Chapter eight

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The spiky yellow Pokémon's ears bent. " Pikachu?" Melissa questions. He nodded: " Of course it's me. Who else would watch over you? Santa? The author asked me to take over while she was on break. She never did come back until now." Pikachu stated.

" So you're the reason this story just got awful?!" Bradley mews. " No you're the reason. Anyways. I'm about to head off. Gotta leave before my son sees me here." Pikachu commented.

" What son?" Milo questions. " You never told us you had a son," Zack remarks. " Someone pet me." Diogee begged.

" I feel like we're being left out." Chatoy commented. " Whatever it is, who cares! Enough talking to the weird dimensional traveling Pokémon! We welcome into the guide." Wigglytuff commented, a grin was widely spread on his silly face.

After that the Pikachu has disappeared. No one asked where Uku went because they were all busy with Chatot and Wigglytuff. " We have to set a name for you guys. What would you like to be called?" Wigglytuff questioned.

" How about Bradley!" Bradley suggested. Diogee eyes widened as he tried to keep a straight face. " That seems a little biased." Melissa remarked.

" Precisely the point." Bradley commented, a paw on his chest like he was the greatest person there. He's Bradley, he's overconfident in himself.

" I think you need a name that defines you all. Not just one Pokémon." Chatot informs them. " Are you saying the team name I gave is horrible?" Bradley asked.

Chatot sighed: " I'm glad you agree with me." He commented, making Bradley mad. " It shouldn't matter what we are called. I'm tired." Diogee barked as he laid down at Milo's feet, and curled up.

He fell asleep right then and there. " So we should be called something that defines us all. What defines us all?" Milo wonders, taking a step forward to only slip on a berry that somehow got there.

" Well, a klutz is what you are, Murphy." Bradley growled, his star tail lashing. He really hated Milo. It was a mystery why. Or maybe it wasn't.

" How about team Valor?" Chatot suggested. " Too overrated." Bradley grumped. " Everything is overrated to you." Melissa growled.

Chatot sighed as if this was the longest someone ever took to create a name. Milo thought it over personally. We need to move on. This is a difficult decision- Wait! That's it i know what we should call ourselves!

Milo opened his Eevee jaws: " How about we call ourselves team Perseverance?" Instantly, Bradley answered. " No, Murphy. That's the most stupidest name I've ever heard."

" I- I kind of like it. Good job, Milo. What do you think Zack?" Melissa remarked. Zack nodded, " I think that's the best name we can call ourselves."

" I agree!" Diogee barked, wagging his tail. He apparently had woken up from his slight nap. " It looks like you're outvoted, Bradley. We are going to call ourselves team Perseverance, and there's nothin you can do to change the fact." Melissa rubbed in the Shinx's face as he growled.

" Milo gets all the attention." He whispered in a snarl. The other Pokémon in the room didn't notice as they all nodded at how great the name was.

Milo's ears folded. He wasn't used to this yet. Being a Pokémon. Milo was disturbed from his thoughts of longing to go back to their world by a box shoved at them. " What is this?" Zach questions, a paw on the box.

" Open it." Chatot tells them gently. That was when Milo approached the box, and pressed his paw, trying to open it. His paw pressed a button ad it opened.

" What is inside?" Milo queers the Guildmaster. Inside there was obviously a map, a badge, and a bag. " See for yourself." Chatot chirped in annoyance. " There's your team badge, a map, and your bag. Check inside the bag there are some goodies in there for you and your team." Wigglytuff informs  them.

Milo flips the bag open with a paw. Inside there seemed to be weird items that Milo thought were weird. There was a bow. There was also some kind of band inside the bag as well. " I hope you like what I put in there. Welcome to the Guild. I'll see you tomorrow. You guys, and gal can get situated. Explore the town, and talk to the other Pokémon. I'm sure you can make a few Pokémon friends here." Wigglytuff tells them.

" Chatot, if you would so kindly show our human recruits their chamber?" Wigglytuff orders his assistant. Chatot looks startle. " Me?" He asks, squawking as if showing humans around was the most rash decision ever.

