Acknowledging Mistakes

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As Izuku and the girls went to rest up at their home, Momo had begun explaining everything that had happened during the talk with their goddess to Miruko. "And that's everything that Lady Nana has said." Miruko brought them to her home to speak privately to realize the gravity of what they have done for decades on decades. "By the gods, what have we done?" She was beyond baffled at the fact that they were not only doing things against their goddesses wishes, but adding to the power in which Nana had desired to prevent from harming her followers. "Did...did she say anything about her being ashamed of us?" "No. She probably knew we were trying to follow her will and does not blame us for it." "That still doesn't make our actions against those who were just here by accident and did not intend harm acceptable." She held her head in shame knowing all the innocent people they put to death thinking it was all in a way to protect what their goddess deemed sacred.

"This Midoriya kid, what is your honest opinion on him?" "In a state of knowledge, he outranks me in a sense. Unfortunately, his strength is where he will fall. If something is not done about that soon, our only hope will perish along with our island and us." The rabbit woman thought of this before coming up with a somewhat happy medium. "We won't tell the people that all the death of the men before had been against Lady Nana's wishes. If we do, the stability we have will be crumbled because of lack of trust. What we must do however, is say that our goddess has ordered the men on the island and any going forward that do not pose a serious threat should live. This will at least keep us from going into a state of self destruction at the moment." "What about what Lady Nana said of the next generation? What should we do about that?" Miruko thought about this before answering.

"For now, we'll play it out as Lady Nana wishes for Midoriya to become our savior and will go through the Amazon Trials within two weeks." "My lady, I do not think that is a wise move. Though he has a quirk now, we do not know what it does nor does he have the strength to do such a thing. He'll die." "That is why I shall help train him myself along with my group. You six however will be rewarded as the first to produce the next line of amazons. Is there an objection to that?" Momo thought of this before shaking her head no. "Good, now what can you tell me of this boy as a person?" "Well, he seems to care for others and knows quite a lot. He also does not wish to harm the forest more than he'd have to. There's also a bit of a childish insecurity about him that's rather...." She stopped seeing her leader smirk. "What's wrong?" "You're blushing." Instantly, Momo covered her cheeks as her face turned bright red. "So the kid's got a good heart and doesn't want to hurt others. Good. Next order of business is to find out how he'll make kids and go from there." "From what I can gather, it may have something to do with a strange thing between his legs that separates men and women." "Oh, tell me what your opinion is on it?" "...Intimidating."

Few hours later

After being brought to the small home, Izuku found himself sleeping in a room with everyone in one bed. "So this will be somewhat the same as before in the jungle?" "Yup, but no creepy crawlies this time." Mina states this with a little confidence while making Izuku shiver at the thought of the arachnids that were on his back and shoulder. "Is it too much to ask if you girls know what happened to my mother and Kaachan's mom?" "They most likely got brought to the guest home. That's where we keep the women that wash up on the shoreline that come from the outside. Depending on what they desire, they can either stay here or leave. If the stay here, they will become part of the tribe and birth the next generation as part of a way to be in this tribe." Kyoka points this out for Izuku to understand the concept of what will happen. "I'm back." Momo begins walking into the home having everyone meet her near the entrance. "So this will be what will happen. Midoriya will stay with us and be trained to take the Amazon Trials in two weeks." "That's suicide!" Toru wasn't exactly proud of hearing this with Momo continuing. "As a 'reward' when he completes it, he will be able to produce the next line of amazons with us." "Wait, so we're going to get that thing put in us *ribbit*?" "What thing?" The girls point towards Izuku's crotch while Momo holds a surprised look. "That goes in us to make babies?" "Uh...yeah. Sorry if that's kinda disturbing." Izuku scratched the back of his neck uneasy about this.

