man that knows one day this is the person I want to marry. I don't want anyone else but you. I want only you. And I am going to do everything and more than your ex could ever do for you and Luna. Your struggles are ours now. And if Luna needs to be in a new daycare that is my concern and we will get that for her."

Chuuya looked into Dazai's eyes. Looking for lies. Fishing for lies. Because that's all Chuuya was used to hearing. Broken fucking promises. But when he looked into those eyes. All he saw was pure honesty and love, and damn Chuuya's waited on that a long time. Such a very long time. And as much as he was trying to keep those walls stacked high, so he wouldn't and couldn't get hurt. Dazai Osamu was the man tearing them down.

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