Chapter 6

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I was walking back to the house when suddenly I get a message and looked at it. It was from her, I smiled as I walked to the side and pulled it up.

-Hey, got a mission near Shion and got a room all to myself, why don't you come over and we have some fun~-


-Give me an hour-


I put my Scroll up a as I walked to my house, getting dressed in my favorite blue flannel, boots and jeans. I grabbed a special case of whiskey I kept on occasion cause we liked to drink it after our...sessions. I walked out as I see the Brigade stumble to the bunk house and I see the others walk to me. I smiled as I walked to my truck as I made sure my pistol was loaded

"Where you off to," Ethan asked me

"Date," I said as I looked at them,"going to meet my girlfriend at Shion."

"You have a girlfriend," Alice asked

"This is a first," Racheal said as she leaned on my truck

"Yeah, we kept it on the DL cause I didn't want them to know," I said as I pointed at the Dumbasses

"Understandable," Ignika said as he crossed his arms,"well I hope you don't mind, but I wish to explore the planet for a bit before we leave."

"Hey I ain't holding you back, go off have some fun. Just...don't hurt anyone to much, please?"

"No promises."

"...I'll take what I can get. And you 5, watch over the place for a bit, I'll pay you for it with money and food."

"Hell I'll take some warm food," Joshua said with a smile

"Hmm and if they get rowdy," Henry asked

"...Then do whatever the fuck you want to them," I said as I holstered my gun into my side,"if one dies, just feed them to the pigs."

"Yeesh, remind me to not get on your bad side," Alice said with a not so sweet smile

"Hehehe yeah, alright, I'll be back in the morning," I said and got in my truck

I set off as I looked at the Dumbasses and see Ruby look at me with down eyes, seems she battling in her head a bit about what happened. I sighed as I drove to Shion, where my girl was waiting for me. After a solid hour, I parked outside and locked it up, then walked through the town as I was greeted by the others, suppliers and buyers, but good friends as well

I make it to the apartments and went to the second level, as instructed, then knocked hard on it. Soon I waited till a voice spoke.

"Who is it," they asked

"Big, tall, handsome and holding a bottle of Owen MaCallen whiskey," I said

Soon the door opened and I was grabbed by the collar and pulled in. I chuckled as I turned to see the women of my life, my true love and my, hopefully future wife-

Coco Adel

"Whats up," she asked me, wearing booty shorts and a sexy tank top

"Answering the call of my beautiful and sexy girlfriend," I said as checked her over

She was always beautiful to me, sexy, filled out and just so damn cool. We chuckled as we walked to the bed and laid down, making out as we basically just comfy and started taking clothes off. Me in my boxers and her bra and panties, making us pant heavy as we got hot from it. Then...well you know what happens next so I'll tell you how we got together

A month in Beacon, a long time ago

"FUCKING DIE," I yelled as I punched a bag

I was in the gym releasing my pent up rage, frustration and misery on the poor punching bag. I pounded it with my blood knuckles, I didn't bother with wrap or gloves, I wanted to feel something from...the sadness in me. My dad died...killed himself a week after moms funeral, she died from a illness, cancer something, I didn't pay attention

I yelled and cried as I punched and brutalized the bag, yelling out more profanities that would make a nun piss herself. I punched and punched, flashes of me and dad at the lake fishing, hunting sport, family diners and movie nights. Then it was replaced with us in the hospital, mom in the bed, more lines hooked every times we came and me laying next to her reading

She loved The Hobbit, apparently it was made from a soldier during the Great War, dude certainly had an imagination, but hey mom loved it so I went with it. Then her funeral, her being buried, dad looking dead inside and then finding my dad dead body, blew his head off with his gun...fuck my life


I stopped after I punched the bag so hard it went fly from the hinges, breaking the beam and making the sand spill out onto the floor. I breathed heavy as I wiped the tears away, sniffling as I cleaned my mess up. I wiped the blood off and bandaged them, didn't want Miss Goodwitch seeing this, she was like my aunt, my mom new her from her days in Beacon

Mom...Dad...and Adam...fucking why must I lose everyone I love!?!?

