32. Everything Seems to Fall into Place

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Kumkum Bhagya's sautan - Kundali Bhagya promos are finally out. Is it wrong for me to hate it since it doesn't have Pragya, Abhi or Vin in it?

By the way, how's the weather? Its a rainy day here. I looooovvveeeeeeee such weathers. Don't you?

Anyways, Onwards!!!

"Words in double quotes" - Talking

'Words in single quotes' - Thoughts

(Words in braces) - Telephone conversations

Chapter 32 - Everything Seems to Fall into Place

"You...you both are Raj Pr-ratap's sons? The Raj Pratap that...that built the Xcaliber chip?" Abhi stuttered out.

At that, Pragya gasped as sudden realization hit her. 'All this time, they were the ones we were searching for? They are the two Pratap sons that I had promised Mr. Mehra to help find? My own brothers!?'

Sumit and Samay nodded, still confused at their reactions. At once they felt arms hold them in place. While Kriti, Karan and Vivek held Samay, Sumit was held in a vice grip by Aliyah and Purab. Pragya and Bulbul held their ears as the rest of them screamed in chorus.

"Finally found you!"

"Wh-what are you all doing!? Let go!" Sumit exclaimed.

"Pragya Di, what's happening?"

"They...they are the ones! The ones that Mr. Mehra had been looking for all along!"

"Di! I can't make sense of the things that you are saying."

"Someone explain to me what the hell is going on!" Samay grit out. At that, everyone started speaking at the same time, one over the other. It sounded more like a fish market than a hospital room.

"SILENCE!" silence reigned after that shout.

They all turned to look at Prasanth, who was glaring at them. "Silence all of you! Do you even remember that I'm here? Speak one by one and explain what happened."

"No time. We need to go to Dad. Right now."

"Abhi is right. Let's go!" Shabbir spoke, as he got up from the bed, despite his injury.

#Mehra Mansion#

Prasanth walked away silently from the rest of the occupants of the room. They were all currently in the Mehra Mansion, waiting for Shekhar's arrival.

After Abhi declared that they needed to go to the Mehra Mansion, chaos had broken out. Before Prasanth could question Abhi, it could be said that they practically kidnapped him and the three Pratap siblings in their cars. Prasanth didn't know how, but Shabbir managed to convince the doctor to release him from the hospital.

During the ride, everyone refused to reveal anything until they reached. However, when Samay threatened to jump out, they started explaining. The news was indeed like a bomb had been dropped.

It seemed their enemy was one in common. He was not only after Pragya, but wanted the chip as well, which Prasanth now knew still existed. If what they said was true, then the chip would eventually remain with Samay and Sumit, which means they would be in danger as well. Till now he and Shekhar couldn't catch Pragya's pursuers, and now this comes out. Not to mention the fact that if the enemy gets their hands on either the chip or the hidden secrets in the Pratap treasury, it would be a disaster. Just when he thought they were nearing the truth, they were back to square one. Prasanth could feel the onset of a headache with all these thoughts in his mind.

He sighed in defeat and moved towards the freezer. Taking out a bottle of fresh cold, ice water, he poured it into a glass, putting two ice cubes in it. Slowly, he raised the glass towards his mouth...

And promptly emptied the entire glass on his own head.

He heard a chuckle to his side and looked to find Kriti smiling at him. "That bad, huh?"

"Why are you here Kriti? Weren't you with Bulbul?" 😒

"Bulbul went home to tell Sarla aunty the events of the day. Purab has gone with her." She poured a glass of water for herself. "I guess the situation got a lot twisted and confusing, eh?"

"Twisted doesn't even begin to describe how I feel right now Kriti. It is as if I was reading a book and was feeling happy that I'm almost at the end. Right when I'm almost at the climax, I find out that the book was only a part of a series which made the complete saga!"

Kriti smirked. "Now do you understand how frustrated I feel when I open the Maths book?" on seeing Prasanth's glare, she raised her hands in surrender. "Okay okay! I agree with you. Everything is a mess here."

