Chapter four

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The other members of team skunk out. " Who's the kid? When's you get a new member?" Churro asked really quickly. " Chaw haw haw! You ask too many questions." Skuntank said, giving Eon and Churro the Stunky eye.

The two Pokémon, Churro and Skuntank, circled around each other. " Still got that scar, huh?" Skuntank teased. " Still have the lackey following you around so you'll protect them, huh?" Churro replied. " What is going on?" Melissa asked. " A stand off apparently." Milo stated.

" Do you guys hate each other?" Zack asked. " With burning passion, Cyndaquil." Skuntank replied. Churro growled. So did Skuntank. " Bradley, I need your help. This guy needs to be taught a lesson for messing with Team Skull." Skuntank growled.

" Who now?" A familiar voice to Milo asked. " Bradley?" Melissa asked, a Vulpix brow raised. Or where her eye brows would have been, if she had any. " I have a bad feeling about this." Zack said. " Hey! We know someone named Bradley." Milo said, stating the obvious. " What's the obvious?! You know more than us!" Zack cried out to the sky once more.

" Zack, the author doesn't want to talk with you, so stop making a conversation with them." Melissa told him. " We are targeting the foolish Treecko. He ruined my life." Skuntank said. " Is that even the right Treecko? You do realize there a million exactly like him, right?" Koffing asked. " Shut up, fool." Skuntank whispers to him.

" What exactly did Churro do to you?" Zack asked, kind of afraid. " He stopped me from destroying a team I hated." Skuntank said. " It wouldn't have done you any good. You're not the one who was destined to go to the Hiddenland anyways." Churro said. " Blah, Blah, Blah. That's what you sound like." Skuntank replied.

" Attack!" Skuntank ordered the Shinx. " But isn't that a ridiculous reason to attack him? He doesn't seem bad. Just a little bit too grumpy." Bradley said. " Just do it! You're a part of this team. I expect better of a team mate, then a whiner." Skuntank said.

Bradley looked at the Treecko. " I suppose..." He began, before Melissa launched herself and him, and used Ember. " Take that!" She cried out. Within a few seconds Bradley was screaming bloody murderer and ran around the place. " Ahh! It's hot! It's hot! Stop, drop, and roll!" He hollered, making the author laugh as they write this.

He rolled on the ground and sighed when it stopped. Unfortunately, that was when Murphy's law kicked in. Somehow his body got back on fire. " What the-" Bradley began, before he hollered in pain. " Wow. Are we just going to keep watching him burn?" Milo asked. " He's the one who's on their team." Zack said, piecing the clues together. That voice. It was so familiar. It just had to be Bradley, the guy who keeps on telling Melissa to get away from Milo.

" Wait, What?" Milo asked. " That's Bradley." Zack stated simply. " Yeah, they just introduced him." Milo said. " No. That's Bradley. He's from our world." Zack clarified. " Oh.....Ohhhh!" Milo said, face showing he was finally getting it. " How do I stop myself from being on fire?!" Bradley panicked. " Go into that nearby body of water. It's only 5 minutes away." Eon said.

" I can't wait that long! I'm being burned alive!" Bradley cried out. Suddenly, a weird shape was running on the horizon. It was in the shape of a shaggy brown dog.

It's face was the only shaggy part of it. It had a tail. Not bushy. It looked kind of stumpy. There were longer tufts of fur on the dog creatures paws. It had a red nose, black eyes, and pointy ears. And it was heading straight for Bradley. There was a part of its back that was black, kind of like the beginning of a cape or something.

This pup seemed to have plenty of ' Vital Spirit' if you know a thing or two about being full of vitality and not falling asleep due to some sleep powder or hypnosis. He seemed fully aware of only getting from one point to another to see someone he knew. Someone special. Someone that he loved so much.

It was as if he knew at that very moment what he was here for. This pup jumped over Churro. He jumped over Melissa. Heck he even leaped over Milo, as if his only concern was helping Bradley at this point.

The little pup stood there. Suddenly, rain fell down from the sky. But there wasn't a cloud in the sky. Or there wasn't until right now, a gray cloud that was straight over Bradley's head and in the area around the pup's body. That was Rain Dance. " Bark! Are you okay?" The Pokemon asked. " Yeah. Thanks." Bradley said.

" A Lillipup." Eon said. "Aha! He has arrived." Eon said, one step ahead of everyone else. " Huh?" Melissa asked. " What are you talking about now?" Bradley asked. " He's crazy." Zack tried to whisper. " Wouldn't it be funny if that was Diogee?" Milo asked. " No! No it wouldn't!" Zack said. " Milo's right on the Poké." Eon said. " Money!" Melissa shouted at him.

