2. Enter Pragya

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"Words in double quotes" - Talking

'Words in single quotes' - Thoughts

Chapter 2 - Enter Pragya

"Welcome to Mount College di!"

"Its beautiful Bulbul"

"Wait till you see the auditorium. Its huge!"

"Hahaha..ok Chutki, lets go to the Principal's office first"

Bulbul held back Pragya by the wrist "Di please don't call me chutki here. Or else my friends won't stop teasing me"

"Okay okay. Lets go now"

After meeting the principal and getting her schedule, Bulbul and Pragya headed for their respective classes. They moved through the corridor among the crowd of students.

Suddenly, a girl came and hit Bulbul on the arm.

"Ouch Kriti! When will you quit your habit of hitting everyone?"

"Hehe. That's my way of saying hi" Kriti saw Pragya standing with Bubul. "Who's this?"

"This is my di, Pragya"

"O..you're Pragya" Kriti put forward her hand for Pragya to shake "I've heard a lot about you from Bulbul. In fact, she never shuts up about you. She would be saying Pragya di did this, Pragya di did that and-"

"Enough already Kriti!"

Pragya smiled at them. It looked like Kriti was Bulbul's best friend. 'Not to mention, they both are extra talkative'

*cough* Pragya cleared her throat. *cough* however, it was of no help as she kept coughing.

"Di, are you okay?"

"I'm fi-*cough* cough*" Pragya tried to speak, but kept coughing.

"Here Pragya di, have some water" Kriti handed Pragya her water bottle.

Pragya took it and drank from it. "Thank you Kriti."

"Happy to help!" ☺️

"I..I think I'll go the washroom once before going to the class. You and Kriti go ahead to your class. I'm sure I can find mine"

"Okay Pragya di"

"As you say Pragya di. You can keep my water bottle for now, in case you need it. Bye!" 🙋

Pragya waved at them. She was about to put the bottle cap on the bottle, when a student rushed past her, pushing her on his way. Pragya didn't see his face, but saw only his attire. Pragya stumbled back and hit a guy by accident. As the bottle was open, water fell on his hair.

"I'm so sorry!"

All the students in the corridor stared at Pragya and the guy. However, Pragya wasn't paying any attention to them. She was looking wide eyed at the guy, hoping that she didn't ruin his clothes.

"What the heck!? My hair!?" screamed the guy as he turned to her with a glare.

"I'm sorry. Someone pushed me and-"

"Do you know how much time it takes to style my hair in this way!?"


"You what?! Who's gonna fix my hair now?"

Pragya was getting irritated. Sure she wet his hair, but it's not like she did it on purpose. 'And its only his hair. Why is this guy creating such a scene just because of his hair!?'

"Why are you looking at me like that? The nerve of you! You are the one who made a mistake, but you're looking at me like I'm the one who is wrong!?

'Enough is enough!' Thought Pragya "Look Mr. I know I made a mistake. But it was an accident. I didn't mean to do it. Even so, I apologized to you"

"You're apology won't fix my hair"

"Why are you so obsessed with your hair? Its not like it won't dry!"

Some of the students gasped at Pragya's outburst. Pragya heard them gasp but she couldn't understand why 'Why do they look so shocked? Is it because I talked back to him like that? But what is there to be so shocked?.....Unless...unless he is someone popular in the college.' Pragya turned to him 'So what? Popular or not, he is wrong and I'm not going to accept it!'

"Do you know who you are talking to?"

"I don't. But even if I did, I would not back down because you are wrong!"

The guy looked at her strangely 'Is this girl really foolish or truly brave? Doesn't she know I have enough power to convince the college authorities to throw her out?'

"Look girl, I'm Shabbir. The entire college knows me as The Rockstar. If you get on my bad side, your college life will be miserable. Understand me?"

"Are you threatening me?"

"No. Advising you. After all, I don't like to make beautiful girls cry" Shabbir winked at her.

'This guy is unbelievable. First he behaves rudely with me, and now he is flirting with me? Does he think I'm some air headed girl! Are girls just toys for him?!'

"Listen Shakib-"

"Its Shabbir" Shabbir told her in indignation 'I'm the most famous guy in the college, and she dares mis spell my name? Shabbir Mehra's name!?'

"Ok. Listen Shabbir. I didn't mean to ruin your hair. It was just an accident. So stop shouting at me. Lets just forget the incident and move on"

"Forget it... just like that!?"

"Yes. I didn't know you before the accident, you didn't know me. Lets just keep it that way. You go your way, I go mine."

"Not until you fix my hair" he took out a comb from his pocket "Since you ruined it, you will fix it for me"

Pragya looked at him open-mouthed. He was embarrassing her in front of the rest of the students.

"No I'm not. I refuse to do it"

"I don't have the habit of hearing 'no'. Do it quickly"

"Then make it a habit from now on, because I'm not combing your hair"

"I'll say this only once. Comb my hair and fix it right now. Or else..."

