33. Friends or Foe

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" 🎶 Kuch Toh Hai Tujhse Raabta
Kuch Toh Hai Tujhse Raabta
Kaise Hum Jaane Hume Kya Pata
Kuch Toh Hai Tujhse Raabta... 🎶 "

I'm totally in love with this song!!! 😍

& Deepika (my fav!) looks so awesome in the song, no?! 💞

Anyways, Onwards!!!

"Words in double quotes" - Talking

'Words in single quotes' - Thoughts

(Words in braces) - Telephone conversation

Chapter 33 - Friends or Foe


Time is a funny thing actually. One minute you could be thinking about your birthday present, and the next moment you could be fighting for your life from a sudden heart attack. You may spend years to build up a fortune, but it could all go to waste in mere seconds.

Its notable how time is related with Karma. There is a time when birds eat ants...and there is the time when the ants eat the birds. It takes time to cut down million trees for making matchsticks...but it takes only seconds for a matchstick to burn a million trees. In the end, Karma finds us all. And in the right time, we all have to pay for it. I guess my time to pay has come.

"Vivek? Vivek?! I'm calling your name." asked the irritated teacher. However, Vivek was too busy with his own thoughts to pay attention to him. "Vivek Delgado! Are you even listening to me!?"

"Wha..? Oh. Sorry teacher. It won't happen again."

"Make sure you keep it that way Vivek." saying that the teacher moved away. "Now class, as we were discussing. Today, you shall write an essay on friendship."

Vivek let out a smile on hearing that. Before coming to the college, he never thought he would make so many good friends, best friends even. Friends for him were just tools that could help in passing out through the academics, nothing else. However, after meeting the Mehras, Pragya and Bulbul, Purab, Karan, Kriti...he realized what it feels like to have true friends.

And love.

Vivek chuckled to himself. 'Never in my life could I have imagined that someone not of importance to me, could become so precious to me. Kriti was only a way to get close to Pragya. But now...now I could shout out to the world that I indeed love Kriti more than my life.'

He looked towards where Aliyah, Bulbul and Kriti usually sat, with a smile. Vivek reminisced the days he spent smacking his head at their ridiculous antics, how Kriti and Bulbul would blabber on and on, making Aliyah snap eventually and hit them on the heads. It would often lead to them shouting and getting kicked out of the class by the teacher. However, instead of being angry, they would both give Aliyah a thank you before leaving, irritating Aliyah further.

The bell rang, signaling that the class was over. Vivek got up slowly, taking his sweet time to pack his things. He still didn't think he was ready to face Ria. However, he knew it was inevitable.

Before he moved out of the room, he took one last glance at the class.

'Would it still be the same after I tell Ria the truth? Will she try to understand me? Or will she accuse me and expose the truth to the rest?' Vivek wondered.

He walked through the corridors, not paying attention to the passers-by. Vivek paused as he passed the computer room. The times he spent there, helping Karan and Abhi figure out the truth, were some of the moments he would value for life.

'Never thought I would find friends like them. When did I come to care for them like brothers?'

He sighed and moved forward. Suddenly, he felt his phone buzz. "Hello?"

(Vivek? Where are you? Don't tell me you went back to attend the classes? Come on! The truth is out and its time to celebrate! Wha-)

"Slow down Kriti. Or else you will faint because of shortness of breath." Vivek spoke with a smile.

(Forget that! Tell me where you are.)

"I'm in th-"

(Actually, forget that. Come to the Mehra Mansion right away! We're holding mini party of sorts.)

"I...I won't be able to go Kriti." He took the phone away from his ear as he heard her scream. When he was sure she was done screaming, he put the phone back near him. "Calm down Kriti. Its not that big of a deal. You all enjoy."

There was some shuffling and he heard a male voice over the phone.

(You have got to be kidding me Vivek! Even Prasanth Sir is here. How could you miss it!? I can understand Bulbul and Purab not being here, probably busy dating. But you! You have to come! The gang's not complete without you bro.)

Vivek felt a warm feeling crawl up his heart. It had been a long time since he knew what it was like to be a part of a family, to be cared for. He lost his family before he even turned 10 and had shut out the rest of the world. But his friends had pushed themselves into his heart and made a place for themselves in it. "I really appreciate it Shabbir. But I really can't leave. I need to complete this assignment today itself."

(Dude! My father is the Principal. I can as-ow! Hey do-ow! Pragya leave my ear damn it! Ow!)

Vivek chuckled hearing Shabbir's cries. He could almost imagine Pragya and Shabbir's comical faces while arguing.

He heard Pragya's voice next.

(He's not like you to take such illegal advantages. Hand me the phone! *shuffling* Hello?)

"I'm listening Pragya."

(Vivek, is it really that important?)

"Yes Pragya. If I don't complete it by today, my whole future career may be in stake."

(Oh my! Then you better complete it soon. We'll miss you though!)

"Trust me. I will miss you all more."

(Vivek...is everything alright? You sound sad.)

"Everything is fine. Just tensed because of the assignment." He lied swiftly.

