Chapter 9: Preparation

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Eri woke up the next morning in her dorm room, the soft morning light filtering through the curtains. She blinked a few times, her eyes adjusting to the light, and noticed Kota sleeping on the floor beside her bed, a blanket half-draped over him. The sight brought a small, grateful smile to her lips.

As she lay back against her pillow, the events of the previous day came rushing back to her in a whirlwind of fear and confusion. Her dad's grave announcement about the breakout at Tartarus, hearing Chisaki Kai's name, and the Shie Hassaikai being freed—it all seemed like a nightmare she couldn't escape.

Eri recalled the panic that had seized her, the uncontrollable sobs that wracked her body as the terror of her past came flooding back. She remembered Kota's comforting presence, his desperate attempts to calm her, and how he had stayed with her even as the night wore on.

The memory of Tsukauchi's grim face as he explained the danger she was in still sent shivers down her spine. Her mind flashed to the moment when her sensei had escorted her back to the dorms, and the comforting yet surreal walk back, trying to process the reality of Chisaki being free once more.

But it was Kota's unwavering support that had helped her hold on, even if just barely. His presence had given her a semblance of security amidst the chaos. She recalled the conversation they had, her voice breaking as she confided in him about her fears, and how he had listened patiently, reassuring her as best he could.

Eri glanced over at Kota, still sound asleep, and felt a surge of gratitude. She took a deep breath, trying to steady herself for the day ahead. The fear was still there, lurking at the edges of her mind, but she knew she wasn't alone. She had friends who cared about her and would help her face whatever came next.

Grabbing a nearby pillow off of her bed, Eri harshly threw it down onto Kota's face. Kota quickly woke up and flung the pillow off of him.

"Eri what the fuck??"

Eri giggled, "Good morning sleepyhead. You better get out of my room now before people start assuming we're a couple."

"But everyone knows you're aromantic," Kota groaned as he laid back down.

"You're still in my bedroom. Up! Chop chop!" Eri clapped, "Don't make me get my dad."

Kota rolled his eyes as he got up off of her floor, "Fine. I'm getting you back for this later!"

Eri chuckled as she watched her friend exit her room, "Good luck with that!"


The next day, Katsuma couldn't shake the feeling of guilt and anxiety that gnawed at him. As he walked to the gym with Eri and Kota, he struggled to maintain a calm demeanor. Every glance they gave him felt like a silent accusation, even though they had no idea about his eavesdropping.

"Hey, Katsuma, are you okay?" Eri asked, noticing his distracted look.

Katsuma forced a smile, trying to mask his inner turmoil. "Yeah, I'm fine, Eri. Just a bit tired, that's all."

Kota frowned, his protective instincts on high alert. "Are you sure? You don't look fine."

Katsuma's heart raced. He knew he had to pull himself together, but the weight of the secret he was carrying felt like a crushing burden.

  "Yeah, I'm sure," he said, his voice slightly strained. "Just didn't get much sleep last night."

They entered the gym, where their classmates were already warming up. Katsuma tried to focus on the exercises, but his mind kept drifting back to the previous night's events. What if Rozū said something? What if Eri and Kota found out he had been listening in on their private conversation?

As they started their training, Katsuma's anxiety only grew. Every sound seemed amplified, every glance from his friends felt loaded with suspicion. He fumbled with his equipment, his hands shaking slightly. Eri and Kota exchanged worried glances but didn't press him further.

When it was time for a break, Katsuma sat down on a bench, trying to steady his breathing. Eri and Kota sat beside him, their concern evident.

"Katsuma, you can talk to us if something's bothering you," Kota said in a gentle but firm tone.

Katsuma felt a lump form in his throat. He wanted to tell them the truth, to apologize for his behavior, but the fear of losing their trust held him back.

  "It's nothing, really," he said weakly. "Just... a lot on my mind."

Eri placed a hand on his shoulder, "We're here for you, Katsuma. Whatever it is, we can face it together."

Katsuma looked at her, his guilt intensifying. How could he have been so selfish? Eri was dealing with her own fears, and he had added to her burden by keeping secrets. But he couldn't bring himself to confess, not now, not when everything felt so fragile.

He forced another smile, trying to reassure them. "Thanks, Eri, Kota. I appreciate it."

As the training session continued, Katsuma resolved to find a way to make things right. He couldn't change what he had done, but he could do everything in his power to protect his friends. The weight of his guilt would remain, but he would use it as a reminder of what he needed to do: keep Eri and Kota safe, no matter what.