'How dare he? How dare he threaten me and talk to me this way? ..... He wants me to fix his hair, doesn't he? Fine. I'll fix it. I'll fix it such that he would even fear to let any other person touch his hair again!'

Pragya grabbed his hair with both hands and pulled "You wanted me to fix your hair, didn't you? Now I am doing it!"

Shabbir tried to pull her hands away from his hair "Let go! Let go!"

"Why should I? Isn't this what you wanted!?"

Finally, Shabbir managed to pull Pragya's hands away from his hair. "Are you crazy! You-"

"Shabbir! Shabbir wait" came a voice from the crowd.

Shabbir and Pragya looks towards the voice. Pragya recognized the guy's clothes. "Hey! You were the one who pushed me!"

"Ehehe sorry about that. I was in a hurry"

"Purab, you know her?"

"Um...no. But I'm the one responsible for your hair. I was in such a hurry that I pushed her accidentally while rushing ahead."

"What was so important that you had to push me so hard?" Pragya asked in anger. 😡

Purab rubbed the back of his head with a sheepish look "I needed to use the bathroom" 😅

Pragya looked at him dumb-founded. 😑

"It doesn't matter anymore. What matters is that you have no right to talk to me like that!" Shabbir exclaimed. 😡

"Look Shakib-" Pragya accidentally mis spelt his name again.


"Ahahahaha..." 😂 Shabbir glared at Purab, who was laughing. Seeing this, Purab tried to suppress his laughter.
"hahaha...*cough*ahem...that was not funny... not funny at all...totally not funny"

"Ok, Shabbir. Quit being irrational. I was talking to you in that way because you were wrong. Your friend even admitted his mistake. Why are you accusing me now!?"

"I guess its because his big ego can't handle the fact that someone doesn't recognize him" 😏 spoke a voice from behind them. Pragya turned to look at him. 'Wow. He's handsome! High cheekbones, mysterious aura, confident personality. Dreaaamy 😍"

Purab and Shabbir's faces turned bitter upon seeing Karan. Pragya noticed this 'It looks like they hate each other for some reason. I guess I have to ask Bulbul about it.'

"Its none of your business Karan, so stay out of it"

"I'm the General Secretary of the College Union body. Since you are bullying a new student, I think it is my business to interfere" Karan spoke with a smirk.

'New student? O....so that's why she didn't recognize me. I guess....I guess I over-reacted then.' thought Shabbir. However, he refused to admit he was wrong. Instead he focused on Karan.

"Why you-"

"Leave it Shabbir. We'll be late for class. Lets go" Purab put an arm on Shabbir's shoulder and took him away.

"And what are you all standing here for? Move to your classes. Now" Karan spoke with a soft and calm voice, but all the students rushed out of there. Only Pragya and Karan were the ones remaining.

'Wow. Good looks and authority. This guy is every girl's dream man! 😍'

Pragya kept on looking at Karan dreamily. He came near her and waved a hand in front of her eyes. Pragya snapped out her trance and blushed.

Karan rolled his eyes "Listen...Pragya, right?"

"Y-yes. How did you know?"

"Like I said. I'm the General Secretary. Looking after the students' actions and the various college functions is my job. It's also falls under my duty to know about every student here."

"I see"

"I'm Karan by the way"

"Karan. Such a beautiful name. And manly too" Pragya praised him. 😊

"As I was saying, Pragya, if you want to spend your days happily in this college, it would be best if you do not get on the bad side of the popular students here. They have great fan followings and those fans may make your life miserable for misbehaving with their idols. Understood Pragya?"

"Every detail. You explained everything so perfectly! 😍 "

Karan nodded "The bell already rang 10 minutes ago. It won't do you good to arrive late in your class on the first day. You should wait in the library till this period is over and start your classes from the second period." He pointed towards the left "Go that way and turn right at the end of the corridor. You'll find the library" Karan told her and moved past her.

However, before leaving, he turned back "By the way Pragya, listen"

"Yes Karan!" 😊

"You shouldn't day dream about me or think that I might ask you out somehow, because I already have a fiance. We are engaged and will marry in a year."

Pragya looked at him with her jaw open. 'How... how could he just blurt it out like that in front of a girl...a girl that likes him. That too, with a straight emotionless face? 😑 💔 '

"Don't take it in a wrong way. I'm telling this to you before hand so that you don't get your hopes up and get heart broken later. See ya" with that, he walked away calmly.

Pragya sighed "Why is it that we always yearn for what we can't have? A guy like him is a dream come true. Too bad he is already taken. *sigh* Its always the same! The good and the best guys are either taken or married" she spoke to herself, as she walked towards the direction of the library.

#At the Library#

Pragya looked through the rows of books lined up there.
"Ugh! There are so many books on Shakespeare. They even have essays on him! Ugh! I will never understand why people like reading Shakespeare's plays so much"

Finally she found some crime and mystery books. She took them and looked for a place to sit.

'That table is already full with other students. The other table is too short.' Pragya looked around and saw a table at the corner of the library 'That table looks nice. It's placed separately from the rest and I can read peacefully!'

