Earning Trust

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The trek through the undergrowth was long and strenuous. Izuku was given a rudimentary machete as he carved the way in front of the girls who directed him through the path. Fallen trees, carnivorous plants and swarms of mosquitoes blocked their way as he slowly trekked through the jungle. He notices that a few of the girls were hesitant around the mosquitoes and came up with an idea. "You get sick from those don't you?" He asks when Kyoka swats a mosquito away from her. "We call it Fever Malar, the mosquitoes carry the sickness and it can be deadly." Kyoka responds coldly before Izuku stops walking forwards, he takes a step off the path towards a fallen tree. "What are you doing fool!? You'll perish in the jungle!" Momo scolds seeing him hack off a branch from the tree and wrap some of the foliage around the top with a vine. "These plants have an oil that, when burned, is poisonous to mosquitoes. Anyone have a piece of flint or... nevermind I got it." Izuku explains pulling some of the leaves from a nearby plant before finding a broken arrow head on the ground. He rips off one of the metal buttons on his pants before striking it on the flint creating a small spark. He sparks the bundle a couple of times before it ignites and starts to smoke from the leaves. He hands the smoke torch to Kyoka who looks at him like he has a third head. "Those are citronella plants, the oils kill mosquitoes when they're burned. It will help prevent you from catching Malaria which is what the disease is named where I live." Izuku explains as Kyoka moves the smoke towards a small swarm before all the bugs fall to the floor. "He stopped everything just because he was worried about me getting sick from the mosquitoes." She thinks to herself.

That act of kindness didn't go unnoticed, the plants seemed to move on their own out of the way exposing the path to the wayshrine. Izuku looks at the girls before shrugging and walking forwards following a now cleared mud brick path. The girls were shocked seeing the jungle react like this, they knew that their goddess controlled everything that happened on the island but seeing her aid a man of all things was astonishing. They quickened their pace to catch up to Izuku who was walking briskly ahead of them. An hour or so later they had stopped for a break, all of them were sweating profusely and were starting to get hungry. The pink skinned woman broke from the group to start looking for berries while Toru and Kyoka loaded blow guns and started scanning the tree line and forest floor for wildlife. Izuku watched and studied their tactics of hunting as they effortlessly took down a large boar with a single dart. Mina soon returned later with a small basket full of purple berries. "I found a good amount of these." She says before popping one in her mouth. Izuku sees and instantly recognises the berries as poisonous but isn't able to form the words in his mouth to stop her from swallowing the berries. "NO! THOSE ARE IVY BERRIES THEY'RE POISONOUS!!!" Izuku screams, catching the girl's attention, Mina's eyes widen in shock seeing him rush over to her. She clutches her neck starting to choke from the poison response to the berries. Izuku rushes behind her and grabs her under the sternum trying to get her to cough up the berries through the heimlich maneuver.

The other girls have no idea what's going on and almost stop him from doing so pulling their spears but stop when Mina vomits up some of the berries she ate. That doesn't stop the response however, her face starts to swell and her eyes roll back into her head as she passes out. "That's an allergic reaction to the berries, I know this will look bad but I know how to save her." Izuku quickly says laying her down on the path. He tears open the leopard skin tunic she was wearing on her chest to free her breathing before placing both hands over her heart and starting to press down on her. He moves over to her mouth before opening it and pinching her nose. He places his own mouth over her face breathing into her mouth trying to get her to breathe. The girls stand there watching this happen for a few moments not knowing what to do. "Quickly! Give me my bag!" He shouts causing Momo to throw it over to him. He quickly rifles through the bag before finding his epididymal pen, "God I hope this works." He thinks as he takes off the cover on the needle and sticks her in the leg with it. He presses the trigger injecting the medicine into her before removing it and shoving it back into his bag. "Come on, come on!" He says resuming CPR on her. Mina suddenly gasps before turning over and vomiting the rest of the berries she had consumed onto the forest floor and coughing violently. "Thank goodness you're okay." Izuku says before looking down causing his face to turn bright red. "S-sorry about your tunic." He says stuttering and averting his eyes. "I-It's fine... thank you." She says before grabbing both ends and tying it into a makeshift bikini top. "Mina you know never to eat the berries before we know it's not poisonous! You could have died!" Ochako shouts, scolding her.

"What was that? That tube? The pushing on her chest and that thing you did when you were behind her?" Momo asks, looking through Izuku's bag. "It's medicine we use for people who are allergic to things. I have it because my mother is deathly allergic to shellfish like clams or oyesters.You saw her face and neck swell up, that's the allergic reaction, it counteracted it allowing her to breath. Think of it like a shot of energy that only has enough for one dose. The chest compressions keep her heart pumping blood and the mouth to mouth forces air into her lunges so she can breath. The first thing I did is a technique used to stop people from choking." Izuku explains helping Mina to her feet, she stumbles and falls on top of him before catching herself and standing again. "We probably should get rid of these." Kyoka says picking up the small basket only to see the berries change. "Uh you see this?" she says showing the bag to the others. "Strawberries?" Izuku asks, arching an eyebrow. "They were those purple ones you saw her eat but they just changed all of a sudden." Kyoka says before pulling one out and cutting it open. "Lady Nana changed these berries. It's the only possible reason." Momo says before taking one and eating it. "I misjudged you Midoriya, you're still a man but you're not weak or foolish." She says before turning and walking back to the path. "I think we should take this as a sign to keep moving. Does anyone have any water?" Izuku asks before being handed a water skin by Mina. "Thank you." He says before drinking from it and handing it back to her. "Let's get to the wayshrine. Daylight is fading fast." Toru says picking up the dead boar and bringing it with them.

