22. Secrets

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Hi ya!!! Would have published it earlier, if it wasn't for these glitches...ugh!


If you ask me, one of the best feelings in life is when someone tells you 'thank you' from the deepest core of their heart.

My readers...where ever you are, whoever you may be, whatever you may be doing....just remember that this Mona (Yep! that's me! 😜 ) is truly, deeply grateful to you all. Thank you for reading, voting, commenting and giving a recognition to my piece of work! Love you all!!! 💝

Moving on to the chapter, Onwards!!!

"Words in double quotes" - Talking

'Words in single quotes' - Thoughts

Chapter 22 - Secrets

Ria and the man kept looking at each other in shock. Finally Ria spoke "Vi-Vivek?"

Vivek slowly nodded. "Hello, Ria."

Ria could not believe what she was seeing. She could see a creepy mask and a knife near the basin behind him. "Vi-Vivek..."

Vivek rolled his eyes "Ri-Ria?" He crossed his arms."Are we going to do this the entire night?" 😑

"But what is all this!?"

"I came to scare Nikhil, alright? He wouldn't admit the truth. So I thought I would scare him enough so that he admits the truth. If I'd known Tanu was already arrested, I need not go through so much trouble." He snarled.

"I don't believe its just that." Ria looked at him in suspicion "You act all goody-two-shoes, like a nice guy who can't even harm an ant! Yet, here you are scaring off Nikhil? And that too pretty badly. The guy was shaking like a leaf when they arrested him!"

"Hahaha..Yea, I'm awesome like that." He gave a toothy grin.

"It wasn't a compliment!" She came near and pointed a finger at him "It looks like this isn't the first time you did something like this. Tell. Me. The. Truth. Now!" she shouted, exaggerating each and every word.

Vivek sighed 'She's being so annoying!' He raised his hands in a peace motion "Look Ria. I have to present my project for tomorrow's inter-college competition. I also have to recheck my presentation and I need to make sure my lazy partner doesn't mess up tomorrow. You need a good night's rest for tomorrow as well. You have to perform with Bulbul, no? So lets make a deal."

He put forward his hand "I'll tell you everything after the Fest is over. In exchange, you'll leave the topic now and not tell this to anyone until I tell you everything. Deal?"

Ria kept glaring at him but at last relented. "Fine! But you will tell me! No matter what." saying that, she turned around and left.

Vivek sighed. "So annoying." 😩

#Next day, Mount College#

The program schedule for the College Fest was divided equally. First half for the science and techno-cultural competitions, while the rest of the day was for the singers and the dancers.

The science competitions went well, without any mishap or trickery. Karan and Kriti won, which came as a surprise to no one as it was expected. Soon, the rest of the performances progressed.

However, that didn't mean that Karan was celebrating. He was busy in the computer lab, trying to find out more details about the 'Pratap' title and its relation with the Mehras. Currently, he was sitting in front of the monitor, waiting for it to load the files that he had hacked from the Principal's office. However, they did not contain anything important. He threw the water bottle near him in frustration with a shout. "Damn!"

Abhi had been searching for his best friend to congratulate him on his win. However, he couldn't find him anywhere. As he was passing the corridor, he heard a crash, followed by someone shouting 'damn'. He followed the sound and found Karan sitting in the computer room. 'What's he doing here? I thought he would be celebrating right now. But wh-' from the corner of his eyes, he saw Kriti coming towards the room. She was dragging Vivek with her.

'These two are constantly around Karan now-a-days. I'm sure Karan is hiding something from me. Well...not anymore.' He hid behind a pillar and waited for them to go inside.

Kriti saw the broken bottle on the floor once she entered "Wow! What did it ever do to you?" Kriti remarked, as she and Vivek came near him.

"Kriti? Vivek? What are you both doing here? shouldn't you be in the auditorium, cheering for your friends?" Karan asked in confusion.

"That's what I told her. But she wanted to work."

"Shut up Vivek!" Kriti hit him and turned to Karan. "Bulbul's done. Her solo song and her duet with Ria was amazing! And her performance with Purab? Oh my! Simply mind-blowing! And you know what? They also announced that they were a couple!" she said, practically jumping in joy.

Karan smiled at her antics. "So? Why didn't you stay?"

