Mad Charge

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"Alright, now it's time for the next test everyone!" Miruko shouted this for everyone to be on edge seeing Izuku enter in with a large bear. "The next trial will be a test of your agility. You'll go around the village while surviving obstacles we placed along the way. Your goal is to make it back here within this amount of time." A giant hourglass was brought out that looked as if it was thirty minutes from what Izuku could gather. "This tool is made by one of our amazon sisters that specializes in this type of stuff. Our very own Mei Hatsume everyone." Everyone began clapping for a woman with pink dreadlocks and what looked like golden eyes with pluses in them. "Alright. Whenever you're ready, we can start turning this baby over!" The pink haired woman stated this with excitement while patting the hourglass. "You ready to start?" Izuku nodded before taking a running position. Ryukyu hit a giant gong to signal the test to begin for Izuku to charge outside of the arena.

While running, Izuku noticed that the area was worn down to make it somewhat easy for him to keep on track. 'I wonder what those obstacles are?' While in mental thought, Izuku heard what sounded like a boulder rolling nearby. Reaching a trench, the greenette noticed what looked like a field full of boulders sliding around as a way to hinder his path. "How are they moving without any issue!?" In the distance, Pixie Bob was seen dancing and moving her arms to use her quirk. Watching the boulders slide around, Izuku realized that he'd be a pancake if he doesn't time it right. "Ok. So I need to be fast and careful about timing." He held a sprinting position before watching the boulders carefully. When he deemed it the right moment, Izuku charged in with his quirk active to cross the area as fast as he could. When he reached the middle of the area, the boulders began coming back towards him to make him panic a bit. 'I'm gonna die!' narrowly escaping the last, Izuku was able to cross the area in one piece. "ARE THESE WOMEN INSANE OR SOMETHING!? WHO IN THEIR RIGHT MIND WOULD DO SOMETHING LIKE THAT!?"

Izuku continued his run towards the next obstacle. This one was strangely a straightaway without any form of obstacle as far as he could tell. "This is weirAAAHH!!" Izuku falls into a pit and just survives falling by latching onto the edge of where the ground gave way. Once he came up, he noticed that the area wasn't exactly 'clear'. There were patches of dirt that seemed different than the others. 'So this is a pitfall area? Seems to make sense.' Izuku speed walked while trying to avoid the disturbed dirt in order to prevent any chance he could fall again. When he reached the end of the open area though, he realized the only way to cross was to jump. Channeling his quirk's power inside his legs, Izuku jumped as far as he could to just miss landing on the other side by a hair. Holding on for dear life, Izuku pulled himself out of the pitfall to keep running.

"We've now reached the halfway mark on the time!" 'Wait, half my time's already gone!? That last obstacle made me waste a lot of time.' Izuku kept running to find a hill going upwards. 'Still better than the last. He began to run up before slowing down halfway for some reason. "What the?" Looking down, Izuku realized that the middle of the hill upwards was covered in what looked like oil. "Should've figured this one was too easy!" "Hey Izuku!" The young boy looked up to see Mandalay and Ragdoll up above. "Nothing personal, ok!" He didn't understand this until after seeing some logs roll down at him. "AHH!" Izuku jumped up and over the first and fell face first due to the slickness of the oil. A second came for Izuku to jump up and over that one. 'This gives me an idea.' A third came for Izuku to wait and time it. When he jumped, he landed right on the log before using his quirk to use the piece of wood as a jumping platform. He then used the next for the same and the next until reaching the top. Izuku ran as fast as he could with the two amazon women cheering for him. "GO IZUKU! GO!"

