Basketball Game pt2

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As we block the other the person has no choice but to pass to someone. As they do they Kanzaki was able to catch the ball. This results in her having to pass to someone an sadly she couldn't pass to one of us in time so she panicked and pass to the wrong person.

"It's alright Kanzaki," I say as I go after the ball. I managed to steal the ball. I start dribbling over to the opponents net.

"Come one defense!!" I heard people yell.

"Don't let e-class to win!!" Another person said.

Bro we only have fucking 2 points you dumb asses. The game progressed. We managed to get to half time. So far a-class is winning by 5 points.

"Here drink some water. And we'll try and come up with a new strategy," Okuda said. (What's this a fan fic that respect Okuda and doesn't make her a complete bitch? I'm not hating on other fan fic I swear it was a joke don't @ me)

"Thanks," I smile. They all try and come up with a strategy. They all come up with a new one.

"Alright here's the plan!" Kataoka says. She then tells us the plan and we all nod.

We're so close. As the game continued Kayano got distracted. A lot. So we would tell her that there would be a reward. We continue to play. 3rd quarter came. We were a few points a head.

"What do you mean I'm not playing?" I ask.

"You're tired. Even if you're super human you can't just not rest!!" Okano said. I smile.

"Alright. Kayano, Kataoka, Kurahashi, Hayami and Yada. You're all playing," I tell them. They nod.

They then start playing. I then get switched out with Kurahashi. I start playing. We started doing bad again. I grab the ball. I can't love my legs. Why can't I move my legs? Why am I falling? Everything goes black.

Third POV

"Y/n!!" Kayano panicked. All of the e class girls get worried. There were some worried looks but the others were cocky smirks.

"Omg is she ok?" Rio asks.

"Out of my way ladies. I'll take her to the-" Jelavić cuts her self off. "Is that blood?" She mutters.

"I have to finish the game," (y/n) mutters. She tries to get up but fails to do so. "I'll take her to the infirmary!" She said. She carries the girl.

"Are you all still gonna play or will you forfeit?" The ref asks.

"We'll continue!" They all say. 'This time it's for y/n!' They all thought.

The match continues. It's a close tie. As the time runs out Kayano dribbles the ball but gets distracted. Again. She quickly passes it towards Yada. Yada passes it to Hayami. She then makes it in the net just as the timer rings.

"E class wins!" The ref said. They all get happy.

"Let's go check out the guys game!!" Kayano said.

"Yeah and then we'll ask Ms Bitch-" They were all cut off.

"I'm right here. Karasuma took her. He wanted to check up on how things are going," Jelavić says.

"Oh i see! Is she doing ok?" Yada asks.

"She collapsed because she was over working her self. She may have super human abilities but she definitely needs sleep," Jelavić says.

"Alright let's go cheer on the boys!" They girls say. They run towards their match.

"You boys better win like we did!!" Rio said. The boys nod. E-class is fired up now.


"What the hell were you thinking! For Christ sake you had a bullet wedged in your stomach!! This could've killed you! And the worst part is that you're over working yourself!!" Karasuma lectures the girl.

She smile weakly at him. "I wanted to....I wanted to help them... I wanted to prove they're not losers," The girl says. Right now she was at the back of his car. Trying not to go to sleep. "Can I just close my eyes for one moment?" (Y/n) asks.

"No! Make sure to stay awake!!" Karasuma said worriedly. He tries his hardest to get to this place.

"Where....where are we going," The girl asked weakly.

"To a friends house. You can't go to the hospital like this!" The man told her. He continues to drive.

The made eventually make it and she is placed on a bed. But she couldn't remember a thing because she passed out.


You guys saw this happening. Don't lie you guys did! Anyways I hoped you enjoyed. Also this seemed a bit rush because I finally got out if authors block for this book. So I hope you guys enjoyed!

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