Chapter 8: PANIC! Breakout at Tartarus!

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The scene at Tartarus was one of chaos and urgency. Pro heroes and guards moved about the facility, their faces grim and determined. Among them was Detective Akatsutsumi, her usually cheerful demeanor replaced with a steely focus. The breakout was unprecedented, and the implications were dire.

Momoko walked briskly towards the central command center, where Tsukauchi was already coordinating efforts. His face was etched with fatigue, but his eyes were sharp.

"Tsukauchi," Momoko called out as she approached, "What's the situation?"

Tsukauchi handed her a tablet displaying security footage. "We're dealing with a highly organized group. They broke in multiple facilities, neutralized the guards and extracted Chisaki Kai and the Shie Hassakai. We're still piecing together how they managed to breach our security."

Momoko frowned as she reviewed the footage. "These guys knew exactly what they were doing. Have we identified any of the intruders?"

"Not yet," Tsukauchi replied, "But we're analyzing the footage for any leads. We've also sent out alerts to other high-security facilities in the country. If they've broken the Shie Hassakai out, they might target other imprisoned villains."

As they spoke, Sansa approached them, his expression equally serious.

  "We've found something," he said, leading them to a nearby room where several captured gadgets and devices were laid out.

"These were used by the intruders," Sansa explained. "Most of them are high-tech gadgets designed to neutralize quirks. We're running them through our databases to trace their origins."

Momoko picked up one of the devices, a small, sleek gadget that emitted a faint blue light. "This tech is advanced. Whoever made this has resources and expertise. We need to find out who they are and what their next move might be."

Tsukauchi nodded. "I've already put our best analysts on it. In the meantime, we need to ensure the safety of potential targets. Chisaki's breakout can't be an isolated incident."

Momoko's mind raced.

  "Oh my god," she muttered. "What about the girl, Eri? Wouldn't the group go after her too?"

Tsukauchi's eyes widened. "You're right. We need to increase her security immediately. I'll contact U.A. and make sure they're aware of the threat."

"Alright. I'll stay back and see if we can gather any more evidence," Momoko responded.

Tsukauchi nodded, "Okay. I'll head to U.A. now."


Back at U.A. High School, Class 1-A was oblivious to the danger lurking in the shadows. They were still buzzing with excitement from their field trip to the USJ, unaware of the recent breakout that had just occurred last night.

Eri was in the common room chatting with her friends when she felt her phone buzz. Eri quickly took it out and looked at the message on her screen. Her dad had just messaged her.

'Eri, I need you to come to the teachers' lounge immediately.'

Eri's heart skipped a beat. Her dad's messages were rarely this urgent. Did she do something wrong? Is she getting expelled? A lot of thoughts were currently running through her head right now as she rushed out of the dorms and towards the main building.

When she arrived Eri found her dad, Principal Todoroki, Mirio, and Sensei waiting for her, both of them looking unusually tense.

"Dad, what's going on?" Eri asked, concern evident in her voice.

Aizawa took a deep breath. "There's been a breakout at Tartarus. Chisaki Kai and the Shie Hassaikai have been freed by an unknown group. We believe they might be after you, Eri."

Eri's eyes widened, her face losing all color. She began to tremble, her breaths coming in quick, shallow gasps.

  "N-no... no, no, no!" she stammered, her voice breaking. Her hands clutched at her chest as if she were trying to keep her heart from escaping. Tears welled up in her eyes, and she stumbled backward, her legs giving way beneath her.

Aizawa quickly moved to her side, but Eri was already hyperventilating, her small body shaking uncontrollably. She curled up on the floor, sobbing and gasping for breath, the sheer terror overwhelming her.

"He's... he's coming for me... he'll hurt me again... I can't... I can't..." she cried, her words barely coherent through her panic.

Aizawa gently placed a hand on her shoulder, his voice soft but firm, "Eri, breathe. Look at me. You're safe here. We won't let anyone hurt you."

