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Thunderstorm's pov.

"Im gonna buy groceries any request?" "Oh we want chocolates!" Ice and blaze said, i chuckled "ok I'll be home late 'k?" "Ok be careful big brother" Quake said "i will" I assure him,he smiled "ok I'll be going now" I said while walking out of the door everyone was waving goodbye at me as i waved back i closed the door

Time skip

It was already 6 in the evening but i still have some few things missing then i can go home i thought to myself i looked upon my list to see that i have just one item missing on my check list so i walk up to the store and bought the item i was going home when i saw a man slightly taller than me walk towards me i stayed alarmed and tried to avoid him but then another man came and another then another they gathered around me and stood there for a while until one of them spoke "what are we gonna do with this punk boss?" Tsk me punk?! Who does this man think he is!? "Tie him up and bring him back to base" They're leader or boss i supposed ordered them as they were coming to get me i started to run for dear life but one of them caught me and tied me up "boss, caught him" I could see the leader smirking "good~ now bring him back to base"

Time skip

I can't see anything since they're so called "base" Was dark i heard the door closed and something no someone is  taking my shirt off i struggled and broke free from the knots that was tied onto me i immediately ran to the door but the man stopped me "playing hard to get huh?" The man said while smirking "who the hell are you!?" I yelled in anger "you don't need to know that my little toy~" Toy!? What does he mean toy!? i need to get out of here as i was rushing towards the door the man blocked the way "tonight you'll lose your virginity" "W-what!?" As i yelled he quickly grab my hand and put it up he then started to pull my shirt up "w-what are you doing!? S..stop!" I was nervous not only because i knew what was going on but his a he!, he started kissing there and here and worse of all he started biting my neck and touching my body with his one hand his hand was still holding my hands "h...help! Somebody! Anybody! Help me!" I screamed for help and i heard the man chuckle "ooh my dear thunderstorm do you really think people will hear your cries of help?" He asked me while smirking "h-how do you know my name!?" I asked with my eyes widen "it's me thunder" The man turned the lights on and revealed....kaizo
"K-ka-kaizo!? What the hell!?" I had my eyes widen i was so shock that it's kaizo!
Why him?!?! Of all the people why him!?,he chuckled "don't worry i won't be rough on you" "W-what? N-no way! Let me go kaizo!"He let go of my hands and kiss me on the lips, i pushed him off gently " K-kaizo stop!" He just stood there "k-kaizo?" I was a little worried but then he tossed me into his bed and held my hands and put it above my head "i was giving you a chance when i said that I'll be gentle but you pushed me to far~" Kaizo said smirking he then took off my clothes and started to kiss my neck and shoulders, i let out some few moans "aaah...k-kaizo...s-stop!" But he kept going after that he took off my belt and then suddenly some people came "kaizo let my brother go!" Wait i know that voice! That's quakes voice! I'm gonna be saved! "What if i say no?" Kaizo said i can see him smirking because we all know he is stronger than us "captain! Let thunderstorm go! Or else!" Fang said with his anger In his voice "oooh~ so you wanna play?" Kaizo then put an energy shield (idk what's it called) around me "get ready pang" "Ish!...shadow tiger! Attack!" Fang summoned his shadow tiger and fought his brother 'and now is my time to escape!' I thought to myself i started summoning my lightning blades but it didn't work i wonder why as i was thinking i was watching fang and kaizo's fight 'if only there was a way to destroy this thing without kaizo knowing' i said to myself "earth punch!" I heard a voice behind me i turned around to see quake "quake!" I quickly yelled "hi big brother how you doing?" Quake asked me smiling "not good but I'm ok" Quakes smile started to fade "d-don't worry we'll get you out of there in no time" Quake said trying to force a smile, i smiled a little and said "great!" Then i hear loud bangs in my back i turned around once more and saw my brothers trying to destroy the energy shield thing "brothers all together!" Quake said the others nodded and use their powers all at once there was a blinding light but once it was gone i felt and embrace of many people i opened my eyes and saw all of my brothers hugging me "thundy don't ever leave us again!" I heard cyclone said "i wont" I said then i kissed his forehead and i noticed that he blushed, i chuckled a bit because cyclone is so cute when he blush "things are really unexpected don't you think?" I said the other's nodded

To be continued

Buwhahahaha 😈
gomen i know some of you wanted halitau (thundclone) smut but i can't help it this idea suddenly came in my mind! Anyways don't forget to vote! (You don't have to if you don't want to)
Let me see all ya' suggestions and comments 😂
Love ya'all

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