Few hours of travel continued with the waypoint being in sight. "Alright, we should be in a safer area now. Just be careful, wild animals could still attack us." Momo points this out with the clearing showing a small rock with Nana's image carved into it. "We'll rest up and camp here. There isn't a spot anywhere close by after this where we'll be safe." "Alright, I'll go find some twiAAHH!" Toru states this as she was about to fall into a trap. Luckily for her, Izuku was nearby to grab the invisible woman by her wrist seeing a bracelet there to be the only visible marker of where her hand is. "You ok?" "Y-yeah. Thanks for the save." Ochako and Tsu came over to help pull Toru out with Izuku laying back relieved nothing bad happened. "Where'd this pitfall trap come from?" "Someone from the village probably made it. This is a hunting hotspot for everyone since most animals travel this location often. Nice save by the way." Kyoka points this out as Izuku holds a thumbs up from the shock. "Aw man! I lost the water skins!" Everyone looked over to notice five of the seven skin sacks Toru was carrying were missing. "They must've fallen when you almost fell in. Chances are, they've been pierced by the spikes." "Dammit!" Everyone was kinda annoyed with the lack of water being an issue now with Izuku hearing running water.

"Is there a spring or something nearby?" "Yes, but the water can't be consumed, it's harmful." "What's the issue with it?" "Animals use it for other purposes than to drink." Izuku thought about this before getting an idea. "We wouldn't have a pot or something that is fireproof, would we?" Momo made a stone pot from her body before giving it to Izuku. "Don't know what you're going to do with this, but here you go." "Alright, where's the stream?" "Are you stupid!? We already told you the water is harmful!" "I'll explain it when I'm done, but we'll need a fire and the water." Everyone was hesitant before Mina spoke up. "He's been right before and helped three of us with his calls, why not give him the benefit over the doubt?" The raven haired girl pointed in a location before following with everyone else grabbing what they could to make a small fire. While at the stream, Izuku filled the pot while Momo grabbed a few fish with her spear. "So I've been meaning to ask this, but why do you and a bunch of the amazons on the island have the ability to do some strange things?" "Like?" "Well, you just made a pot out of your own body. That's not really normal where I'm from." "We have quirks. Every amazon on the island has some unique trait that we call quirks. They're gifts given to us by our goddess. Each one is unique in it's own way." "Fascinating. So it's kinda like a modern day superhero." "What's a superhero?" "Kinda someone that has powers like what your people can do in fantasy stuff some people from where I'm from do for a living." "I guess we do kinda have similar traits then."

The two came back with a fire started in the center of the waypoint. "Ok, so what are you doing?" "I'm going to purify the water. It's not a hard trick to learn. Basically, viruses and bacteria die off past a temperature of 140 degrees fahrenheit. If water is at a simmer, it's at 180 and 212 if boiling. What this will do is kill anything that's harmful to us along with having any impurities float to the top. When this happens, we can skim the top and the water should be safe after." "I'll believe it when I see it." Momo wasn't believing Izuku in the slightest as he began the process. After about 10 minutes with the water boiling, Izuku pulled it off the heat and skimmed any dirt out of it. He then put the water to the side out of the way to wait till it cooled enough to drink. Meanwhile, the group began setting up a small camp for them with hopes of keeping dry in case it rains. When the water was cool enough, Izuku grabbed a small cup to drink it. "See. It's fine." "How are you certain?" "Because I've done it before at my home. When I was little, I went camping with my mom and we did the exact same thing. It was something she learned from her own mother. We're both alive and well today."

Momo thought about this before taking a sip of the water as well. "If I get sick from this, I'm stabbing you." "Noted." Izuku shivers while everyone began preparing the boar they caught. "So what exactly is your 'quirk' as you call it?" "It's called Creation. To put it simple, I use the fat in my body to create things. So long as I have an understanding of how to create it, I can make it." "Huh, so you use lipids." "What?" "It's the scientific term for the fat in a person's body.It's made of small things called atoms and the atoms have different names, the chemical formula for the fat in our bodies is: CH3-COOH. Each letter means a type of element. C for carbon which is what our bodies are made of, H for Hydrogen a part of water and O for Oxygen the stuff we breathe." "...I guess I do use lipids then." Izuku took another sip of water before asking a question. "So could you make water?" "Perhaps, but I'm not fully sure how to create it. If I can't have a basic understanding of it, I cannot create what I wish to." "Hmm. Here this should help you know how water is made. It's Air and heat mostly just Hydrogen which is flammable." He explains trying to get her to focus on what he is saying, as she's doing this, he notices some strange plants near him. Out of curiosity, he picked one to sniff it telling him it's what he thought it was.

