Learning and Salvaging

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Izuku had gone through the entire day of training being covered in scrapes, bruises and whiplashes from Midnight. Every part of his body was sore as the afternoon was upon him. As he walked home however, Miruko grabbed him to talk. "So kid, what do you think of our training?" "Painful and brutal." The rabbit woman began laughing. "Glad you liked it. Anyway, We've got people to see. Let's go." Miruko started dragging Izuku behind her as they came to some rather nice looking homes. Here, the two met up with Ryukyu, Midnight, and the six girls in front of a room. "To make a long story short kid, we were holding yours and that angry guy's moms here. Since we had no issue with women, they've been taken care of." "They aren't hurt,right?" "Izuku, we're amazon warriors, not monsters." Momo pointed this out while Midnight unlocked the door. When she opened it, Mitsuki came out with a chair swinging. "LET ME GO! YOU FREAKISHLY STRONG WOMEN!"

Mitsuki glanced over to see Izuku hurt a bit with rage boiling in her. "DIEEEE!" She threw the chair at Miruko who only kicked it to shatter the wooden seat into pieces. "Nice kick." "Thanks kid." "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO IZUKU YOU TAN SKINNED LEOTARD WEARING SLUT!?" "Was that an insult?" Izuku shrugged his shoulders at the rabbit amazoness before Mitsuki tried to tackle her to the ground. "IZUKU! RUN!" "Wait. Aunt Mitsuki, you don't understand!" "I knew this was going to be a problem. Rumi, cover your mouth." She did as Midnight asked while everyone did the same. She ripped the skin tight outfit she was wearing for the ash blond woman to fall into a deep sleep. She covered the area back up looking at everyone again. "It should be safe now." Everyone uncovered their mouths for Izuku to ask about what just happened. "How did you do that?" "It's my quirk. My body creates a pheromone that puts people to sleep. The fact it worked on her means she's attracted to women."

"So it works better on men?" "Exactly, allow me to show you." Midnight opened the torn part off again for Izuku to smell the pheromones. "Smells like....honey and roses......." He passed out not long after for everyone to look at the woman. "What? He asked about it." "You're carrying him." Miruko motioned the girls first to go in and see Inko in a corner defending herself with a frying pan. "STAY BACK! I'VE GOT A FRYING PAN AND I KNOW HOW TO USE IT!" "Ok, can we please get this whole 'you all thinking we're monsters' thing situated please? I mean you two are literally being treated better than the guys were before we cut them down off the ropes. You're still being treated better since they're still sitting in the cells as their form of a home." "Then why is my son unconscious and being carried by that woman!?" Midnight felt a tad bit of agitation by being called 'that woman'. "We're getting off on the wrong foot here. Please sit down so we can bring Izuku and that vile man's mother back to consciousness."

Inko did as she was told while Midnight placed Izuku on the small couch to make him comfortable. Meanwhile, Ryukyu ties Mitsuki to a chair with wax over her mouth so she wouldn't start screaming at them the second she'd wake up. A few minutes after, the two woke up to notice everyone sitting calmly in the room. Well, almost everyone. Mitsuki was shouting and swearing under the wax on her mouth before Miruko began explaining the situation in a nutshell. "So to avoid a long story, the guys are gonna live and your son's gonna become the father of a whole lot of amazon babies." This comment was kinda shocking to say the least as Inko didn't understand any of this. "Why my son? Why the change of heart? Also, MY BABY BOY'S GOING TO BE A FATHER!?" "To answer your questions, our goddess chose him, it was her decision to do this, and not yet. We're working the stuff out with this, but we are kinda going on straws on how men and women make kids. Any chance one of you could teach our people?"

Inko's demeanor went from concerned to calm after. "I suppose. When a man and a woman fall in love, a stork brings them a baby that grows inside the woman for 9 months before it's born." Nobody believed her including Izuku who was half wishing it was this easy for his sake. "What about you crazy lady?" "I... I think it would be best if I asked her she looks like if you get one step closer she's going to go rabid." Izuku says before cautiously approaching Mitsuki. "Aunt Mitsuki, I'm going to pull the wax off now. When I do, please don't over react. We're all friends here." Mitsuki nodded as Izuku held onto the small bit of wax he could before tearing it off in one go. "OW!" "Sorry." "At least my son got rid of that lip hair you were worried about on the ship." Inko laughed as the ash blond mother held an agitated glare at her. "So what do you say, loud woman, you wanna help us?" "Sure, but I need you to do me one favor." Miruko was a tad confused before answering. "Sure, what?" "Untie my hands so I can wring the neck of that black haired bitch over there for knocking me the fuck out!" "Yeah, that's probably not gonna work in your favor, woman." "Had to try."

