Haha I am Undefeated

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Your POV

"I am back mother fuckers! 2 weeks in the hospital sucks!! There was nothing to do!" I complain. They all turn to me.

"(Y/n)!!" They all said.

"Huh?" I say. Then there were some running towards me. "Oh fuck," I muttered as I made a run for it.

"We just want a hug!! Don't run from us!!" They said. The rest stood by and watched. I then climbed a tree. Then all of a sudden Koro Sensei became part of the group.

"I don't think it's a good thing to exhaust her-" Karasuma was then pushed by ms Jelavić.

"(Y/n)! You're finally back! I missed you!!" She yelled as she ran.

"Ms Jelavić!!" I yell. We then did that one scene from soul eater that envolved Soul and Black Star. But this time Ms Jelavić got shot with a anti Koro Sensei bb.

"You brat who did that!!!" She yelled angrily.

"So I guess we know that Jelavić is favoriting a student"

"Oh how disgraceful!"

"I guess (y/n) really does have a favorite teacher!!! And it's not me!!" Koro Sensei cries.

"Ok first of all I've known this brat longer then I have all of you. Second of all she just got out of the hospital! Third she is my favorite," Jelavić said

"Oh and-" I then get a pile of students hugging me. I clearly fall. I then start laughing. Alright alright. I can't breathe guys," I say laughing.

Third POV

Koro Sensei stood by as he watches his students. His smile was true this time as it is all the time. "Yo teach I would've thought you would've given Horibe a lesson," Karma said.

"I would but since she's gotten here she has made serious character development. She uses to be the mentally unstable one and now she's a normal cheerful teenager," Koro Sense said.

"You really care for her a lot huh?" The red head asks.

"I care for all of my students but she was my student long before. Anyways we should really-" The teacher was then cut off by a gun shot.

It was the assassin. "God damnit!! You're way too fast for your own good...." The girl silent herself. "Well I'm gonna head out for the day," The girl said. "Karma wanna come? How about to Shiota?" The girl says.

"I'm good," Nagisa sweat drops.

"Yeah sure. Oh let's go to that new ice cream place," Karma and (y/n) then suddenly walk off.

"Huh where did those two troubles led go off to!!" Koro Sensei asks.

"They ditched," Kayano said.

"What!?" The teacher yelled.

"Pe is done go back and change!" Karasuma said. Then a school went as it always has.

Your POV

"Road work ahead?" I ask.

"Uh yeah I sure hope it does," Karma said. I laugh. We continue to quote vines as we make it to the ice cream shop.

"I'll have (f/I/c)," I say.

"And I'll have strawberry," Karma said. We get our ice creams and pay. We thank them and then leave.

"Wait so did you guys win the baseball game?" I ask.

"Yeah. Go ahead tell me how awesome I am," Karma said. I roll my eyes.

"Did the girls win?" I ask.

"Oh yeah, they did," Karma told me. I nod.

"That's so great!" I smile. I keep on smiling.

"You're doing it again," Karma told me.

"Huh? Doing what?" I ask him confused.

"You're smiling way too much again. I told you you have to stop that," Karma frowns.

"Oh yeah," I say. I try my hardest not to smile. But I end up just giving him a smile and he sighs.

"Oh did you watch Anohana like I suggested?" Karma asked.

"Oh I did!! I finished it and why did you recommend it to me!! It was so sad," I whine.

"Because why not. Oh I still need to continue watching Black Butler. Season 2 and 3 are finally on Netflix so I have to continue watching it," Karma said.

We spend more and more time talking. "Imma climb that tree!" I say cheerfully. I start to climb it.

"Shouldn't you take it easy?" Karma asked. He was clearly talking about my injury.

"Haha do not worry! Not even a bullet can kill me!! Hahah I am undefeated!!" I say with the Monama and America from Hetalia laughter.

"Haha," Karma rolls his eyes. I club there and stand up. The wind in my hair. I then trip and land gracefully on my face.

"Ow," I say. Karma then laughs at me.

"Undefeated my ass," Karma laughs. I giggle.

"Oh shit it's getting late! I promised my neighbor I would babysit her kid!!" I say.

"Alright see ya later dumb ass," Karma laughs. I laugh back and wave. I then race over. I go to my house and baby sit the kids

We watch movie and take naps. We also eat and have fun. Too bad it all ended quickly. "Don't worry kid because we're both undefeated!!" I laugh. They then smile and wave good bye. "I wonder what it's like to have a kid," I said out loud. I then shrug it off and I then fall asleep.

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