"Hold on a second with the boar." Izuku walked over while picking up what he found. He handed it to Kyoka and Toru with them looking at it not sure what it was. "What is it?" "Parsley and rosemary. Herbs that you can use to add more flavor to something. Where I'm from, flavor is something people use to improve the taste of food and it's far more enjoyable. So as a way to help, we put what we call herbs or plants with unique flavor attributes on stuff to make it taste better." "So we just rub it on the boar?" "Put it on the inside of it's chest then take it out when it's done cooking." "Midoriya? I think I did it." Momo says as Izuku turns around to see droplets of water leaking off her fingers. "Wow, you're a very fast learner, being able to create water from your body is amazing!" The group continued working with what they had to as the boar was being seasoned by the two girls as to what Izuku had said. The rest of the afternoon was met with relatively calm and strangely pleasant conversation with Izuku learning a tad more about the girls and their quirks. When the boar was ready, Kyoka grabbed the herbs out of the ribcage of the beast before bringing it near everyone. As they ate it, the flavor of the seasonings gave a bit more of a taste to the meat for everyone to be very content with it.

"So Midoriya, what's it like where you're from?" "It's...different. We don't kill our own food or fight to keep our water levels safe as you all do, but it's a life we've learned from." "What about the fact men and women live side by side? Who's the dominant one?" Izuku thinks about this before answering. "It's kinda split down the middle Mina. Men and women are equal in all regards but Women are treated with a higher standard since they are the ones who bear children." "Do all people know how to survive like you do?" "Not really. I wasn't the most popular person or the most athletic growing up, so I tried to learn what I could from books and everything. To make things simple, I'm kinda a loser where I'm from." Izuku rubbed the back of his head uneasy about answering before Tsu spoke up. "You seem to fit in here though. Maybe it's just you being born in the wrong area. To us, you kinda fit in *ribbit*." "I guess. Though I do have some friends. There's Kaachan and Iida and..." Izuku began thinking of his classmates before sighing. "Are we really gonna die if I can't come through for them?" "Sadly, yes. Nothing against you Midoriya, but our island is made up of only females. If a man were to wash up here, they do need to be taken care of quickly before any trouble could be caused." Momo explained the reasoning as Izuku held his head down. "This all seems like some irrational hatred for something that happened a long time ago. Traditions of murder shouldn't be up held, how come you all are my age but never have any men on the island? Do you have a tribal husband for only to father children before offing him and any male children? That's barbaric and I can't seem to wrap my head around the fact that it's "Tradition" To kill innocent men and boys."

"First of all, no men are on this island and should be killed within finding them and reporting. Second, this was something our goddess told us saying something about it disrupting something on the island that we need to keep intact. Third, I honestly don't have a clue why a man would be involved with lady Nana offering children to her warriors." "Wait, what?" "Amazons have children when our goddess acknowledges our loyalty to the tribe and deems it our time to give another generation. We do not use men for whatever you think we'd use them for, so please don't think us sick monsters or whatever you thought we were." Kyoka points this out with Izuku bowing his head. "I'm sorry. That just came out." "Don't worry, I wouldn't be so calm if I was in your position. Anyway, it's getting late. Start preparing for bed. Tomorrow's the harder part of the trip." "Right." As Izuku laid back on a branch, he felt someone right next to him. 'Huh?' He glanced down to see Momo next to him. "W-W-W-W-WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" "Sleeping." "But why with me!?" "It gets cold during the night. It's common for us amazons to sleep with one another." Izuku looked up to see Mina and Kyoka sleeping together along with Ochako, Tsu, and Touru. "This is not normal in my world." "Just stop talking and sleep. If you keep worriying about this, you'll be dead weight tomorrow." Izuku leaned back while thinking of something other than the situation he's in right now. 'Come to think of it, I wonder how mom and aunt Mitsuki are managing?'

With Inko and Mitsuki

"JUST WAIT TILL I GET OUT OF HERE YOU FUCKING CUNTS!" "Mitsuki, this isn't the time to be picking a fight." Since the separation, Inko and Mitsuki were put in a room built for two under house arrest unable to leave. Even though they were uninvited guests, the two were treated rather nicely. At least, far nicer than the men who were still being hung like sausages as this happened. "I understand you're not happy we're here, but that isn't the scary part of all this." Inko sat on one of the beds saddened knowing she doesn't know what happened to Izuku. Mitsuki noticed this with the rage mom letting a sigh out. "He's probably fine. Though he isn't the jock of his school, Izuku has a good head on his shoulders and won't pick a fight if he can avoid it. My son on the other hand is the exception." The last sentence she said under her breath with Inko smiling a little. "I just hope Izuku's ok, because if they harm a hair on my baby boy's head I'll kill everything on this island." She says with a creepily innocent smile on her face. "Knowing your son, he's probably getting the VIP treatment from being kind and wanting to help people." Neither realized that Izuku was in a rather interesting position as they spoke being hugged by a voluptuous woman for warmth.

And that finishes this chapter. So Izuku will be earning everyone's trust as things go on with the girls changing their ideal of Izuku to respect his judgement as a human instead of him being just another man. Hope you enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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