Mitsuki calmed herself as she began talking about how babies are made. "So when a man and a woman are alone, A man has his dick get erect and hard." "Uhh." Everyone wasn't sure what she meant for Mitsuki to roll her eyes. "Want me to explain a little better?" The women nodded. "Inko I suggest you should leave the room." Everyone nodded again as Inko left. "Now untie me." "You're not gonna-" "I'm not gonna attack anyone." Ryukyu untied her for Mitsuki to walk over to Izuku and get behind him. In one go, she dropped his pants and held his lower half in her hands. "This is the thing that I'm talking about." Izuku went red feeling himself get touched as he slightly grew. "Now when he's like this, we put the dick in our hole. When that happens, it goes in and out of us until white fluid comes out and knocks us up. 9 months later, you have the baby." Everyone was rather intrigued by this with the six girls going slightly red. "You know Izuku, you're pretty big. If I was one of these girls, I wouldn't mind taking a crack at you." "Nothing personal aunt Mitsuki, but I'd rather avoid Kaachan having even more reason to wanna kill me." "He's a crappy son anyways. Besides, I'm wanting a new one." She says with an evil grin, Izuku swallows a lump in his throat hearing this.

"Speaking of my crappy son, where is he right now?" "Last I checked, the men were on the shore of the beach looking for stuff. Not exactly sure what though. "I'LL GO CHECK!" Izuku ran out of the room as quick as he could to the shoreline, pulling his pants up in tow. "So... that can't feel good can it? I've been stabbed before by accident on a hunting trip and I'd rather not recreate that feeling." Miruko asks, turning to Mitsuki. "Trust me, there is no pain involved in that....unless you're a virgin wait, fuck you all are. But after the first time, it becomes quite a thing to look forward to." The women were discussing this while the six were thinking to themselves about what they witnessed. 'If it hurts the first time, then maybe some practice would be necessary.' 'That thing was in front of my face this morning.' 'Are all men like that, or is Izuku special?' 'Maybe I should try this for myself.' 'I wonder if it'll be visible inside me?' 'Would having children be like how animals do it *ribbit*?'

With Izuku

Izuku found himself running down into the shoreline to notice his classmates and teacher finding anything they could to make a boat. "Hey!" Everyone stopped to see Izuku run over to them. "WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU'VE BEEN DEKU!?" Bakugou shouted to make the greenette stop in his tracks. Aizawa walked over to Izuku to look him in the eyes. "Are you alright? Did anything bad happen?" "N-no sir. I'm ok. Actually, I'm better than ok at the moment if that makes any sense." "How?" "Well I seemed to find a way to get stronger somehow and also the amazon warriors are all really nice to me for the most part. At least, the ones I've met so far." Nobody couldn't believe this with Mineta and a blond called Kaminari coming over to ask a serious question to Izuku. "HOW FAR DID YOU GET WITH ANY OF THE GIRLS HERE!?" Izuku thought about this while answering "Well, I was able to bathe with them, not my highlight moment and their god kinda made me their tribe h-husband. I also slept, not in the way you think Mineta, with six girls and uh...they kinda saw...me...as in my crotch."

Everyone was silent before Mineta, Kaminari, and another classmate of theirs Sero grabbed Izuku in anger. "WHAT KIND OF LIFE HAVE YOU'VE BEEN LIVING WHILE WE'RE TIED UP BY OUR FEET!?" "It's not like that! I didn't even know what was going on until everything happened!" "YOU JERK! WE'RE ALL STUCK HERE, AND YOU'RE LIVING LIKE YOU'RE IN THE PLAYBOY MANSION!? SCREW YOU! I HOPE YOUR DICK FALLS OFF AND YOU GET AIDS!" "Mineta! Kaminari! Sero! This is unwelcoming to one of our classmates! Release him at once!" The three let go with one of the amazons watching the class watching from the corner laughing at their antics. "Seems these men aren't dangerous. Ugh, I have to stop saying this, Nana herself told us it was an evil making us think this way." Momo and Toru watched from the side catching up to Izuku and seeing the little antics of the class. "What are you two doing here?" The girls turned to see a woman with orange hair and green eyes and a figure holding a similar aspect of being filled out like Momo's walk over. "Itsuka, what are you doing here?" "I was told by lady Miruko to watch these men. Question is, why aren't they killed yet?"

