Chapter 2: Think back to Dark times

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I stormed into my room. It was unusual for me to be legitimately ANGRY, that wasn't my thing, that was his. Sure I play rage games or whatever, but pure anger rarely happens since... That happened.

I found Dark in his closet. The one I said the "Crazed Buttstabber" would come out of, in my second new home tour video.

I'd take a buttstabber over Dark any day.

He was writing his poetry crap, oblivious to my appearance.

"Dark." I asked, only getting a slow blink in response. "Why did you do that?"

"Hm?" He responded. Man this guy was such an ass.

"Why did you split her?" I asked again, going to snatch his notebook from him. Bad move.

Before I could even blink, Dark instantly had his hand around my arm, his black eyes gaining dots of red in the center. His nails dug into my skin, making me bleed a little.

"I wouldn't try that, if I were you." Dark hissed, releasing my arm, which was now covered with nail marks. He instantly returned to "normal" and pulled out his phone. (I honestly have no idea where he got that.)

"You asked me something?" Dark muttered, scrolling through Deviantart, looking at fanart of himself made by my awesome fans.

"Yeah. I did. It was something like, WHY THE HELL DID YOU SPLIT (Y/N) YOU IDIOT?!" I screamed. Per usual, it didn't bother him.

"Chill out. I just thought that since we both liked her, that there could be one of her for each of us. You gotta admit, that dark version is seriously hot!" He flashed his pure white fangs. "And, they should only like me, and the original (Y/n) should only be into you. Problem solved."

"PROBLEM NOT SOLVED!!" I screamed. "Don't you remember when we were split?! How hard it was for us to adapt to pretty much only feeling positive or negative emotions? Now (Y/n) needs to go through that too!"

"Geez, calm down. It seems like you're implying that what I did was a bad thing." Dark whispered raising an eyebrow.

"Because it is!"

"Mmmmm.. That depends on the point of view."

"Well, we only have two point of views, and they're exact opposites! Man, I wish we'd never been split."

"DO YOU REALLY?" Dark boomed, getting to his feet. "You really wish that you still felt how you did holding his hand, sitting at that desk, laying in that hospital? Being broke, being with her, and having no idea what you're going to do in life? I SERIOUSLY DOUBT IT. If I, and the negativity that I'm formed out of, wasn't removed, who knows where you'd be now!"

I hated this guy, but he did have a point. A really good point.

"Didn't think so." Dark snapped at me, turning away sharply. "Now you're the lovable, famous, miracle-worker that millions adore, and I'm sitting here watching you climb to fame, and the thing is- I'm the thing that got you to where you are! I'm nearly all of your anger, sadness, fear, and worry, stuffed inside a living shadow of yourself. You should be grateful. And so should she! I took away all her negativity and gave it to her dark-girl-thing."

A really, really, good point.

"Still, you know how hard it was to get used to being, us." I countered.

Dark ran his clawed hands through his scruffy hair. He groaned, but it ended up sounding more like a growl.

"I know. But we'll be here for them."

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