Standing Out 2

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I walked into class and sat down. I looked around at the classroom, and saw I was the only student there. As always, I was early. The teacher smiled at me, "Early as always, eh?" He echoed my thoughts.
"Yes, sir." I smiled back, not realising someone else had walked into the room.
"Teacher's pet," Harold muttered. Harold was a Torchic. He sat down.
"Now, Harold," The teacher, a Sceptile, scolded, "Don't speak to your classmates that way!"
"Yes, sir." Harold gritted his teeth, and I looked away to hide my smile. Insult me all he wanted, I had the teachers on my side. Even the lunch lady would bring out her spatula for me.
The teacher started handing out work as students walked in.
As students groaned, I noticed he handed me a different paper. I shrugged it off and did the work. Every once in a while I would glance at the door.
Hands covered my eyes while I was in the middle of writing a "R" and I dropped my pencil so the "R" became a retarded "P".
"Guess whoooo," I heard a familiar voice say.
"Hmm. . . . Brian?" I pretended to think.
Brian removed his hands from my eyes and smiled. "Yup."
I smiled at the Pikachu. I have to admit, I had a crush on him. The way he laughed, the jokes he made, the way he covered my eyes and said "Guess whoooo" every morning got my heart beating fast.
"Well, Smartypants, I'll leave you to do your work." Brian joked. I tried to calm my heartbeat as he walked away. I continued to do the work. To my surprise it was actually challenging. But as always I was the first to finish.
The teacher stared at me, eyes wide. "You're done already?"
I frowned. This was not like him. "Sir, I always finish at this speed."
"But. . . . But. . . . Ether. . . . Most adults cannot do this paper correctly."
My jaw dropped. How was I better than an adult at a paper? Sure, maybe I was the smartest in my grade, maybe even school. Sure, everyone called me a genius. But smarter than most adults?
Brian had heard. He came over and hugged me, making my heart beat faster than ever before. "Congratulations, Smartypants! You're living up to your name!"
Harold walked up to me with a awkward expression. "Hey, Ether. I'm sorry for making fun of you. Congrats on being nerdy."
To my surprise, I laughed. "Congrats on realizing how wrong you were."
He smiled sheepishly. "Yeah."
Later that night at the dinner table I came in with a smile. I ate my food, listening closely as my parents asked around the table what happened during everyone's day. Then they came to me. "How was your day today Ether? Same old day?"
I smiled. "Actually, I have some news today."
"Oh?" My mom's interested expression made it all worth while.
I looked around the table at the curious faces of my siblings. "Well. . . . Today I got a A on a paper that most adults cannot do correctly."
Dad's jaw dropped. Mom's eyes went wide. My siblings all stared at their youngest sister in disbelief. I had surprised them, that's for sure.

Three Months Later
I'm back. I've got a lot of trophies from competitions that, as Brian said, I "slaughtered." I'm all over the newspapers. I'm a role model. I'm the smartest in the world, they say. But still, it doesn't feel right. I'm missing something.

Two Weeks Later
I found what was missing. I followed my heart. Now Brian is my boyfriend. And I probably will not write anymore. Goodbye.

Nineteen Years Later
Hello. Do you remember me? Ether. I have two children (a little girl eevee named Katie who is a year older than Irio, a little boy pichu named Irio who is a year younger than Katie) and everything is perfect.

Two Days Later
Brian proposed to me. I said yes. I'm so happy. Katie and Irio are happy too. Our family is closer than ever.

After The Wedding
Me and Brian are officially married. Katie was the flower girl. Irio cried with joy. Halfway through the wedding I evolved. The sylveon I am now is a whole different person from that eevee I used to be. My life is all I could ever ask for.

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