Chapter 10

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I have only two sisters, an elder one, she is 25, and is expecting her first child next month. My younger sister and the 'yar auta of the house is 16 and in SS2. Yes I am going to be an uncle soon. What about you? Do you have any siblings? ~A

I have two younger brothers, Amin is 11, in Js1, and is very naughty😂😂Ameer is 7 , in primary 3 and very cute. Yaaayy!! Allah sa ta sauka lafiya. What are your sisters' names?~ N

😂😂😂Yaya Nawal and Walida. *Sends a picture* ~A

Wow they are so beautiful ma shaa Allah. And they have long hair.I love long hair😭😭😭And I don't have. ~N

😂😂😂eyyyah sorry. What are your hobbies?~A

Reading is number one. I sometimes watch series. And then sleeping and eating, if they could be classified as hobbies. I love food and sleeping is just bae ~A

Acici kawai😂😂well at least we have 2 things in common, I love sleeping and eating too. But reading? Over my dead body. I play and watch football, I watch few series and of course I am addicted to playing PlayStation.

And I also sometimes play piano.

You what? You are a pianist? Omg!!!! Really wow!!! As in which Nigerian knows how to play piano? I can't believe it. Can you please send me a video of you playing piano?~N

Lol, it's not a big deal. It's actually easy to play. And I don't have a video~N

Haba mana Akeeluuu, come on pleaseeeeeeee pretty pleaseeeeeeee!!!!~N

Have you reached Kano safely?~A

Akilu stop changing the topic. I reached Kano three days ago😒

Have you killed the tailor yet😂😝?~A

Akiluuuuuu the video please~N

My name is Akeel not Akilu~A

Sannu dan gayu. Whatever, the video now!~N

Not now Nabeebee~A


I promise I will send it another time. How far with your admission?~A

The admission list is still not out. They said they may paste it next month.~N

Allah sa muga alheri~A

Ameen. Gooodnight~N

Goodnight. Sleep tight❤~A

With a smile she put her phone on her bedside drawer, switched off her bedside lamp, snuggled inside her covers and got ready to sleep. When Akeel asked for her number or snapchat username, she took a long time thinking about whether to give him or not. And now that she did, she didn't regret it at all.

When she saw a message from an unknown number few hours ago, she just knew it was Akeel and since then they had been getting to know each other. It was not like she had been waiting for his message, well maybe she had. She gave him her number three days ago and since then she had been expecting his message.

She had dozzed off when the ringtone of her phone woke her up. Sliding her hand to the bedside drawer she picked up the call.

"Is this Nabeela?" A high pitched girl's voice asked from the other side.

"Yes, hello, please who am I speaking to?" Nabeela asked sleepily but politely.

"Its Niima, does the name ring a bell?"

Nabeela started thinking where she knew the name from. It didn't take her long to remember Hafsa's cousins talking about Akeel's ex. Why will she want to talk to her?

"If it doesn't well I am Akeel's girlfriend. His one and only love, the one he is going to marry. I call to warn you. Stay out of Akeel's Life, or else.....,"

Before she could finish, with shaky hands Nabeela ended the call. With her heart beating she hugged her teddies and snuggled back in her covers.

But she couldn't go back to sleep. Few minutes after tossing and turning on her bed, she woke up and took her phone.

Do you know any Niimah?~N


'Goodnight sleep tight❤❤' .With a smile , Akilu kept his phone aside and continued watching the tv.

"Yaya Akeeeelllll we are boreddddd," Walida complained sitting next to her brother in the living room.

"Me too," another voice said. Akilu looked up and saw his cousin and Walida's best cousin and best friend, Aisha.

"Ya Akeel," she greeted with a wave.

"Hello Aisha, how are you?" After the greetings Akeel asked, "so what do you want to do? Its already late, I could have taken you out."

"Awwn maybe tomorrow in sha Allah,"

"Yes in sha Allah. Remind me then, do you want to watch anything?" He passed the remote to his little sisters.

"No, aren't you watching?"

"Don't worry I can do something else,"

Before he could finish, Walida's eyes sparked up. There was a mischievous glint in her eyes.

"I know what to do," she said with a smirk. Aisha and Akeel turned to her and at the same time asked," what?"

"Prank calls," she squealed.

"Huh?" Akeel asked while Aisha squealed in excitement.

"Who should we start with?" They asked as they started roaming through their contacts. They called Walida's friend first and passed the phone to Akeel.

"Ya Akeel please speak," they begged in whispers.

"Tell her you have seen how beautiful she is and want to be her friend,"

When Akilu didn't agree, Walida pretended to be a guy and talked in a hoarse voice. But soon enough Walida's friend recognized them started laughing.  Akeel, Walida and Aisha laughed too.