Reaching the fourth, Izuku found himself in an abnormal dust cloud of sorts. "I'm so done with constant misdirections!" Izuku jumped into the dust cloud to land in what felt like mud. "Not the best, but better than the last few." He ran as fast as he could in the mud before hearing snorts from behind him. Turning a bit, Izuku noticed a bunch of boars that seemed kinda ticked at him. They charged at him in the mud area for Izuku to run as fast as he could. 'WHERE DID THEY FIND SO MANY BOARS!?' Once at the end, Izuku kept running as fast as he could with the tusked pigs coming at him. It was only until he reached the final obstacle which was a rock wall that was probably Pixie Bob's doing that he could finally escape the Boars chasing him. Climbing up the wall, Izuku could hear Miruko speak. "We're now down to the final minute everyone!" Izuku kept climbing as fast as he could before reaching the top. Losing his ability to climb down and still pass, Izuku jumped off the top to land face first near the entrance of the arena. He continued running as fast as he could to make it back to the arena in just enough time. "It would appear that our combatant has survived the trials with seconds to spare. Izuku has won the second trial!"

Everyone cheered as Izuku was seeing stars from his impact with the ground. "I-I'm ok. Just a little...." Izuku fell backwards to show spirals in his eyes. "No resting!" Miruko kicked Izuku's side to make him get up. "Now it's time for the third trial. A one on one combat trial! You'll be facing one of our amazon sisters in combat with no armor, no weapons, just you and your quirk." Izuku went red remembering that this was the one he had to fight naked in. "And now for your opponent. We normally allow the combatant to pick them, but this one was picked specifically for you. Today, you'll be facing me." Izuku stopped a second to understand what was just said. "Wait, you want me to face you?" "Did I stutter? Now strip!" Izuku was shaking as he pulled his clothes off and covered himself to try and avoid anyone from seeing what they shouldn't. Meanwhile, Miruko took everything off with no particular problems.

"Holy crap! That lady's smoking hot!" Mineta was drooling where he was with Kaminari thanking whatever god he could for seeing what he was seeing. "Are those two ok?" Toru asked as Aizawa brushed it off as nothing. "They're just idiots and perverts." "What's a pervert?" Tsu asked this before noticing the disgusting lust in Mineta's eyes. "I think I have my answer *ribbit*." Miruko held a fighting stance with Izuku looking away. "You're not gonna beat me if you don't get ready for a fight." "I CAN'T EVEN LOOK AT YOU WITHOUT BEING EMBARRASSED RIGHT NOW!?" The gong rang for Miruko to charge at Izuku. She used her leg to kick the green haired boy before he could react. He was able to dodge this, but noticed something he shouldn't as he ducked under the kick. 'AHHH! WHY DO I HAVE TO SEE THESE THINGS!? I FEEL LIKE MINETA RIGHT NOW!' Miurko came at Izuku again for him to dodge and try to punch the amazon warrior. This ended with it being dodged and Izuku's hand being grabbed by the rabbit woman. She held it tight to her chest to have Izuku unintentionally feel the softness. 'Why do I have to deal with this!?' Miruko began flipping the green haired boy over to nearly have him hit the ground hard. Luckily at the last minute, Izuku was able to activate his quirk to create an opening to pull away from Miruko's grasp and reclaim his footing.

"Not bad kid, but you're gonna need to do more than that to beat me." The rabbit woman charged at Izuku again for him to close his eyes at what he was seeing. "I CAN'T DO THIS IF I'M FACING SOMEONE NAKED!" He obtained a solid kick to the face to send him into a wall with the solid rock breaking. "IZUKU! MY BABY!" Inko ran towards where he collided to notice he was still standing and semi conscious. "I gotta admit kid, you've gotten way stronger than when we first met. Not really much against me, but it does make this fight more fun." Miruko jumped up to give a downward kick to Izuku. Everyone who was rooting for Izuku held their breath thinking something like this might actually kill him. "IZUKU! GET OUT OF THE WAY!" Inko was screaming for her son to move as he just stood there completely silent. When the kick collided, everyone turned away afraid of seeing what they would. As they slowly one by one opened their eyes, the audience noticed Izuku holding Miruko's leg while still in the same position. "So you've finally found a way to fight me seriously, huh kid." The rabbit amazon pulled her other leg back to kick Izuku. This was met however by the greenette pulling Miruko's leg down and kneeing her chin. 'How is he moving so fast and precise now?' Trying to regain some footing, Miruko jumped back to only have Izuku come charging at her again.

