Chapter 23: Prologue to a new Crisis

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[The scene opens with nothing but a black screen.]

Tarantula (Narrating): The realms are in constant flux. They change and shift like an endless dream.

[The scene slowly fades into a graveyard, where an inter-realm portal has just opened. Out from it comes the Fallen God, Shinnok.]

Tarantula (Narrrating): Shinnok's defeat should have marked our victory against the threatened destruction of the universe.

[Shinnok falls to his knees, exhausted. Behind him, another figure enters from the portal - the villainous Overhaul.]

Tarantula (Narrating): Instead it heralded a new struggle for independence...

[The portal closes behind Overhaul as he addresses Shinnok.]

Overhaul: All for One will be displeased by your inability to destroy the heroes.

[Shinnok roars in anger and blasts Overhaul into the ground.]

Shinnok: Hold your tongue, mortal!

[Overhaul smiles as Tarantula appears before the two of them in a flash of lightning. Shinnok struggles to his feet.]

Shinnok: Tarantula...

[Tarantula hits Shinnok with a couple of combos, sending the fallen god sprawling.]

Tarantula: Your threat schalkes the Earthrealm no more, Shinnok. Your Revenants horde has been routed by the Forces of Light. Even now your allies desert you.

[Shinnok turns around. Overhaul and Dabi have opened a portal and are walking toward it.]

Shinnok: Betrayed by mere mortals! Why am I suprised?

[Overhaul turns around to see Shinnok running full pelt towards him and Dabi. Shinnok knocks the duo aside with a single blast of his magic. Tarantula takes the opportunity to shove Shinnok off with a kick, knocking him into the portal. Strangely, Shinnok does not disappear into the portal, but instead sticks to it.]

Shinnok: What have you done?!

[A thin white outline appears on the rapidly destabilising portal and Shinnok is bathed in yellow light. The portal then suddenly implodes into itself and disperses in a gigantic yellow flash. Once the shockwave has passed over him, Tarantula looks toward where the portal was for a moment, but then turns to Overhaul and Dabi.]

Tarantula: Earthrealm will never succumb to the League of Villains, Overhaul. Now you and Dabi will face the judgment of the Elder Gods.

[Raiden comes in, takes a hold of Overhaul and Dabi, and then the three of them teleport away in a flash of lightning, leaving Tarantula.]

Tarantula: It looks like a new crisis starts now...

[Then the screen fades out]

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