Chapter three

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" Milo!" Melissa said. " I don't want to! Why'd you agree?" Zack asked. " Because they were in distress, guys. We can't just let that Pip guy be missing." Milo said. " But I'd rather not spend forever trying to track down some dead creature!" Zack exclaimed. " We don't know for sure if this Pip is dead." Milo said. " I'm not going to be any part of this." Zack said as he folded his arms.

" But Zack-" Milo began. " I'm not going to argue with you Milo. I'm not doing this and that's final." Zack said. " Oh, well that's disappointing to hear." Milo said as he walked past Zack without saying anything more.

Zack looked surprised. " Oh come on! Can't you see there's no point to searching for this creature?!" Zack said. " But Zack, can't you see that we have no choice. We don't know anything about this world, but Eon and Churro do. We need their help. Zack, as much as you don't want to do this sort of dangerous thing you have to accept the fact that we had a calling here." Milo said.

Then the two had some sort of mini staring contest. " Fine! We can help the weird creatures! But I'm not gonna like it." Zack said, folding his arms. " Alright, here's the deal blacky, you train us right now and we will find your friend. But you have to teach us everything." Melissa said. " But that might take forever." Churro says. " Just teach us the basics!" Melissa exclaimed.

" Okay, Okay. Keep your fire inside your body please." Churro says. " I can expel it out if I want to!" Melissa growled. " First things first. You've got to learn Pokémon names. Especially yours. Zack keeps saying he's a weird creature with fire on its back who can't open its eyes. That's gotta change. Look at me. What am I?" Eon asked.

Milo, Zack, and Melissa looked at each other. " This is stupid. How are we suppose to know this?!" Melissa asked. " Calm down, Melissa. If you think carefully you can at least get a few Pokémon names down." Eon said. " Isn't it too dark for this? Yeah. Night." Zack said, trying to get an excuse to leave. " Hey! Stop that!" He yelled at the sky. " Pardon me for doing my job!" The author yells back at him.

" He does have a point. I don't really think anyone here wants to get kidnapped. Especially if they're a starter. Though technically there are only two starters here." Eon said. " G-great! We'll just get out of your hair-" Zack began before Eon picked him up. " Hey! I have legs! I can walk you oversized dog!" He protested.

" That's just how Eon is. Picks up one of the smallest creatures, even if they're a stranger, and puts them inside." Churro said. He then began to walk inside the house.

" You coming?" He asked Milo and Melissa. " S-Sure!" Milo said as he dashed inside and curled in a random spot. Melissa walked in as well. Eon suddenly put a paw around her. " You can sleep with me, Melissa." Eon said. That weirded everyone else out. " No thanks." She said, trying to make the crazy Umbreon let go of her.

" Eon, buddy, stop crushing on every Ninetails or Vulpix you meet. I know they're foxes, but most either don't like you at all or don't like you like that." Churro chided him. " You sure she doesn't like me like that?" Eon asked. Then Melissa punched him in the face and dashed over to where Milo and Zack were.

She then sighed. " That Umbreon has some problems." She said. " You just said his Pokémon name." Milo said. " Hah. I'm one step ahead of you two!" She bragged. " Save the bragging for when we will remember it, okay, Melissa?" Milo asked as he laid down the way he was used to.

" Pokémon don't lie down like that!" Churro said. " I know, but I'm used to it. Also the door is still not back on." Milo pointed out. " I know." Churro said. That was the last thing that happened before each and every one of them drifted off into sleep.

The next morning Eon was trying to break all of their bones by jumping on each and everyone one of them. " Ow!" Zack groaned. " I couldn't feel a thing. Was he even jumping on me?" Melissa asked. " He knocked himself out when he jumped on me." Milo stated. " Of course he did." Zack stated plainly.

" So what are we going to learn first?" Milo asked. " How to use moves." Churro said. " I already know how to move, thanks." Zack said. " No! It's moves! Like this!" Churro said, as he charged up a Leaf Blade and hit Zack on the face, which is very rude.

" Ow!" Zack exclaimed for the second time that day. " Wow! Can I do that?!" Melissa asked, rubbing her paws together, forming a plan. " No. you can use fire moves, not grass moves." Eon explained to her. " Fire moves you say?" She asked as she rubbed her paws together.