'Nothing should've changed. The kid's still who he is, so why is this happening?' Izuku let loose a barrage of punches to force Miruko on the defensive before noticing what was up. She obtained a good look at his eyes to notice Izuku wasn't even fully conscious right now. "So that's it. You're not even awake right now. Since your acts are due to your conscious mind, being asleep would make all those issues you're having right now slip away. But how can you manage when I do this!?" Miruko gave a kick to Izuku's side for his hand to block it and use it as a spring before punching Miruko in the face and sending her into the other half of the wall. This one however crumbled and sent the rabbit woman right through the concrete. "M-Miruko was beaten...Our winner is Midoriya!" The crowd cheered as Izuku fell backwards with a broken arm and his body covered in bruises and cuts. He may have won, but Izuku was unable to press forward with the trials as is.

Few hours later

"Urgh, what happened?" Izuku started to get up groggily to see the six girls happy to see him. "Izuku!" They immediately hugged him for his face to turn completely red. "W-what happened?" "You blacked out after beating Miruko." Izuku thought about Mina's answer before speaking. "I remember facing her and being thrown into a wall, but I don't remember beating her." "That's because you actually passed out during that." Miruko was hanging by the back of the room they were in for him to realize something. "What about the last trial?" "Technically speaking, you couldn't go any farther, so that was an immediate fail. But on a positive note, you passed the whole thing after beating me." This comment was given with a smirk by the rabbit woman as Izuku realized he passed the third part, but couldn't do anything to the point they had to fail him during the fourth and final. "So what now?" "We have a ceremony in two hours. There's some special food on the side for you. You'll need it in this one."

Izuku didn't fully understand. "What do you mean?" "I mean, this ceremony will be the first of many where you'll get to put your seed in these six warriors." Izuku went red realizing this. "Hope you enjoy your time to rest now, cause you're not getting that while on the podium." Miruko walked out of the wooden hut they were in with Izuku glancing at the girls. "Uh, so we're really doing this?" The girls nodded. "....Is my mother or any of the other guys going to see this?" "Fortunately no. I think I'd die of shame if one of those guys saw me without any of my clothes on doing what we plan to." Ochako said this for Kyoka to chime in a bit. "But that ash blond woman will be there to help us learn about the act we are going to do." 'Something tells me this won't end well.' Izuku grabbed the food on the side to see it was a soup and some roasted meat on a bone. Taking a bite of it, the greenette seemed to enjoy the taste very well. "This is tasty." He took some of the soup as well to feel some satisfaction in it as well. Little did he know that a special herbal remedy was added into both for Izuku to be able to handle the evening to come.

With the guys and Inko

"JUST WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS CEREMONY SHIT YOU'RE ALL TALKING ABOUT!?" Bakugou was fumed that he couldn't witness whatever the amazons had in store for Izuku to only be told this was to be something only the amazons should see. "Umm, why am I not allowed to go?" Inko asked Ryukyu who tried to find the best way to explain it. "Well umm...It's because this is a ceremony where our amazons get pregnant." "But Izuku can't get pre-.....I think I understand now." The guys looked at Inko who explained it in the best way. "My son is going to give me a grandbaby during this with one of the amazons." Inko smiled while Kaminari and Mineta grabbed Ryukyu's leg crying for her to make an exception. "LET US WATCH! PLEASE!" This was met with a solid kick before going towards the door. "Just so you all are aware, this door will be barricaded until the end of the ceremony. Enjoy the rest of your night." She shut the door to place some heavy logs and boulders in the way before walking down to the ceremonial altar. 'I wonder just how this ceremony will come to fruition?'

And that finishes this chapter. See how Izuku handles the 'ceremony' he'll have next time with the girls. Hope you enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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