(Yo! Its me Kriti again. And what do you mean tensed? You'll do fine! I believe in you. Besides, you're my boyfriend. You shall hath no fear, oh great warrior. Move forth to claim thy victory!)

Vivek rolled his eyes. "You won't change will you?"

(That's why you love me!)

"That I do. I truly do love you Kriti. Always and forever."

(Me too. Vivek...is something bothering you? You...you said it like you're about to lose me. I won't be leaving you Vivek. Why do you sound so worried?) He could picture her worried face clearly in his mind.

"Promise me Kriti. There may be misunderstandings between us, but never let it poison our relation and make us forget all the beautiful moments we spent together. A lot of people may misunderstand me, but I don't care. All I want you to know is that I'll love you always. Nothing else matters."

(Vivek, I love you as well. But...but why are you acting like this? You're scaring me Vivek. What's wrong?)

"Nothing. I'll tell you later, okay? The teacher is calling. Bye!" He abruptly cut the call without waiting for her response. He shut off his phone and headed on. 'Annoying feelings. Some days I think it was better when I had none. *sigh* Onwards to the library.'


The library was devoid of other students, as college hours were almost over. Ria saw the Librarian approach her. "Its about time I close the library. You should leave."

"Ma'am I really need some more time. I have an important project to complete and only resources are these books. Please Ma'am?"

"Okay. Here, take these." The Librarian handed her the keys. "I have to leave so I'm giving you the keys. Close the library after you are done. Don't take too long." saying that, she left.

Ria went and sat at a table, waiting for Vivek. 'Maybe he decided not to show up? Maybe he changed his mi-...no! He knows what consequences he would have to face. He wouldn't dare to betray me.'

"I'm here."

She looked up to see Vivek standing there, looking pensive. She nodded and motioned for him to sit opposite to her. "Alright! Start explaining. How do you know that guy who is after Pragya? And why did he say it's all because of you?"

"He...he was someone I knew and was close to in the past. We are from the same squadron."

"Sqaudron? Were you part of some military program or something?"

Vivek chuckled. "I guess you could say that."

"And why did he blame you?"

"Because he wouldn't have been sent to kill her if I had done my job right. If I had carried out what I had come to do here, he wouldn't have to come and interfere."

Ria felt a sense of doom. Slowly she moved her chair back, so that she could run away, fearing his next reply. "W-what job?"

Vivek looked into her eyes with a dead serious look. "To kill Pragya of course. I was hired to kill her."

Ria gasped and abruptly stood up. "B-but...but you saved her! You saved her at the pool. You are just pulling my leg, aren't you?!"

"A mistake. I saved her, but that was because I dropped my locket near the pool by mistake. I couldn't risk getting caught."

Ria looked at him in horror. She would have run away, if it wasn't for Vivek getting a hold of her arm. "Ria wait. I'm not finished."

"Leave my hand! I don't want to listen to anything you have to say! You're nothing but a murderer!" she broke free of his grip and ran away. However, she wasn't able to outrun him as he caught her in a corner, successfully pinning her to the wall.

"Ria please! Just listen to me once. Yes, its true I tried to kill Pragya, but not now. Please. Just give me a chance to explain!"

"Chance to explain that you want to kill your own friend?! Like hell I will! Let go of me or I'll scream."

"Look! I'll let you go. I won't stop you from going and telling everything to the others. But please. Just listen to me once! Just this once."

"Why should I? How could you even think that I would give you a chance?!"

"Because I know you like me."

Ria froze at that. "W-what?"

"That's the reason you still haven't said anything about me to anyone, even your best friend Kriti. I can see it in your eyes Ria."

Ria's face changed into one of anger. "And that's why you took me for granted? You ba-"

"Just one chance. Just one. Please?" Vivek pleaded. He knew he was wrong in taking advantage of her feelings. But he needed her to understand his reasons.

"Five minutes. Five minutes is all you get." His intense gaze was hard to resist for her, with him being so close. Not to mention her feelings for him.

"That's all I need." he let go of her and moved away. "Ever heard of Sunshine Orphanage?"

Ria nodded. "That's the orphanage owned by one of the most richest and charitable businessman in the city."

"Charitable? My foot. It is only a cover."

"What do you mean?"

"Each year, ten kids are chosen from the orphanage and taken to an academy where they are trained to be the best."

"Best in what? Sports? Academics? Programming?"

"Best in killing."

Ria's eyes widened and her hand went over her mouth on instinct. "But... But that's horrible! How could they do that to kids?!"

"At an age when we are supposed to play with toy cars, we are handed guns. At an age when we should be believing in Santa Claus, we are shown how the cruel realities of the world work."

"We? You mean... You ar-"

Vivek nodded. "I am a part of that project. Raised to kill and our job is our main priority. For us, only the end matters, the means unnecessary. And my job was to kill Pragya. A mission that I failed, but I don't regret failing."

"Didn't you say your job is your priority?"

"It was when I came here. Killing Pragya was the sole purpose I came here and planned to leave once I'm done. But then...then I kept failing to harm her because of her friends. So I decided to become a part of their group to get her alone and finish her." he let out a humourless laugh. "Never thought I would get attached."

