Chapter seven

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Milo tripped down the stairs where Croagunk was watching nothing. Or so it seemed. Croagunk snickered. Milo wasn't sure if it was from him tripping down the stairs or whatever the crazy Pokémon was staring at.

" Hello!" He greeted the poison frog. " Hello." Croagunk croaked back, still staring at the wall. " Okay." Milo
Commented as the frog started doing something crazy. He was messing with a cauldron.

The frog croaked with glee as he picked something out of it, after he yelped from touching it. " This way." Chatot informed, making Milo turn away from the weird frog. And he thought what he had was strange. That frog was even stranger than he would have originally thought.

" By the way, you said that out loud!! I'm Croagunk! Not a strange frog! I'm not strange at all Cro." Croagunk commented loudly from where he was as Chatot used his wing to open the door.

" Follow me." Chatot simply commented. The four friends, and Bradley made their way inside all giving each other quizzical glances. Well, Diogee was bouncing on his toes in excitement.

A pink....rabbit....? was in front of them staring at them. Well, that's what it looked like. The rabbit didn't even acknowledge that they had even arrived. He was staring off....somewhere.

" Guild master, I have brought those humans Churro told us about." Chatot informed the rabbit. Is that his Pokémon name? Or does Chatot always address this Pokémon that way? Milo asked himself in his head.

The apparent Guild Master didn't do anything. Or say anything. Just continued to stare at...who knows what. Why do I have that feeling that this Pokémon is going to scare someone here when he finally speaks? Milo asks himself as Diogee sniffs at the pink Pokémon.

" Hiya!" The Pokemon Finally and cheerfully exclaimed, making both Bradley, and Zack jump. " You're those human-Pokemon? Good! Good!" The pink rabbit exclaimed. He's so weird. Milo thought. I like him already, he thought. The author had to agree. " Stop breaking the fourth wall!" Melissa yelled to the sky.

" Who are you talk to?" Chatot squawked in confusion. " Uh, no one." Melissa quickly commented as the pink rabbit was dancing around for some reason. Chatot cleated his throat and indicated for the guild master to move on.

The pink Pokémon seemed to not pay attention as he was for some reason singing about some sort of Apple. " Uhhh, guild master?" Chatot questioned. The pink rabbit turned around. Apparently he had turned around while singing as well.

" Well, now you're here! That's all that matters! Churro explained everything! You're welcome into our guild!" The pink rabbit commented. " Oh! You
Might also find that it's handy to know that I am Wigglytuff. I own this guild basically." The so called ' Wigglytuff' introduced himself.

" Nice to meet you Wigglytuff." Diogee woofed as he raced around the rabbit as if he was expecting a treat. " Before you five get settled, may I ask what you're names are?" Wigglytuff asked, bouncing around a little on his butt.

" O-oh." Milo began, looking down at his brown paws. There was something...odd about this Pokémon. He seemed stronger than he looked. Right now he looked cuddly and nice. But there was something about him that made Milo want to mix into the ground.

" I'm Milo," Milo began then began pointing around introducing his friends. All of them. He honestly counted Bradley as one even though the Shinx...well yeah he was a Shinx right now...was a worrywart. Well, with Melissa.

" That's Melissa, that's Zack, thats Bradley, and that is my dog Diogee." Milo introduced. " Hello." Zack commented shyly as he waved at the Wigglytuff. " It's nice to meet all of you!" Wigglytuff cheered as he embraced all of them and squeezed them in a crushing hug.

" You..too." Melissa commented as she was trying not to choke in the process of being hugged. Wigglytuff let them go after practically snuggling them to death.

" If I may ask another question, which I will ask anyways because I really want to ask it.... will you join the guild? Please? You technically have no where else to go, and I think this might be the best place for you to be." Wigglytuff begged, trying his cute eyes. It works for him mainly because he looks like a cute animal.

" Sure!" Milo enthusiastically agrees, despite the ' do not agree to it' motions from Zack. He's really a wimp. " Hey!" Zack whined talking to no one. " Hey!!!!!!" Zack whined even louder, embarrassing himself in front of everyone. " Okay now you're just pulling my leg!" Zack exclaimed.

" Author can you please stop describing things in the worst way possible?" Melissa asked, insulting the author with such simple words. " Go away!!!!" Bradley screams, tears coming out of his eyes. " Shut up! Go away! No one wants you here!" Bradley exclaims, as the author stops typing.

" What?!" ........ " Hey! Who's going to narrate?!"............. " Not me!" Author comments from above, leaving the room they're in and a crash could be heard. " What is going on? Are we in a story?"......... " Oh great. Now no one can tell who's talking."...... " Hey! It's Milo! Where's the author?".....

