Chapter 11

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Nabeela felt her heatbeat accelarating when her phone started ringing. With shaky fingers, she picked the phone call.

"Hello Nabeebee," he said. His voice was deep, breathy and husky.

"It's Nabeela,"she whispered.

"Okay Beela,"

"Nabeeelaaaa,"she whined.

"Okay Nabeela,"

She loved the way he pronounced her name.

"How are you Najib?" She asked.

"I am fine Hameeda," he said.

"We are back on the character name basis?" Nabeela asked with a laugh.

"You were the one that started. I thought we have passed that stage,"Akeel said.

"I thought so too,"

" We have passed the character name basis. We would start with Roohi and Habibi like Najib and Hameeda do, don't you think?" Akeel asked teasingly and Hameeda burst out laughing. She quickly controlled her laughter, afraid that Mamie may hear her.

"I thought you haven't finished reading the book?"

"I did the other day, I am waiting for the author to update the epilogue,"


"So how far with the prank calls," Nabeela asked. Akeel told her about all those they pranked while Nabeela laughed wholeheartedly.

"I am really sleepy but I don't want to sleep."


"Its just two hours to fajr, so if I sleep now I can't wake up for fajr,"

"Ohh don't worry sleep, I will wake you up,"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I promise to wake you up, Go back to sleep"

"Alright thank you, goodnight,"

"Goodnight, sweet dreams,"

With a smile she put her phone on her bedside drawer and went back to sleep. And she had sweet dreams even though she couldn't remember what they were about. Exactly two hours later her phone started ringing. She disconnected the call and went back to sleep but it didn't take a minute for the caller to call again.

'Who the hell is this,' she thought when even after disconnecting the call for the fifth time the caller didn't stop calling. When she got tired she picked up the call. It was when she heard the husky voice that sounded deprived of sleep, she remembered.

"Good morning Nabeebee, "

"You remembered," she said sleepy.

"How could I forget, I made a promise and I don't break promises,"

"Thank you,"

"You are welcome, I have to go and pray, we will talk later." With that he disconnected the call.

And that was when the tradition began.


"You remembered," He heard her sleepy but sweet voice.

"How could I forget, I made a promise and I don't break promises," he said smiling.

"Thank you,"

"You are welcome, I have to go and pray, we will talk later." With that he disconnected the call and went to perform wudu. He prayed and immediately went back to sleep.

It was a knock on his bedroom door that woke him up from his sleep.

"Who is it?" He groaned.

"It's me," he heard his sister's voice.

"What do you want?" He asked. Akilu loves his morning sleep dearly.

"You promised to take us out,"

"I know but why couldn't you wait till I wake up. You know how I hate it when you wake me up from sleep,"

"Yes, I know, I am sorry but it's already 2 and Aisha is leaving by 4,"

Akilu wasn't ready to get out his bed but as he said earlier on he didn't break promises so he had no other choice.

"Alright go and get ready, we will go out in 15 minutes,"

"Thank youu," she squealed and ran off.

He groaned and jumped out of his bed. He was ready in fifteen minutes and went downstairs. The girls were ready so they immediately headed out.

"So where do you want to go?" he asked them when he drove out of the house. They decided to go to Silverbird and watch a movie first then stop at coldstone on their way back home.

They watched Black Panther and in two hours they were done. They enjoyed the African superhero film and came out laughing whole heartedly. Walida crossed her arms in front of her chest copying the greeting style of Wakanda. Her brother and cousin laughed and said Wakanda. She noticed a guy and a lady staring at them and quickly composed herself.

They headed to coldstone next. Akilu being the nice brother he was asked them to sit while he buys the icecream for them. They told him they both wanted cheesecake with oreo and waffles toppings and off he went. While they were waiting for him, Walida noticed the girl she earlier saw at Silverbird walking into the icecream parlour.

"Are they following us?" She asked Aisha pointing at them. Aisha looked at her weirdly.

"Why will they follow us?"

"I saw them in Silverbird and they are here now,"

"Are you sure they were the ones you saw. Maybe they weren't the ones or maybe it's just a coincidence they are also here,"

Before Walida could say anything else her brother came back with three cups of icecream and he handed one to each of his sisters.

"Thank you," they both said. They were walking out when someone bumped into Akeel pouring her icecream on him.

"I am so sorry," she said in high pitched voice. When Walida saw the girl she saw at silverbird she confirmed the girl followed them and the bumping wasn't an accident.

"It's okay," Akeel said while the girl grabbed a box of tissue and started cleaning his shirt.

"Seriously it's okay, don't bother," Akilu the ever polite and nice one told her with a smile.

"Thank you," she said. She started walking away when she turned around said "please excuse me" to Akeel. She kept her bag on Akeel's car's boot and started taking out stuff out of her bag.

"I must have left it there," she muttered.

"Is everything alright?" Akeel asked her.

"I am just looking for my phone," she said and continued rummaging her handbag. Few seconds later she looked up and sighed.

"Please can I call my number using your phone," Without hestitation Akeel handed her phone to him. She smiled in truimph and started dialling her number. Her phone that was in her jeans pocket immediately started ringing.

"Ohh it has been here all along stupid phone," she brought out her phone and handed Akilu back his phone. With a thank you and a smile she left.

"Now I agree with you, I can't believe she followed us all the way from Silverbird because of Ya Akeel," Aisha whispered to Walida.

"I know right, what a way to collect a guy's number," Walida whispered back while Aisha laughed.

"You know when she first bumped into Ya Akeel I was like awwwn this only happens in books and movies ashe ashe she planned everything,". They laughed again, Akilu looked at them and asked why they were laughing. They both quickly stopped laughing and said, "nothing" .

Aisha was dropped at their house before they went back home. It was already magrib when they arrived at home. They both prayed and chatted with their parents for the rest of the night. It was past 11 when they all decided to retire for the night. Akilu and Walida were walking to their rooms when Akilu noticed one of the doors of the floor ajar. He was about to walk away when he spotted a black and white wooden instrument and remembered the promise he made.

"Walida," he called and his sister turned around.

"Can you please help me for a minute,"

"Of course, what do you want me to do?"

"You are going to video tape me," His sister looked at him weirdly but she just laughed. He gave her his phone and dragged her into the room.

Chatting in WLC

Aeshatu18: Guess what everyone!!!!

Ashetuu18: Akeel's sister told me she's suspecting something between her brother and Nabeela. She says she has seen her name pop up on his screen twice or thrice.

Sarah Bg: Aeshatu gulma

Fareeda (W): Ai shine.

Aishatou Butterfly: Inyeh!! This is something big oo. I knew it already, those harsh words hmmm... no be my water inside woo. But ta sakko da wuri Allah

Fareeda (W): Ki ce Wallahi. It is somehow obvious though. If they are meant to be, I hope Allah finds a way of bringing them together. Such a unique love story to tell their future children about.

Sarah Bg: Gaskiya kam. Wow!! Aishatu18 just keep updating us. kinji.

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