Pragya moved towards the table. She sat at the table and started reading.

After Sometime...

"Um....May I know who you are, sitting at my seat?"

Pragya looked up to find a guy looking down at her quizically.

Pragya stood up abruptly and glared at the guy. 'It's the same guy who complained about his hair to me in the corridor!'

Pragya looked at his hair and noticed that it was well combed now, unlike the crazy haphazard way it was styled before. 'What the heck!? Didn't this guy lecture me and argue with me for ruining his infamous hair style? But now...now he himself changed his looks! He even looks calm and satisfied with it.'

"YOU HYPOCRITE!" Pragya shouted.

"Ai! No shouting in the library" said the librarian from the counter.

"Sorry" Pragya apologized and turned to the guy "You hypocrite!" she whispered.

"Eh?" He looked at her shocked and whispered back "Look miss. Its okay if you want to sit here. Usually no one except me and my best friend sit here, so I was just enquiring."

"Listen here. If you think that acting polite now will make me forgive you, than you're wrong!"

"Forgive me? Why would I want you to forgive me, when I know I haven't done anything wrong against you?"

Pragya looked at him shocked "You... You're unbelievable! Even after all that happened, you refuse to admit that you were wrong? You still think that you were right!?"

"Look here miss. I just met you now and-"

"Now you've even started lying? A jerk, liar and a pretender!"

"Hey. Watch what you say. I'm not being rude to you as you are a girl. But if you cross your limits-" he felt a hand on his shoulder and found Karan looking at him with a smirk.

"Abhi, let me handle this"

Abhi wanted to retort, but decided to trust Karan. Afterall, Karan was his best friend and he would not do anything against Abhi. He gave Karan a smile and nodded.

Pragya looked at Karan confused "Karan... didn't you call him Shakib before?"

"Not Sakib Pragya, its Shabbir" Karan corrected. 😅

"Yes Shabbir. And.... and it looked as if you two hated each other. But now you both are acting like good friends?"

Karan shook his head "The guy you met before - the one who argued with you regarding his hair, was Shabbir. And yes, I do hate Shabbir. But this is Abhishek, Shabbir's younger twin and my best friend"

Pragya felt like someone had dropped ice-cold water on her "That guy...this one...twins?" Karan nodded.

"Oh my! I'm sorry! So so sorry! I didn't mean to be disrespectful! I'm really really sorry!" Pragya joined her hands and apologized to Abhi. Abhi smiled at her embarrassment. In fact, he found her somewhat cute. 🙂

"Its...Its okay. I guess we both were victims of some misunderstandings."

Pragya nodded "Yes. I kind of had an arguement with your elder brother. Don't mind, but he is a jerk. Is he like that at home too?"

Abhi's face became emotionless in an instant. "We....he isn't a part of our family anymore. He lives separately in a flat he bought with his own money."

"But he is still studying in college isn't he?"

"He's made a career out of singing. He earns quite enough."

"I see. What about you? Do you sing too?"

"No. I'm a programmer. Karan too"

"Wow. You both are twins but both brothers are totally different in your choice of careers" Pragya remarked jokingly. However, Abhi picked up his book and left.

"Did..did I say something wrong?" 😓

Karan sighed "You see Pragya, Shabbir left home because his parents didn't approve of him singing. They wanted him to become a programmer. Mr. and Mrs. Mehra wanted their kids to follow the family business."

"Mehra....Isn't the owners of this college also-"

"Yes. It is their parents who own this college. However, their main business is Techno Prowess, one of the largest software and web development companies in India. They wanted Shabbir to inherit the business in future, as he was the eldest among the three children"


"Yes. The twins have a younger sister named Aliyah"

When Pragya nodded, Karan continued "Shabbir left, which has made Abhi the next inheritor. Shabbir has passion for singing, not programming."

"Shabbir left home, but he studies in his parent's college?"

"Well..its for his friends. And he also gets the best contracts through the college."

"I may be wrong, but looking at Abhi's reaction..... it kind of seemed that he hates his brother" Karan nodded in affirmation. "Why do they hate each other? Is it because Shabbir rejected his parents wish?" asked Pragya.

"Well..you see, when....when Shabbir left home, their grandmother was furious at their parents. She eventually left home and went to stay abroad with her younger son for good. Abhi knows Shabbir wouldn't ever want his grandmother gone, but...but he cannot bring himself to forgive Shabbir for it. He holds Shabbir responsible for his grandmother's leaving."

Karan looked up at Pragya "It would be best if you do not bring up anything about Shabbir in front of Abhi"

"I...I'm sorry. I didn't know about them. I'll go apologize to Abhi right away."

"Not now. Abhi isn't in a good mood right now. Talk to him later. He visits the library in the evening."


Karan waved her bye and left.

Pragya sighed "First day of college and I've already pissed off one of the most popular guys in the college, created a scene in front of the entire college body, upset the future heir of Techno Prowess and embarrassed myself in front of the General Secretary." Pragya put her head on the table and sighed. "Welcome to Mount College indeed."


To be continued...

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