Chapter 19: Betrayed

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Three weeks later.

Lucia kissed Denny's cheek. "Alright, Hon. I'll be back soon, okay?"

"Okie dokie. I'll be fine." Denny saluted.

"Okay, good," Lucia smiled. "I'm off to my dad's. I wanted to tell him more about Sean. I texted him about some of it, but I feel like it's something that should be said in person."

"I agree. Saying that the guy you've been writing to is the long lost love of your life is a big deal."

"Yeah," Lucia nodded. "Well, I'll see you later. Bye!"

Denny waved and Lucia went to her car.

She eagerly put the key in the ignition and drove to her father's house. During the car ride, she went over in her head everything that she wanted to tell her father. She soon arrived and hopped out of the car. But there was another car in the driveway she didn't recognize.

"Maybe Dad bought another Lambo," she shrugged, unlocking the front door.

She went in and found a woman in her father's arms, kissing him.

"Um...Dad?" Lucia stammered.

Her father looked back at her. "Oh, hi, Pumpkin."

Lucia backed up slowly. "I-I should go."

"Come here. I want you to meet someone."

"N-no. That's okay," Lucia said quickly. "I just remembered that I have somewhere to be."

"Lucia!" Leonardo called after her.

Lucia left and quickly shut the door behind her, running to her car. Hot tears running down her cheeks, she drove back to Denny's apartment and went inside.

"That was fast," Denny observed.

Lucia broke into sobs and leaned her back against the door.

Denny paused for a second and got up, walking to her. "Lucia, what's wrong?" He asked, his tone soft and warm.

Lucia embraced him tightly, burying her face in his chest. "H-how could he do this to me? To- to Mom?" She cried.

Denny hugged his friend, rubbing her back slowly. "Do what?"

"He- and she- they were-" Lucia sobbed.

Denny nodded and quietly held her. "It'll be okay."

"He- he was in his living room, and- and they were on the couch, him and some woman," Lucia sniffled. "They were kissing."

Denny paused his rubbing for a slight second as he thought about it.

"He didn't even mention any of it to me," Lucia sighed. "I just feel so betrayed." She sobbed into her friend's chest for a while, letting her pain fall down her cheeks. "H-how could he do this to Mom?" She cried.

"Come on, let's get you some tissues," Denny said softly.

"How's that going to fix this?" Lucia sniffled.

"It will help dry your eyes."

"I've got your shirt for that," Lucia laughed weakly. "Really, Denny, what do I do?"

Denny didn't say anything for a few minutes. "I guess...after everything calms down, you go talk."

"I can't talk to him after this. I was totally blindsided."

"You can talk to him. He's your dad."

"But why wouldn't he have discussed this with me? Did he think that it wouldn't affect me at all?"

"Maybe he was giving it time. Like he was going to tell you but he was finding the right time."

"He should have talked to me before he even started dating her. Mom's only been gone for two years. What's he thinking?"

"Lucia, he hurts too."

"Then why is he dating?!"

"Because like how Sean helps you, maybe this lady is helping him."

"No. That's not how this works. He was married. That takes time to get over. You don't wait until your spouse dies and then go right out and find someone else."

Denny sighed and rubbed her back. "Lucia, I think you need to calm down for today, okay? Want some tea or coffee?"

"Coffee," Lucia nodded. "Please."

Denny kissed the top of her head, handing her the box of tissues as he went to make her a cup of coffee.

"Thanks," Lucia sighed.

"No problem." Denny put the pod in the coffee maker and waited.

"I just don't understand. What's worse is that he knew I was coming over today."

Denny nodded quietly.

"Mom...she'd want him to be happy, but she would be hurt if she knew about this."

Denny made her coffee and gave it to her. "But she'd want you to be strong."

"I don't see how that helps the situation," Lucia sighed.

"But you're also the support system for your dad."

"Then what does he need that woman for?"

"I don't know, but you're his daughter. You should be there for him."

"Look, Denny, I know it's hard for you to understand since your parents are divorced, but it's hard to accept the fact that my dad is with some other woman," Lucia sighed.

Denny frowned. "I understand exactly, Lucia. You don't get to say what I do or don't understand."

"You're mom isn't dead, so no, you don't understand."

"But I understand what it's like when a parent begins to see someone new."

"It's- it's just different, Denny."

Denny sighed deeply. "Fine. I won't force it."

"I'm sorry." Lucia hugged him tightly. "I know it still hurts."

"No, it's fine. You're in more pain then me."

"But you're hurting too, and I was insensitive. I'm sorry."

Denny rubbed her back. "It's okay, Luci. I know how difficult this is for you. I understand that you won't always be thinking when you say things."

"Thank you," Lucia smiled. "Can we do something today? I'm tired of sitting around."

"I thought you'd never ask."

"Where are we going?"

"I don't you want to go to the mall?"

"Perfect," Lucia nodded. "I'll drive."

Denny nodded and went to change his shirt. Once he came back, he and Lucia got into her car and drove off.