In a dimly lit room filled with monitors and sophisticated tech, Cassandra watched the feed from a hidden camera she had managed to place in the U.A. dorms. Her eyes were fixed on the screen, observing Eri, Katsuma, and Kota as they went about their day. The camera had been a stroke of genius, giving her and her group real-time access to their target's movements.

"She's in the gym," Cassandra reported, her voice a calm, steady whisper into the communicator on her wrist. "No signs of unusual activity. The kids are just training."

"Good," a voice crackled back. It was the leader of the operation, a figure shrouded in mystery even to Cassandra. "Keep an eye on her. We need to know every move she makes."

Cassandra nodded, her fingers tapping away at the keyboard to zoom in on Eri's face. The girl looked tense, and Cassandra could see why. The weight of the news about Chisaki's escape had clearly taken a toll on her.

"She seems anxious," Cassandra noted. "The other two, Shimano Katsuma and Izumi Kota, are with her. They seem supportive but worried."

"Maintain surveillance," the woman instructed. "If she shows signs of leaving the campus, we need to be ready to intercept. Ensure our operatives are in place around the perimeter."

"Understood," Cassandra replied, her eyes narrowing as she continued to watch. "I'll keep you updated."

As the minutes ticked by, Cassandra's attention never wavered. She watched as the three friends continued their training, each movement scrutinized and analyzed. She knew the importance of this mission; Eri was a high-value target, and any mistake could jeopardize their entire plan.

"Anything unusual?" the woman's voice cut through the silence again.

"Not yet," Cassandra replied. "But Katsuma seems distracted. He might know something more than he's letting on."

"Keep an eye on him too," the woman ordered. "We can't afford any loose ends."

Cassandra's fingers flew across the keyboard, bringing up another feed focused on Katsuma. His face was pale, and his movements were jittery. He was clearly hiding something, and Cassandra intended to find out what.

"I'll monitor him closely," she said. "If he slips, we'll know."

As the training session came to an end, Cassandra watched as Eri, Katsuma, and Kota left the gym. Her camera followed them back to the dorms, each step tracked and recorded. She leaned back in her chair, a small smile playing on her lips. Everything was going according to plan.

"Alright," she said into the communicator. "They're heading back to the dorms. No signs of deviation from their usual routine."

"Good work, Cassandra," the woman praised. "Keep the feed live. We'll make our move soon."

Cassandra nodded, her eyes glued to the monitors. The tension in the air was palpable, but she thrived in it. This was what she was trained for, and she wouldn't let her team down.

As the screen showed Eri entering her dorm room, Cassandra's smile widened. They were getting closer, and soon, Eri would be in their grasp.


The conference room at U.A. High School was filled with a somber atmosphere as the teachers gathered around the table. Aizawa, Momo, Tsukauchi, Principal Todoroki, and a few other key staff members sat in their seats, their faces etched with concern. Detective Momoko Akatsutsumi was there too, her keen eyes scanning the room as she prepared to discuss the urgent situation.

Shinsou stepped forward, the room quieting as he began to speak. "I've been doing some digging into the Resistance," he said, his voice steady but intense. "They're a group of highly organized criminals who have been behind several high-profile break-ins and attacks over the past few years. Their goal seems to be destabilizing hero society by releasing powerful villains and creating chaos."

He glanced around the room, making eye contact with each of his colleagues. "Based on the information I've gathered, the Resistance was likely behind the recent Tartarus breakout. They have the resources and the expertise to pull off something like this."

Aizawa nodded, his expression grim. "And their objective with Chisaki's escape is clear: they want Eri."

Tsukauchi leaned forward, his brow furrowed. "We need to understand their next move. How can we anticipate their actions and protect Eri?"

Detective Akatsutsumi, who had been quietly listening, spoke up.

"There are a few loose ends and theories we need to consider." She tapped her fingers on the table thoughtfully. "First, the timing of the breakout. Why now? It's possible they've been waiting for the perfect moment, or they've received new information that prompted immediate action."

She paused, looking around the room. "Second, the Resistance's interest in Eri. It's not just about Chisaki wanting her back. There's more to it. Eri's quirk is incredibly powerful, and they could be planning to use her abilities for something larger. We need to determine their ultimate goal with her."

Aizawa interjected, his tone resolute. "We should also consider the possibility of an insider. The level of precision and knowledge they had suggests they may have had help from someone familiar with our security protocols."

