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Klaus was packing some clothes. That's it, they had enough. They had enough with Reginald locking them in the mausoleum, his disapproving glances, Luther's interruptions and Luther's stupid holier-than-thou behaviour! Yeah, he's Number One, so what? So fucking what? He got Ben killed, at least Klaus didn't kill him!

"Klaus!" Ben called. Klaus grunted as they faced him. "Don't-"

"Don't fucking leave?!" Klaus grunts. "Hell to the no!"

"No, I'm not saying that!" Ben shook his head. "Luther-"

"He fucking killed you!" Klaus banged on the wall, causing Ben to jump. "No- don't you fucking DARE tell me I should nanny him!"

"No, I'm not going to say that!" Ben shook his head. "Take him with you!"

"Why? Why should I do it?" Klaus asked, facing Ben. "Diego didn't, Vanya didn't, and neither did Allison! Why should I help Number One?"

"You don't see him as a person anymore." Klaus scoffed and lightly smirked.

"He barely saw himself as a person." Klaus rolled his eyes. "And that isn't my fault."

"At least say goodbye to him," Ben said, his eyes pleading. "Inform him that you're leaving and not coming back. He deserves to know that bit."

Klaus grunted angrily and sighed. Why does this ghost have to like Luther more, now? Yes, he was there when he died and yes he tried his best to save him, but a key word: tried. He still got him killed, so WHY DOES BEN FORGIVE HIM?! Diego couldn't. Vanya couldn't. If Five knew, they wouldn't. Hell, not even Allison could, so why should Klaus? WHY SHOULD BEN?!

"I'm doing this just for you." Klaus points at Ben. Ben smiled and nodded as Klaus lifts up their duffel bag, heading to Luther's room. They knocked on it.

"Come in!" Klaus heard a yell from inside the room and Klaus opened the door to see Luther doing one-hand push-ups on the floor.

"Hey, Luther," Klaus starts. "Could you stop for a second? I need to tell you something."

That got the blond's full attention.

"I'm leaving the Academy for real," Klaus revealed. "I won't be coming back."

"Wh-where will you go?" Luther asked. "Klaus, are you sure? I know Dad isn't the best parent-"

"I'm sure-" Klaus nods. "Don't you try to stop me."

"I won't-" Luther sighed and bit his bottom lip. "Very well. Wait."

Luther stood up and walked to his wardrobe. Klaus furrowed their brows- what is he doing? Luther stepped back, a brown envelope in his hand.

"I gave another of these to Diego, Vanya, and Allison too." Luther turned his back to face Klaus, his hand still holding the brown envelope before handing it to Klaus. "Take it."

"What is it?" Klaus takes a look of the inside, their eyes widening at the sight of a bunch of green papers inside.

"500 dollars, will that be enough for a few nights?" Luther asked. "Please get yourself a motel to get by the first few days or something."

"Where'd you get this?" Klaus asked, looking back-and-forth to Luther and the money. Ben is also confused- doesn't he get out of this house?

"No questions asked, I have my ways-" Luther looked down, biting his bottom lip." I mean, I know it's not much but I think it'll be enough for a few days."

Klaus ran and attacked Luther with a bone-crushing hug. Luther froze before he softened and hugged them back. Ben grinned and joined the hug- knowing full well the two wouldn't even feel it, anyway.

"Thanks, Luther," Klaus whispered and pulled apart. "You're a good guy."

"Take care, Klaus-" Luther nods. Klaus opened the door and grabbed his duffel bag again, hiding the brown envelope in the duffel bag.

"Klaus?" Grace called, walking down the stairs to them.


"Where are you going?" Grace continued. "I'm just about to make lunch, oatmeal sounds nice, yeah?"

Ben's heart breaks. She sounds so hopeful that he'll stay and eat with them; Ben would, just for now. None of the kids like oatmeal, but Ben speculates that because Reginald never changed the order, Grace doesn't know to cook anything else. Only in very seldom days are they allowed to eat anything else, and that's only if they'd done well on missions.

"I'm leaving, Mum," Klaus revealed to hear. Grace's face immediately fell. "I can't stay here anymore, don't be mad."

"How can I be mad, you're a man now!" Klaus bit his bottom lip. Even though they've done this so many times with her and she never refused, she almost never remembers to ask which pronouns they'd like to go by that day.

"It's they/them day, Mum," Klaus corrected. Grace's smile widened and she kissed her child's forehead. Ben almost cried as he joined in the hug; not that they can realise.

"Thanks for telling me, dear-" Grace pulled back, rubbing their arm. "I must've forgotten to ask."

"It's ok, Mum-" Klaus nods. Ben waved his hand at Klaus, which caused them to divert their gaze towards him.

"Ask Mum to no longer make oatmeal for Luther," he advised. "And to intervene Dad's harsh punishments on him."

"Mum?" Klaus called. Grace faced them, humming. "Can you not make Luther eat oatmeal again? He doesn't like it."

"For sure I will!" Grace broke into a grin. "Anything else?"

Klaus bit their lip, inhaling deeply. "There is, umm-"

"Go on."

"What are Dad's tortures on him?" Klaus asked. "Can you intervene when they get too bad? I know you're not programmed to defy Dad's will, but please?"

"I'll see what I can do," Grace answered. "Your dad is a good man. A great man. He shapes Luther and all of you to be great people!"

Yeah, so great. Klaus had to fight the urge to roll their eyes. Ben truly rolled his eyes and sighed through his gritted teeth. Will she stop defending him?! HE'S NOT AN ANGEL!

"Will that be all?"

"Yeah. Love you."

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