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Pitter patter Of small paws circled around a Eevee. A Cyndaquil was freaking out on both the outside and inside. " What am I? Why do my eyes look like they're closed?" He kept on repeating. " Where am I? Where's Milo and Melissa?" The Cyndaquil asked, tripping over soft sand. He landed face first into the sand.

At that, The Eevee woke up, getting up a little too slowly. " Huh?" Was The Eevee's first words. And when the Eevee, who just happened to have tall hair like Milo, got up the Vulpix had followed, except she just blinked in confusion and didn't really freak out.

The Eevee, though, looked at his reflection and said, " Well, I'm dreaming." The Cyndaquil has stopped panicking by now. He knew that voice. Heck, he even knew the voice of the Vulpix who looked at her reflection. " This isn't a dream. I'm a six-tailed freak. some weird brown-cream fox except he still has his hair." The Vulpix said.

" And I'm guessing this weird blue-cream thing is Zack. Because he's freaking out like Zack." She stated. " You figured it out already?! I'm still panicking!" Zack panicked. In which the author, who is a character as well and really needs a better paying job. The author really hates this because Zack won't stop panicking.

Suddenly, the three Pokémon looked up. " Is anyone else hearing that?" Zack asked nervously. It's not like I'm going to kill you or anything Zack. Im just an author doing my job here.

" Who's up there?" Milo asked. " I think we are hallucinating." Melissa said. " Oh you guys aren't. I'm the author. Hi. Well, anyways, try to pretend like I'm not here." The author boomed from the sky somehow.

" Okay?" Zack said, still freaking out for no good reason. " Hey!" Zack yells up. And now the author is going to avoid him because he's being stupid. " Fine I'll ignore you as well." Zack said. The three friends looked at each other. " What are we?" Milo asked. " You seriously have no clue what you are?" A voice asked them.

Milo looked up at the sky, while Melissa and Zack both looked into a bush where for whatever reason, a Treecko was in a bush with binoculars. " Excuse me. Who are you?" Milo asked politely as soon as Zack elbowed him because he was looking in the wrong direction.

" I could ask the same of you. Who are you and who do you work for?!" The Treecko asked as knocked Zack to the ground. Who was probably the wimpiest of them all. " U-us?! We- we are nothing! Stop paying attention to us. Oh hey look, a chestnut!" Zack tried to distract.

" What where?!" Milo asked instantly falling for it because he liked nuts. " Huh?" The Treecko asked as he looked where the shaking Cyndaquil was pointing. " Come on guys! Run!" Zack said, pushing Milo, before they both rolled over into a hole.

" Uh....I think you just made things worse." Melissa said. " Murphy's law. Of course." Zach sighed, eyes seemed to be half closed, but who could honestly tell at this point?

" Is that a fish?" Milo asked. Zack then looked at where Milo was looking. " Ah! Fish!" He screamed. " Wimp!" Melissa called from above. " We'll get you up. But first, who are you and who do you work for?!" The Treecko repeated. " I like this guy. But we work for no one. I guess, we could tell you our names." Melissa said.

" I'm Milo! I would come up there and shake your....hand?, but I'm stuck down here with Zack and this red fish." Milo said. " You mean that Cyndaquil besides you?" The Treecko asked. " Oh! That's what he is! I thought he was some sort of blind monster!" Milo yelled.

" You know I'm right next to you, right?" Zack asked Milo. " Yeah,  well I have no clue what you are. You have a very long nose by the way." Milo informed. " What?!!" Zack exclaims, touching his snout. " And who are you, Vulpix?" The Treecko asked. " Who?" Milo and Melissa asked. " The six tailed creature." The Treecko sighed, face palming himself.

" My name is Melissa." She said. " Nice to meet you Milo, Zack, and Melissa. But I got a question: why don't you know what you are?" The Treecko asked. " Oh. Uh, that's because we just woke up here. We are actually humans." Milo said, lifting a paw and rubbing his neck fluff. He was smiling though.

" Humans? You've got to be kidding me." The Treecko said with a huge groan. " What? Does that mean anything to you?" Melissa asked, looking intimating right now. " N-no!" The Treecko said, stuttering for once. Never in his life had he ever been intimidated by another Pokémon. This was the first time he was ever intimidated by a Pokémon.

And a female one at that. " What's your name?!" Milo called up from the hole. " Me?" The Treecko said. " Yeah!!" Milo yelled up. The Treecko looked at them all with a grin. " My name is Churro. Churro The Treecko. And you right there, you are an eevee." Churro said. " Churro?" Zack asked. " Churro?" Melissa half asked half laughed. " What kind of a dumb name is that?" She asked. " Can't be any worse than you guy's names. I mean who named you Melissa?" Churro asked.

" Uh, my parents. That's who." Melissa said, not sure why Churro was being like that. " Okay then." Churro said as he rubbed his paws together. " Let's get you two out of there." He said. " About time!" Zack whimpered, trying to hide behind Milo because he's afraid of fish like a wimp would be. He bent over the sandy hole. He extended his hand.

Milo took it. Churro almost slipped and fell, but he held on, and of course he's a gecko so he would just be able to climb out.

He managed to get the Murphy's law infested Eevee out of the hole. " Now, you. Grab my paw." Churro said. " I have a name you know!" Zack said, trying to back up more because the crazy Magikarp kept splashing closer to him, and he was freaking out more than anyone should. " Hey! I can still hear you narrate!" Zack screams at the author, who doesn't care and who told him to ignore them.

" Yeah Yeah, Whatever. I wish you would shut up! This is annoying you know!" Churro yelled at the narrator. If Melissa gets involved then the narrator will just put on weird music and run away.

Anyways, back to the narrating. Zack grabbed the Treecko's paw with hesitation because he doesn't trust him. Churro pulls him up before he can think. " So, humans, huh?" Churro asked, rubbing his paws together as if a master plan was to be formed.
This is the end of the Prologue. I got distracted with Detective Pikachu and I would have put it out before, but thanks to me getting distracted, I couldn't. I'll update this when I can. I hope you liked this. This is inspired by Pikagirl1527 's story of Mario and Pokémon crossover, so it's thanks to them that this story is created.

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