|| for her

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" Sometimes you don't like to, but
you have to "

         | 𝗙𝗢𝗥 𝗛𝗘𝗥 |

In a cozy room, went off a phone. A man, sitting cross-legged, passes it a glance. Then, grimaces.

His dad.

Since when did he start calling him?

He answers it, his face stoic and cold. He doesn't talk, only waiting to hear whatever shit his dad has to say and end it already.

"Are you sure you don't want to shift with us to US? His dad asks, rather nonchalantly. The sound of movie playing loud doesn't miss the man's notice.

The man doesn't reply, only looks at nothing in particular.

"Fine then, Manik. We are gonna go anyway. And I don't think we will come back."

Now that is when Manik smiles. "Good riddance."

Hanging up the call, he rests his head back on the chair, wondering if he would have done the same if his parents had been anything close to parents.

Obviously not.

Manik Malhotra is known to have everything, talent, wealth, fangirls, you name it.

Everything but love.

His parents have never made him feel loved, after all, they didn't love him at all. They hate him. Manik has felt bad and cried and yearned for love, but he was a kid back then. But now, he is not.

Now, he hates them back, with such an intensity.

His mobile rings again, bringing him out of the dark world that his mind is. A smile adorns his face which is not so usual at all.

"Hello Amms!" He suddenly seems to be delighted.

"Hello, beta. How are you doing?"

"I am, of course, going great. How are you?"

"I am good, Manik. Actually Manik, can I come to your place right now?"

"Who are you? Stranger?" Manik pauses, "Ylu don't have to, I'll come, Amms."

"No no, beta. I am on the way."

"Okay then, Amms."

Amms, his teacher. He may be the owner of the top most Fashion house, but he is a singer by passion. Amms has not only taught him fusion but also took care of him like his grandmother would. And Manik is so grateful for her mere presence, for how much kind she is to have showed him great love.

Manik let Amms in and he bends down to take blessings from his teacher. She blesses him all the happiness. Manik Malhotra can be polite with only one person and that person stands right in front of him.

He asks her the reason for sudden arrival. She takes a deep breath before disclosing that she has tumor. Brain tumor. And that, she has got mere six months to breath.

Manik looks at her, being loss at words. His eyes tear. And it has been so long since Manik last cried. Since he felt like doing so.

"How?" he manages at last.

Amms eyes water, but she shakes her head and smiles at him.

Manik suddenly feels all the energy sucked out of him, as if he is alone, all over again.

"Be strong, beta. I want you to."

Manik firmly shakes his head in a no. Amms smile at him, and then pats him on the head. Manik has always loved that gesture.

"I want you to do something else for me," she says, her face so expectant Manik could not say no.

"Marry my grand daughter, Manik."

His eyes shot to her, shocked at once.

"Please hear me out, Manik." Amms seems restless, her hands fidgety.

"I want to be selfish. My Nandini won't have anyone after me. I don't want to leave her but I have to. You may think I'm cruel Being unfair. Maybe I am. And I am so sorry. You are the only person I trust the most, beta. You have not tasted the love parents give, and Nandini has lost the love. Before leaving this world I want you both to be the happiest."

She tries speaking more but seems like her vocals died. Manik is numb.

Firstly the woman he respects the most is going to leave the world and secondly she is asking him to marry her granddaughter as her last wish.

His grand daughter.

His mind replaying a memory. In that memory, Nandini jumped hugging her father for gifting her a teady bear. She was 10 then. He thought that was cute. He didn't remember when was the last time he saw her but he wondered how she'd be now. Is she the same cheeky girl who got herself in trouble, trying to save puppies? Is she the same one who went to extents to buy thr best gift for her best friend? Is she the same one who was jumping and squeaking on her parents' anniversary?

Manik has no idea.

He just knows he is not ready for this. Asking for time, he rests his head on her lap and her motherly comfort makes him sleep.

Manik calls his best friend, though he doesn't call him one, to find him solutions for the worst problem.

Cabir doubles up as soon as Manik tells him everything. Manik rolls his eyes.

"So, the Manik Malhotra is getting married!" he says, only to earn a glare from Manik.

"Cabir, not now. I'm so fucked up right now. If you cannot give me anything then the door is right behind you."

"I wonder what your fiancee would do if you were this mean to her." Then, he laughs again.

Manik elbows him in the gut.

"You don't want to marry her but you can't disobey your Amms too."

"That's what I told you minutes before."

Cabir ponders, tapping his finger on his chin, dramatically. Had Manik had any solution, he'd have kicked Cabir out that moment.

"Why don't you leave her after six months? Like you know, divorcing her after..." he trails off.

"You sound like it's easy."

"Look, I don't think her grand daughter would like marrying you, too." Manik gives him a look.

"I mean, she is being forced too, dude."

"Okay very well, then," Manik says, sighing.

After hours of thinking, not paying much heed to work, he decides to marry her. But only for Amms. Just for her. He informs her about this and she becomes the happiest.

She thanks him, feeling bad though. She asks him to marry her grand daughter within a week. He had no other choice but accepting. Taking a hot shower, he starts working, chucking his problems away.

"Amms, you know right that you are forcing me?" yelled Nandini.

"Nandini you see I've become old, beta. And I want you to have someone by your side who would love you and give you strength," Amms explains, helplessly.

"I don't want to marry anybody. You are not old and you can't leave me and that's it." Marching out, Nandini falls into her bed. But she doesn't cry. Not yet.

Jeff enters her room with a helpless look. She, hiding such a big thing from Nandini doesn't let her be in peace. But she knows it's for her goodness and now she has to convince her. Patting her head, Jeff sits beside her.

"Nandini, you know right that she.. she has to leave someday," Jeff's voice is strained, almost a whisper.

"Jeff, please."

Jeff sighs, but she pushes on.

"Please agree to this marriage. Who knows maybe he will love you so much?"

"You think that? How can you? The one who doesn't even know me can love me? When my own dad betrayed me and didn't love me? I have long back lost hope on love," Nandini says, batting her lashes to keep the tears at bay.

Can her eyes ever not tear at the mention of her father?

Jeff hugs her tightly, comforting her.

"Nandini, you know everything more than me. When your parents didn't give you love, she was there. And now she is insecure. You are so strong Nandini, I know that. But it's your turn to give her assurance that you'll be happy, that you can face this world... without her, too. She loves you so much that she is scared how you'd be after her. It's her love. She never wants to see you in pain like you were, mourning over your mother's death, alone. We know Nandini how much it took to become this strong. We know how many nights you screamed, how many days you cried. And Amms doesn't want that to be repeated, at least not alone. But always remember that I'm there with you."

A tear cascades down Jeff's cheek. Why does her friend go through all these?

"Okay," Nandini replies, her voice as blank as the night. Planting a kiss on Nandini's forehead which shows utter care, Jeff leaves to give her some time to ponder over it.

"Okay Amms. I'll marry but just for you," Nandini says without glancing at her.

"It's gonna be in a week. I am so sorry, Nandini." Amms heart is so heavy for forcing her. Gulping her tears down, she hugged Nandini.

Nandini doesn't know whom she is to marry nor his name. She feels wrenching pain to be forced by the person she loves. She doesn't understand why Amms is insecure in the first place. But little did she know that her Amms is going to leave her to fight this world. Perhaps, just not alone.

Will Manik leave her later?

Is Jeff right hiding the truth from her best friend?

Tc, folks ;)

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