The Amazon Trials

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Days of brutal training had passed for Izuku as he began to grow more skilled with his quirk and more adapted to training physically. Thanks to this, he was ready enough to the point Miruko didn't feel as if he'd definitely die during the amazon trials. "Alright kid. Seems you've got enough of a hand of this. Let's call it a day so you can rest for the trials tomorrow." Izuku put down a giant boulder to breathe easier. "Thanks." As the two walked out of the arena, the young green haired boy realized he knew virtually nothing about the trials he had to face. "Ms. Miruko. Just what are the amazon trials exactly?" "They're four tests that determine how strong you are and how skilled you are. In them, you need to pass at least three to pass the whole thing. They tend to differ depending on what we hold, but they all test your knowledge, power, and skill as a whole. The final trial however is a fighting match where you will face off against one of our amazon warriors that are picked at random. The part that makes this difficult is that it's bare handed with no armor and clothing to protect or cover yourself."

Izuku stopped to realize what was said. "I NEED TO FIGHT SOMEONE NAKED!?" "Relax, you're not the only one naked in this. " "THAT DOESN'T MAKE THAT ANY LESS AWKWARD!" Miruko rolled her eyes before explaining more into detail. "Just pass three of the four and you don't have to worry about the last one. Then again, you'll be holding mating matches with women after, so you can kinda see this as you're preparing for what's to come." "Oh yeah, I'm supposed to be some kind of communal husband or something. My life just keeps getting better and better." They continued to walk until getting to the home Izuku was staying in. "Oh yeah, did the guys ever get some place to sleep better than the prison cell?" "Yep. They're put up so you don't need to worry about that." A massive relief came off Izuku before they opened the door. When they did, the girls were in what looked like cooking aprons and showing off their features quite nicely. "Welcome home Izuku." The girls welcomed him with a nosebleed coming out of the green haired boy.

"Wha-what are you all doing with those on!?" "That Mitsuki woman said you'd like this. Nice lady. Her son, not so much." Kyoka stated this bluntly for the other five girls to nod. "Well Kaachan takes some 'special interest' to like, but that still doesn't-wait, I'm getting off topic here. Why did aunt Mitsuki tell you to put on these?" "She said that where she's from, a wife should present herself in front of her husband like this after a hard day's work. It makes them happy or something." Ochako obviously said this for Momo to look down at her attire. "Does this not make you happy seeing?" "I-it does. J-just not in a good way." "Wait, there's a bad way to make you happy *ribbit*?" Izuku was in a bind. Not only was fatigue dampening him right now, but the scene in front of him was making the already mentally exhausted Izuku desire nothing more than to enjoy the feast in front of him. "She did also say this helps make babies, but I don't get how." Mina questions before seeing Izuku's lower half. "Now I see." Every girl gave a realizing 'oh' knowing now what this was for.

"So do we say the phrase now, or do we not need it?" "Phrase?" Izuku looked at Toru as she explained herself. "Yeah, she said this phrase will give you so much energy if we do it right." The girls kneeled in front of Izuku while they began saying what Mitsuki asked them to. "Welcome home Izuku." "Would you like dinner?" "Or maybe a bath?" Or maybe." Each girl repeated the last bit while lowering a strap to barely keep Izuku from seeing what he did during their bathing together incident. "Would. You. Like. Me?" The scene was beginning to become too much for Izuku to run out the door. "I NEED TO DOUSE MY HEAD DOWN WITH COLD WATER!" Izuku ran away as fast as he could with the girls watching him. "And here I thought I'd get to learn from first hand experience what Mitsuki said when she explained the 'pleasures of being taken by a man' or whatever she said." Momo pouted a bit with the girls being a bit disappointed as well.