" Okay, Melissa that's creepy." Zack said. " Okay, now one of you try a move on me. How about you, Zack?" Eon asked. Zack looked up at the Umbreon. " Me? You want me to come at you and try using a move?! That's too complicated!" Zack said. " Just fight me you baby." Eon said, raring to fight.

" I'm not a baby. I just don't like fighting okay." Zack said. " Well then you're gonna be disappointed, buddy. This is Pokemon, not some world where you don't have to fight to survive." Eon said. " But how am I suppose to use a move?" Zack asked. " It will come to you, trust me." Eon said with a wink. Zack shivered.

He wasn't too sure about it. " I'll try." Is all Zack said. Eon then opened his mouth. " What are you-"Zack began before his body was met with a purple and black blob. Zack went flying and crashed. " What the heck was that for?! You just attacked him for no reason!" Milo freaked.

" This is an attack. You've got to learn to dodge it and you must learn that Pokémon will attack you for no reason, Milo. Zack, you've got to be quicker. Try attacking me. We're gonna get nowhere if you don't at least try to attack me. You just stood there. And I know Dark Pulse is such an awesome move, but you've got to dodge instead of just standing there." Eon told him.

Zack nodded. He was a bit more confident this time. Eon went into an attack position. Zack went into one too. He then aimed himself at Eon and his body glowed bright around himself. He slammed into Eon. " Welp. That was a tackle attack you did there." Eon said. " Tackle?" He asked. " The area around your body glowed white!" Milo exclaimed grinning.

" Okay. Let's see if you can use another move. But this time, just try glaring at me." Eon said. " Why would I glare at you?" Zack asked. " Because I just stole your cookies!" Eon said.

" Uhhh, Okay?" Zack questioned. Zack glared at the Eeveelution. Eon shivered. " Did I use a move?" Zack asked. " Nope. You're just too cute! I shivered because I can't take how cute you are!" Eon said. " So he didn't use a move." Melissa said in disappointment. " He did use tackle, that's a start, but he didn't know how to use Leer. I guess that's a better start than I thought." Eon said.

" Melissa, you're up next." Churro said.
" Alright so just-" began Churro before Melissa just spat a ball of fire at Eon, who screamed at the suddenness of the attack. " That was Ember." Churro stated. Melissa grinned. " I wonder what Elliot would say that now." Milo said. " He'd still put his attention on making sure the everything's danger-free by making sure Milo doesn't do anything to ruin his life." Zack said.

" Okay. I think we should just focus on the attacks." Churro said, enjoying what Melissa had done to Eon. Eon literally ran all the way to the nearest water to dunk himself in because he was on fire.

" Milo, you're up next." Churro said, beckoning to the little Eevee. " I don't really fight." Milo said, embarrassed. " Well, this is the unfortunate way we Pokemon spend our time: Fighting. Sorry, Milo. You're gonna have to learn how to fight. There are Pokémon out there who won't hesitate to kill you." Churro said.

" But who would kill me?" He asked. " There are many cruel and evil Pokémon in this world. We might act like there isn't, but there is a whole clan of them,no, a whole world of evil Pokémon out there. And it would be better if you just learn how to fight. Because it might be the only way to help you not die." Churro said.

Milo nodded. He saw something horrible that he never would have thought he'd see on a Pokémon. A long and hideous scar. As if this Pokémon was attacked by something far more vicious than himself.

Eon returned. " Okay. Now if you will give me a minute to catch myself. I ran all the way here after being chased by a Swanna." He said. " You were chased by a Swanna? Was it the Inn keeper again?" Churro laughed.

" Yeah. She went on to me about paying my bills and what not. Now attack me, Milo." Eon said. Milo dashed at Eon, the same light that enveloped Zack minutes ago enveloped him as well as he hit Eon. " Okay. Good. Now try Covet." Eon said.

" Okay?" Milo questioned, yet he still did as he was told and moved forward attacking Eon and trying to steal his scarf. It worked.

" I'll take that back, thank you very much." Eon said. " Whoa ho ho it looks like Eon's got his hands full." A voice said. " Koffing of Team Skull, why are you here?" Churro asked in a growl. It sounded as if these Pokémon absolutely hated each other. Which it was true.
What do you think? What do you think of Team Skull being involved in the storyline? What do you think will happen when Milo, Melissa, and Zack realize that Bradley is in the world as well? Where do you think Diogee is? Enjoy.

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