Audience with the Goddess

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After a few hours of waiting, Momo had stated it would be cool enough where they wouldn't have any significant problems walking the steps. "Lets go." They started walking up with the heat of the volcano still being prominent for Izuku. 'It should be past noon from where the sun is. Since we're starting at the bottom at the hottest part of the day, it shouldn't be as bad going up in a logical standpoint.' Izuku thought this as they continued their trek up the stairs. In this time, he noticed that it became slightly hotter the longer he walked up starting to sweat more. By midway, he felt his body covered in sweat to feel as if his dip in the river never happened. "Pick up the pace or we won't get to the top by nightfall. Kyoka stated this as Izuku kept walking up getting slower by the minute. 'Who *pant* in their *pant* right mind *pant* builds a temple *pant* ON A VOLCANO!?' After about an hour of walking up, the group found themselves at the top. "We're here."

Once at the top, Izuku collapsed face first on the ground feeling the heat of the stones on his body. "YEOW!" He jumped up in pain feeling as if he might've burned himself from the act. "You ok?" "Sorta. Those stones are really hot." "What did you expect being near a volcano *ribbit*?" The group of seven walked into the temple that seemed to resemble ancient greek temples for their gods and goddesses. The outside of the building was like a wild inferno with the heat, but the inside was a pleasant temperature for some unknown reason. "It's cool in here." "From what Ms. Midnight told us of our history, this place is a blessed ground that our goddess Nana protects. It is also her power that keeps an active volcano from erupting and harming the amazons and forest itself. Without it, the island may cease to exist as a whole. They began to stop in an open room with a statue of Nana sitting on a pedestal looking in the general direction of the door they entered from.

"Alright, work your magic in talking to her." "What?" Everyone looked at Izuku, curious as he started panicking. "I don't know how to contact her! Don't you all!?" "Sorry, but she picks and chooses who she speaks to and we aren't in that situation right now." Momo stated this bluntly as Izuku only sighed. "Uh, lady Nana. I have come with hopes for your assistance. You see, my friends are in danger and the only way to help both me and them is to speak with you. Is there any chance you could talk back to me?" There was a silence with Izuku starting to worry. 'Please work.' In an instant, a blinding light came at the seven before it dulled to show a translucent image of Nana standing in front of Izuku. "Hello my champion. I have been watching you rather closely." "G-greetings lady Nana. My name is Izuku Midoriya and I'd like your help if possible." "So I have gathered."

Nana began explaining how he had watched him throughout his journey here through the statues and waypoints to acknowledge all that is happening and what had happened. "From what I can gather, you are a kindhearted man worthy of praise. I could not have chosen a better candidate to become this island's saviour." "But lady Nana, why choose a man? I am certain that a woman on this island would've made a worthy saviour." Mina began asking this for Nana to explain. "The reason why my child is I cannot give this quirk to one that isn't capable of holding it." She brought out a small orb that was green in color. "You see, I need someone to defeat a great evil that will make itself known on this island within the year. Several hundred years ago when I was among the living, a dark evil had routed itself on this island. Because of this, the plants, animals, and your amazon predecessors, had perished to it that was in his way. Thanks to my assistance, this evil had been locked away in an underwater temple just off the island. However, the seal is not permanent and that evil shall awaken soon enough again with me no longer able to fight it. So as such, I must find one that is worthy of inheriting this power."

Izuku began remembering something he saw right when he was passing out the night of the storm. A temple under the water that looked more like it was holding something instead of an area of praising. "I...I think I saw it." "When the time comes, the dark ruler will awaken along with his underlings to destroy this island as revenge for imprisoning him. When he's done here, he will spread his influence to the world and take anything he desires. As such, you are our only hope Izuku Midoriya. Do you accept?" Izuku thought of this, understanding what was going on with a bit of fear. "Yes. I'll help. But I don't think I'll be of much help." "Do not worry, this quirk shall be given to you and allow you to become the mightiest." She passes the green orb to Izuku with it going inside him. "I..I don't feel any different." "It will take time before it becomes active. Be patient, cutivate its power and it will protect you and the island." Izuku thanked Nana before getting to his next issue. "My friends, is there any chance you can save them? Also, why do your people hate men so much?" "Originally, I only planned to have you come to this island. The other men and two women were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. My people are also not immune to the influence of the dark one's evil, it is he that wills all men be slain in "my" name. He has desecrated my island and I am powerless to defeat him. This evil is a lich outside of time itself, he existed from the beginning and now you must destroy him for he will corrupt the world as he has done so with my own home." She says moving to the side to allow them to get a glimpse at the corruption. For miles around, the trees are decaying, their wood turning an ashen color, the leaves a sickly purple and skeletons of animals littering the ground. "This is his influence and his deceit only feeds his power. Every man who was kind hearted that he had my people kill fuels him, their souls only increasing his power further and further."

Izuku sighed knowing all this was because of one evil and his friends were in this danger because of him. "However, where there is death and despair, there can also be life and fertility." Everyone looked at Nana before she spoke. "I would like you to cultivate the next generation of amazons Izuku Midoriya. This is one of the other reasons I wished you to come." "Wait... what do you mean?" "My power is dwindling and I can no longer keep my people protected as I used to. Because of this, I am unable to offer new amazons to the island now that the evil has claimed their fathers and husbands. Holding my quirk, you are deemed my champion and the man who will produce the next generation. I leave my people in your hands, should they not believe you I will give you my mark and send a sign to the high chieftain Lady Miruko. Beware the corruption and the eight plagues of the lich's awakening." She disappeared not long after this with all seven dead silent. This was only stopped when Izuku shouted in fear. "I CAN'T BE A FATHER AT 15! I CAN BARELY TALK TO WOMEN NORMALLY, WHAT AM I GOING TO DO!?" "Come on. We've got a long trip back and I'm sure Miruko would like to know about this." Kyoka states this as they begin to walk out of the temple. Once they got outside however, a statue's eyes began to glow green before zapping them to bring to who knows where.