I sighed as I walked to my room, since I was a regular student, we got our own private dorms to sleep. I was walking when suddenly I saw a girl drop a shirt from her bag, so I grabbed it and ran back to her

"Hey you dropped...this," I said as I froze, seeing the most beautiful girl I ever saw

Coco Adel, from CVFY, she was the most talked about girl, as the most beautiful, gorgeous and fashion obsessed girl in Beacon. I see her around, but never got a chance to talk with her, well, she was a couple years above me so there's that. But I always thought she was badass, cause she wrecked RDL like rag was kinda a turn on

"Oh thanks, man that would have been bad, this costed 80 Lien," she said, putting the shirt up,"anyway, who is the valiant Knight that helped this little lady~?"

"Umm Ben, Benjamin Taurus ma'am."

"Oh yeah, your the guy who beat team JNPR in Combat class single handed, impressive."

"Eh, I wouldn't have called it that, more like...fighting a couple toddlers with no brains."

"Hahahaha! True, first years are like that, but hey what can ya do?"


We stood there as I was a little uncomfortable, I never talked to girls much since some thought I had no drive to be a stupid Huntsmen. But eh I didn't give a fuck, I just wanted a girl who was mature, kind and level headed. Maybe one day I'll find someone like that.

"Well I have to bounce, gotta bounce," I said,"it was nice talking to ya."

"You as well," she said

We parted ways, but something made me stop and think, then chuckled as I might as well shoot it.

"Hey," I yelled out to her

"Sup," she asked me, tilting her glasses

"Want to...get some coffee sometime?"

"...I would like that~"

And how I found my girlfriend.

2 hours of hot steamy sex later

"So how are you know who," she asked, as she laid on my chest

We just finished maybe our...3rd or 6th round of intense steamy hot sex. Both of us was sweaty, hot and still we clinged to one another as we smiled from the much needed...relief. The bed was intact, soaked with our sweat and umm other things and we just laid there as the AC worked its magic. Coco was leaning my chest was I rubbed her shoulder as I smiled

"Fine, they're learning slow," I said as I sat up against the bed frame,"gave the reality talk and that the world ain't sunshine and rainbows. I feel bad for Yang, having to deal with those three and me having to be rude to her."

"I know, she was the only one I know that didn't treat you in that team," she said as she looked at me,"and your other guests?"

"Good, they're a huge help and this other guy healed my leg up, so there's that."

"I should thank him, cause I certainly enjoyed a fully healed boyfriend~."

We kissed as I grabbed the whiskey and poured us cups, then as I offered hers, she denied it...she never denied MaCallen whiskey.

"Whats up," I asked her,"you never deny this whiskey."

"Well lets say I have to watch what I need or drink for a few months," she said as she leaned on me

"Why? Is it medical, what? Come on Coco you know I worry about you."

"Well...lets say my oven has a bun in it."


"Umm care to repeat that," I asked her

"Ben," she said with a wide smile

She then grabbed something form her purse and handed it to me, making me see it was a pregnancy test...and it was positive. I was slacked jaw as I looked at her so surprised she giggled at me reaction. I leaned to her stomach and placed my hand on it, tearing up as I looked her, cupping her face as we both smiled

"I'm gonna be...a dad," I asked her

"Yep, we're gonna be momma and daddy," she said as she teared


Shion Streets, 3rd POV

A robed figure was seen stabbing a man in the leg as they spinned kicked the man, knocking him out on the floor. The figure panted as they moved to their neck and bared their teeth, having small vampire like fangs, then bites the man. They sucked their blood till the guard showed up and saw the assaulter suck the mans blood

"HEY STOP THAT," a woman guard yelled as she ran that them

The figure stopped as they looked to Guard and ran off, jumping on the wall and ran up till they jumped on the roof and fled away from the chasers. The women groaned as they got away, she could chase them, but she needed to prioritize the mans well being first. She ran to him as she checked his pulse, luckily he was alive and breathing

"4th one this week," she said as she radioed for back up,"hey Grey, we got another one, head to me."

