Trevek finally happens

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When Oliver and Trevor came back, it was as if nothing had happened earlier on in the week. Derek and Krystal kept their eyes on them though, afraid of there being something going on.

Trevor wasn't even concerned one bit by the work anymore, especially when he was teaming up with Oliver. Derek eventually stepped in more. While he loved Trevor having friends and originally didn't mind him moving on, the kiss made him and Krystal realize they didn't want each other at all. They wanted their original partners. They hated the thought of them moving on from them.

Trevor and Oliver seemed more concerned lately about hanging out with each other and Emily. Emily. That gave Derek a sudden idea, he needed to talk to Emily. Well, him or Krystal. But how would he even approach- wait was she walking their way?

"Derek, Krystal."


"I can tell you two have been trying to get Trevor and Oliver's attention back"


Emily let out a slight laugh,"its fine you two, they're not into each other. I assume one of you saw that kiss they shared. I did too because I was hanging out upstairs."

"How would you know if it meant nothing-"

"Easy, Trevs is my best friend, he told me it was just an experiment since the two of them weren't used to kissing other people"

Both Derek and Krystal were silent now. Emily suddenly pulled Krystal away to talk. Derek looked back at Trevor and Oliver talking. He began wondering what they could even be talking about. Was Emily telling the truth? He did kiss Krystal so she could be messing with him for hurting Trevor's feelings and kissing her possible crush. Would she? Maybe she would.

"Ugh....what do i do...." Derek shook his head and turned to go to his and Trevor's intern cabin. He had to clear his head somehow. It hurt thinking about Trevor and remembering the kiss. How could he shake the feeling? He wished Trevor would talk to him again. Derek didn't want to separate him from his friend though.

Derek took something out of the desk on his side of the cabin. A small duck plush Trevor gave him when they previously dated for a short time. It was the colour of Trevor's hair and had a big smile. It reminded Derek of Trevor so much. He let out a small groan as he began thinking again.

".... He's probably better off without me huh...." Derek squeezed the duck as he asked it that quietly. This was the first time he felt so guilty. It honestly hurt.

First he broke up with Trevor with the promise to get back together when they worked through stuff. Then he just goes and kisses their boss on a "fling". Derek wanted to hit himself in the head. He regretted everything. Why did it have to take him seeing Trevor kissing someone else for him to realize he actually loved him.

"Hey Derek! Oliver had to go talk to Krystal, Emily had came and told- that the duck plush i gave you?"

Derek immediately hid it behind his back. He knew Trevor must have thought he tossed it after they broke up. He tried but he immediately took it back and washed it before keeping it hidden away. He couldn't bear to throw something Trevor gave him out of love away.



They stood there for a moment in silence. Realization hit Trevor like a truck. Derek must have seen him and Oliver kiss in that spur of the moment. He stared at Derek for a moment, then walked up and hugged him tightly. Derek remembered how close Trevor got when they were arrested back in their season as hosts. How he protected him with the gun and his own body.

He smiled to himself and hugged Trevor back. They were still silent. Then one of them spoke.

" actually love me?"

".... Trev... Yes"

Suddenly Trevor burst out into laughter. Derek gave a hurt look until Trevor grinned widely at him with his bright as hell smile.

"It took you this long to realize?! God you're bad at feelings Der! But still, you're amazing"

"You... Think I'm amazing? Even after the fling?"

"Of course! This is Trevor McGregor you're talking to!"

Derek smiled at that, then put his duck down, grabbed Trevor's face and kissed him. Trevor's eyes went wide, but he smiled into the kiss and closed his eyes as he kissed back. Derek just wanted to show him how he still felt.

Later, they sat and talked for a while, coming to a decision that they should definitely date again. Trevor was happier than ever once they agreed. Derek never met anyone better, never wanted anyone else. Neither did Trevor, which made this all the more perfect. And now that Krystal was back with her partners, the two (Derek and Krystal) stayed nothing more than friends.

(Corny ass ending, sorry)


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