"I didn't see you anywhere and kind of made a guess where you might be. You are way too serious about this Prataps." She came and sat at another computer. "I have no interest in watching the rest of the performances. So me and Vivek decided to come help, right Vivek?"

'Like you gave me a chance to speak! You basically dragged me here.' thought Vivek in his mind. However, he nodded.

"What is that secret which you couldn't tell your best friend about?" spoke a voice from the door. They looked up, shocked, to see Abhi approaching.

"Abhi!? I-"

"What was so secret that you couldn't share with me Karan? You decided to trust them and take their help, but you refused to tell me? I thought I was like a brother to you." Abhi spoke, hurt evident in his voice.

Karan stood up "Abhi, its not like that. I do think of you as my own brother. I-"

"No you don't! If you did you wouldn't hide things from me! You would trust me to help you if there was something which had you stressed. But you didn't even think of asking for my help!"

"I did it for your own good Abhi! I didn't want to cause problems between you and your father. That is why I hid it!" Karan exclaimed.

Kriti and Vivek looked at each other and nodded. They made a silent agreement and moved out of there, giving the best friends some alone time to solve their problems.

Abhi looked at him confused. "Explain everything. Now!"

After sometime...

Karan sneaked a glance at Abhi to see if he was angry. However, Abhi's face didn't reveal anything. "I had a feeling Shabbir was hiding the truth. Even Aliyah told me that she had some suspicion regarding Shabbir. She said that he may be faking his animosity towards us." Abhi remarked. "This Pratap. Pragya also asked me about it once. I wonder why."

He turned to Karan. "So basically, you mean to say that Shabbir and Dad might be hiding something from all of us and it is related to some person with the Pratap title?"

Karan nodded "Yes. That's why I've been trying to find any link there might be between your father and anyone with that title. I've looked almost everywhere, but found nothing. Only Shabbir, Purab and your father are the ones that know the truth. I don't know how to proceed. What about you?" Karan turned to him for some ideas. He didn't mention Pragya helping Shabbir, as he considered that detail unimportant.

"I see. But they won't ever tell us the truth. We n-" Suddenly, they heard an announcement.

"Next is the performance you've all been waiting for! Its our own rockstar, winner of hearts, soul of Mount College, Shabbbbbiiiirrrr Mehra! Along with the beautiful! Mesmerizing! Melodious! Aliyahhhhh Mehra!"

"Its Aliyah's performance. I promised Aliyah I won't miss it. See you later Karan. Try looking into our family files." Karan waved at him as he went away.


Abhi reached just when Aliyah was about to begin her song. 'Thank goodness! Or else, Aliyah would have my head.'

He found Samay and Sumit standing near the entrance. "Hey guys! Didn't expect to see you both here."

Samay nodded at him in greeting and spoke. "We didn't want to come, but Sarla aunty sent us with Pragya, in case she worsens her injuries somehow. You know how over-protective she can be." He said with a smile.

'Look who's talking. I still remember his grip on my collar from that day. That too just because I was talking to Pragya alone!' Abhi thought. He realized that Sumit hadn't said anything. "Sumit, I-" However, he paused seeing his state.

Sumit was swaying his body with the song, with a goofy smile on his face. It was as if he was in his own dreamland. "Aliyah. Oh Aliyah! Just when I thought I couldn't fall anymore, you made me fall deeper into your love with your voice."

Abhi looked at him wide eyed and slowly turned to Samay.

Samay sighed. "Forget my idiotic brother. Go talk to Pragya. She might like your company." Abhi simply nodded, still in shock, and moved forward.

#With Pragya#

Pragya watched Shabbir and Aliyah's performance with a smile on her face. Although she didn't know why, but she could tell that there was a change in Aliyah's behaviour towards Shabbir. 'Whatever it may be, its for the best.'

She felt someone come and sit beside her. She smiled and spoke "Hey Abhi."

"Hi ya Fuggie. How are you now?" Abhi asked with a smile.

"I'm not back to 100%, but its still a work in progress." It took a moment for Pragya to realize what he had just called her. "Fuggie?"

"Yep! I always wanted a female best friend whom I could call Fuggie. I tried calling Aliyah once. I still remember the hit to my head. She threw a bottle at me!" 😣

Pragya laughed. "Okay okay. You can call me Fuggie. But if anyone else calls me that tacky name, I'll hit you!"

