Chatper 7

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Yang POV

I was at the lake after some training, venting some anger since this morning. I just learned that Ben has a...girlfriend, a girlfriend!?!? I was a little jealous, hell even a bit angry, but I shouldn't be the jealous bitch type. I am happy for him and I hope he and whoever it was have a happy life, cause I can tell he was happy. I was standing by a river as I just thought

"Penny for your thoughts," a voice said

I turned to see Rachel there, wearing a pink shirt with jean shorts on, her shoes in her hands. She walked to my side, sat down as she sank her bare feet into the water, humming as it probably felt good. So I took my boots off and sinked my feet in, humming with her as the water was cool but felt nice. So I looked at Rachel and she glanced at me

"So, what you thinking," she asked

"Thinking about training and such," I said, sighing heavily with a blush,"n-nothing else really."

"Okay, and this might not have to do with the fact Benny has a girlfriend?"


"Uh-huh, right. Look, it may seem hopeless, but there's a chance."

"Seriously? Yeah right, he won't date when he already has a girlfriend?!"

"Yeah, but Ben is like one in a million, plus something tells me his girl doesn't mind to share him. I mean, if I didn't have my eyes on someone else, I would be all over that hunk of meat~."

I look at her like she was crazy, but I stayed calm and breathed. If there was a chance, then I need to listen and take her advice.

"Okay, how can I do it," I asked

"Well first we need intel on his girl," she said,"then if it's someone I know, I can help~"

"Thanks, I ain't good with boys or talking to them, dad wasn't much help. And my mother...well you know."

"Well I can't fully blame you, your mother did abandon you and you dad did the best he could, but he didn't know much of girl life."

"Yeah, sighs, I...I want to at least try, cause I...I really do like Ben."

"I know, now come on, lets get you fixed up!"


"So this is where the attack happened," I asked as I was with the Shion Guard Sally

I was at the scene of the attack to see who was doing it, there I see messed up alley and small patches of blood.

"Yeah, the victim was here," Sally said as she recreated the scene,"he's back against the wall, he had a knife in his left leg and the robbed figure was on top, holding him down as they...sucked his blood."

"I'm sorry say what," I asked

"Yeah, apparently they suck blood from the victim."

"...I hope for the love of Oum this better not a fucking Twilight scenario or I will blow my head off."

"BEN," a voice yelled

I look to see Oscar Pine running up to me, I smiled as I ran to him and hugged the kid, then grabbed his neck to give him a noggie. We chuckled as he pushed me off and punched my shoulder, which didn't hurt, but I faked injury and rubbed my shoulder

"Sheesh kid, have you been training," I asked

"Oh screw you Ben, that didn't hurt at all," he said with a smile,"so whats up Ben?"

"Oh just trying to find a possible maniac thats stabbing people and sucking peoples blood."

"...So just a regular Tuesday?"


"Umm excuse me, but who is he," Sally asked me

"Oh my apologies," I said and arm hugged Oscar,"meet Oscar Pines, my neighbor and honorary brother, fuck with him and I will rip you fucking skull out and shove it into your ass."

"...Your scary," Sally said with a sweatdrop

"Ben you don't have to threaten everyone who meets me," Oscar deadpans me

"Oscar, your my little brother and I must ensure your protection," I said,"from killers, perverts and shota lovers, so all my threats are completely necessary and needed."

"...Can we resume our investigation," Sally asked

"Oh yeah totally, me and Oscar will handle it," I said as I patted his back

Sally nodded her head as she walked off to let us work. I smiled as I patted Oscars head and we walked the crime scene, checking out anything that could lead us to the attacker, marks, or anything. And I just so happen to find a small patch of blood, leading up the wall and probably the roof.

"Found something," Oscar asked

"Yep, say Oscar, remember those tracking skills I taught you," I asked him

"Yeah, ever since you took me on my first hunting trip and killed a 10 pointer! We tracked it for a couple hundred yards till we found if. Its was actually...the only time anyone actually spent time with me."

"Exactly, looks like we're gonna need those skills again buddy, you ready?"

"Hell yeah!"




We laughed as we followed the blood trail for a couple yards till we reached one of the towns store houses, it keeps all the daily harvests in a controlled environment. We heard some of the local farmers complaining about a recent break ins and food being stolen.

