Chapter 16: Nephew of Kung Lao

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(Kung Jin and Takeda are seen at the forest)

Kung Jin: Are you sure we’re in the right way?

Takeda: Splitting up saves time. And besides, we’re here to help our friends to save the Earthrealm and stop the Black Dragon.

Kung Jin: You’re right.

Takeda: Just remember, Kung Jin. We must be swift as the night!

Kung Jin: And deadly as dawn. I remember this.

Takeda: Good.

(Takeda walks away as Kung Jin is approached by Mai)

Mai: Shao Kahn was wise to send me here. Your presence is uninvited, Shaolin!

Kung Jin: Kitana would disagree with that!

Mai: I don’t serve her!

Kung Jin: You’re gonna wish you did!

(Mai tries to attack Kung Jin, but the nephew of Kung Lao uses his scepter both to defend himself from her attacks and to attack her whenever he gets the chance. As the fight goes on, Kung Jin shows what he learned at Wu Shi Academy and manages to defeat the firebender)

Kung Jin: Who plays with fire ends up getting burned.

(Kung Jin checks Mai and notices that she’s unconscious)

Kung Jin: Sleep well.

(Kung Jin walks away. As he goes on, he notices Kano and Overhaul)

Kung Jin: Kano?

(Kano is seen holding a bazooka)

Kano: With this weapon, the so-called heroes will think twice before messing with us!

(Kano then shoots the bazooka. Meanwhile, Kung Jin is still hiding behind a tree as he turns his communicator on)

Kung Jin: Kung Jin to Jax. Can you hear me?

Jax: Loud and clear.

Kung Jin: I found Kano.

Sonya: Kano?

Kung Jin: He is planning to use some weapons with heavy ammo, and I can see one of the members of the League of Villains.

Denki: League of Villains?

Kung Jin: I’ll contact to you later.

Jax: Wait…

(Kung Jin turns off his communicator as Kano and Overhaul keep talking)

Overhaul: Excellent, Kano. Warn your men that the League of Villains will accept the Black Dragon to join them.

(Having had enough of hiding, Kung Jin reveals himself)

Kung Jin: All I needed to hear?

Overhaul: A hero!

Kano: No, Overhaul. He’s just a member of those fucking bastards known as the Special Forces!

Overhaul: So you are part of the very ones who killed Muscular… You just signed your death warrant!

Kano: And I’ll be the one to kill you!

Kung Jin: You will try, Kano!

(Kano shoots with his bazooka again, but Kung Jin avoids the shoot and uses his scepter to shove the bazooka off)

Kano: Shoving my bazooka won’t help you to escape, kid.

Kung Jin: You’re the one who won’t escape, Kano!

(Then they start fighting hand to hand. Kano has the initial advantage due to being highly trained and his urge to kill. But Kung Jin manages to land some hits on Kano, then he hits him with various attacks, from shooting arrows to punching him various times, then he finishes him by hitting his head with his staff)

Kung Jin: It looks like my training is paid off.

Overhaul: (enraged) Damn you…

(Then a wire is shot, almost hitting Kung Jin, but he manages to evade. Then a blonde girl appears, trying to hit him various times while laughing maniacally)

Kung Jin: And I thought hearing maniacal laughs was just fiction…

: Believe me; you will keep hearing more of that once you bleed!

(The blonde girl tries to attack him again, but Kung Jin keeps evading until he gets the opportunity to shove her off with his scepter and shoot her down. But then he is kicked in the gut by Overhaul. As he was about to kill Kung Jin, the shaolin does a flip kick, hitting his chin, the he starts kicking the villain to the point he starts breaking his mask. As Overhaul’s mask is completely broken, Kung Jin finishes the villain by kicking his face, snapping his neck in the process)

Kung Jin: You brought this to yourself when you tried to kill me.

(Then a whip wraps around Kung Jin’s neck as June comes in)

June: I wonder how much your head is worth at the black market…

(Kung Jin pulls June, then punches her belly)

Kung Jin: A bounty hunter, huh? I’m impressed you sided with someone as evil as Shao Kahn.

June: I don’t side with anyone. I just hunt some heads since they are worth some big bucks!

Kung Jin: Try your luck then!

(June tries to attack Kung Jin with her whip again, but Kung Jin uses his scepter to defend himself. Then he pulls her and hits her hard in the belly. Enraged, she tries to burn the shaolin, but Kung Jin avoids the attack and shoots her down with an arrow.)

Kung Jin: No bounty for you!

(Then some cyborgs surround Kung Jin. However Tarantula arrives in time and cuts each cyborg’s head with his spear. Then Jacqui comes in)

Kung Jin: I guess I owe you one, Tarantula.

Jacqui: Where is Takeda?

Tarantula: Takeda…

(To be continued)

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