Temple on the Mountain

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Sleep found Izuku rather quickly that night, the warm embrace of Momo was something he didn't know he was longing. He had never had a relationship with anyone and being in the embrace of Momo during the night aided his sleep. Granted when a big ass tarantula made itself known by skittering up his back it brought the gravity of the situation back to him. He was in the middle of the pacific ocean, on an island with a bunch of women who wanted to kill him. Now he is getting cozy with one of his captures and a bit friendly with a spider that also likes the warmth of their bodies. He wasn't an arachnophobe at the beginning of this but he sure is now. Eventually the blackness of the night sky turns to dull shades of blue and started to get lighter and lighter as the sun made its way back over the horizon. Just as the sun was turning the morning sky to it's shades of purple and blue, the girls started to rise from their sleep. Momo opens her onyx eyes to see Izuku with a large orange and black hairy spider sitting on his shoulder. Carefully she sets her hand in front of it and has the creature walk onto her hand before setting it back near a hole in the ground.

"How long has that spider been there?" Momo asks, seeing Izuku visibly shiver after standing up. "S-since before sunrise. I-I didn't want to kill it because I was afraid of you thinking I hurt the jungle." Izuku replies nervously as the other women start to rise from their sleep. "We're not druid Midoriya, most of us here would have just killed and cooked that spider just as soon as we looked at it. You valued it's life though, and that's something I can respect. Let's bring down the boar from the tree, and heat it over the coals before heading out." She says standing back up and heading over to where they hung the boar from the previous night. Izuku breathes a sigh of relief before turning to watch Momo get the boar out of the tree with minimal effort. When he does this however, Kyoka sees that there wasn't just one big spider on him. "Midoriya? Try not to move for a minute or two. You have some more friends on your back." She says before taking a fan palm and sweeping the spiders off of him. "Thank you, I was wondering why my back felt fuzzier than normal. Now if you excuse me... I'm going to... go freak out now." Izuku says before walking over to a giant pitcher plant. He lifts the leaf covering the pitcher before sticking his head inside covering it back over his head. "AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" He screams into the plant with the sound being muffled by the leaves. "Ok. I'm better." He says with a sigh before turning back to face the girls who are giggling at his reaction.

The rest of the boar was eaten that morning with Mina using her acid to melt the ligaments between the bones separating them from the skeleton. She places the bones and tusks into her bag before burying the skull and placing a seed over top of it. After this, Momo turns the skin into a new water skin before using what Izuku had taught her and creating water to fill it. This new skin can fit 5 gallons of water and is more than enough to continue their journey to the temple. The jungle had moved and retreated from the ancient cobblestone path allowing them to make the trek far easier for them. A part of Momo knew that lady Nana had contacted Izuku to come to their aid, but their traditions and upbringing was telling her otherwise. She had thought that men were evil and only wanted to destroy their society, but Izuku was vastly different than what she had been led to believe. Her trust in him was growing with the selfless actions he had done for them. Showing her how to purify water and even create it from her body, he stopped what he was doing just to collect some plants that would keep the disease carrying mosquitoes from biting them. He even saved the lives of both Mina and Toru, Mina from eating a poisonous berry and Toru from one of their own pitfall traps. She was starting to trust him, he was very knowledgeable about his surroundings and able to keep calm despite the circumstances he was in. She knew that Lady Nana had contacted this man and she was sure of it, now it was just getting him to the temple to solidify that.