"Seems our attacker has taken up residence here," I said as I pulled my revolver out

"Yeah," Oscar said as he looked at the storehouse,"hmm blood ain't clumpy yet, so means they just got here."

"Yep, hmm, okay let me handle this. If I ain't back in 10 minutes, call the guard."

"Yeah got it, and if they don't listen?"

"Grab a pipe and come help me."

"Yyyeeeaaaahhhhh sure."

I chuckled as I closed the door, used a hoe to lock it in place. I turned back to the crates and other products of the fields, plenty of places to hide and hole up. Seems who ever did this planned ahead of this, gotta give them props for this. I walked around as I checked all the corners and holes in the place, seems they weren't here yet

Or they are already in the rafters or whatever else they had to spy on people. I walked around until I noticed as small window in the upper levels near the roof of the storage house, I walked up the stairs and looked in. It seemed to be a hiding hold for a girl, given I see bras and panties, all bright colors and such, plus the fact that I see make up

I hummed as I walked back and suddenly had to dodge a knife blade. I skit back as I see a hooded figure standing across from me, as I smiled and grabbed my blade, making us take stances. I watch her as she seemed to be shaking, clearly either on something or she was just had chitters, but she certainly seemed unwell. I narrowed my eyes as I sheathed my blade and held my hands out

"Hey, why don't we but the blades up and talk a minute," I asked her

"C-Can't stop, n-n-need blood," she stuttered a bit, her eyes jerking all around, her hand clinching tight on her knife

"Hey, be easy with that knife kiddo, you can hurt yourself."

"Why? Why do you care!? Here to hurt me, I've been bad...momma and papa will be mad with me again!"

She started to hyperventilate and this got me worried. So when she looked away for a split second, I ran at her, grabbed her wrist and twisted it enough to make her drop the knife. I then went around her and got her close to my chest, making her struggle hard to break out. I groaned as she may be small frame, but she was strong, but I had more muscles

"Calm down, I'm here to help," i said

"Don't trust no one, no one cares about me," she said with a growl

I sighed as I used the only thing I knew how to do. This helped me back when dad died and I was coming to terms with my families passing. I moved my back to a crate and slide down with her, making her sit in my lap as I rubbed her head and spoke.

(I do not own the video, found it on YouTube)

She stopped and dropped the knife, slowly drifting to sleep and she looked at me. Instead of her once crazy eyes, she now had eyes of someone finally had found some sort of peace.

"T-Thank you," she said and passed out

I sighed as I picked her and carried her bridal style, moving outside with Oscar running to me. He stopped when he saw who I was carrying, making him surprised that it was a little girl who was causing such a fuss. I nodded as we walked to the nearest hospital in the area, which was close. I got her in, telling them of the importance of keeping her safe

She was listed as a Jane Doe, no family and was put in a room on the top floor with a locked door. Soon the Guard came in to watch over the door, and I was sitting inside the room as I waited for the doctor or anyone really. As I did, Ozpin, mom and Qrow walked in, with mom running and hugging me tightly

"Are you okay," mom asked me

"Yeah mom, I'm okay," I said,"luckily we did fight, so no harm."

"So you managed to capture the attacker," Qrow asked me,"many Huntsmen tried and they couldn't find him."

"Actually it's a her."

"What," the three asked me

"From what I heard from her when she finally spoke to the doctor, shes suffering some form of deprivation. Her semblance, or a quirk as she called it, allows her to drink blood to shapeshift into the person she drank the blood from. But it as a side of effect, if she doesn't get a daily dose she will get antsy, imagine like a drug user not getting a daily fix."

"Surly her parents were aware of this," Mom asked

"Oh they did, but didn't do anything cause if their daughter was seen visiting a therapist, it would ruin the image of their 'normal and perfect family'."

"And of course prestige and status overrules everything," Ozpin said as he sighed,"does she have a name?"

"Himiko Toga," I said as I showed them a clipboard,"and apparently shes not from Remnant."

"What, how is that even possible," Glynda asked me,"I know of those others Ozpin mentioned to us, but to meet one is...something else."