With Izuku

Izuku found a waterfall to shove his head into and scream while doing so "AHHHHHHH!" He began to pull his head out to see his hair fall down to cover his eyes. "OH MY GOD, WHY AM I DEALING WITH THIS!?" He began to feel a woman's chest push against him that felt rather large in his opinion. "Momo. Is that you-" He stopped mid sentence seeing that it was without a doubt not Momo behind him. "Uh, you're not Momo." "Hi. You're a funny looking girl." Izuku just froze hearing this. 'She thinks I'm a girl!?' "Uh, I'm...." Izuku stopped for a second before thinking. 'Wait, not many of the amazons know that much about my situation. Miruko just said that they weren't killing men anymore and if she sees me out like this, it'll be a bad thing. Not only that, but she might freak out seeing me as a man. Her thinking I'm a girl might be a better idea.' "So you're a boy then?" Izuku stopped when he realized he was thinking out loud. 'SHIT!'

The girl laughed before Izuku had gotten a better look at her. She was a girl that seemed to look a little older, but not significantly with blue hair and eyes and a chest as big if not bigger than Momo's. "I've never seen a man up close before and gotten the chance to talk to them. What's it like where you're from? Is it true that men and women live together? How does hunting work with you all? What makes you different from women?" She kept questioning as she leaned closer and closer to Izuku. 'She doesn't stop does she?' Izuku started to fall back before pulling the blue haired girl with him. He found himself face first in cleavage, sending him into a state of unease no man could hold complete self control over. "Sorry. I can sometimes get a little-" The girl stopped when she felt something poke her. "Is this what makes men and women different?" 'AHHH!' Izuku quickly got up and turned away from her in order to keep his sense of morals. "S-sorry!"

There was a silence in the air for a few minutes before the woman spoke again. "Oh yeah, we never introduced ourselves before. Sorry, I'm a bit of a forgetful woman as they say. My name is Nejire Hado. What's yours Mr. man?" "I-Izuku Midoriya. Also, I think the better term is 'airhead'." "Sounds familiar." Nejire laughed this off to insinuate to Izuku that she is without a doubt an airhead through and through. "So what brings you out here?" "I-I was trying to calm myself down in hopes to focus for tomorrow. Much help that did." "Oh yeah, the amazon trials are tomorrow. Wish you luck." She didn't hold any form of misinterpretation in her words for Izuku to calm himself a bit. "Thanks." They started walking back before Nejire remembered something. "Oh yeah, there's some kind of new ritual Miruko wants us to learn now." "New ritual?" "Yeah, she said she'd show us after the trials tomorrow. I don't know what it is, but she said it was something about showing how to create babies or something." Izuku heard this to go pale. 'Am I going to have my first time be shown to a group of women who I might have to sleep with later on?' He didn't know what to think of this feeling, excitement or impending doom or death from embarrassment.

"Do you know what is going to be in the trials?" Nejire asks tilting her head to the side as she asks it. "No one has said anything about it. For all I know Miruko had told them not to let me know a single thing." Izuku responds with a defeated sigh. "You have 4 trials. A search and retrieve, a hunting, the second is a test of agility with you reaching a destination with dangers attacking you, and the third is a fight. We are warriors after all." "Wait, that's three. What's the fourth?" "Miruko said something about a fourth being to test just how far your resolve is or something." The two made it to where he was staying before he turned to Nejire. "Thank you for this information. It at least helped me understand what in particular I'm facing." "Don't worry about it. Good luck tomorrow." Izuku walked into the home to see the girls in normal clothes again to keep his issues prior from returning again. He apologized for running away for them not to exactly feel heartbroken about it before they decided to go to bed.

The next morning

The moment of anticipation finally came for Izuku. The amazon trials had come. "Welcome my fellow sisters. Today, we have a treat to behold. Our goddess Nana has chosen a champion who will guide us into a new era. Now do not get me wrong, I did not believe it at first when I saw this person. But he has proven himself worthy and will become the savior Lady Nana has asked for. Now here he is, the contender of our trials today, Izuku Midoriya!" Izuku walked into the arena for all the women to question why he was there. "Why is lady Nana's champion a man?" "I'm surprised he's not dead yet." "Is it ok for him to be here?" "I'm a little worried." The members of the tribe kept questioning until Miruko spoke up. "As I mentioned before, I did not believe this as you all did. However, lady Nana chose him and said this to me herself. So as a way to prove this to be true, he shall fight the trials and prove himself worthy to you all."

