21. Payback

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Yo yo ! 🤘🤘

The ones ready for some Tanu and Nikhil bashing, say with me - Cha!

🤛 💥 Cha! 💥 🤜

Anyways, Onwards!!!

Oh, wait! ✋ I just had to share this gif.

Moving on to the chapter!!! 😉

"Words in double quotes" - Talking

'Words in single quotes' - Thoughts

(Words in braces) - Telephone conversations

Chapter 21 - Payback

"L-leave my hand. L-leave me, p-please. It-t hurts." Maya stuttered out as Tanu dragged her away. Maya looked like she was one step away from hyperventilating.

However, Tanu paid her no mind and kept dragging her. She opened an empty room and pushed Maya inside. Maya fell down on the floor from the force. Tanu turned and shut the door.

She turned to glared at Maya. "Now tell me who you are."

"I'm M-Maya D-D'suza. Please d-don't hurt me. I-I didn't do anything!"

Tanu smirked "That's where you are wrong."

"P-please, let m-me go! I don't e-even know you! I-I never did anything t-to you."

Tanu glared at her "Shut up! You ruined everything! If it wasn't for you, I would be celebrating right now. Who told you to alert Shabbir of the lights? Why did you have to come in between!?"

"B-but I was shocked an-and worried for A-Aliyah. You w-wanted to harm h-her!?" Maya gasped.

"So what if I did!? And why were you trying to get get close to Shabbir? Don't you know he is mine? Want me to hurt you too?"

Maya looked at her teary eyed. "Y-you wouldnt dare! I... I will tell Mr-Mr. Mehra."

Tanu laughed out loud. "You really think you would be able to prove me guilty?"

"Wh-hy not? I-I'll give my statement. They w-would believe m-me."

Tanu chuckled "Oh you foolish girl. Your statement won't be enough to get me arrested. And neither will there be any other evidence with you to prove me guilty."

"Y-you're bluffing! There's n-no way you won't b-be caught!"

"Seems like you don't know about the incident with Pragya."

Maya looked at her in confusion. "W-who is she?"

"Someone who dared to get in my way. She and her sister upset me, and so Pragya got poisoned somehow." Tani spoke with a manic glint in her eyes. It didn't take Maya time to realize that she did it.

Maya gasped in horror. "Y-you should be arrested!"

Tanu smirked "But I'm not. Its Bulbul's best friend, Kriti that is suffering for my deeds. According to everyone, she did it."

"N-no! It's you! Y-you just said it."

"I just said someone. Not me. How could it be 'oh so innocent' me?" She joked "Besides, they don't have proof. So, they can't arrest me. I could do the same for you. I can kill you, but no one would know I did it. "

"But w-why did you get K-Kriti arrested?"

"I don't even know who that bimbo is. I wanted Pragya away from Shabbir. But Bulbul was in the way. So I thought of getting rid of Bulbul. Kriti got caught in the mess unnecessarily."

Maya kept looking at her in disbelief and fear.

"I planned to poison Bulbul and make Pragya take the drink to Bulbul. But unfortunately, my plan get haywire. I thought Bulbul would die and Pragya would be arrested. It would be like killing two birds with one stone. But Pragya took the poison herself. A pity really."

"Y-you mean you....you a-almost killed her?!"

"Yep! But look at me now. I'm roaming free while Kriti is in jail." She twirled to exaggerate her point.

"You monster! I'll t-tell everyone! You d-did a mistake by telling m-me."

Tanu smirked. "Sweetheart, I told you all this on purpose. Because I know someone like you wouldn't dare go against me. You can barely speak a sentence without stuttering. You really think you have the courage to go up against me?"

Maya looked down. She was shaking.

Tanu chuckled seeing her state. "Just look how weak you are. Besides, you don't even have any solid proof."

Tanu was having fun scaring the girl. She was shaking uncontrollably.

"J-just so that y-you could have Sh-habbir, you tried to kill Bulbul and Pragya?"

"Maybe." Tanu spoke dismissively.

"A-answer me to the p-point!"

Tanu sighed dramatically. "Fine fine." She straightened up. "I, Tanushree Singh, poisoned the drink for Bulbul to kill her and trap Pragya." she spoke proudly.

"There. Now happy? Too bad you won't be able to prove it to anyone, Maya dear." Tanu taunted a distressed Maya. She put on her glasses and turned to leave.

However, she stopped in her tracks when she heard Maya speak.

"Thank you Tanu darling. It wouldn't have been possible without you." 😏

Tanu looked at her, confused. She also noticed that there was no stutter in Maya's voice.

Maya looked up to her and smirked. "You just gave me the proof I needed to prove you guilty in front of the court."