"As if I would let them. I would beat them up if they dare call my Fuggie with that name!"

They high-fived each other and looked towards the stage. Aliyah and Shabbir were indeed doing great. The crowd was roaring for them!

Abhi smiled and felt contentment in his heart. He had expressed his feelings and although it didn't turn out the way he wanted, he and Pragya became much closer then before as best friends. Moreover, he believed that Akash had warned him of Tanu and Nikhil trying to harm Pragya. Since they were now behind bars, he need not worry anymore.

Only if he knew the truth.

He heard Pragya sigh. "Something wrong, Pragya?"

Pragya shook her head. "Nothing's wrong. I was just thinking of all the things that happened in my life after I came to Mount College. Never could I have imagined so much could happen in such a little time. Meeting amazing people like you, Kriti. Then being poisoned, becoming enemies with the popular rockstar Shabbir and turning friends with him later...its quite hard to believe."

Abhi smirked. "This college is a Mehra establishment. Of course its not like the boring college you came from. I bet you left your college because it had nothing interesting to offer."

Pragya glared at him in irritation.

"Hey, watch it. my college was great! Its because I-" Pragya paused. 'Should I tell him that I came to watch over Bulbul as her life was in danger? Can I trust him that much?'

Abhi noticed her sudden change. "Is it a secret you can't tell me? Like when you asked me to search into Akash Pratap's bio? Its okay if you don't want to tell me. If you want to keep it secr-"

"No Abhi. You are my best friend and I trust you. I couldn't share that other secret because it was not mine to reveal. However, this I can tell you." She took a deep breath and told him everything.

By the time she was done, Abhi was shocked speechless. "So..so Bulbul is being targeted by someone and they have men inside the college campus as well?"

Pragya nodded. "But at least now she has a boyfriend. Purab would let no harm come to her. I was thinking of telling this secret to him as well."

Abhi looked down in thought. Suddenly, an idea occured to him. "I...I need to go Pragya. Be back later!"

Pragya was confused as to why he left so suddenly. 'Maybe he remembered something important.'

She shrugged and turned towards the stage. Shabbir was playing the guitar with full concentration. Suddenly, he looked at her, while Aliyah sang in the background.

" 🎶 You're the light, you're the night
You're the color of my blood
You're the cure, you're the pain
You're the only thing I wanna touch
Never knew that it could mean so much, so much 🎶 "

As Pragya kept looking into his eyes, she could feel an unknown pull towards him. She felt as if they only existed in the entire room. His eyes seemed to long for her. They were filled with so much emotions. But she could read one emotion clearly, as she felt the same thing about him.

" 🎶 Love me like you do, la-la-love me like you do
Love me like you do, la-la-love me like you do
Touch me like you do, ta-ta-touch me like you do
What are you waiting for?
Daa-raa... 🎶 "

Aliyah finished and put away the mike. The host came on the stage. "That was amazing. Now Shabbir will give his solo performance." At once, loud squeals broke out in the auditorium.

"Pragya, how did I do?" Aliyah asked, once she was near Pragya.

"You were amazing Aliyah. I can't put it into words how amazing you were!" Pragya told her and turned to listen to Shabbir sing.

" 🎶 When I see your face, there's not a thing that I would change
'Cause you're amazing, just the way you are...
And when you smile, the whole world stops and stares for a while
'Cause girl, you're amazing, just the way you are... 🎶 "

Pragya blushed as he was looking directly at her. Once thing was sure to her. It was that he did love her. She was broken out of her thoughts by Aliyah. "Hey, did you see Abhi bhai?"

"He was right here. He went out just a few minutes ago."

Aliyah made an angry face "He promised to watch my performance! Let me have a word with him." she said, cracking her knuckles and moving towards the exit.

Pragya chuckled and turned to the stage. It seemed Shabbir started his next song. Coincidentally, their eyes met again. Only then did she pay proper attention to the lyrics he was singing.

" 🎶 'Cause there'll be no sunlight, if I lose you, baby
There'll be no clear skies, if I lose you, baby
Just like the clouds, my eyes will do the same,
If you walk away, everyday it will rain, rain, rai-aa-ain... 🎶 "

She could see an unknown pain in his eyes. She couldn't understand what might be causing him so much hurt. Once the song ended, he abruptly got up and went away.

