Ignkia: Special Chapter

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Ignika POV

I was with Kiana, Talulah and Slater in Vacuo, after taking out the Crown fools so they won't be causing any problems in the future. I sighed as I walked to a stand and ordered some refreshment, which was overpriced as always. I sighed as I closed my eyes and thought back to my siblings, who were no doubt already working on coming in soon

I hummed as I took a sip from my drink and spinned around to head back to the others, but something happened. As I did, I didn't see the sunny, sandy and bright landscape of Vacuo, but instead I saw a dead landscape, the buildings were all but reduced to ashes and demolished ruins. I coughed as the air tasted stale and decayed, like flesh was in the air

"What the hell," I asked as I flew to the air

I looked around as the entire landscape was grey, white and black, Vacuo was dead. I hummed as I flew to Mistral, hoping to see if Ben had any idea on whats going on. I flew over Vale and the same was here, the trees were all dead, the city was in ruin and there will skeletons all over the land.

"What the hell is happening," I asked as I got over Mistral

And as soon as I did, it was the exact same situation, the land was barren as I tisked my lips and landed in front of Bens house. It was ruined, but still standing in good condition. I walked to the door and knocked on it, but it slowly creeks open, making me a bit creeped out, so I walked in and there I see the place was barren. No furniture, appliances or anything, dust was building up

"Ben," I called out

I got nothing as I hummed and walked around the place, there wasn't even a bed in the bedroom, just a knapsack. I looked around as I see a figure in the distance, standing in a clearing, back turned to me. I walked out of the house to the figure, as he seems busy with...something.

"Hey," I called out,"can you tell me what happened here?"

"...," they said nothing as they stood there

"...Hey, can you hear me?"

"...Oh I can hear you alright," they said

Their voice was modculated, having a deep robotic voice, keeping me from know what gender they were. They turned around and there a robot of sorts stood there, or a highly advanced cybersuit that looked old as hell. But still brimming with...what is that power?


"So seems I got a visitor," they said as they walked by me,"follow me...we'll talk."

"Yeah no, I ain't going nowhere with you until you tell me where I am," I said, not budging an inch form my spot

"...Simple, your on Remnant...whats left of it anyway."



"What happened here," I asked the person

"Salem and Ozpins War," they said,"let's say the end results were...less then satisfactory."

The person leads me to Ozpins office, which was destroyed and there was no roof. The Wyvern was still petrified by Rubys eyes, but chipped, cracking and crumbling from what seemed like years of being there. I looked at the figure as they stood there, over looking Vale and stood there like a statue, perfectly still and quiet

"So, what do you want to know," they asked me

"How long as it been like this," I asked, getting information

"Hmm, what day is it?"


"2 million years."


They turned to me, there were stared at one another, making me get on the defense. They tilted their head to the side, making me step back, which was good cause they were now standing in front me, sword drawn and was resting where my head was a second ago. I jumped back as I was surprised to see them move more faster then I could

They lowered their sword and looked at me, bending their wrist as they looked at me. They moved to me as I dodged and blocked their attacks, but it was like getting hit by a million meteors, but luckily I can withstand it, but damn they were relentless!

"Come on, your suppose to be better," they said as they attacked me

"I fight only when I want to," I said as I dodged back,"I don't get into fights unless it affects me, so sorry buddy, I ain't indulging you."

"Hmph...maybe I should visit Tiamat...see if that gets you motivated."

"...You really want this fight?"

"You have no idea Ignika."

"You know me, but I don't know you."

The figure stood there as they sheathed their blade and stood there, then moved their hands to their helmet. They clicked a button on the side and then hissing can be heard, then they removed it. And there he was....Ben

"Hello Ignika," he said to me

He looks at me and I see his face was damaged. Scars all over it, his hair gone and his left eye was completely white, meaning he was blind in the eye. He latched the helmet on the side as he looked at me, which we stared off at one another

"You know if we fight," I said,"there isn't a chance you'll live."

"Thats the plan," Ben said as he dashed at me

He tackled me off the tower and soon we were free falling. I grunted and punched him hard, he fell up and stopped as he looked down at me, floating in the air, smiling. He thrusted his hand in the air and suddenly multiple void portals opened and millions of spears came out, he fired at me as I dodged them with somewhat erase but they scratched me pretty good

"What the hell happened to you," I asked him, as my wounds healed

"...2 million years ago, we were able to kill Salem," he said,"we were so close, I had the chance to to kill her, but she used a nasty trick, she found a way kill me, then as soon as I stabbed her...it appeared."

"What did?"

"A ball of pure...pure Void energy. It landed on me and it ripped me, to the smallest atom. I thought I died, but it repaired me and there I was...in a land of death, decay and destruction. I found out that the Void destroyed Remnant, killing everyone and everything, even the Girmm were all but gone."

"I see, and you?"

"...I found everyone I love dead, buried them and for 2 million years...I haven't watched Remnant more then I could count and unlocked of many abilities that I never knew I could believe."

"So...you brought me here to kill you."

"..If you even can."

"Well let's see."

I snapped my fingers, using pure elemental life energy, and Ben suddenly stopped breathing, he was sent falling down and crashed into the floor. I sighed as I didn't want to do this, but he made me. I flew to his corpse and then stood by him, sighing as he laid there in peace. I turned around and walked off, now I need a way back

As I was walking, I suddenly heard something move and turned to see Ben crawling out of the pit he made from the fall. He got up and then popped his neck, making a nasty crack and sighed, sounds like he was disappointed with that

"So...that was disappointing," he said as he cracked his neck again

"Indeed, seems this new power you have makes you immortal from even Pure Life Energy," I said with a sigh,"What a drag."

"Yeah, well...want some food?"

"...I can eat."

(To be continued)

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