Tanu looked at her shocked. "What do you mean, you low life?"

Maya chuckled. She opened her glasses and threw them aside. She reached into her back pocket and took out her phone. "See this? It has recorded everything that you spoke up until now."

Tanu looked on in horror at her "Y-you...you... How dare you blackmail me!? How dare you play me!?"

"Darling, it's called tit for tat. You trapped Kriti, I trapped you. Only difference is that I'm doing it for a right cause."

"All this time... All this time, you were acting?"

"I see you aren't that much of an idiot. Yes, I was acting. In fact, I already told Mr. Mehra my purpose here and got details of everyone beforehand. He helped me come near Shabbir and Aliyah so that you notice me."

"You bitch!" Tanu screamed out in anger.

Maya looked at her insulted. "You called me just a bitch? How insulting! Darling, I'm the queen bitch." 😏

Tanu rushed forward to grab the mobile from her hands. However, before she could touch it, Maya grabbed her hand and twisted it behind her back.

"It's time we share the news to the rest of the college, shouldn't we, Tanu darlo?" Maya put her phone in her pockets. She took off Tanu's glasses and put them on herself. "I think these suit me better. Come on."

With one hand, she held Tanu's hands behind her back, while with the other she grabbed Tanu's hair and dragged her out of the room.

The entire college body watched Tanu being pulled by the hair into the courtyard by Maya. Bulbul, Purab, Ria and everyone else who were practicing, came out of the auditorium. Shabbir was in the washroom, but came out because of the commotion outside. "Eh? Isn't that Maya?"

He rubbed his eyes to make sure he wasn't dreaming. "Is she the same stuttering Maya that I met before?"

He watched as Maya kept dragging Tanu until they were in the center of the courtyard and pushed Tanu to the ground.

Maya took out her phone and played the recording for everyone to hear. "Now to play the epic tag line." Maya increased the volume to its fullest.

"I, Tanushree Singh, poisoned the drink for Bulbul to kill her and trap Pragya."

Tanu looked at the on-lookers as murmurs broke out. She found them looking at her with different emotions. Some looked horrified, while some were looking at her in disbelief. But mostly, they looked disgusted. They were 'boo-ing' her and shouting at her, calling her names.

She glared at Maya. However, it wasn't effective as she looked about to cry. "How could you do this to me? How could you be so cruel!?"

"Do you ever think of your own actions? Can't you see how cruel you were to poison an innocent and trying to frame her own sister for the crime? Did you think of how cruel you were being to Kriti?"

Karan rushed into the courtyard. He was busy in the lab, but came down as soon as he heard the students shout. He peeked through the crowd of students and was shocked to see the sight.

Maya bent down to look at Tanu and spoke looking directly into her eyes. "I don't like taking extreme measures. In fact, I'm a kitten most of the times. It's people like you who push my limits. If you had learned to stay in your limits, I wouldn't have had to cross mine."

Mr. Mehra arrived at that moment with some constables. Maya handed them the recording. "This is the evidence. Make sure you give her what she deserves."

"No! Let go of me! Let go! I'll get my revenge on you! Leave me!" Tanu was taken away, screaming. Maya waved towards Tanu with a smile.

She turned to the rest, to find them looking at her, wide eyed. She heard a voice.

"Hello, love."

Maya turned to look at Karan. Her smile widened and she went and hugged him. "Hello, lover."

"What!? " exclaimed Bulbul, Ria, Purab and Shabbir in unison.

Karan turned to them "Everyone, meet my fiance, Maya. Maya D'suza. She's a programmer like me and helps her father manage the weapon industry."

"I know how to use each of them too." Maya joked. She turned to the rest. "Hello darlings, a pleasure to meet you all."

"Thank you so much! You don't know how much you've helped us. You helped us even if we were strangers. Thank you so much!" Bulbul told her gratefully.

"You're Karan's friends and Kriti is like his sister. You all matter to Karan, so you matter to me." Maya answered. She noticed Shabbir looking at her with uncertainty.

"Shabbir, chill. I don't like you in that sense. It was just an act."

Shabbir nodded. 'I'm glad I didn't flirt anymore with her. Who knows what punishment she would have given me! She even said she knows how to use weapons. Not to mention Karan would have my head.' Shabbir shivered.

"But Maya, I didn't know you would come so soon. Neither did I know about your plan."

"You know how much I like to surprise you, don't you Karan?"

"I can't thank you enough Maya. Let me call Vivek and tell him the good news."

"It's no use. His cell is switched off and he isn't in the college either." responded Ria.

Maya checked her watch "I'll have to leave soon. Father needs my help."

"You need to leave already?" Karan asked in disappointment.