Prasanth sighed again for what felt like the unempth time. "You know, sometimes I feel like everything isn't even real. Like I'm some character in a fiction, where some author is writting out the events my life for amusement!" Spoke Prasanth with a glare.

(Author's note : Mwhahahahaha...!)

"If I was a part of a fiction, I would like to be portrayed as a Naagin. Me, a Naagin? Cool, right?" 😁

"Shut up. 😑 " he turned to look ahead at the others, at the center of the room.

Pragya, Samay and Sumit sat on the couch, looking uncomfortable being the center of attention of every other individual in the room. Vivian and Binita Mehra sat opposite to them. While Binita was smiling at them, Vivian kept looking at them in awe, as if he could still not believe that he found Raj's kids.

Aliyah, Shabbir and Abhi stood behind their parents with smiles on their faces, finally happy that their father would be able to fulfill his life long promise. Amongst them, Karan was the only one who sat there, looking bored.

'Doesn't anything shock this guy? How can he remain so damn calm after everything!?' Prasanth was snapped out of his thoughts when the door burst open and Shekhar strolled in, looking pissed off.

Before anyone could anticipate Shekhar's move, he went and punched Vivian in the jaw. "You bastard!"

"How dar-"

"Abhi no." Vivian interrupted. "Don't tell him anything. I can understand his anger. After all, I'm the reason he lost his sister and brother-in-law."

"It's your damn fault! He died for you! You could have just handed the chip to the government after you were done. But no! You had to showcase it. If you hadn't done that, Raj and Shikha would never be present at the gathering. Look what happened because of it!"

"I know I made a big mistake by doing that. But I never expected Alok to betray us. Trust me, if I could go back in time, I would never let Raj get shot in my place. I would take the bullet for him. I'm really sorry for what happened to him."

"Sorry doesn't pay the bills, does it? Can it bring them back?! Yo-"

"Uncle wait. Don't blame him. It's not completely his fault." Sumit spoke in a soft voice.

"Are you joking? His immaturity and mad decision cost your parents their lives!"

"Yes. But he repents it. If he didn't, then he wouldn't risk his own family to keep the chip with him all these years, just to fulfill Baba's last wish." Samay reasoned.

Shekhar looked at both if them in disbelief. However, before he could speak, Pragya came to stand in front of him. "So you're my uncle?"

Shekhar's eyes softened on seeing her. It was the first time he met her personally. "Hello Pragya. How are you?"

"I'm fine uncle." She pulled him into a hug. "Forget the past animosities Uncle. Please give him a chance. We've all suffered a lot. Lies, separation, deception...everything. Finally I know the truth about my own brothers and uncle. My own family. Let's just forgive, forget and start anew."

Shekhar hugged her back and nodded. That was the first ever request by his niece. There was no way he would deny it.

Binita smiled. "Raj and Shikha's daughter has grown up to be a wonderful lady. I would treat her as a second daughter from now on."

"Actually, your future daughter-in-law really." spoke Karan, as he clicked away on his phone, looking bored. Shabbir and Pragya stared at him with horror.

"What!?" exclaimed Shekhar and turned to glare at Prasanth. "I thought I told you to look out for her!"

Prasanth raised his hands in surrender. "Don't look at me. Teenage hormones and love matters aren't my department."

"Can't control the heart uncle. Besides, I approve of Shabbir after everything he did for our Pragya. You would too once you know the truth."

"Bhai is right. Don't even try to separate them old man. We won't let you bring our sister to tears." 😡

Shekhar saw both Samay and Sumit glaring at him. 'I'm the villain now?' He sighed in frustration. "Fine! And watch who you're calling old. I can still kick you across this room." 😒

"Is it true Shabbir beta? Have you two chosen each other as your life partners forever?"