" What do you mean Milo's right on the Poké?" Zack asked. " That is Diogee. It's as simple as that, my careful friend." Eon said. " Wait a minute, how do you know this? You seem too stupid to be able to do more than flirt with random girls." Zack said. " I'm a psychic." Eon said with a sigh. " But I thought you said you were a dark type earlier." Melissa said. " I am. But a psychic can predict the future. I'm one of those. Xatu is another. There are more, but I'd rather not list them all." Eon said

" Bark! Hey! Pay attention! I'm trying to talk to you!" Diogee said. " Huh?" Everyone asked. " Which Of You is Milo?" Diogee asked. " What the hell!" Churro said. " He's around the same step as I am." Eon said, flashing a grin. " Why are you all staring at me shocked? Except the devilishly handsome black dog." Diogee stated confused.

" Why thank you. They're just surprised that you are here, Diogee." Eon replied. " Whoa! You know my name!" Diogee said. " Of course. I knew you were coming." Eon said. " This is so weird." Koffing said. Skuntank slipped through while they were all distracted. Suddenly, Churro was knocked backwards. " Oh come on!" Zack exclaimed. " I will not take this from any of you. I will destroy you all if I have to. To destroy the one who destroyed my chances-" Skuntank began in an attack position, before being tackled by Diogee.

No one could see what was going on, except Melissa. " What's going on?" Bradley asked. " I don't know. It's all a blur!" She told. " But it looks like Diogee is biting Skuntank's face and Skuntank is trying to eat Diogee's arm. Yeah this looks like a fight Alright." Melissa said.

Diogee's mouth suddenly glowed ominously purple. He closed the fangs, but of course they didn't even affect Skuntank, who laughed. Then Diogee's mouth glowed orange and He clamped them on Skuntank. He screamed. " Those would be Phychic Fang and Fire Fang." Churro said as the little dog barked at the fleeing Skuntank. Electricity was surrounding him. It was really powerful, it knocked Skuntank into Zubat who was obviously trying not to get shocked. The Yorkshire terrier Pokémon barked loudly, and Koffing got scared. " T-That Lillipup is strong!" Zubat said fleeing. " Forget Treecko!" Koffing said, floating away? Or something.

Skuntank stood his ground. " So what?! He knows Shock Wave. That changes nothing!" He said. " Why are we fighting?" Bradley asked. " Because that Treecko is a nuisance." Skuntank said. Suddenly, Churro used Leaf Blade. " You should give up now. Or face the consequences of trying to eliminate a member of the Starter Squad." Churro bravely said.

Skuntank scoffed. " Face the consequences? So far as I can tell, you are the last member of the squad besides that annoyingly happy pipsqueak Pikachu." Skuntank said. " There are plenty more starters!" Churro said, his fist clenched. It was as if he wanted to punch this criminal-like team.

" Face it, chaw haw haw haw. You're the very last. Just accept it. The Starter Squad is dying. Even the Sky Squad has more members than your dumb squad now." Skuntank said. He then turned around. " Just face it, the world is in terrible danger again." He said, then he dashed away.

" Uh... You forgot him! Take him with you please!" Melissa yelled. " You keep that weak hearted fool with you! He's of no use to Team Skull now!!!" Skuntank harshly yelled back, disappearing into the distance of the wind.

" Uh...." is all Bradley said. " Bradley." Melissa said. " Fancy seeing you again." Zack said. Then he whispered, " What is he doing here? My life sucks." Milo then spoke, " Well, hello! Bradley it's-" " Be quiet, Murphy!" Bradley growled at him. " Bradley." Melissa warned. Bradley looked at her. " Shut up, Melissa!" He said. " How do you know I'm Melissa?" She asked. " You set me on fire. After that I figured it was you." Bradley said.

" Listen here, Murphy. I don't know what your dangerous life caused us to get into, but this doesn't mean I'm gonna be all ' buddy buddy' with you. Let me state this simple. Melissa shouldn't be involved in this dangerous stuff." Bradley said. " Uh, I can get into whatever I want to! You're not the boss of me! I'm the boss of myself." Melissa said.

" Melissa, Melissa, Melissa. You don't understand it. I saw with my own eyes. This world is dangerous." Bradley said. " Can I kill him now?" Melissa asked. " Go ahead." Churro said without a care. " No! I've got a better idea!" Eon said.
" It better not be you singing." Churro said. " Oh hey, look! A Drifloon!" Eon said. " Wha?" Churro asked. " Come on! Before he realizes I tricked him!" Eon said, grabbing Bradley. " What?!" Zack asked. " Is he teaching us something?" Milo questioned. " Well boys, we better follow, huh?" Melissa asked with a grin on her face.
I dare you to try to find all the tv and movie show stuff I hid in there. Also here's a move set for each of them
Milo: Tackle, Covet, Sand Attack, Growl
Zack: Tackle, Leer, Smokescreen, Aerial Ace
Bradley: Flash, Swift, Tackle, Facade
Melissa: Ember, Tail Whip, Toxic, Sunny Day
Diogee: Fire Fang, Rain Dance, Psychic Fangs, Shock Wave
Heck I'll even add Churro and Eon
Churro: Leaf Blade, Quick Attack, Energy Ball, Dig
Eon: Sand Attack, Dark Pulse, Double Team, Dig

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