But his words seemed to barely reach her, lost in the overwhelming tide of fear that had gripped her. Aizawa continued to speak in soothing tones, trying to reach Eri through her panic. "Eri, listen to my voice. You're not alone. We're all here to protect you."

Eri's breaths came in ragged sobs, her vision blurred by tears. She felt as if she were drowning, each breath a desperate struggle. Her hands clawed at the floor, seeking some form of stability in the storm of her emotions. Her dad's voice was a distant murmur, almost lost beneath the roar of her panic.

But then, she felt another hand, warm and gentle, covering her own.

"Eri, it's okay," said a familiar voice. It was Mirio, his usually cheerful face now serious and full of concern. "We're here. We'll keep you safe, I promise."

Eri looked up at him through tear-filled eyes, her breaths still uneven but slowing slightly. Mirio's presence, along with Aizawa's steady reassurance, began to cut through the haze of her fear. She focused on their faces, their words, clinging to them like a lifeline.

Aizawa knelt down beside her, his expression gentle. "Eri, you're stronger than you know. You've faced him before, and you came out of it. You have all of us with you now. You're not alone."

Eri nodded weakly, trying to draw strength from their words. She took a few more deep breaths, her sobs gradually subsiding into quieter tears.

Just as Eri began to calm down, Tsukauchi stepped forward, his expression serious but gentle. He knelt down to Eri's level, ensuring she could see the sincerity in his eyes.

"Eri," he began softly, "I need you to understand something important. Right now, you're in a bit of danger. Chisaki and his group... they might be looking for you. That means we need to take extra precautions to keep you safe."

Eri's eyes widened again, the tears starting to well up. Mirio squeezed her hand, his touch grounding her.

"But listen to me," Tsukauchi continued, his voice steady and calm. "We have a plan in place. We've already increased security around the school, and we'll be keeping a close watch on you. You're not alone in this. The best heroes are working together to protect you."

Shinsou stepped in, his voice firm yet reassuring. "You're strong, Eri. You've been through so much and come out stronger on the other side. We won't let anything happen to you."

Mirio knelt down beside Tsukauchi, his eyes filled with determination. "We'll be here with you every step of the way, Eri. You can count on us."

Eri nodded weakly, trying to draw strength from their words. She was still trying to process the information. Of course Tartarus couldn't hold Chisaki and his crew back. It had already been broken into once by All For One and the Paranormal Liberation Front; the fact that it had happened again shouldn't have come as much of a shock to her. But Chisaki... why Chisaki?

Shinsou stepped forward, his eyes filled with concern but also a determination to protect. "Eri, let's get you back to the dorms, okay? You'll be safe there."

Eri nodded again, her grip on Mirio's hand tightening for a moment before she let go. Shinsou gently took her hand, guiding her out of the room with a reassuring presence.

As they left, Tsukauchi turned to Aizawa and Momo, his expression grave. "We need to discuss our next steps. Chisaki's escape raises significant security concerns, and we have to ensure Eri's protection around the clock."

Aizawa nodded, his eyes sharp and focused. "Agreed. We'll need to double our patrols and possibly relocate Eri to a more secure location temporarily. I'll also inform the other teachers and staff to be on high alert."

Momo, her face showing a mix of concern and determination, added, "I can work on creating additional security measures for the dorms. We can set up more barriers and surveillance systems."

Tsukauchi nodded, appreciating their proactive approach. "Good. The priority is to keep Eri safe and make sure we're prepared for any potential threats. We need to stay vigilant and ready for anything."

As they discussed the details, Shinsou and Eri walked slowly through the hallways. Shinsou kept a steady pace, giving Eri the time she needed to process everything.

"You're not alone, Eri," Shinsou said quietly. "We're all here for you, and we're going to make sure you stay safe."

Eri looked up at him, her eyes still red from crying but filled with gratitude. "Thank you, Sensei."

