Chapter Seven: Fat Thor Vs The Super Saiyan

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There are moments in our lives when situations arise that change us mentality and emotionally. We aren't the same people when its over. We different, weather it be for better or worse.

  There stood Carter with a knife in his hand and a friendly smile on his face "I saw the security footage just now and saw you were still in here! What were you thinking keeping yourself in here like that?"

Carter started walking towards him with his big belly hanging out of his cream colored shirt. The knife shined silver when he stepped into the moonlight and casted shadows over his face.

  For a fat layabout, Matt thought he looked far more intimidating then endgame Thor could ever be.

But how could he think Matt keep himself in here? It was a public bathroom. The door was never even locked, this man was a insane psychopath! And that lone made him even more dangerous.

  Matthew stood frozen, the pipe fell out of his hand with a clutter and he felt the fight dissolved away from his face.

This is what going into shock is, Somewhere in the back of his mind the thoughts flows, I'm gonna die just standing here and looking dumb.

  Carter stopped in front of him, and in a brotherly fashion, placed his hand on Matt shoulder.

Matthew shook under his touch, a moment of his childhood terror revealed itself before his eyes.

"Let's get you out of here, okay?"

A flash of sliver slashed at Matthew's stomach.

Then it kicked in, a switch finally clicking on in his head.

Fight or flight?

  Matt dashed out of the knive way but he still out slashed out his side. He hit the sink with smack as Carter came at him again, with even more force.

This time Matt sunk to his knees and Carter knive hit the sink. Matthew kicked hard at Carter out stretched legs and Carter fell back.

But he recovered almost immediately and diced at Matt again. Who couldn't help but think that for such a fat heavy man the guy was as strong and fast as Goku.

  Matthew rolled to his side this time to avoid the knife and hit his head on the broken pipe of a sink. He only seconds to feel the pain before a massive force threw itself on his body. For a moment Matt couldn't breathe, he was the remembering the hands and grasps of another man who done the same when he was just a child.

Then he realized he may be having his last thought as he felt a fast sharp cold object enter his lower back. The pain was intense and he couldn't help but let loose a howl of pure pain.

With any and all strength he had, he pushed up and threw Carter off him. Carter hit his head on a sink and Matt still guided by instinct picked the knife Carter had dropped in shock.

Now or never.

  Matthew drove at Carter with all he had. All his thoughts of killing and murder frash on his mind as he did so. There was also a sense of survival, it was him or Carter, and he sure as hell wasn't going to die in a bathroom.

He didn't realize that he was doing it till it was done. The blood stream from Carter and his many wounds, the floor was covered with blood and it began to pool at Carter lifeless head. Matt was soaked with it, some in his hair and even his eyes. Mostly though, it dripped from his face and chest.

  He had gone berserk, stabbing at every inch of Carter he could reach, Carter had try desperately to fight him off but Matt invincible with his blows nothing short of Satan could have threw him off of Carter.

The blood had spread everywhere. The door, the sinks, the floor and somehow even drops ran across the mirror behind them.

  And there stood Matthew, the in knife in his hand and the moonlight shining off the blood dripping from his stone set face.

Then, finally, his body felt the pain.
And crippling it was, Carter had done quite the job on his lower back and side of his stomach. And he began to realize that not all the blood was coming from Carter.

He knew he was in serious trouble.

  He grasped his side trying to stop the seemingly endless bleeding from there as he limped his way to the door.

Never turning back to look at the body. Never looking back at the body he left behind. Never taking his eyes off that door, that freedom, that light.

He limped through and never looked back.

"Hello Matthew."

Marble eyes met his.

"Its you!"

Sorry for the wait but well life. There no other reason. Anyways  hoped you enjoyed it!




R E A D I N G!
*Forever*love *

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