'I have to find out what happened.' she got up and followed him outside the exit. She rushed to get to him, but couldn't reach him before drove off in his bike.


"Hey, what are you doing outside? Get inside the campus, now!" shouted Prasanth, as he came from behind her.

Prasanth was still doing his duty of watching over Pragya. Samay and Sumit had told him that he can leave it, now that they were staying with the Aroras. However, he wanted to help them as he considered them as his good friends. He would never admit it to their faces, but they kind of grew on him. 'Although I won't mind punching them once in a while.' 😑

"Sir! Sir please! You need to help me. Please drop me at Sahbbir's apratment."

Prasanth looked at her in disbelief "You do realize you are talking to your teacher, don't you?"

"Please! Lets go, its extremely important! Pleaseeeee!?"

"Geesh! Stop shouting! You'll give me a heart attack. I'll take you alright? Let me get my car."

"Thank you so much!!!"

"Stop shouting!"

"Well, you're shouting as well by the way." 😏

"You want my help or not?" 😒

"Zipppppp." Pragya made a zipping motion across her lips.

#With Abhi#

"Purab!" Abhi shouted as he neared the green room behind the stage. "I have something important to ask you."

Purab raised an eyebrow at him. "Well, hello to you too Mr. I'm-the-rudest-of-all. What do you want?"

"I want to know what you know about the deal between father and Shabbir."

Purab's eyes widened. However, he recovered quickly. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Don't lie to me." 😡

"I'm not lying. Now, if you excuse me, I have other important things to do."

Abhi smirked "More important then your girlfriend's life?"

Purab froze in shock. Abhi came and stood before him. "I know all about it. But you don't."

"What..what do you know? What threat is on Bulbul's life? Answer me!"

"First tell me about what I want to know."

"Bhai! There you are! I've been looking all over for you. Whe-" she notuced the tension in the room and paused. "Is..is something wrong bhai?"

Purab was caught between a rock and a hard place. He didn't want to reveal Shabbir's secret but he also couldn't risk Bulbul's life. The entire point of hiding the truth was so that no more people get hurt. But if Bulbul is hurt, what's the point of hiding such a truth?

He sighed "Your brother Shabbir and your father are working together." He looked at Abhi and Aliyah's shocked faces. "I told you one piece of information, give me what I want to know."

Abhi nodded. "Pragya told me that Bulbul's life was in danger. She is being targeted."

Purab was shocked. He wanted more information, but knew Abhi won't say until he told him more about Shabbir. However, he tried to reveal as little as possible. "The entire 'hating your family' thing that Shabbir did.... it was just an act for a bigger matter."

"What matter?" Aliyah shouted. She couldnt't believe what she was hearing. 'All this time...it was just an act? Five years...five whole years!'

"Not until you tell me something about Bulbul."

"Pragya said that there are some people in the college itself who are involved in all this. They want to harm Bulbul and that's why Pragya came here to protect Bulbul."

Purab nodded. "The entire mess started with the Pratap and will end with them as well. That's why Pragya and I were helping Shabbir."

Abhi looked at him with wide eyes 'Pragya was helping them? So that's why..that's why she said that it wasn't her secret to reveal.'

"Tell me more about Bulbul now!" Abhi remained quiet, and Purab realized that Abhi knew nothing more about the matter.

Purab smirked. "I guess that's all you'll know from me." saying that, he moved out of there. 'Pragya can tell me more about it.'

Aliyah was about to go after him, but Abhi caught her wrist.

"Aliyah forget him. I know where I can get more information about Shabbir. You go find Karan and tell him about everything."

Aliyah wanted to ask more questions, but looking at her brother's grim face, she refrained herself and nodded.

Once she left Abhi headed out. 'Pragya. You must answer my questions. I already know half of the puzzle. You're the key to the other half.'


To be continued...

Next chapter - Pragya confesses. Shabbir denies. Abhi finds the truth. Everyone comes together and an unlikely alliance occurs.

If you like this chapter, please consider giving your vote. Thanks!
~ 🌹 Mona 🌹

Songs were -

Love me like you do (Aliyah) - Ellie Goulding

Just the way you are (Shabbir) - Bruno Mars

It will rain (Shabbir) - Bruno Mars.

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