A trip that would take a day and half's journey was taking less than half that time. By the time the sun was halfway to the center of the sky the stairs to the temple were visible just under a kilometer away from them. "We should rest when we get to the base of the stairs, at least until the heat of the day has passed. Up to Lady Nana's temple is the Seven Thousand Steps. It is the last part of the journey but also the most tiring. Once at the top, we will commune with her at her shrine and she will appear to us." Momo explains pointing to the stone stairs leading up the side of the volcano. While Izuku stared wide eyed at the stairs leading up to the volcano, Ochako laughed at this reaction before encouraging them to keep moving. As they pressed forwards to the base of the volcano, Tsuyu had gotten distracted from the trip and stopped to admire a particularly colorful frog sitting on a leaf. A golden color mixed with splotches of black painted the creature in a way that it glistened in the morning sun. Her curiosity and frog like anatomy drew her to this creature and she let out a: "*Ribbit*?" trying to get it's attention. The small frog turns and looks up at her before licking one of it's eyes with its tongue. Tsuyu mimics this with the frog tilting its head to the side in wonder staring up at the frog-like woman before it.

"Tsu? What are you looking at? We're almost there." Ochako says getting the others to stop. "It's just a really pretty tree frog, I want to keep it as a pet *ribbit*" She replies before going to try to grab the frog. "Asui! Don't touch it!" Izuku says sternly, seeing the frog on the leaf. "Make sure it doesn't touch your skin. Back away slowly and don't scare it. That is a poison dart frog and we don't have an antidote for them. Not even where I live. There's no cure for their poison and you will perish in minutes." Izuku warns, causing Tsu's eyes to widen with fear. She slowly backs away from the frog before watching it croak back at her and jump away back into the underbrush. She was a bit shaken up by this, having a poison frog inches away from her face and would have picked it up if Izuku hadn't said anything to her. "You alright?" He asks, rushing up to her. "Y-yeah, just a bit startled." She replies before a different frog jumps from the tree and lands on Izuku. This one is a common orange eyed tree frog that croaks once letting them know it is there before jumping on Tsu's shoulder. "That one you can keep as a pet." Izuku says, gently rubbing his finger along the back of the frog. "It is quite cute." Tsu replies before petting it as well and turning to face the others. "Don't you all use those poison frogs to kill large game?" Izuku asks with the girls shaking their heads. "They're not near the shoreline where we live so it's pretty rare for us to see one. Not to mention their toxin spoils the meat if we kill anything with them." Toru replies before following Momo along the path.

While walking to the temple, Ochako began getting on top of a few trees trying to make the most out of the jungle trip. "Hey Midoriya, check it out!" She began swinging from vine to vine across them with everyone watching. "Does she always do that?" "Only when we've got time and she wants to have a little fun." Toru states this watching their amazon companion swing from vine to vine. 'This reminds me of Tarzan a bit.' As if on cue, Ochako began calling like the jungle man himself. 'Are we sure that the members of the amazons don't have connections to the outside world. This seems a little too coincidental.' While swinging however, Ochako had accidentally grabbed a vine that was rather worn out. Midswing, she looked up to notice it ripping apart on her. "Oh, that's not good." The vine gave way with gravity and momentum bringing her into the group. "GANG WAY!"

The group of six saw Ochako for everyone but Izuku to react in time to avoid her. All he saw before darkness was the dark fur on her lower garments for both to go right into a bush. "Ochako! Midoriya! You ok?" "Urgh." Ochako began to sit up showing that she was fine for the most part. "I think I'm ok. Where's Midoriya though?" She began feeling someone tap her thigh to look down and see she was sitting directly on top of the green haired boy's face. "Whoops. Sorry about that." She got up with Izuku having his face turn beet red with spirals for eyes. "You good dude?" "I can't tell if that was divine punishment or a blessing." "What do you mean?" "It's not important." Izuku sat up showing he was rather tired. "I guess you're not used to this type of treatment, huh?" "What part, the women coming at me and sitting on my face, or the journey through a jungle?" Everyone stopped to answer in unison. "Both." "....Yes." Izuku got up for them to keep going before being hugged by Ochako. "Thanks for the landing if anything." "Uhh, I guess it was my pleasure." The brunette ran up to Tsu for the two to start talking while continuing their journey.