The crowd started to slowly cheer before Izuku started to take a few stress relieving breaths. Meanwhile, the members of his class were sitting by the side with the six girls Izuku's been living with watching. "Should I be worried my student might die during this?" "Izuku's been working hard. He might actually win this across the board." Mina had quite a bit of faith in Izuku with none of the girls denying. "Ha! I'll believe it when I see it! That shitty loser can't even catch a ball, what hope does he have against trials taken by barbarian bitc-" Bakugou was cut short with six spears pointed at his neck. "Finish that sentence and you die." Momo pointed this out with little emotion to make the ash blond remain quiet and watch. "Alright! Time for the first trial!" Miruko shouted as Yuu brought out a bow and arrow. "Uhh." Miruko pulled the arrow back in the bow before shooting it out of the arena and into the jungle. "Your first trial is to search for that arrow and hunt for the biggest game in that area. The bigger the game and the cleaner the kill, the more likely you'll succeed." "Wait, I'm supposed to kill something with my bare hands?" "To be honest, most amazing women have some kind of weapon going into this. Since you're an exception, we have this."

Miruko tapped her staff on the ground twice creating a thunderous echo through the stadium. Quickly Momo and Itsuka rush out from behind her with two weapons. Momo holding a recurve bow and Itsuka holding a war club. They present the two weapons for Izuku to choose from. "Choose wisely." Miruko recommends. Izuku stares at the wooden club and bow before he strikes up an idea. "Can I combine the two weapons into one?" He asks, Miruko raises an eyebrow before motioning for Izuku to continue with his plan. Taking his machete, he cuts off the butt end of the war club, separating it from the larger mass of wood at the top. With the knowledge the others had taught him with knot tying. He uses the machete to carve away at the handle end creating grooves and notches in the wood. He uses twine and vines to fassen the bow to the front end of the club handle. With the excess wood he carves a trigger to release the bow string from the groves in the wood. In a little less than 20 minutes of carving and tying he has made himself a Crossbow. "I want to use this. We call these crossbows and they're a lot stronger than conventional bows and arrows. Not to mention." Izuku says before pausing, pulling back the string and knocking it in the grove of the wood. "It can be preloaded and drawn back without having to pull the bow string back and raise the bow and then aim. All I have to do with this is aim and hit the little trigger I made here with the vine and excess wood." He explains. Yuu, Nejire, Ryukyu and Miruko herself were extremely impressed that he was able to create something from two different weapons.

"I'll allow it mainly cause I wanna see what it can do. Anyway, let us begin!" Izuku was given several arrows before a conch was blown to signal the beginning of the trial. Izuku ran in the general direction of the arrow trying to find it. "Ok, if I think of the angle and the speed in which the arrow went, it should be not that far ahead. Izuku ran deeper in the woods before he heard something. "Huh?" He hid before seeing a bear growling in anger.

It seemed to be limping a bit for Izuku to notice the arrow in his paw. When the bear was far enough away, Izuku began panicking. 'WHY DID IT HAVE TO FALL ON A BEAR!?' The young boy took a few deep breaths before thinking to himself. 'It's ok Izuku. You can do this. You're smart and you know how to hunt.' Izuku smiled weakly before correcting himself. 'I know how to hunt fish. WHAT AM I DOING HERE!?' Izuku walked out while taking a deep breath. He then had an idea. "I got it!" He immediately went to the creek to grab a few vines to make a small makeshift fishing net before following the bear tracks. He found the bear near a creek trying to catch fish for him to prepare his next stage of the plan.

Izuku threw the net of fish out for the bear to notice and walk over. Immediately, he started to sit down and enjoy the meal in front of him while Izuku aimed carefully. 'If I don't get him, I'm screwed.' With one shot, Izuku shot the bear in the neck to sever its major arteries and make it fall to the ground within a few seconds. "That was easier than I thought." Izuku walked towards the bear to notice it was rather large. "And now I have to carry a oh I don't know....300lb bear back. Wait. I have super strength now." Izuku picked the bear up, activating his quirk to lug the beast back to the arena. 'Hopefully the other tests are as easy as this one was.'

And that finishes this chapter. So Izuku will be taking the Amazon Trials to try and pass them. See how he does with the others next time. Hope you enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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