In the cell

"HELLO! CAN SOMEONE GET ME DOWN FROM HERE!? RABBIT BITCH! SCALE WOMAN! HORN SLUT!" "Can you shut up! It's bad enough all the blood's rushing to my head, I don't need your screaming to add to that!" The group had remained tied up in the dimly lit room before the door to the outside opened. Miruko and Yuu walked inside with some slightly overripe fruit. "This is your meal." She shoved the fruit in their mouths with some of the more agitating members having the rotten half shoved in first. "From what I can guess, your friend should be nearing the temple of Lady Shimura now if he had not died yet." Many began losing hope for Izuku to return alive before a strange light came from the statue beside them. "MIruko, what's happening there?" They watched before the seven that were hit by the beam found themselves on the floor. "Ok, that was weird."

The group got on their feet with everyone slightly surprised Izuku was alive. "How did the trip go Creati?" "Lady Nana did choose him and there is an ancient evil that is coming. To counter, Izuku has become the champion of our goddess." "I call bull! If anyone's gonna be the champion, it's going to be either Miruko, me, or Ryuko! We're the strongest of the tribe!" Miruko walked over noticing something, Izuku's eyes had changed to silver exactly the same as their goddess's. "What happened to your eyes kid?" Everyone looked to see the silver in them. "Guess this is what Lady Nana had meant when she said you would have some form of indication that you're the champion." Miruko realized this before picking him up under his arms. "Welcome to the tribe of Amazon's Lady Nana's champion." She smacked her lips on Izuku's freaking the guys out and making Izuku lose color in himself. When she let go,she dropped Izuku before turning to Yuu.

"Release the men." "WHAT!? YOU'RE JOKING!" "I'm not. If Lady Nana had brought this man here to save us, then there must be a good reason for them to be here." "Actually, they were an accident from what she said. But the fact we kill men in her name is apparently wrong as well." Momo clarified this for Miruko to wait patiently for Yuu to follow orders. "Fine." She pulled a machete out to slice the ropes and drop all the guys on the ground. "COULD YOU AT LEAST HAVE DONE THAT A LITTLE NICER!?" "You six, you'll be helping out....what was his name?" "Izuku." The six answered in unison. "Right. You six will keep an eye on him while the men here are taken to a place where we can keep a watchful eye on them. I don't wish to anger our goddess, but I cannot trust them off the bat." 'And yet you welcomed Izuku in with that smooch.' The girls thought this before Momo remembered one final thing. "Also, Lady Nana had said we cannot obtain the next generation as we have. She has lost the ability to do this with the power that the great evil that she forewarned us about has obtained." "Ok, so how are we gonna get the next generation?" The six pointed at Izuku to make Yuu now even more enraged. "Momo, come with me to tell all about what happened during the meeting. The rest of you, bring Izuku to your group's homes. Treat him nice." Everyone did as they were told with the guys still being in the cages as they left. "HEY! WHAT ABOUT US!?" Yuu threw a piece of rotten fruit at Bakugou to cover his face. "You're dead the second I get out of this cage Deku!"

With Izuku and the girls

Izuku started to wake up, being carried by Ochako holding his shirt while he's in the air. "What happened?" "You passed out after Miruko accepted you into the amazon tribe. Now we're going to bring you to our home where we'll have you stay until told otherwise." Tsu answered Izuku's question before he remembered the kiss. "WHY DID SHE KISS ME!?" "That's how we accept our sisters as part of the tribe. We perform mucosal contact in which we form a pact of sisterhood." "...Uh, ok. That's not the most normal thing that you could do, but let's just go with that making sense for now." The six continued in silence before Mina began asking a serious question. "So Midoirya, how do you make kids where you're from?" Izuku looked at the pink skinned girl before she explained how it happens for them. "When we accomplish the Amazon Trials, Lady Nana bestows us the ability to reproduce our greatness in a child. What happens when a man and a woman creates children?"

Izuku went beet red before answering the best he can. "Well,'s kinda hard public. It's one of those things that you kinda....well I mean. It's more like a um..." "Can you please just tell us instead of beating around the bush. I'm getting annoyed with these halfass answers." Kyoka pointed this out for Izuku to say bluntly. "You all remember how I said men and women have different things between their legs?" Everyone nodded. "Well, that on me goes into what you have." "...So you stab us and we make kids?" Toru asked with Izuku unsure how to answer. "Kinda, but there's more to it." "Oh well, I guess we'll find out when it happens. I wonder how it feels to have whatever that is piercing you." "I always imagined it was rather painful on your end, Uraraka." "Oh well, we'll find out later" Tsu stated this with her frog friend sticking out of her hair making Izuku a little concerned with what was to happen. 'Mom, I'm sorry if I become a father at 15. I don't mean to, but it may happen.'  

And that finishes this chapter. So Izuku has been given this task by Nana and a quirk to do so. See how he handles the fact he will become a father most likely before he's 18 next time. Hope you enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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