"It's still a mystery mom, but I believe her. She was speaking clear and detailed facts, she's from a place called Earth, a place called Japan. There they have Heros and Villains, with Quirks which are basically Semblances but they don't have to worry about Grimm."

"Hmph lucky bastards," Qrow said as he leaned on the wall,"well how did she end up here? And why did she attack those people?"

"How is still unknown unfortunately, seems it's a recurring thing for people not from Remnant. And why she attacked the people, it's mostly cause she thought she was still wanted from her world, we arrest her at a simple blood bank. So she attacked to just get some blood and run, the only way she can tame her blood addiction."

"Hmm seems reasonable enough I suppose," Ozpin said,"though she will be in trouble with the authorities here, but since she didn't actually kill anyone she won't face serious jail."

"Indeed, given her age and condition of her Quirk, she can plead illness," Mom said,"given how her power affects her kind and such."

"Yeah but she'll be in danger cause people will see her as a monster," I said,"plus no one will defend a psychopath like her, they won't cause there'll be no merit in defending a girl who isn't high in society."

"Which is the sad truth," Ozpin said as he sipped his coffee,"so I take it you want to take her in?"

"She was cheated out of a normal childhood cause her parents didn't give a damn about her and cared more about their image. If she had gotten proper care for her condition, then she wouldn't have done what she did there or here."

"And you want to give her a chance," Qrow said

"I do, no one deserves a shitty life cause their parents are dumbasses that want to look good to others."

"Fair enough," Ozpin said as he walked toward the nurse station,"I'll pull some strings and arrange a suitable agreement. Ben, why don't you talk to Himiko and try to inform her of the situation?"

"You got it grandpa, I'll handle it."

"I'll see if the Guard has found anything of her personal effects," Mom said as she rubbed my cheek,"be safe dear."

"You got it mom."

"I'll be heading off, gonna try and find any information on the three that attacked Amber," Qrow said,"plus try and console the families that lost family due Leos actions."

"Good luck," Glynda said as they walked off

I sighed as I walked to Himikos room, there I find her sitting up on the bed, her hair down as she was meddling with a medical scalpel. I walked to her and yanked it out of her hand, making her glare at me, but my Beowulfs are more scary looking than her. I sighed as I put the knife away and sat on the side, then looked at her

"Heya, how you feeling," I asked her

"Hmph, why do you care," she asked me,"making sure your prisoner knows that being a villain doesn't pay?"

"No no, just checking up on you, was a little worried since I brought you in. Cause you looked like you've been running on adrenaline for a while and haven't eaten in weeks."

"'re not wrong."

I hummed as I grabbed a bag I had and opened it, there I bring out some hamburgers I bought a few minutes ago. She sniffed them, no doubt trying to see that they ain't poisoned or drugged. When she didn't smell anything funny she grabbed one and munched on it like a wild Grimm, I chuckled as I munched on mine too, man its so tasty

"So...whats your name," she asked me

"Ben, Benjamin Taurus," I said,"just your average run of the mill farmer wore free lances as a mercenary."

"...Thats so cool! That means you get covered in blood a lot right!?"

"Here and there a few times, only when I have to deal with a nasty prick or butchering a deer or two."

"O-oohh sounds like fun! So anyway, what's gonna happen to me, no doubt thrown into the darkness dungeon."

"Maybe not, so far all you've done is harm but haven't killed, so thats good. Plus the people you attacked are recovering well, so far they've been informed of your situation. They ain't pressing charges, but still pissed for what you did, so you might have to do some community service."

"Oh thats just great, no doubt it'll be a mine awaiting me."

"Not really, I have a nice farm outside the village, where I take in troubled kids, or idiots, and help them get their lives straightened out."

"And you...actually want to take me in?"

She looks at me with those eyes, like a lost puppy finally finding someone who will take her in. I smiled as I rubbed her head, making her flinch as she probably never got a head rub in her life, no doubt after her parents stopped when she unlocked her quirk. She smiled as she kept munching on the hamburger, so this is how we spent the last few moments together

Cause tomorrow I'll be taking her home, where she'll get proper treatment and a better life. This I swear, cause for some reason...I like helping people like her, those who were forgotten, neglected or unfortunate in this life. It just seemed right I guess, cause I know for one thing...

Mom would have done the same if she was here...yeah...yeah she definitely would have

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