Momo remembered what she told their leader and that most of the information will be withheld from the tribe to avoid chaos. "To make a long story short, these men are going to live and the one with the green hair is the chosen champion of our goddess. You can ask her yourself if you think me untruthful." Itsuka watched Izuku avoid debris being thrown at him by Mineta and Kaminari with one hitting him in the head and forcing him to kneel in pain. "I'll believe it when I see it. The fact our goddess chose someone like that instead of one of her own loyal followers is without a doubt the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard." The three continued watching to see some of the guys pulling a metal bottom to a ship out of the sand. "Hey, can we get some help over here!? I think we found a good piece of platting for a boat!" A guy with brown hair and rather odd shaped lips called Sato shouted this for a couple guys to start pulling with him. Neither were really able to get the piece out of the sand with the thought of digging it out now coming to mind. It was only when Izuku walked over that everyone took note of his attempt.

"If all of us couldn't do it, what hope do you have Deku?" Izuku began pulling to realize what Bakugou meant. Some of the guys started laughing that Izuku couldn't make it budge in the sand before green lightning started to arc around him. "What the?" Itsuka, Momo, and Toru took note of this to see Izuku begin moving the metal out of the sand, forcing all that were laughing to stop and watch in shock and agitation. When it was out, Izuku placed it back on the sand before holding his arms feeling a bit of soreness. "W-w-what the...." Itsuka stated this with the rest of the guys finishing her sentence. "WHAT THE HELL!?" Izuku looked at the piece of metal and again at his arms to comprehend he did something that not even some of the strongest in the class could do. "So I'm guessing this is that quirk the goddess gave me." Izuku started thinking about what he did along with the pain in his arms to think this may be some kind of drawback like how the other girls' quirks work. "DEKU! EXPLAIN HOW YOU DID THAT NOW!" "I-I-I don't know. I just d-did it." bakugou was fit to be tied as he started chasing Izuku down the beach. Meanwhile, Itsuka was in disbelief of what she just witnessed.

"That...that just happened, right?" "Go Izuku!" Toru waved her arms up from what they could tell with a bracelet on her wrist while Momo held a satisfied look. "Does that answer your question that he was chosen by lady Nana." The two girls left as Itsuka stood there watching Izuku run for his life away from Bakugou. "I still don't get it. Why out of everyone that our goddess could've chosen would she choose a man. It makes no sense." She watched Izuku run away from the group and into the forest and decided to follow him. "There has to be a reason. There's no way she'd choose a man without there being something to him." Itsuka ran over to where Izuku went into the woods to follow him and keep an eye out to see what exactly is so special about him.

Izuku sprinted through the undergrowth away from Katsuki who was still shouting for him to come out and stop being a coward. Not wanting to deal with the blonde's attitude nor shouting, he ran deeper into the forest and managed to lose him in the foliage. His footprints he left whilst running left a clear trail for Itsuka to track through the foliage so it was no problem for her to find him sooner or later. There was something off however, the plants seemed to be decayed or afflicted with something the further he got into the forest. Then the air became stale, as if not enough oxygen was present, he stopped after believing he had lost Bakugou back in the forest and began to take note of what he saw. The plants were afflicted with some strange curse or disease, an otherworldly evil purple color corrupted the fauna around him. The wood looks as if the life had been leached from it leaving it a deathly gray. The leaves left a dark purple that broke apart like flakes of ash when touched. Bones and rotted flesh of animals were the only evidence this place ever had life. Itsuka manages to catch up with Izuku as he looks at the corrupted plants. "W-what is this?!" She asks terrified of what she is seeing. "I... I don't know but it affects not only plants and animals but air as well. We probably shouldn't say here." Izuku says looking at the clearing of corrupted plants and decaying animal corpses.