Shabbir finally decided to tell his parents the truth. He looked at Pragya in the eyes with a smile. "I don't know what Pragya thinks, Maa. But I love her with my very being. I need her as I need air. When she cries, I feel the pain; when she smiles , I feel total bliss; when she's hurt, I feel like dying. If that isn't love, then I don't know what to call it."

Pragya blushed as he confessed to her in front of everyone. However, she had a smile on her face. "I feel the same Shabbir. I can't imagine a life where you don't exist. You're imperfect, you lie, you get scared easy, you are arrogant most of the times"

Shabbir looked at her with a pout. "I'll take that as a compliment." 😣

Pragya chuckled. "But you also have a heart of gold, courage to sacrifice your happiness for others, ready to die for others. I accept all of your imperfections and your perfections. I'm ready to spend my entire life with you."

"But I'm not." Pragya felt her world still at Shabbir's words. However, he wasn't finished.

"I'm not ready to spend this entire life with you. Because I plan to love you forever till eternity. Not only in this life, but in every life to come."

"Awwww... Who knew my idiotic twin could be so romantic? 😏 Are you reading 'romance for dummies' by any chance? Bec-ow!"

Binita smacked him in the head. "You sure know how to ruin a moment Abhi." 😑

"Raj's daughter would become my daughter-in-law? I couldn't be more happy! Looks like Shabbir and Pragya will continue our bond through their relation."

"Not only them Dad." spoke Aliyah, as she approached Sumit. She smirked and grabbed his hand lovingly. "Isn't that right, boyfriend?"

Sumit looked at her dumbfounded. Sure he had expressed his love openly and felt that she may like him back. But she had never indicated that she loved him. However, looking into her eyes, he could say that she wasn't lying.

Sumit smiled and tightened his grip on her hand. "When have you ever been wrong, girlfriend?"

Binita looked at Samay and Abhi. "Your siblings already got their other halves. I think it's time we found some nice girls for both of you as well."

"N-no way Maa! I can find on my own." Abhi stuttered out.

"Same here. Besides, we need to find out who our enemy is, get him arrested and secure the chip first. Other things can be delayed." Samay spoke.

Abhi chuckled. "You know, I like your thinking. We should try to find data on our common enemy. Although I don't know where to begin."

"Chill. I have some locations marked out from where they could be operating in the city. Just need to hack them. How good are you at it?"

"You're questioning me Samay? I've never failed once." 😏

Samay stood up and tossed a flash drive towards Abhi. "Good then. Let's go and begin our work. Early programmer catches the bastards!"

Abhi followed him with a smirk. "You know, if we had met as toddlers, I bet we would have been best of friends."

Samay looked back with a smirk. "My thoughts exactly."

Sumit watched them go open-mouthed. "Samay and me have been partners since like ever! I can't believe he just left to work along side Abhi." 😲

"You're not alone Sumit. I too feel like I've just been replaced." Karan spoke with a frown. 😕

Vivian clapped his hands together to get everyone's attention. "Now that we are sure that our enemy is the same one, it's about time we all work together. Finally, everything is falling into place!"

#Arora House#

Sarla rubbed her hands over her aching head. She felt like a monkey was dancing on her head on top of a drum, which was in turn on top of a loud bulldozer. "This is a lot to take in."

"I understand Sarla Maa. But me and Bulbul thought it would be better to tell you the truth now without keeping any secrets."

"Purab is right Maa." spoke Bulbul, as she came near with a glass of water for her mother.

"I guess you both are right." She took the glass and sipped from it. Suddenly, she paused and narrowed her eyes at Purab. "Why are you and Bulbul taking decisions together? And why are you calling me Maa?" 🤔

Bulbul and Purab could only blush looking at each other, which was enough for Sarla to figure out the rest.

"Aiiishhhhhh! You all will kill me from heart attack, even before I reach the age of 65!"

Purab chuckled. "Alright then. I must get going now. Bye ladies."

