Chapter 17: For the Shirai Ryu

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(Takeda is seen cutting Twelve’s head)

Takeda: You should have cooperated, villain!

(As Takeda proceeds, All Might confronts the Shirai Ryu)

All Might: This was not much heroic, Takeda Takahashi!

Takeda: Said the man who neglected his own kid…

All Might: Why you…

(All Might attacks Takeda, but he avoids the attack)

Takeda: Cassie was right. You’re not the number one hero. You’re the number one shit!

(Unable to stand Takeda’s taunts, All Might tries to punch Takeda, who blocks it)

Takeda: It’s said that negative feelings weaken anyone who has them.

(Then Takeda kicks All Might’s groin and the Yagi falls down)

Takeda: It looks like who said this was right…

(All Might barely gets up)

Takeda: (sighs) Look at you, Toshinori Yagi. So weak… so pathetic… so dishonored…

(All Might gets enraged and tries to punch Takeda again, but the Shirai Ryu avoids the punch easily again)

Takeda: What caused you to be like this?

(Then Takeda kicks All Might’s face)

Takeda: What bothers you more? The fact Izuku got stronger than he ever was? Or knowing that Master Hasashi was more of a father than you ever were?

(All Might then remembers everything he did to Izuku, then the insults he received from other heroes and sees the image of Scorpion. Then he gets up)

All Might: I am Izuku’s one and only father… I am the number one hero… AND NOBODY WILL TAKE THIS FROM ME!!!

(All Might attacks with all rage as Takeda realizes it and avoids, then the Shirai Ryu draws his sword)

Takeda: You big idiot!

(Then Takeda slashes through All Might, cutting his chest, making him bleed before falling down)

Takeda: Be glad that bitch who is your daughter still cares about you.

(Then Sonya and Jax come in)

Sonya: Takeda, are you alright?

Takeda: Yes, I am. As for All Might…

Sonya: So much for an awful father…

:You disturbed our regeneration process!

(Ermac comes in)

Ermac: You will die!

Jax: Ermac…

(Jax grabs Ermac’s neck)

Jax: Gotcha!

(Ermac then uses his telekinesis to try to rip his arms, only to have his own arms cut off by Takeda. Then Sonya takes Jax away as Ermac regenerates his arms)

Ermac: You will pay for such insolence!

(Ermac tries to use his telekinesis on Takeda, but somehow the Shirai Ryu counters by using his own telekinesis)

Ermac: How is this possible?

Takeda: Takahashi. Does that ring a bell?

(Then Ermac remembers Kenshi)

Ermac: You… you are his nephew… I’m impressed you got smarter and more trained than Kenshi.

Takeda: Time to finish this.

(They resume their fighting. In a mighty clash, Takeda manages to prove his worth and defeats the mighty Ermac)

Takeda: Not so fearsome, are you?

(Then Tenya Lida comes in)

Takeda: There you are, Tenya. Take these three back to Earthrealm.

Tenya: What about you?

Takeda: I have some personal score to settle.

(Then Tenya takes the three back to Earthrealm)

(At the coliseum, Mai is seen defeating a Shaolin Monk)

Monk: I failed my friends… I deserve death…

(Then Mai remembers the words she said to Izuku as Shao Kahn kills the Monk. As Mai leaves the coliseum, Takeda comes in)

Shao Kahn: Takeda Takahashi. What brings you here?

Takeda: I have some score to settle with your faithful servant Shang Tsung!

Shao Kahn: Mileena!

(Mileena comes in)

Shao Kahn: Finish him!

Mileena: As you wish, father.

Takeda: I don’t have time for this!

(Mileena throws her sais, but Takeda deflects them, only to be kicked in the face by her. Then she rolls, making Takeda fall down before revealing her face as she licks her teeth)

Mileena: Time for the meal!

Takeda: I don’t think so!

(Mileena jumps as Takeda manages to avoid being pounced by her and gets up. Then his sword clashes with her sais as Mileena tries to bite him. Then Takeda decides to jump while still holding his sword and pierces her from behind, ending the fight)

Takeda: Now send Shang Tsung to fight me!

(Then a figure similar to Takeda comes in)

Takeda: There you are, sorcerer!

(Then the figure reveals to be in fact Shang Tsung)

Shang Tsung: Your soul is mine, Takeda Takahashi.

(Takeda draws his sword and they fight. Despite being able to transform into various fighters, Shang Tsung proves to be no match for Takeda)

Takeda: You’re finished, Shang Tsung!

Azula: (comes in) I don’t think so!

(Then Azula strikes Takeda with her lightning ablilities, only to be pulled, then knocked out by Tarantula as Jacqui approaches Takeda)

Jacqui: Are you okay?

Takeda: That was close…

(Then the trio leaves as Shao Kahn looks at Mai with extreme disappointment)

Shao Kahn: Ozai would be so disappointed on you, Mai. You didn’t even bother to defend your princess.

Mai: But…

Shao Kahn: Begone!

(Completely saddened, Mai leaves as Raiden and Denki watch the scene)

Raiden: I’ll talk with her.

Denki: Are you serious, Lord Raiden?

Raiden: She is conflicted.

Cassie: Yeah, yeah… let’s ruin someone else’s life.

Raiden: You’re lucky your mom isn’t hearing this!

Cassie: Bring this up again, Lord Raiden, and I hit your balls!

(Raiden simply glares menacingly at Cassie before leaving)

Jacqui: (approaches Cassie) Cassie, I guess you ticked Lord Raiden off.

Cassie: (sighs) Yeah, I know I did…

(Izuku and Jacqui manage to save Takeda. But Raiden seems to have found a possible ally among his enemies. What will happen next?)

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