He turned to look at Ria in the eyes, baring his soul to her. "They showed me what it feels like to have friends, to have someone to care for. All my life I've been alone, only having associates, partners to work, with no real affection. But they...they changed me. I don't know how, I don't know when but...but I came to care for them, give more importance to their happiness, their safety. Even care for them more then my own life."

Ria's eyes softened on his confession. She could tell that there was no lie in his words. "So you decided to protect Pragya instead?"

"Yes. I realized that I didn't want go back to how I was. Lonely, uncaring, ruthless. I didn't want to be that Vivek anymore. I liked being the Vivek whom they all thought of as a simpleton, a sidekick to Kriti. I want to be Kriti's love and nothing more. I don't ever want to lose her."

Ria wasn't suprised that he didn't return her feelings, as she already suspected something between him and Kriti. "I see. You have changed then. And I guess that's the reason that guy is here?"

"Yes. I thought that once I refused to help kill Pragya, her pursuers would back off, knowing she is now under my protection. I didn't think they would appoint Kent to finish the job."

"You seem to know him well."

Vivek nodded. "We were trained together. Me and him. In fact, he was the only one I can say was a friend to me. Funny that now we are up against each other."

"Is that why you wanted my help?"

"Yes. I...I don't think I can tell the others the truth yet. But since you already knew half the truth, it was easy to tell you. You can help me catch him." Vivek turned to look at her with moist eyes. "I don't want to go back to being alone Ria. I don't want to go back to my old life. I want to redeem myself. Please.... Please help me."

Ria smiled at him. "Hey, don't worry alright. You're not alone anymore. You've got all of us. As for Kent, I'll help you expose him and get him arrested. I promise you."

"Really? I'm scared." spoke a voice from behind them. They both turned to see it was Kent, waiting there, with a gun pointed at Ria.

Before Vivek could move, Kent fired. Vivek watched in horror as Ria fell down, blood seeping out from where her heart was. He felt frozen to the spot, unable to do anything but stare at her in shock.

He snapped out of his shock and went to aid her, only to be pulled away by Kent.

Kent threw him across the floor. "Pathetic. How could you have gotten so weak Vivek? Giving into emotions, making friends? You forgot our code! The code is to finish the job no matter what, without making any attachments! Attachments make you weak!"

"You're wrong. They don't. They make you human, make you a person! Ria was an innocent. How could you just kill her!?"

"She may have exposed me. I had to take out the unnecessary trash." He pointed the guy at Vivek. "And the same is with you. You were one of our prime assets. But now, you've become useless and a hindrance."

"Kent listen to me. This isn't right. We weren't meant to be killers. We could be better people."

"Ahahaha...unbelievable. Wasn't it you who always said that feelings are nothing but annoying hindrances? What happened now?"

"I was wrong, I admit that. My values were wrong. Just listen to me once."

As they continued talking, none of them noticed Ria moving. She wasn't dead yet. However, she knew it wasn't long for her life to end.

With the little energy she had left, she used her fingers to write some letters on the wall with her blood. Kent and Vivek were too busy arguing to notice her. Once she was done, she used every ounce of her strength to pull the cupboard that was near, it's rollers helping her to move it faster.

She gave her everything to cover the letters with the cupboard and put her phone there, hidden from view. 'Done. I know Kriti is smart. She will be able to find this clue. I believe in you Kriti. Good.. Good bye.'

She took her last breath there, alone, in the corner of the library, at least with the happiness that she was able to help her friends in some way.

"That's enough Vivek. I'm in no mood to listen to you anymore."

"So you would shoot me too Kent?" Vivek glared at him without a flinch.

"I could, but I won't. Like it or not, you had saved my life once. I owe you one." Kent put back the gun and forward a hand for Vivek to take. "Come with me and talk to the boss once. That's the only chance you get. If yo-" Kent paused to answer his phone.
"Got him? Good. Keep him tied up."

Vivek looked at him with narrowed eyes. 'His job is to kill Pragya. I know he wouldn't move to another job without completing the current one. This could mean only one thing. He's got someone from the gang with him.' Vivek at once formed a plan in his head. He took Kent's hand with a smirk.

"Alright. I'll go with you."

Kent raised an eyebrow. "Agreed so easily?"

"I still don't want Pragya dead. But my life is more precious to me. I think I'll join you if it means I get to live."

Kent smirked. "Always been a selfish bastard, haven't you? Well, can't blame you, since I'm the same."

"Shut it!"

"Calm down mutt. If you want to see the boss, better go to this address. I got to take care of this dead meat." He threw him a card and went to take care of Ria's dead body. Kent never noticed the misplacement of the cupboard.

Vivek looked towards where she was lying lifeless. 'It's all my fault. I should have never got her involved in this. I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry.' He couldn't bear to look at her anymore and rushed out. 'I'll make sure there are no more deaths because of me. I promise you that.'

To be continued...

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~ 🌹 Mona 🌹

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