Bulbul waved at him with a glare. 'Now, when the truth is out in front of Maa, he makes his escape.' 😑

Purab looked back to get a glimpse of Bulbul when he reached the gate. He saw her glare and smiled to himself. 'She sure looks cute when she's angry.' Once they went inside, he left as well.

As he walked towards his bike, he didn't notice someone approach him. Right when he was about to get onto his bike, he felt someone tap his shoulder and he looked back. However, before he could speak anything, he felt a punch in his face, strong enough to knock him out unconscious.

#Mount College#

Ria walked through the corridors of the college looking at a booklet. From the corner of her eyes, she spotted Vivek snooping around. 'This time, I'm not leaving him. That day he said that he would talk to me later. But he has made one excuse after another to postpone our meeting. This time, I won't buy any of his excuses!'

She rushed forward to catch him. However on reaching near, she saw him looking intently at something. She followed his line of sight and gasped. Vivek was watching some guy in black hoodie ahead of him. 'Who is that guy?'

Unknown to her, the same thought was going through Vivek's mind. Although for a very different reason. He was quietly trying to follow the guy. However, as everyone knew, the best laid plans always tend to go wrong. It took just a little stumble of him for the guy to spot him. At once he broke into a run.

'Shit!' Vivek ran after him. After three turns, Vivek was finally able to grab him by his hoodie and jerk him back. The man fell down, his face getting exposed. Vivek gasped as he recognized him. "K-Kent?"

"Vivek. Long time no see, eh?" 😏

"Why are you here!?" Vivek asked, fury evident in his voice.

"I'm here to finish my job. You know what my speciality is, don't chya?" he spoke with a sinister smile.

Vivek looked at him with narrowed eyes. As realization hit him, his eyes widened. "You...you're a sniper. That means you were the one who-"

"Yep. I was the one who tried to shoot the girl. And a damn good aim that was too, if it wasn't for that stupid boy!"

"You are the one after Pragya? You reduced yourself to the level of taking up such projects? Of killing inno-"

"Because of you! It's all because of you!" he got up and came to stand eye to eye with Vivek. "I have to do such low grade jobs just because of you! I'm telling you this once, and only once! Come back to us before you regret it." saying that, he grabbed Vivek's collar and pushed him down to the ground, taking the time to escape.

Vivek slowly got up and dusted himself. "Sick bastard. So damn annoying." He shook his head and turned to leave, only to find Ria standing there.

"You said he is after Pragya and yet...yet, you seem to know him?"

"Ria listen. It's n-"

"The incident with Pragya at the library, at the pool....in both places, you were present."

"I saved her at the pool if you're forgetting." Vivek spoke, deflecting her accusations.

"True. But this doesn't explain the other things that happened."

"Ria look a-"

"That day at Nikhil's place, I saw you with a knife and you were holding it like you were used to it."

"That was just to scare him. I h-"

"After that incident, I tried to find details about you Vivek. But I couldn't find anything. It was as if you were a ghost before, with no identity or anything before you came here."

"Ria you're jumping to irrational conclusions. Ju-"

"No! I don't want anymore excuses. Now, I want the truth. Or else, I'm telling Pragya di everything!"

Vivek looked at her intently. She really seemed determined and would no doubt carry out the threat that she spoke. "Okay. I'll tell you."

"Wow. And here I thought I would have to threaten you more." 😯

"No. I'll tell you. In fact, I think you could help me."

"Help you? With what Vivek?" 😕

They heard footsteps and saw their Vice Principal approach. "What are you two doing here, outside class? Move it!"

Ria nodded and moved ahead. When she went past Vivek, she whispered. "Meet me at the library after this period. I'll be expecting you there."

Vivek sighed in defeat and walked forward towards his class, muttering to himself. "I thought I could hide the demons of my past. I thought I had burried my past, covered it with a mountain and dropped it in the middle of an ocean. But I guess I forgot that you can never escape your shadow."

To be continued...

Ria will probably appear for just one or two chapters.

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~ 🌹 Mona 🌹

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