Chapter 2

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Do you know that feeling when you are so sad and emotional but you don't even know why you feel that way. You feel so down, empty and just not in the mood of doing anything. That was how Nabeela was feeling one chilly night.

She checked all the channels on the TV and even though some of them were showing her favorite shows she just wasn't in the mood of watching anything. She picked her favourite book and started reading it but no, it wasn't interesting as well.

She had a bad feeling. Her heart was beating so fast and she had no idea why she was feeling that way. Is something bad happening to those she loved? She just hoped nothing is going to go wrong as she tossed and turned on her bed.

She took her old phone-the Tecno with as many cracks on the screen as her age, but as usual, there was no one to chat with. It was only in this kind of situation that Nabeela wished she had a boyfriend. Someone who she could be able to talk to, and someone that would give a listening ear. Someone who could cheer her up. Someone who could tell her nothing is going to go wrong and everything will be alright. Someone who she could able to pour her feelings out to. Someone who would hug her tight and tell her it's alright and tell her that everybody feels that way sometimes. But no she had no one. That someone doesn't exist or is probably stuck on a tree somewhere .

She decided to sleep right away but even after hours of tossing and turning on her bed, she couldn't.

"Ya Allah ya Allah," she kept muttering. She jumped out of her bed and went into the bathroom. Making her ablution and praying a two raka'a nafila, she felt a little bit better but the feelings were still there.

She was about to close her eyes when a notification popped up. It was an instagram dm from Asmaah. It was just a simple 'hi', it wasn't everyday that Nabeela gets messages so she felt so happy. She didn't know who Asmaah was but from the pictures on her page, she was a classy girl, the opposite of Nabeela.

She replied with a 'hello' and was astonished when she saw Asmaah's reply.

How are you Nabeela? My name is Aisha, I am a member of the Wattpad Ladies Closure Group. My friend Sarah, who writes a book on wattpad asked for a picture of a beautiful girl she could use as a character in her book. I stalked a few girls on instagram and found you. I think you'll make the perfect cast. Just wanted to ask for your permission before screen grabbing it and sending it to her. Please may I?~Asmaah

She was so suprised. Her picture? Her? beautiful? Her picture on Wattpad? What? She knew what wattpad was afterall she had read about ten amazing Nigerian books on the app. Nabeela thought she wasn't that pretty. She was a fair eighteen year old girl with brows that were far too bushy and pink lips that were always cracked to be thought of as attractive. She thought about the advantages and risks of having her pictures on the cover of a wattpad novel. The disadvantages outweighed the advantages but she just couldn't say no to Asmaah. She could sound rude and she hated being rude, after all the girl seemed so nice.

Yes sure, go ahead. If you don't mind me asking, please what's the name of the book? I would love to read it'~Nabeela

Thank you so much. I know my friend will be so happy. It's "Miss world or Miss Akirah"~Asmaah


He couldn't believe it. How could she?How could she break his heart just like that? How dare she? He gave her everything she'd ever wanted. He trusted her so much. She knew everything about him from his best colour and best food to his atm password. They shared even the tiniest bit of information. He loved her. They loved each other or so he thought.

He got a message from her yesterday night asking for a break up just like that, without any reason, without even a notice. Initially he thought it was just one of her pranks, he called her ten times but she refused to pick any of the calls, then later switched off her phone. It was only when he called her younger brother that he heard the sweet voice he loved. But unfortunately, the words she used made the voice not sound as sweet as it used to. She told him to not to ever call her again.

He was so hurt. She broke his heart into a million pieces. What has he done to her? Nothing but good. Has he wronged her in way? Nothing he could think of. The last time they talked, they were on good terms. He couldn't sleep on that faithful night. Imagine how you would feel when the girl you have been dating for three years dumped you after sending a text message without giving you any cogent reason.

When he heard his phone ringing, he sprang up and picked it up thinking it was Niimah, his love, or his ex love. It wasn't but his annoying younger cousin Aisha.

" What do you want? Walida is not nearby " Akilu spoke immediately he picked the call. Walida is his seventeen year old sister that was Aisha's best cousin.

"Oh Hello to you too Ya Akeel, I am not looking for Walida,"

"Who are you looking for then?"


"What do you want?"

" One of my friends writes stories on Wattpad,"

"What the hell is Wattpad?"

"Can you let me finish?Please? "

"She was looking for a picture of a guy to use as her character, I sent your picture. I hope you don't mind."

"What the f***? Are you insane? How could you send my picture? Without asking for my permission. You want the whole world to see me. That's so irresponsible," he started shouting. Akilu was usually a nice guy. Only on rare occasions would you see this side of him.

"I am sorry Ya Akeel, I will ask her not to use it," her voice was trembling.

He hissed and disconnected the call afterwards. He was very angry at everyone and everything. He threw his phone and lay on his bed. It was only about an hour later that he realized how harsh he had acted. It was all Niima's fault. With a sigh he started typing on his phone...

Tell her she could use it as long as I am a rich hot guy in the book. And I have a beautiful girlfriend that loves me very much~Akilu

Thank you so much Yaya Akeel~Asmaah.

You are welcome Essh. I apologize for my behaivour ealier on. What is the name of the book?~Akilu

Its Miss world or Miss Akirah?~Asmaah.

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