Uno Frenzy

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"PLEEEEEEEEEEASE AUNT MAY?" Peter begged. "No," she responded firmly. "I don't care if you have super healing or not, we're waiting until your doctor's appointment to take it off." 

Peter sighed dramatically and hung halfway out of his wheelchair. "Get back up," his aunt scolded. He sighed again and straightened up. May shook her head, trying not to laugh. Peter wheeled himself down the aisle and grabbed the goldfish, putting it in the cart when his aunt wasn't looking.

They made it all the way to the checkout before she held up the bag and gave him a look. He gave her puppy dog eyes and she laughed before shaking her head again and paying for it.


Right-Hand Dork
What's up

Not much

My daughter just left

So now I'm lonely

Right-Hand Dork

Coffee Einstein
Hey kid

By the way

How did you break your leg?

Right-Hand Dork
By being dumb

I was trying to do a flip

Generous Gummy Worm
And you broke your leg?

Right-Hand Dork
I did it on my roof...

Queen of All Dorks
Sup losers

Coffee Einstein
That was a bad idea

Punchable Bird
I'm not a loser!

Fighting Spider
Yes you are

Right-Hand Dork
I hAvE tO gO

Queen of All Dorks

Fighting Spider

Coffee Einstein

Generous Gummy Worm
Who's leaving?



Punchable bird
I'm not a loser

Queen of All Dorks
You all are except for Fighting Spider

And Right-Hand Dork


Fighting Spider


Peter burst into the Compound full of energy. "Woah, kid!" Cap said after Peter had turned the corner and almost rammed into him. "Slow down!"

"ButIhadthisgreatideaandIneedeveryonetocomeintothelivingroom-" Peter began. "What?"

He took a breath. "I had this great idea and I need you to bring everyone into the living room or at least like three or four people so we can do it like Natasha and Bucky and Dr. Banner maybe and I can go get Mr. Stark ok?" He raced off. Steve blinked. "Natasha, Bucky, Dr. Banner. Ok then." he walked off to go do as Peter asked.

"Mr. Stark!!!" He skidded to a halt in the lab. "Peter!" Morgan ran and climbed up on him, avoiding the big blue cast. Tony turned around. "What is it kid?"

"I need you to come to the living room!" Peter turned and shot out, though noticeably slower this time since he had Morgan on him. Tony could hear her cheering down the hall and he shook his head, following them. 

Bucky was sitting on a chair moodily. He had been playing 007 and had almost won when Cap had come to get him. Natasha and Bruce were laughing about something, and Cap was reading a book.

"Hi!" Peter said, wheeling himself in. "Hi!" Morgan repeated. Natasha smiled at them, and Morgan climbed down and ran over to her. Peter rolled over to the coffee table and pulled something from his jacket. Tony walked in a moment later.

"So why are we here?"

"Uno!" was his response, as he held out a deck of cards. "Uno?" the Captain asked, confused. "It's a card game," Peter explained. "You start out with 7 cards and try to get rid of them all. When you get to one, you have to shout Uno, and if someone else shouts it before you, you have to pick up two cards." he took the cards out of the box and Natasha threw the instructions at Steve. Bucky leaned over to read them.

"I see..." Cap murmured. Natasha rolled her eyes. "Are we playing stack?" 

"Yup!" Peter said. 


"It's where if you lay down a draw two, but the person beside you also has a draw two, they can lay that down, and it basically continues like that until someone doesn't have one," Bruce explained. "They then have to pick up the number of cards equal to however many were laid down." Natasha finished. "So if there were three draw twos laid down, the person who didn't have one would have to pick up six."

Peter finished dealing the cards. "Ready?" Morgan ran over to him. "I' on Peter's team!"

After a very competitive game where Peter won and Bucky ended up with 23 cards, Natasha demanded a rematch.

This went on for an hour or two until Morgan fell asleep on the table and Peter realized it was time for dinner. The Avengers bade him goodbye while Bucky argued with Natasha about who had cheated.


I just wanna meet your friendsssss

You can't hack into their phones

I swear

Do you swear on Captain America's shield?


You need a fake name first





MJ is probably going to change it

MJ's on there?


She's 'Queen of All Dorks'


>>>You have added Ned to Awesome Chat<<<

Right-Hand Dork
This is my friend



>>>Ned has renamed Ned to Darth Lego<<<

Right-Hand Dork
Wait for it...

>>>MJ had renamed Ned to Darth Dork<<<

Right-Hand Dork


Queen of All Dorks
Much better

Punchable Bird

Darth Dork

Coffee Einstein
Yes really

Fighting Spider
Another dork?

Queen of All Dorks
I'm building an empire

Right-Hand Dork

Captain Frisbe
To take over the world?

Queen of All Dorks
That's the plan


Flash Thompson sat on his back porch, thinking. Could Parker really help him? He was trying to be nicer, but Michelle obviously didn't trust him.

He sighed, breaking the suffocating silence surrounding him. It was dead quiet, like always. Maybe if he was nicer, people would want to come over.

Want to be his friend.

Maybe then it would break the silence of his house. Sure, there was the maid, and the butler, but really no one else. No one besides him to do things in this huge, this empty house.

Did anyone really- could anyone really- like him? Or, even, love him?

What did you guys think? What's actually happening to Flash? Is it something you'd expect, or something...
You'll just have to wait to find out. The thing at the beginning by the way (with the goldfish) was actually a game my dad used to play with his siblings. They'd put stuff in the cart and see if it would make it all the way to the checkout.

See you guys in the next chapter!


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