"Yes, lover. But I'll visit as soon as possible."

"Alright. Let me escort you to the airport." saying that, Karan and Maya left.

"Wow. She is amazing, but scary."

Purab turned to look at Shabbir, who was looking towards Maya and Karan go.

"Bro, remind me never to get on her bad side."

"I agree with you Purab. We should start being civil with Karan as well if we don't want to die."

Purab nodded at Shabbir's statement.

#Night, 7.00 pm#

Nikhil sighed as he entered his house. He had to deal with the entire matter with Tanu. He went to meet her at the police station and convinced her not to tell his name, telling her that he won't be able to do anything if he is arrested as well.

He had to spend the rest of his time in the college, helping with the arrangements. The College Fest was the next day and so everyone was doing last minute checks and rehearsals in the college.

He was about to relax on the couch, when he heard some sound.

" 🎶 Put your hands out boy
Welcome to my zoo..."

He followed the sound and found his music player playing the creepy song.

" 🎶 Put your head inside
My big black wild world
I can still help you..."

He shut it off. "Did I leave it on when I left? But I don't think this song is in my playlist."

" 🎶 I'm a man, I'm a twisted fool
My hands are twisted too,
Five fingers, two black hooves..."

Nikhil heard someone sing and looked back. He found someone sitting on the sofa. The figure was cloaked and so he couldn't see his face. "Hey! Who are you and how did you enter without permission?!"

The person slowly got up, but continued singing.

" 🎶 I'm a man don't spin me a lie
Got toes and I can smile
I'm crooked but upright..."

"Lie? I never lied to anyone. Get out of my house, now!" Nikhil screamed at the masked man.

"🎶 And all I ever want
Is just the little truth
I said it purrs into the paws.
And all I ever want..."

The man paused and Nikhil heard him speak "All I ever want, is making me want to break you. Heh... Making my own additions to the song. Like it?"

"Are you crazy or something?!" 😡

"Probably 'or something'. But that isn't important. What's important is when will you confess your crime to the police? I know you were involved in Pragya's poisoning, which led to Kriti's arrest. You will help me get Kriti out."

Nikhil chuckled "What makes you think that I'll admit the truth?"

"Because otherwise, you would have to deal with me."

"Is that so? I'll show you then!" saying that, Nikhil moved forward to hit the masked man. He kicked, punched and tried his best. But the man dodged his attacks with ease.

By the time they were done fighting, Nikhil was huffing and puffing from exhaustion, while the man was without a sweat.

He slowly moved towards Nikhil. Seeing this, Nikhil looked at the door. However, before he could get there, the man shut it off.

(Authors note : Don't know why, but this pic seems too funny to me. 😂 )

The man chuckled. He had thought of dealing with Nikhil the previous night, but had something else to take care of. 'Tonight, he won't escape me till he admits his crime and goes to the police with me.'

He took out a knife. 'It's just to scare him. I know I won't kill him. But he doesn't know that.' he smirked and dragged the edge of the knife across the wall, scaring Nikhil further.

"You would make a good collection in the room where I keep my kills."

Nikhil looked about to wet his pants. 'Poor Nikhil. Now for some dramatic effects.' He turned on the music again.

" 🎶 Makes my nerves clench close
And my bones go cold
When I see that room..."

"Leave me. Leave me, p-please! Don't kill me!"

" 🎶 And all I ever want
Is just the little truth..."

(Song : Toes by Glass Animals)

Someone knocked at the door at that very moment. "Mr. Nikhil Sood? We're here to arrest you." hearing the police, the masked man hid behind the pillar. Nikhil rushed to the door.

"Mr. Nikhil, your friend Tanu has admitted you being involved in her plan. Open the door or else-" the door burst open and Nikhil fell onto the officer's feet.

"Yes, yes. I admit. Take me to jail. Arrest me. I don't want to live here where he can kill me. Take me to jail, please!" he saw Samay and Sumit with the police, looking pissed off, and hid behind the officer further.

The police looked shocked, but arrested him. Ria was with them as well. She was the one who showed them Nikhil's house.

When everyone was about to head out, she thought she saw someone move inside Nikhil's house.

She went towards that direction. As she neared the washroom, she saw a person open his mask and wash his face, mumbling to himself.

"If I had known that Tanu had been arrested, I wouldn't take so much trouble to expose Nikhil. Ugh.. So annoying. So damn annoying."

Once the person straightened up and turned, Ria finally saw his face. Their eyes met and she gasped.


To be continued...

Next chap - Abhi, Shabbir, Pragya, Aliyah and the truth. 😜

If you liked this chapter, please consider giving a vote. Thanks!
~ 🌹 Mona 🌹

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