Denny smiled and turned on the radio.

"So, have you heard from Paisley?"

"No, not really."

"Maybe you should text her. You're almost completely healed, so you should ask her out to dinner," Lucia nodded.

"I should. Good idea."

"I thought so," Lucia grinned.

Denny smiled.

"Do it now," Lucia urged.

"Fine." Denny grabbed his phone and texted Paisley, "Hey, Paisley. I was wondering if you'd like to go to dinner with me sometime."

"Hey, Denny!" Paisley texted back. "I'd love to. I have work tonight, but I'm free tomorrow night. Does that work for you?"

"Yeah, works fine. Can I pick you up?"

"Sure. My shift ends at five, so if you could pick me up at six, that'd be great. I'll text you my address."

"Sounds perfect."

"What'd she say?" Lucia asked with great interest.

"Tomorrow night."

"Awesome!" Lucia grinned.

"Yeah. I should pick some options."

"Okay. Dinner and a movie?"

"Maybe. Or a walk."

"That'd be sweet," Lucia smiled. "You could always invite her to your place and cook her dinner."

"I'd like to stay away from cooking."

"Oh, yeah...probably don't want to burn yourself on a date."

"But if I get hurt, she can help me."

"Very true. However, it's not very romantic if you're in pain. That might be more of a third date thing."

Denny chuckled.

"I'm not kidding," Lucia chuckled. "On my third date with Sean, I nearly cut my finger off. He had to drive me to the hospital."

"Must be a real thing," Denny laughed.

"Mhm. Please be careful. I don't need you hurting yourself. Especially since I won't be there."

"I know. Thank you."

Lucia smiled and pulled into a parking space. "Let's hit the food court. I'm hungry."

"Me too. I feel like tacos."

"Same here. Let's go," Lucia grinned.

They went to the restaurant and ordered then waited for their food.

"So, what stores should we hit? I'm thinking Always 22, because I want some new tops."

"Sure, we can look around. I need to hit Amber and Finch."

"Alright, awesome. We could also do glow in the dark mini golf."

"That'd be fun."

"Perfect," Lucia smiled. "We should do mini golf before we shop."

"Yeah, then we don't have to worry about our stuff."

"Exactly," Lucia nodded.

"I love mini golf."

"Me too," Lucia smiled. "Oh, our food's ready."

"Yay! Nutrition!"

Lucia took their tray and went over to a table. "You want to sit here?"

"Sure. Man, am I hungry."

"Me too," Lucia chuckled, setting down the tray and handing him his tacos.

Denny began to eat hungrily, smiling in the process.

Lucia laughed softly and began to eat as well. She then made the mistake of glancing to her left. "Oh god."

"What?" Denny asked with his mouth full.

"My dad's over there," Lucia whispered.


"He never comes to the mall. Why on earth is he here with her?"

"Maybe she needed some new dresses."

"No, you don't understand. My father never goes to the mall. Wouldn't even take me when I was a kid," Lucia sighed. "Why would he bring her?"

"Go meet her."

"No way."

"Why not?"

"Because even though I don't mean to be, I'll be rude to her and I can't help it. I don't feel like getting a lecture from my father that will inevitably end up in a fight."

"True. But you need to work on your attitude eventually. Even if it's hard."

"I can't be nice to her. I'm sorry, but I can't."

"Yes, you will."

"Maybe at some point, but not today."

"Right. Sorry."

"It's okay," Lucia sighed, finishing her taco. "You almost done eating?"

"Yep!" Denny scarfed down the last bit.

Lucia chuckled. "Let's go."

Denny nodded and tossed his trash away.

Lucia laced her arm through his and they walked off.

Denny smiled and they went to find the mini golf place.

"Here we are," Lucia smiled. "Glow in One."

"I hope to get a hole in one."

"You probably won't," Lucia teased.

"Do you have no faith?"

"Nope," Lucia grinned.

"What kind friend do I have?"


Denny laughed. "Right you are, my dear sister."

Lucia smiled and the two went inside. They picked everything out before going to the first hole.

"You want to go first?" Lucia smiled.

Denny dropped the ball and putted, getting it pretty close to the hole.

"Mhm." Lucia putted her ball and it went straight into the hole.

"Nice! Glow in One."

Lucia chuckled. "That's so corny."

"Yep. You know it."

"Just take your turn," Lucia laughed.

Denny finished out the hole.

"Nice! Hey, how about the loser buys ice cream?"

"Okay. You're going down."

"You wish."

"You dare taunt me?"

"Yup," Lucia smirked.

Denny smiled a little as she teed off.

"Ha! Another hole in one!"



"How do you do this in the dark?"

Lucia shrugged. "Because I'm good."

"Oh, so simple." Denny rolled his eyes teasingly.

"Yep. Very," Lucia grinned.

Denny chuckled and putted.

"Very good...but not good enough to beat me."

"Hey, hey. Watch yourself."

"What? You scared?" Lucia teased.

