Chapter 22: Confrontation with Shinnok

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(Izuku becomes Tarantula)

Denki: Hey... Punkin...

Tarantula: I'm a little old for "Punkin".(Ty Lee saves Denki Kaminari)

Denki: Izuku... Get... Shinnok.

Tarantula: Huh?

Ty Lee: (kisses Izuku) Izuku. I love you.

(Ty Lee takes Denki away as Shinnok comes in and sees Scorpion and Tarantula)

Shinnok: You...

Tarantula: So you're Shinnok.

Shinnok: You killed Quan Chi and D'Vorah!

(Then Shinok transforms into Corrupted Shinnok.)

Shinnok: I will exterminate you, and then the entire Shirai Ryu Clan! (grabs Izuku) And when I'm done, I will destroy Raiden, the Earthrealm, the Elder Gods, the entire universe, everything I despise!

(Shinnok throws Izuku down, but he easily gets up)

Tarantula: You want them, you're gonna go through me.

(As Shinnok strides towards him, Tarantula lets rip with several punches that he effortlessly blocks. One slips through, but it doesn't faze him. He throws a spear, but it doesn't get through his skull. Shinnok throws a light jab that almost floors Tarantula before grabbing him by the throat and lifting him into the air. He throws ameasured punch to his face that sends him flying across the chamber, justbarely conscious.)

Shinnok: Yes, that's better. Watch, Mister Hasashi, or should I say, Mister Yagi, as I rend your friends'flesh.

(He summons magic into his palm and blasts Ochaco square in the face witha red beam of power. She is unable to keep from screamingin pain. Izuku looks up and struggles to his knees as Shinnok breaks off the spell.)

Shinnok: This is what awaits those who defy me: excruciating, exquisitedeath.

(He blasts Momo in the face with his magic now, prompting screamsfrom her. Izuku gets back to his feet and charges forward.)

Tarantula: You son of a BITCH!

(As he runs at Shinnok, the same burning energy that surrounded his adoptive envelops him as well. As Shinnok blasts him with his magic instead, he puts up his hands to block it. Like Scorpion before him, the magic has no effect and he throws off the blast. He takes a moment to look at the fire on his body.)

Tarantula: Holy shit, This is actually my quirk!

Shinnok: Your Quirk will not save you. You cannot hope tosurvive!

(They fight. The battle is truly epic, with neither the enpowered Izuku or Shinnok getting any clear advantage for the majority of it. For what seems like an age, the adoptive son of Hanzo Hasashi and the fallen Elder God fight with everything they have, but eventually Izuku Hasashi gains an advantage and with one final assault, he knocks Shinnok to the ground.)

Tarantula: To hell with you.

(As Shinnok rises, Izuku throws a punch that he blocks, but throws the spear and it connects to his stomach. He follows through with a punch to his abdomen, an overhead punch to his head, a low roundhouse kick to his crotch, takes the spear back and pierces his head, staggering him. With a battle cry, Izuku lands one more punch to Shinnok's face and finishes him off with a somersaulting kick that leaves the fallen Elder God knocked out for the count.)

(With Shinnok defeated, Izuku's quirk fades out. Katsumi and Sakura pick themselves off the floor and walks over to him, noting that Shinnok is out like a lightbulb.)

Katsumi: Incredible, Izuku.

Sakura: Wonderful.(Then the others walk up to Izuku. Katsuki simply punches the wall)

Katsuki: Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! I can't believe that fucking Deku became the hero again! Whyyyyyyyy?

Shoto: (sighs) I guess I gotta face it. I am a disgrace to my family, and nothing will change that... (throws his hero card, then steps on it) I give up!

(Shinnok is returned to normal, then dragged by Raiden.)

(Meanwhile with Takeda and Jacqui)

Takeda: That moonlight walk... can it wait?

Jacqui: No walks. Poolside. Umbrella drinks.He puts his hand on Jacqui's.

Takeda: Deal.

(They look at each other and smile, and Jacqui rests her head on Takeda'sshoulder. Back in the Jinsei Chamber, the lifeforce of Earthrealm isback to it's regular blue hue. Cassie Cage and Kung Jin both hold Raidenup and walk him back to the chamber floor. Raiden has fallen motionlessfrom the ordeal and they set him down as gently as they can.)

(Some hours later)

Ty Lee: This is my boyfriend.

Scorpion: I'm proud of you, my son. And I'm sure Satoshi would be too.

Izuku: Thanks.

Eraserhead: It's official. You are the future number one hero!

(At Kronika's hourglass)

Kronika: Izuku Yagi. Because of you, the balance of the nine realms is in risk.

(Her eyes glow as the screen fades out)

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