"Everything should be fine so long as we keep walking, we're almost at the base of the volcano." Momo kept a frontal walk knowing this part of the forest rather well thanks to constantly traveling to Nana's shrine as the leader of their small group to regularly be the one to pay homage to their goddess. Along the way however, the heat of the forest began to get to Izuku and everyone to have them pass around the water to drink a bit. Due to being in not the greatest shape he could be, Izuku was extremely out of breath to place his hand on a tree. Unaware to him, a snake noticed him and began to get into a defensive manor. "Midoriya, look out!" Momo pushed Izuku out of the way right when the serpent striked to target the raven haired amazon instead. "Momo!" She fell to the ground with the snake hissing at them before slithering away. "Crap! Was that a poisonous one!" Hearing these words made Izuku go into a panic and remember an old trick his mother taught him.

On instinct, Izuku ran to momo and began dowsing the water on the area where the snake bit her. 'If I remember correctly, I have to place a loose bandage on the area and keep the person calm. Any stimulation of blood flow will make the venom move faster. Since she was bitten on the right side of her chest, keeping her left side up is the smarter move to keep it below her heart.' Izuku went into his bag to find some clean gause he packed just in case something dangerous happened to him or his classmates prior to pulling down Momo's clothing to place it on. "What did the snake look like?" "I-it had red skin with black bands." Izuku heard this to calm down a little. "*sigh* We're safe then." "Why?" "What that was is called a milk snake where I'm from. Basically, it's a harmless snake with no venom. They mostly attack earthworms and slugs." Izuku felt something slimy on his shoulder to see a slug to point it out. "Probably what he was after." He glances down to see he was touching Momo's bare chest to go completely red. "I-I-I'm so sorry!" "It's ok. You didn't mean anything bad by it." Momo got up before reattaching her clothing with a bit of a blush on her face. "We shall continue." They started walking again to reach the baseline of the steps and a clearing.

"The suns directly in the sky. Going up now will cause problems." Toru and Mina looked around before smiling at one another. "Everybody, let's cool off in here!" The two pointed at a small river that seemed to be knee deep. "I suppose washing the sweat off us will help." The girls walked over to the edge before stripping down to nothing. To keep from seeing anything he shouldn't, Izuku turned his eyes away to only face the wall. 'Don't look. Don't look. Don't look!' "Midoriya, get in here." "I'm fine." "You're gonna overheat. Get your ass in here!" "I'll take my chances!" The girls started to get irritated by this for Tsu and Ochako to walk over. "You asked for this." Ochako touched Izuku with the pads on her fingers before Tsu wrapped around his torso with her tongue. "Now strip!" Mina and Toru took Izuk's clothes off with him covering his body. They brought him in the water while he kept to the side away from everyone. "Why are you over there?" "B-b-because I don't want to see something I shouldn't!" The girls weren't understanding why with Kyoka walking over to pull him towards them.

"Wait!" "Shut up and get over here." The girls circled Izuku keeping him from going anywhere while the greenette just shut his eyes hoping not to see them. "So why were you against us bathing together?" "Because men and women don't bathe together around our age unless they're married." "What's married mean?" Tsu asks this for Izuku to explain. "It means men and women live together as husband and wife." "Which are?" The boy veered away from Momo while answering. "N-names for people that live together under the same roof that like each other very much." "Ok, so let's get married then." Izuku stood up to look Kyoka in the eyes while shouting. "We can't do that! I'm only 15!" Everyone looked below at Izuku's crotch curious. "So that's what separates men and women. It's size is... intimidating." Izuku noticed what he did and that he saw all the girls completely naked before falling back under the water. "So you're the same age as us? I thought you were older by how smart you were." "I'm with Mina on this one. You're kinda smart for your age." Toru says this while Izuku holds his head down. 'I'll never be able to unsee what I've seen or look at a woman the same way again!' Izuku began mentally crying to himself as the group waited a few more hours to walk up the steps.

And that finishes this chapter. Izuku and the amazons he's with have finally made it to the base of the temple. See what happens next time when they scale it with the hopes of talking to the goddess of the island. Hope you enjoyed and thanks for reading

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