"Getting off the topic of that, Miruko does know that Izuku isn't going to live if he takes the trials as he is now right?" "She said her and her group will train him Kyoka. She'll make sure that he is prepared for this." Everyone stopped after realizing what their aux cord friend said. "Did you just call him/me Izuku?" "Well I-I mean, you're gonna p-put babies in us. W-why not call you that?" Everyone thought this before understanding. "She's got a point. You'll be here for a while and you will be the father of our children, so it's only understandable that we should call you by your first name and you call us by ours." "Wait, I never agreed to being a father at 15!" "Lady Nana said it, and her will is final on this island." Ochako bluntly said this with Izuku going even redder than he already was. "BUT I'M NOT FROM THIS ISLAND! I ALSO BARELY KNOW YOU GIRLS!" "Yet you were bathing with us not that long ago." Mina points this out for Izuku to curl into a ball wanting to die at that moment.

"Anyway, what about the evil and what our goddess said about the death of the men?" Momo took a sigh before answering. "We'll stop killing men as a whole, but we can't do anything about what we already did. For now, we need to create more children as a way to make amends for what our predecessors and us have done for a very long time." The sun started going down with the group making something small to eat before bed. After this, the group of seven had laid in the bed with Izuku in the center. Momo and Tsu had taken his arms, Touru and Mina taking his lower sides, Ochako resting him on her body, and Kyoka taking the front half. "Why are we placed like this?" "It's to help keep warmth, duh?" Kyoka started to feel his body noticing the lack of muscle on it. "You've got a hell of a lot of training to do if you wanna last against something that even Miruko can't win against." "I know, but I'm afraid I won't be able to do anything." She began using her aux cords to lift Izuku's chin up while smiling. "You're trying at least. Most people in this situation probably would say screw it and leave the second they got the chance. You on the other hand decided to stay. That says a lot about you." Izuku smiled while seeing the aux cord amazon rest her head on his chest. 'This whole thing is kinda messed up, but I guess I'll get used to it.' He began falling asleep hearing the sound of crickets and nocturnal creatures outside.

The next morning

The sun began to enter into the room to force Izuku's eyes to open. As he did, he felt something be lodged in his mouth forcing him to look down. As he realized what it was, his eyes opened in horror. During the night, the Girls began moving around to the point Momo's left breast found its way into his mouth, Ochako buried his head deep in his chest, Kyoka somehow got her body spun around to have her lower half face him, and the other girls had his limbs in spots he'd rather not say. 'HOW THE HELL DID THIS HAPPEN!?' Momo began waking up first to notice what happened to just stare at Izuku unsure what to think. "Morning." "Mmmph." Izuku tried to speak with his mouth full at the moment. "You uh, you mind letting my boob go?" Izuku opened wide with the other girls starting to wake up as well. "Mnn. Morning." While waking up, the girls and Izuku noticed his body was rather different than when they went to bed. The scrawny weak physique he had turned into a well toned one rocking a six pack. "Ok, what the heck happened? You're like a buff version of yourself." Mina asked Izuku who was confused as much as her. "I couldn't even tell you even if I wanted to.

"Hmm, what's poking my face?" Kyoka began asking for Izuku to look over her butt to see he was pitching a tent with it poking her eye. "EEP!" Izuku immediately got up holding his crotch to keep it from being seen. "Does it always do that when you wake up?" Toru asked as Izuku turned his back to avoid them seeing. "Y-yes. At least, it's a normal reaction in the morning for men." "...Does it hurt? Felt kinda swollen when I had a face full." Kyoka's comment made Izuku hang his head in shame. "Depends." "So I'm guessing that's what happens to make babies then?" "...Yes." Silence was in the air before the door was kicked open by Miruko. "Rise and shine kid! Training starts now!" She walked into the bedroom seeing Izuku bent over before grabbing him to lug on her back. "Wait! Can you give me a minu-" "We're burning precious daylight! Get your ass in gear!" Miruko ran out with Izuku to run towards the forest. "Where are we going!?" "The Amazon Coliseum. You'll be training like a beast there for the entire time you're under my care." 'GODDAMMIT! WHY DOES MY LIFE HAVE TO BE THIS!?'

