Chapter Eight: Being There Is No longer Here

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The car flew down the curved edged road at a blinding speed. A sound of hard core rock and roll blasting at top volume and a lousy singing along voice filled the vehicle. The windshield was hit by pounding rain but the driver paid no attention to this as she took another sharp turn and sang louder.

  Asher Morales wasn't one to stay in one place for long periods of time. She found life boring and monotone and spent many of her early year trying desperately to escape this solemn life. It was awful thing she had remind herself sometimes, that her rich overprotective parents had died and left her their fortune to do with as she pleased and she pleased she did. As soon as their coffins hit the earth she went out and bought the most expensive race she could and drove across the country.

Sure. She could have just flew across the world and visited any place she wished but there was time for that later. Right now, in that moment. Her only dream was to drive.

That is, until she had to pee.

  She pushed a paddle and pulled on a stop outside a service station with a bright neon green sign. Which held, according to Google maps, the only bathroom for miles.

It was a bit intimidating to Asher. It almost loomed over her car as if the building was curving around it and casting its watchful shadow over her. For a moment, just the briefest second. She considered just driving off and leaving the creepiness behind.

  But it was just that. A moment's thought never to actually come into action. She turned off the engine and stepped out into wet air and earth smelling parking lot. It had stopped raining it seem, and for some reason Asher felt disappointment.

The automatic doors pulled open and sealed themselves behind her. She felt a sense of building dread as she glanced back and watched them close ever so slowly as if giving her the merest chance of escape.

  The first that caught her eye as the young man behind the counter. He was busying himself by looking through an old copy of PEOPLE'S magazine. Finally he noticed her and gave a strangled shocked sort of look. It soon turned to pity and Asher had an urge to slap him.

  So what if she had bright grey highlights or wore darker shades of clothing and had several piercings on her face and nose. It wasn't his fucking business, it wasn't anybody's but hers. She would be dammed before she let anyone's opinion effort her. She hasn't before and didn't plan to start with loser.

"I need to use the bathroom," She stated in a cold tone."But i ain't buying shit from here."


Asher stared him down."Um?" She mocked.

"Uh, yeah. I'm new here, just started last week." The man's hand shook and tumbled. He seemed startled and panicked but at the same time...sort of paralyzed. He looked up suddenly and glanced around as if looking for a bomb about to go off.

  Asher nearly jumped of the suddenness of it. This guy was giving her chills and all he did was say 'Um' and look around. What was wrong with her? She hated being so jumpy but there something about this place that made her this way.


The word cut through the air and Asher head snapped up at the sound. She immediately looked at the man but he seemed to be going back to reading the magazine.

  Heart racing horribly and panic rising. Asher felt a headache coming on. God, she had been in here, for what? Two minutes and she already felt like it had been an eternity of awkward silence and muttering words.

"Just-just, where the fucking bathroom?"

Tired. Tired of nonsense, tired of creepiness and most certainly tired of this fucking loser. Asher didn't wait for his answer and headed straight to faded away colored doors.


Another single word.

Yet it froze her just the same.

  She turned slowly, thinking of her grandmother's knife in her handbag. It had been there for years, never used but certainly comforting.

"What?" Snapping the word and using it as if it were a swear.

"The handles on toilets are abit faulty. You have push it down hard after trying the first time." It didn't seem like that was what the guy wanted to tell her. But he stared at her smiling now. Somehow it creeped her out even more.

"Uh, thanks. Er," She searched his uniform and eyed him with a withering gaze. Ah, there.

"Thanks, Matthew." The briefest of fake smiles before she turned and headed into the bathroom.

The door shut behind her with resounding smack. A few moments of quiet pause then a deafening scream.

  Matt pulled a gun out from under the dusty counter. His marble eyed master was staving. She would have to do.

The gun was just in case.







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