Momo frowned, the weight of the situation pressing down on him. "If that's the case, we need to conduct an internal investigation immediately."

Shinsou nodded. "Agreed. We can't afford to overlook any possibilities. We also need to enhance Eri's security measures and ensure she's never alone."

Detective Akatsutsumi added, "I've been reviewing the footage and data from the breakout. One thing stands out: the tech they used. It's highly advanced, and we haven't seen anything like it before. We need to trace its origins and find out who supplied it."

Tsukauchi glanced at Akatsutsumi. "Any leads on that front?"

She shook her head. "Not yet, but we have some of our best analysts working on it. It's only a matter of time before we get a hit."

Aizawa sighed, his eyes narrowing in thought. "We also need to prepare for the possibility that the Resistance might make another move soon. We need contingency plans in place for every potential scenario."

Momo nodded. "I'll work on creating additional security barriers and surveillance systems for the dorms. We need to ensure that Eri is protected from all angles."

As the meeting continued, the teachers and staff members discussed various strategies and plans to keep Eri safe and to counter the threat posed by the Resistance. Each of them knew the gravity of the situation, and they were determined to protect their students and uphold the safety of their society.

Detective Akatsutsumi stood up, drawing the meeting to a close. "Let's stay vigilant. The Resistance won't stop until they achieve their goals, but we won't let them succeed. We'll protect Eri and bring these criminals to justice."

With a unified sense of purpose, the teachers and staff left the conference room, ready to face the challenges ahead.


The next day, the atmosphere in Class 1-A was filled with tension and curiosity. The students were buzzing with conversation about the recent string of prison breaks. News of Chisaki Kai and the Shie Hassaikai's escape had spread quickly, and it was the main topic of discussion.

"Dude, can you believe it?" James said, leaning over his desk to talk to Tamashiro. "First All For One and now Chisaki. Tartarus is supposed to be the most secure prison there is!"

"Yeah," Tamashiro replied, his usual scowl deepening. "It's pathetic. How do they keep letting this happen?"

"Do you think they'll come after heroes?" Hanmo asked, her eyes wide with concern. "I mean, what if they attack U.A.?"

"Don't be ridiculous," Tamashiro snapped. "We're ready for anything."

Amidst the chatter, Katsuma, Eri, Kota, and Rozū remained silent. Katsuma's eyes darted nervously around the room, while Kota kept a protective hand on Eri's shoulder. Rozū sat quietly, her face an impassive mask, but her eyes were sharp and alert.

Eri tried to focus on her notebook, her fingers gripping the pen tightly. Each time someone mentioned Chisaki's name, she felt a cold shiver run down her spine, her breaths becoming shallow. She could hear snippets of conversations, the fear and excitement in her classmates' voices only heightening her anxiety.

"Did you hear how they did it?" Kanjo asked. "Some say it was an inside job."

"Or maybe they had some new tech," Mizu added. "Something that could bypass all the security measures."

Eri squeezed her eyes shut for a moment, trying to block out the noise. But it was impossible. The memories of her time with Chisaki flooded her mind, and she felt a wave of panic rising.

Katsuma noticed Eri's distress and leaned in closer. "Are you okay, Eri?" he whispered.

Eri nodded slightly, but her eyes were filled with fear.

"I'm fine," she said, though her voice was barely audible.

Kota, noticing her struggle, gently patted her back. "Just breathe, Eri. We're here with you."

Across the room, Rozū kept her gaze on Eri, making a mental note of every reaction. She knew that Eri was the key to understanding the Resistance's next move, and she needed to stay close to her.

Kokoro, who had been quietly listening to the conversations, noticed Eri's discomfort. He stood up and addressed the class.

"H-Hey, everyone," he said, his voice firm but kind. "I know we're all worried about the prison breaks, but w-we should focus on our training and staying prepared. The teachers are handling the situation, and we'll do our part by staying strong and vigilant."

The room quieted down, and the students nodded in agreement. Kokoro's words brought a sense of calm, at least temporarily.

Eri looked up at him, gratitude in her eyes. She took a deep breath, trying to steady her nerves. She knew she had friends and mentors who would protect her, but the fear of Chisaki still lingered.

As the class settled into their routine, Katsuma, Kota, and Rozū stayed close to Eri, ensuring she felt supported. They exchanged glances, silently promising to keep her safe from any threats.

But even as they tried to focus on their lessons, the shadow of the prison breaks loomed over them. They knew that the danger was far from over, and they would need to be ready for whatever came next.

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