"It's so obvious, it's a girl talking," Akeel said.

Aisha and Walida nodded in agreement.

"We should call a guy then,"Walida suggested. Walida then called Aisha's friend. She said it's a girl from Bauchi that saw his picture on instagram and wishes to be his friend. Because of Walida's sweet voice, Aisha's friend immediately got hooked  and agreed to be her friend. When they ended the call, the three of them laughed again. Akeel suggested they call his friend, Adnan. Walida agreed to call him only if Akeel agreed to join them.  Adnan had no idea it was his best friend's sister talking to him. Akeel recorded the call deciding to use it against Adnan whenever he wants something from him.

They called a cousin of their's and in a deep voice said, "Are you Farhan Aliyu, the guy that collected money from us?" He answered he was Farhan Aliyu but he didn't collect money from anyone. Akeel yelled at him and said if he doesn't repay the money before the end of the month he will come to their house. At first Farhan was like okay whatever. It  was when Akeel vividly described their house,  Farhan got really scared. The poor Farhan immediately ended the call not knowing it was his cousins.

When Aishatu suggested that they should call her Wattpadian friends, Walida's eyes glinted again.

"I know exactly who to call, and I know exactly what to say," she said mischieviously.

"Who?"Akeel and Aisha asked at the same time.

"Nabeela," she squealed.

"Which Nabeela," they both asked again.

"The Nabeela from Wattpad,"

"Nahh," Akeel said.

"Or the Nabeela that fought with Ya Akeel. Do you have her number?"

"Ya Akeel does, they met at a wedding  last week, he apologized for his behaviour and now they get along." Walida blabbled. Akeel glared at his sister. She was really a chatterbox, why did he tell her almost everything about himself?

Aisha was so shocked and surprised. Her mouth was hung open, her eyes were wide. "Reallyyyyy?"

"I know right, who could have thought?"

"Ya Akeel please give us her number,"

Akeel shook his head indicating he won't give them the number.

"Pleeeeaseeee Ya Akeel,"

"She is already sleeping," Akeel said.

"Pleaseeee. You promised to help us if we call Adnan and we did," After begging for the next hour, Akeel gave them the number but asked them not to say anything stupid.

"Only one call and if she doesn't pick up, we are going to call it a night," Akeel said and they agreed. Nabeela picked up on the third ring. Walida grinned and in a pitched voice asked.

"Is this Nabeela?"

"Yes, Hello, please who am I speaking to?" Akeel heard the calm and sweet voice he heard in the wedding. She sounded so sleepy. Akeel glared at his sisters and whisper-yelled, "you woke her up from her beauty sleep,".

"Its Niima, does the name ring a bell?" Walida said again trying her best not to laugh. The poor Nabeela kept quiet probably trying to remember any person with the name Nabeela. Akeel glared at his sister again thinking about what she is up to.

"If it doesn't well I am Akeel's girlfriend. His one and only love, the one he is going to marry. I call to warn you. Stay out of Akeel's Life, or else.....,"

Before Walida could finish talking Nabeela ended the call. Aisha and Walida started  laughing. Akeel for the first time that night didn't laugh, he hissed instead. Niimah of all people?

"You scared the poor girl," he said. Guilt was eating him up. He was about to apologize and tell her it was his sisters when he felt his phone vibrating.

Do you know any Niimah?~N

Yes, I am so sorry~A

What are you sorry for?~N

The Niimah thing~A

Do you know she called me?~N

She didn't. It was my sisters.~A

That called me?~N

Yup. They spent the whole night making prank calls, I am sorry~A

😂😂😂😂omg! They scared the shit out of me. I didn't for a second think it was a prank call. They were really good, thumbs up for them.

Akilu felt so relieved when he saw the laughing smileys. "Thank God, she didn't take it serious" he whispered to himself. He loved those that have a sense of humour.

Thank God you are not angry. I am so happy that you are not angry. I felt so guilty when you ended the call.~ A

Lol. It's nothing to be angry about. I am going to have my revenge on you though. Get ready. They snatched my beauty sleep from me😣😣. I can't go back to sleep now,~N

I am sorry on their behalf, for waking you up. Do you want me to sing a lullaby for you or give you a bedtime story?~A

Yes please, 😣😣I want to go back to sleep~N

You have a really nice voice btw.~A

You know what? Can I call you again?~A

To sing the lullabies and give you bedtime stories?~A


Am I the only one that loves prank calls? As inn😂😂My prom award was the class prankster😂😂

So how have you all been?

And keep voting, commenting and sharing if you want me to pray for you to find an Akeel on Wattpad😉😉😉

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