" Someone else play Author! They're being brats!" Author commented. " Seriously? You narrate only so you can talk? How selfish.".... " You're making this worse, Melissa. This is Diogee by the way. Woof!".......... " Here! You take the spot!" Author exclaims from the sky.

In place of the normal, selfish...." I heard that!", there is an even better author. " No you're not!" Author exclaimed meanly. " Who are you exactly?" Zack asks.

" Oh. Me? Heh. I'm Kermit." The new author introduced. " What? What the heck!" Bradley exclaimed. In the background you could hear the original author laughing hysterically. " Congratulations! You're new author is a frog!" Author snorted.

At that point it was a bad timing. Croagunk showed up. " Fuuuu..." author comments. " I'm insulted by that, author. And can we stop goofing around please? Oh shit! My cauldron!" Croagunk worries.

......" Kermit?"..... " Not again!".... " This is fun!".... " No this isn't fun, Guild master! Squawk!"...... " This isn't that fun anymore. I'm just going to hand it off to someone else." Kermit comments. " What?! I don't want to do it!" A whiny voice commented. " Hey! Don't run away!!! Take whatever this thing is back! I just want to watch tv in peace!" The new voice exclaimed.

" Say hello!" Kermit yells. " Hello? Is there suppose to be someone on this thing?" The voice asked. " Yup!" Kermit says, distantly. " Wait...." the person said, then mumbled something. Then there was total darkness. " What?!"...........................................

After that there was absolutely nothing. That author was definitely way too lazy, so a new author had to save the story with his devilishly handsome paws. At this sentence, Melissa, Zack, and Bradley face pawed. " By the power given in me by Arceus, I am saving this story from being totally lame." The voice said, at which the readers are probably guessing which OC it is. Probably Vesuvius with this idiots talk.

" What?! No way am I that weak shitbag!" The voice squeaked. " Churro?" Everyone asks. " No, it's Little Red Riding hoot. Get my name right idiots. I am none of those weak ocs that the author created. I am the greatest!" The new author bragged.

" Moving on! Please!" Zack begged.
" Fine, scaredy-Kou." The new author commented. " Huh?!" All the characters asked in which the new author told them to shut up in the name of Obi Wan Kenobi. Now if that didn't tell you who it was, then nothing can.

" Well, before the apparent author so interrupted us with this new author junk, remember what our guild master asked?" Chatot asked. All of the five nodded. " Wigglytuff asked us to join the guild. And Murphy agreed." Bradley grumpily whined. " Okay I'm starting to like the original author better than you." Bradley commented, breaking the fourth wall. Hopefully literally.

" Hey!" Bradley cried. " Milo wrapped us in a chain of events that we can't undo! Gah!" Melissa exclaimed. " Goodie!" Wigglytuff exclaimed, being so awesome. " Thank you mysterious writer!" Wigglytuff thanked. Then out of nowhere a Perfect Apple appeared. Wigglytuff got all happy. " Thank you!" Wigglytuff exclaimed, making Bradley pissed and Zack grumpy.

" Why can't anything good happen to us?" Zack whined. " Because Milo has Murphy's law obviously. Either that or the author loves this bloat more than us." Bradley insults. At that Wigglytuff legitimately starts crying................................

" That's for punching me just so you can write!" The lazy person from before exclaims. " Huh?" Everyone questions. A scream from the sky could be heard. " Is that the current author?" Milo questions. " Yes. Yes it is. And he's a jerk. He punched me just because I wasn't writing." The other voice whined.

" This Guy looks familiar, but I have no idea where I saw him at." Milo commented, squinting at the sky. Then he realized that the current author was heading right towards Milo Courtesy of the old author, who was giggling in the background while the original author typed away grumpily, still mad about earlier, grumbling about ducks.

The newest author hit Milo on the head. " Oh no. It's that guy!" Bradley exclaimed. The original author laughed about what he said, reliving a hysterical moment in their history where the last three words took place. " You!" Zack said, backing away. " You! Die!" Melissa exclaimed, trying to murder an apparent Pokémon. " Wait a second you're the author? Or the newest one?" Milo asked.

" We have a lot to talk about." The Pokemon commented, yellow fluffy spikes could be made out before the author went to a cliffhanger. " What cliffhanger?" Wigglytuff asks......

Welp. I made that crazy. Oh well. Try to guess which Pokémon oc I just included if you've read some of my other Pokémon stories about other ocs. And try to guess who that other person was. You already got the hint that they were whiny and lazy. Xd. Until I write more, bye. And enjoy.

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