"On it Sally," Grey said as he ran to her location

Sally sighed as she worked on the wound the knife left, luckily it was just deep enough to immobilize the man. She sighed as she radioed the Head Guard and informed him, so now they had to call in more professional help from the Academies. Maybe Beacon had someone capable?


"When did you find out," I asked Coco

We just took a shower, after doing it in the shower, and got dressed. She chuckled as she puts her normal attire on, as I dusted my button from laying on the floor, guess when you fling shirts during sex, they get dirty.

"A couple weeks ago," she said,"started to show the signs and went to Miss Peach...then I took the tests...then I found out."

"I...I'm so over enjoyed right," I said as I hugged her from behind,"I...never thought I would be a dad, well not until we...umm."

"Until we what, Benny~?"

"...I was hoping to wait till you finished Beacon, but...Coco..."

"Just say it Benny, I'm here."

I sighed as I pulled out a box, small rectangular box, leather and made special for her. I looked at her as I looked around as this wasn't exactly the best spot for it, but might as well practice. I got to one knee, making her gasp as she held her mouth, fuck this is to fast!

"Coco were gave me more life then I ever had," I said as I held her hand,"you made me want to live again, made the grey fade away and brought so much light in my life. You...saved me Coco."

"Oh Ben," she said with a sniffle

"I've been thinking about this for a while, ever since I knew, that you were the women for me, my soulmate. I just be with you forever, so Coco Adel, the women of my life...will you...marry me?"


She tackled me as we hugged on the floor, crying as we kissed and savored this moment with the girl I love. I thanked Oum, the Bother Gods and her, cause...she saved me on that day when we first meet. I laughed as I kissed her more and held her life she was the last piece of gold in Remnant, and our precious cargo. FUCKING SCROLL RANGED!

"Motherfucker," I cursed

"Damn it," Coco said,"moment is ruined!"

"Yeah, but hey we'll do this proper in a better setting, but thank you Coco...for everything."

"Hey, it's always worth being with you Benny~. Now answer so we can go a date."

"Copy, alright then lets see whos calling. Old Man?"

"Ozpin? Why is he calling you?"

"I don't know, but lets see what he wants. Hey Old Man, whats up?"

"Benjamin, how are you," he asked me

I looked at Coco as she smiled and rubbed her stomach, making me smile as we laid on the couch. This was comfy.

"Happy to say, I've never been more happy in my entire life," I said with a chuckle,"so whats up Old Man, what's with the call?"

"We've received reports of a serial attacker in Shion. Multiple people have been attacked, all say they've been drank of their blood, non-fatal safe to say. But they are fast and escape the Guard."

"Ssssoooo you want me to find them and apprehend them?"

"Indeed, and if they won't come in quietly, you know what to do."

"Understood, I'll take care of it."

"Good, and also Ben...congratulations on the proposal and the announcement of your child."

"....How the hell-"

"I know everything Benjamin, just make sure to protect them Ben, you'll be a great father."

"T-Thank you Ozpin...see ya soon."

I hanged up as I sighed and leaned on the couch, laughing as I looked at Coco, who looked at me

"So," she asked

"Got a mission from Ozpin here," I said as I rubbed her shoulders,"so seems I have to get to work."

"Yeah, but hey, once were done with our missions, we meet up at your house?"

"I would love that, I'll make a huge BBQ for this!"

"Okay then stud, just stay safe and don't die."

"Same with you."

I left the room, after kissing her, then went to work. I smiled as I looked at the sky, believing that my folks were looking down at me.

"Mom, dad...I'll make ya proud," I said as I went to work

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