At the coliseum

As they walked in, Izuku noticed five others in the stadium not counting him or Miruko. The first two he noticed were the women that were with the rabbit woman when they first met, but the other three weren't familiar to him at all. "Allow me to introduce everyone to you Izuku, these are the top six amazons in the village. You already know Ryuko Tatsuma and Yuu Takeyama, or Ryukyu and Mt. Lady as they're known as." "Uh, hello." Ryuko smiled a little before returning to her stoic look with Yuu clicking her teeth and looking the other way. 'Did something to anger her?' "Over there we have Nemuri Kayama or Midnight, and the last three- wait, where's Tomoko?" The blond woman pointed near the stands where a green haired woman was sitting on the edge. "So this is the guy that washed up on the shore that you said had our goddesses blessing." She jumped down and ran at Izuku to lift him up. "Looks plain, has a horrible mess of hair, has a baby face...HE'S ADORABLE!"

Everyone was silent seeing a different aspect that they'd not expect from someone that lived on this island their entire life. "Nice to meet you Mr. man, I'm Tomoko Shiretoko, but you can call me Ragdoll!" "Uhh..." Izuku looked at Miruko who slammed the back of her right foot on top of Ragdoll's head. "Sorry about that. Tomoko saw something she shouldn't have some time ago and now she kinda does her own thing when it comes to men. Anyway, the last two over there are Shino Sosaki and Ryuko Tsuchikawa who are more commonly known as Mandalay and Pixie Bob. After me, these six are the best of the best on the island." "I-it's nice to meet you all." Izuku bowed at them with most rather distant due to their treatment of men until recently. "Starting today, these six and me are your teachers. Now for the first half of your training." Miruko grabbed a large rock to throw at Izuku. "Run around the village carrying that rock 20 times. You slow down, Midnight whips you." "I don't think that's a good form of moti*SMACK*!" Izuku was cut off by getting a whip to the ass. "LESS TALK! MORE RUNNING!" He bolted out of the stadium with Midnight in tow showing a bit of satisfaction literally making Izuku a whipping boy.

"You can't be serious right now Rumi." Yuu spoke up with most of the women in the stadium agreeing with her. "Lady Nana chose him as our champion, so we're going to make him one." "How are you even certain this is the truth?" Pixie Bob pointed this out for them to hear a voice from atop on the podium for the elite of the tribe to hear. "I can assure you he was chosen by me." They all glanced up to see the image of their goddess sitting in a thone as she overheard their conversation. "Lady Nana." They bowed to her with the spector almost teleporting down towards Yuu and Pixie Bob. "You wished for proof that Izuku is chosen by me, then hear this from my voice specifically. He is and everything that your young member of the amazons told Miruko is the truth." Almost as quickly as she arrived, she vanished, scaring everyone knowing that this is the truth and was told to them by their goddess. "Rumi, what did she mean by 'everything'?" Ryuko asked for her to sigh while answering. "We... we have been murdering people thinking it was her decree. There is a powerful evil force that twisted her words, changing them to say that we had to kill all the men on the island. This evil has been draining Nana's power and we have been feeding it thinking we were abiding to her will. We're no better than the monster of the depths."

All the women went ghost pail hearing this realizing that they've become the monsters they thought men were. "Impossible. We...we killed for a demon instead of our goddess!?" Miruko held her head in shame. "Yes....for now, that boy is our only hope for both us living as a tribe and surviving a nightmare that is to plague us. If he doesn't survive, we die. Simple as that." Everyone understood this, making a pact at that moment to create Izuku into the greatest warrior of the amazons that has ever existed. To them, this would be the best way they could think at the moment to atone for what had happened. "YEOW!" The sound of Izuku was heard in the distance with the crack of a whip to help him move faster.

And that finishes this chapter. So Izuku will be training to master the Amazon Trials with him being able to have kids after. Meanwhile, everyone is coming to terms with what they have done in the tribe. See how this plays out next time. Hope you enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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