" Yes. I don't trust anyone else to. Except maybe Sunflora. Please show them their quarters." Wigglytuff tells him. The two seem to stare each other down. Chatot sighs: " Follow me, children."

" Actually, we're teen..." Zack began before Chatot gave him an angry glance. That shut up Zack. Then again, most things do.

" Follow me." Chatot repeated as he walked in front of them. The five Pokémon exchanged glances. Milo shrugged, while Zack shied away.

Chatot lead them to a room in the back of a seemingly long hallway. He opened a door. " This is where you will sleep while you stay with us." He informed them.

" Those look stupid! They look like nests! We're not animals!" Bradley made a fuss. Melissa snickered. She put a paw on his shoulder. " We are animals you idiot." She giggles.

" Right. Guess I'll just leave you here then." Chatot chirped as he turned away. He paused, swiveling his head back at them: " Tomorrow you will start to work for us. I expect you to rise and shine at 6 tomorrow."

Bradley's face was in shock. So was Melissa's. Milo shrugged as Chatot left. " Expect the unexpected, guys. Murphy's law." He meowed as he padded over to a bed.

" I don't know what Bradley's complaining about! These things are the greatest things ever, besides Milo of course!" Diogee barked loyally. " You know you don't have to repeat that, right?" Bradley questions, weirded out.

" Of course I do! You are big meanie weenie to him! He needs all my love! I'm his dog after all!" Diogee howls as he rolls around in the bedding, getting it all messed up with his rolling around.

Bradley sighs. " Yeah, what's up with you and being a huge jerk to Milo? I never really understood that. You joined a bad team for that? Now you insult him everywhere that we go. What's with that?" Melissa questions, small bursts of flames going out of her mouth as she spoke to them.

Bradley shrugged his shoulders. " You don't want to know." He growled, shoving past Milo harshly as he pads out of the bedroom, and into the hallway.

" But I do want to know." Melissa growls softly. " Leave him be for now, Melissa. Let's explore." Milo tells her as he, too, leaves the room. He honestly didn't want to stay in that room any longer. It was filled with tension.

But why would Bradley be tense? Why does he hate me? I don't understand why we can't just be friends. Is it my Murphy's law? Milo ponders as he pads straight into Bradley's rump.

" Oof!" He exclaims as he falls to the ground. Bradley spun around on him harshly. " Watch it, Murphy!" He spat. Milo lifts a paw as he leaned away from the tense Shinx. I do not understand, he thought in wonder.

Bradley didn't even look at him long, spinning around to stomp into the open area of the Guild. Milo followed him. Behind him were both Melissa and Zack.

Good. Diogee should stay here. He shouldn't be exploring an unknown world. Milo thought as he turned forward. " Are you following me, Murphy?" Bradley snapped.

" We all are. We were told we could explore, and so were exploring, Bradley." Melissa snarkily replies. Bradley growls. " Don't Follow me!" He spat, haring forward, outside the Guild now. He ran over the grate, which shook as he ran over it.

Milo paused, holding a paw in the air. What if I fall through? I must be careful! He lightly tread on the grate as he followed the Shinx closely, feeling the star tail near his muzzle.

There was a fork in the road. Bradley continued to run forward. " Should we follow him?" Milo asked his friends. " Should we follow him?!" Melissa repeats. " Of course we should follow him! He's going to get himself into more trouble!"

The ground beneath their paws turned to sand as they ran across a beach. Sand was kicked up. Is Bradley going to get himself in trouble? Milo wondered as he halted.

Bradley ran into a weird cave. Zack halted behind him. Milo sighed. Is Murphy's Law Okay? He wondered. That was when Melissa slammed into his hindquarters.

No there it is! He thought as he slammed into the sand, the little particles getting in his eyes. He blinked them out. " We must Follow Bradley! He's going to get himself killed!" Melissa insisted.

" I-I'm not sure about that." Zack responds, pointing a shaky paw in front of them at the dark, and foreboding cave. " Should we call for help?" Zack asked. Milo walked inside. " I feared you were going to do that." Zack commented.

Authors note: Sorry for the long wait. Hope you enjoyed. This is the first of two.

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