"No. Certainly not of you."

"Wow. I'm offended."

Denny smiled and putted again.

Lucia laughed quietly at his bad shot.

"Stop laughing." Denny looked at her and huffed.

"Sorry, Hon," Lucia chuckled, kissing his cheek.

Denny sighed and moved on. "This will be my hole in one."

"Mhm. Sure."

"I can feel it." Denny putted and it fell in. "Yes!"

"Nice," Lucia nodded approvingly.

"I did it! I did it!" Denny grinned, dancing around.

"Alright, alright," Lucia chuckled. "That's enough. We don't need you getting hurt again."

Denny chuckled and watched her go.

"Yes! Third hole in one!" Lucia grinned.

"How?!" Denny exclaimed in surprise .

"Like I said, I'm good," Lucia grinned. "Next hole. You're up."

Denny putted again and his ball rolled close to the hole.

"Nice." Lucia took her shot. "Dang."


"Mhm," Lucia chuckled.

Denny chuckled. "My turn." He took his turn and missed.

Lucia took her next shot and the ball went in the hole. "Looks like I'm still winning."

"I should just buy you the ice cream now."

"That might be wise," Lucia smiled.


Lucia took her final shot and sunk it. "And I believe that is victory for me."

Denny gave a deep sigh. "Well...I suppose you win...again."

"Yep," Lucia grinned. "Can we go get ice cream now?"

"I suppose," Denny sighed dramatically before smiled his bright teeth happily. "You won. Fair and square. Well, actually, spherically."

Lucia chuckled. "Very correct. Let's go. We can shop after."

The pair left and Denny got Lucia an ice cream cone and one for himself.

"Thanks," Lucia smiled. "For everything."

"Of course. Anything for you."

"You're such a great little brother."

Denny smiled cheekily.

"Where to now?"

"Want to go to Always 22?"

"Sure," Lucia nodded.

Denny nodded and they headed off, window shopping on the way.

"You know, we really need to get the gang together. It's been a little while since the four of us have hung out."

"Yeah. Monica and Jonah are always together."

"Mhm. I'm happy for them, though."

"Yeah. They fit well together."

"They really do," Lucia smiled. "I hope things work out well with you and Paisley."

"Yeah, me too."

"You know...she really likes you."

"I guess so."

"She told me so herself. She thinks you're awesome."

"Oh, that's sweet. Thank you."

"You're welcome," Lucia smiled. "Hey, what if we get the gang together tonight?"

"Um...yeah. My date is tomorrow."

"So, then you're free tonight," Lucia chuckled. "That reminds me, do you want help preparing for your date? I can give you advice and stuff."

"Sure. Anything."


"Hey, Jonah," Monica smiled, drumming her fingers on the counter. "What can I get you?"

"Hm...oh, that looks good. But that does too."

"Is anybody looking?"

"What do you mean?"

Monica looked around before leaning over the counter, kissing him briefly. "I don't need my boss to catch me kissing on the job," she chuckled.

Jonah smiled. "Fine, I give up. Surprise me with what to order."

Monica made him an espresso and handed it to him. "That'll cost you another kiss."

"Oh? And how much in actual money?"

"Three dollars and seventy-five cents."

Jonah chuckled and gave her the money, putting the change in the tip jar. "I'll give you a kiss after your shift."

"Perfect," Monica smiled.

Jonah chuckled and went to sit down.

"By the way," Monica spoke up, "Lucia and Denny want to get together tonight."

"Yeah? I'm down with that."

"I'll tell her yes," Monica nodded.

"Where should we meet up?"

"Lucia said either at our place, Denny's apartment, or here."

"How about your place? I'll help you get it ready."

"Nothing like your face on mine to make the cleaning process go faster," Monica chuckled.

"Oh, you know it." Jonah winked.

"I should make cookies."


"Would you want to bake with me?"

"I'd just make a big mess."

"So?" Monica chuckled. "It'd be fun."

Jonah smiled. "Sure. Now back your work, young lady." He waved her away.

"Why?" Monica whined, wrapping her arms around his waist.

"Because your boss will start wondering why you are hugging a customer."

"My boss is sleeping in the back."

Jonah chuckled. "Make your money. Go on. I'll be here."

"Fine," Monica pouted.

Jonah smiled and read the paper.

Monica finished her shift ten minutes later and took off her apron before going and sitting down beside him. "Hi."


"Yep," Monica grinned, intertwining her fingers with his. "You'll have to drive. I walked here."

"That's fine. Come on."

"So, I'm thinking chocolate chip cookies and French macaroons. What do you think?"

"Very fancy."

"Mhm," Monica grinned. "What kind of macaroons should I make? Lemon? Raspberry? Chocolate?"

"Peanut butter?"

"Ooh. Chocolate peanut butter?"


"Chocolate with a peanut butter filling. This is gonna be great!"

Jonah chuckled at her excitement.


"Nothing. You're just really cute."

Monica blushed slightly. "Thank you."

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