They continued their way to the dorms, Eri finding a small sense of comfort in Shinsou's presence and the unwavering support of her friends and mentors. Once she came back Kota and Katsuma came running up towards her asking if everything was alright. Eri didn't know what to say, she was still holding back tears from earlier.

Kota quickly took notice of Eri's fragile state and immediately dragged her off towards her dorm room, his protective instincts kicking in. Katsuma watched them go, confusion and concern clouding his features. Something wasn't right. He glanced over at his sensei, noticing the tense, alert posture that only heightened his suspicions.

Determined to find out what was happening, Katsuma quietly followed them, making sure not to draw any attention. He stayed close to the walls, blending into the shadows as he made his way toward Eri's dorm room.

Once he reached the door, he crouched down and listened carefully. Inside, he could hear Kota and Eri talking.

"Eri, you don't have to worry. We'll protect you," Kota said, his voice firm yet gentle.

Eri's voice, still shaky, replied, "But Chisaki... he's out. He's free, Kota. What if he comes after me again?"

Katsuma's eyes widened in shock. Chisaki? Who on earth was that? Why is he after Eri? He pressed his ear closer to the door, trying to catch every word.

Kota's voice took on a determined edge. "He won't get to you, Eri. We have everyone here, and we'll do whatever it takes to keep you safe. You're not alone this time."

There was a pause, and then Eri spoke again, her voice filled with a mix of fear and resolve. "I'm scared, Kota. Something bad is going to happen, I just know it..."

Katsuma felt a pang of sympathy for Eri. He knew how much she had suffered, and the thought of her being in danger again made his heart ache. He also felt a surge of determination. If there was anything he could do to help, he would.

Quietly, Katsuma retreated from the door, his mind racing with the information he had just overheard. He needed to find a way to help protect Eri. He couldn't exactly ask her or Kota for information since this was a triggering situation for them (which he just listened in to a private conversation between his friends so really he was acting more so or less like a toxic friend right now more than anything), Sensei was off limits since he was more so or less the one who informed Eri of the situation, but who? Who could he turn to?

"Are you alright, Shimano-kun?" a voice asked from behind him.

Katsuma quickly turned around and noticed Rozū standing there in the hallway, her cold, expressionless gaze staring right at him. "I saw you running from Aizawa's room panicking. Did something happen?"

Katsuma was internally freaking out. If Rozū went around and told everyone what he had just done, his friendship with both Eri and Kota would be down the drain. He swallowed hard, trying to think of a way out of this situation.

Rozū stepped closer, her eyes never leaving his. "You look like you've seen a ghost, Shimano-kun. If there's something you know, you should tell me. It's not safe to keep secrets, especially if it concerns our classmate."

Katsuma bit his lip, trying to resist the urge to spill everything. But Rozū's calm, steady gaze seemed to pierce right through him.

"Katsuma," she said softly, her voice almost hypnotic. "We're all in this together. If Aizawa-chan's is in danger we need to know. You care about her, don't you?"

He nodded, his resolve weakening.

"Then trust me," Rozū continued. "I only want to help. If you tell me what's going on, we can work together to protect Eri. She needs all of us right now."

Katsuma hesitated for a moment longer, but the pressure was too much. He felt like he was being backed into a corner. Finally, he sighed and looked down at the floor.

"Alright," he said quietly. "But you can't tell anyone else, okay? Eri got told that some Chisaki guy broke out of Tartarus. She's really scared and Kota's trying to comfort her."

Rozū's eyes flickered with a hint of surprise, but she quickly masked it with her usual calm demeanor. "I see. That's very serious. Thank you for telling me, Katsuma. We'll make sure Eri is safe."

Katsuma gave a final nod before turning and hurrying down the hallway, desperate to escape the tension that had built up between him and Rozū. He didn't look back, wanting to put as much distance as possible between them.

Rozū watched him go, her expression remaining cold and inscrutable. Once Katsuma was out of sight, she muttered under her breath, "So, the Resistance has a hand in this after all. Hmm...interesting... It seems we will be meeting again soon...Momoko."

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