The two begin to retrace their steps out from the corruption as they walk; cautious of what may be lurking in the decayed fauna, something from behind a decayed tree peaks Itsuka's attention. "There's a wayshrine there, maybe lady Nana will take us back to the camp." She says leading Izuku towards the shrine. This one however looks ancient, abandoned, desecrated and forgotten. The inside shows not the face of a woman but instead a proud warrior man with hair slicked back and a large bang facing up towards the sky, the other side of the statue's face looks decrepit as if the man had aged and stopped eating for a very long time. A very body facial structure and sunken in eyes showing on the statue. "Who is this? Why is there a statue of a man on the island?" Itsuka asks, seeing the decaying statue. "Because he was a god as I am." Nana's voice rings out, the two of them turn to the entrance of the wayshrine to see her standing there with her arms folded and a solemn look on her face.

"Who is he then? Why have we never learned of him?" The orange haired young huntress asks, a tear runs down the side of Nana's face as she walks past them and presses her hand on the cheek of the statue. "He's been dead for a long time. Toshinori. My first born and my only son." She says her voice cracking up with sorrow that had been building for millenia, perhaps even longer. "Toshinori was my son and the warrior god who was king of the amazons, thousands of years ago. My baby boy ruled this land and kept it safe from the evils of this world." She says weaving an image into the jungle fog along the ground. "If it is too painful you don't have to say but... How did he die?" Izuku asks, Nana weaves her hand in the air above the mist and an image of Toshinori's face in it's true visage reveals itself in the fog. Suddenly it shifts depicting a climactic battle at the shore of the island between a wraith-like being with skeletal hands and a hood over its face and Toshinori holding a Machete and shield. "The lich murdered him, sapped the power and life force from him and embedded his power in his phylactery fueling his power. The reason I chose you is when he perished I took his warrior's spirit and his pure soul and had it be reborn into the next life. A man you know as King Aurthur along with many other courageous beings have been his reincarnations. You are the 9th incarnation in his cycle and I have bestowed you his power to finally put an end to the lich that has plagued my land." Nana says motioning for the two of them to look out at the forest, for miles around the corruption is visible, like a mold it had spread on to the lush green landscape of the forest decaying and claiming everything it touches.

"The Lich was a powerful sorcerer in life who sought to conquer the world and live forever, he slayed gods in other pantheons and used their power to make himself immortal. I imprisoned him underneath the island as an attempt to keep him from wreaking more havoc on this world but, my power is waning. I can't hold his binds forever because he leeches my power through the plants and fauna. It is why the last one who was to be born into the tribe died before they could be. I can no longer sustain the life on the island and the seals will be broken soon. There was a series of Omens long ago that foretold his coming. Eight Plagues of Withering are coming and this is the proof of their awakening. The Corruption." Nana explains. "It is unsafe to stay here, and I am unable to blink you from here to the main shrine at the beach because of the desecration here at this one, but I will clear a path for you and that loud child to return safely to shore." She says her visage fading but not before she snaps her fingers and the trees shift revealing an ancient stone path from the wayshrine to the beach. The two walked out on the path seeing Bakugou in route. "THERE YOU ARE YOU LITTLE SHIT! GET OVER HERE!" Izuku was about to be attacked, but was saved by Itsuka enlarging her hand to knock Bakugou into the dirt and knocking him out. She lugged the ash blond on her back before walking beside Izuku to the shoreline.

As they returned, Itsuka passed Bakugou to the guys as her and Izuku stayed to the side. "I never knew that men actually stayed on this island nor that lady Nana's powers were fading." "I honestly only knew that the Lich or whatever it is corrupted your minds to think all men are evil instead of the truly dark ones." Both held their heads down knowing just how deep the evil sealed away on this island is held to this land along with how much sacrifice was made by the goddess of the amazons and her own son. "I think we deserve a little better of an introduction." Itsuka held her hand out to Izuku with a smile. "My name is Itsuka Kendo. I'm the leader of a group of amazon warriors about the same age as Momo." Izuku held his hand out as well to smile. "I'm Izuku Midoriya. I hope we get along well." "Likewise." "MIDORIYA YOU BASTARD! YOU'RE GETTING CHUMMY WITH ANOTHER HOT BABE ON THIS ISLAND!?" Mineta shouted in anger as Izuku began running back to the village. 'No wonder Momo doesn't have an issue with him. He's really nice compared to what most men we hear about are like.'

And that finishes this chapter. See how Izuku fares with training and his classmates now wanting to kill him due to his close relationships with the amazons as well as the amazon girls he's living with realizing now just what making children should be like. Hope you enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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